Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 040 Origin

A similar scene is still on. No matter where the adventurer hides, it is like a dazzling 100-watt light bulb on the fish pond on a summer night, attracting the monsters in the Silent Hill to rush one after another.

No one was willing to wait for death. After the initial panic, the adventurer suddenly found that the monster strength in the world was not strong, so the fighting spirit rose sharply.

But soon, they found that the monster they killed was slowly reborn under their own eyes, and their strength would increase to a certain extent.

Aware of this fact, the hard-won war spirit of the adventurers was fleeting. Everyone continued to fight, blocking attacks that might cause damage, then turned around and fled, continuing to repeat the battle that I don't know when it will end... I don't know how long the battle has been, let alone killing. After a long time, the sad and harsh air defense alarm sounded again...

The fallen wall skin returned to the distance, and the crying grievances also disappeared and were no longer reborn, waiting for the next 'inland world' to come.

The sky quickly returned to a gray surface world, and the ashes fell from the sky again.

This nightmare is finally over... Of course, it's only temporary.

The first time the world came, and because of the power gap, most of the adventurers were still not dead. Standing still, gasping for breath and looking at each other silently, it took a long time to regain their vitality.

Unfortunately, in this foggy world that has no end and can't get out of it, and there is not even a mission, the "victory" just now is nothing.

When the crisis is over, loneliness, fear, despair, depression and other negative emotions come again. It's like the deepest hell, suffocating.

"I don't want to stay in this damn world for a minute. I really don't know how I got hot-headed and entered the random adventure mode on impulse..."

"Don't complain. You're not dead yet. Let's get up and work for me."

"Fight! There is no ghost here. Why don't you let me do it?"

"Oh, so hello~~ Wait, you throw a piece of soap first."


This side of the God Team.

Everyone looked at the dusty fat man and asked:

"You mean that Lin Xiao and Xiao Ying's evil shadow chasing Aretha has disappeared?"

"Well, I saw it with my own eyes." The fat man nodded like pecking rice, and then said cautiously, "Shall we collect the bodies for the two of them..."

Everyone looked at each other strangely and directly ignored this boring question. The emperor is not in a hurry. The two perverts may be fine. Do you still need to worry about it?

Lao Huang touched his chin and said in a low voice:

"If there is no main task, it means that we don't know how long we will stay here. So we must find a safe church as soon as possible... Move quickly. How long will it take for the next invasion of the world to happen?

After briefly explaining the previous road exploration, everyone quickly determined the direction of the church and walked along the road into the vast gray fog.


It turns out that the adaptability of adventurers who can live to the present is quite strong, and it didn't take long for people to find the only pure land "church shelter" in Silent Hill.

And before that, three or two adventurers had been waiting silently outside the door of the church shelter. Seeing the arrival of the God team, he just glanced at it for a moment and lowered his head again.

Xu Le whispered, "From my sensitive sense of smell for many years, these guys are weird..."

Bai Yu also said, "It is reasonable that the wooden door or window nailed by the wire board or even this door can't stop the adventurer's attack. Why do they stay honest outside the door?"

These questions were quickly answered.

"Ding: This church is protected by the power of faith, and any sabotage or violent invasion will lead to the loss of faith."

The voice of the master rang out.


"Mom, it's really an old bitch, waiting for us here!" Xu Le scolded and could only wait outside the door.

No one wants the last "pure land" to be destroyed now.

Bai Yu nodded, "It is likely that you have to gain the trust of the residents inside to successfully enter. Wait a moment, the people inside will always survive and will definitely open the door."


It can be seen from the original plot of the film that the real-world Silent Hill is a town abandoned due to a fire in an underground coal mine in November 1974. Up to now, underground boilers and veins are still burning raging fires, so there are deadly pollutants floating in the air of Silent Hill.

From the perspective of the world back/view of the movie version of Silent Hill, the real heroine of the story, Alyssa, was only a child of a single-parent family who did not know who her father was 32 years ago. Although Alyssa's mother loved her very much, a child without a father was more vulnerable to it. His child is isolated and bullied, but some incredible little things often happen to this child.

Well, to put it simply, it's some supernatural events that can't be explained by common sense... If these things are placed in a modern city, the little Aretha with unique skills will probably be regarded as a "superpower girl", a " psychic girl" and then become a TV star crazily sought after by everyone. .

Sadly, the Silent Hill where little Alysa was at that time was a town originally built by a group of ultra-religious judicial agencies full-time witches.

In this town, almost everyone is the most devout believer, but their beliefs have been biased. The high-level arbitrary misinterpretion of the Bible has created an extremely extreme religious attitude here. In the first decades of the town's establishment, almost every evening, it was widely in the center of the town. A barbecue party of "burning witches" was staged on the scene... In the darkest and craziest era, I don't know how many women were burned on the stakes for one or another boring reason. Over time, almost all the people who could survive in this town were assimilated into cruel mad religion. tu. Or, it's a metamorphist...

For all the incredible things that happened to little Aretha, in the eyes of these religious elements, it is the true witch, which is depraved... Due to the existence of laws and government/government institutions, these fanatics cannot openly tie little Aretha to burn her to death. But this does not stop their other means of resistance and punishment...

Therefore, under the permissiveting or even at the inshens of her parents, little Alessa has gone through an extremely painful childhood. At school, she does not have any friends, that is, those children who are kind to her will be excluded and bullied by other children. Over time, being chased and beaten by a large group of children and locked in the bathroom or closet has become a daily routine that little Alyssa must experience every day...

But on that day, a more terrible nightmare came.

As usual, she was driven to the bathroom by a large group of children, and little Alyssa locked herself in order to protect herself. But... At that time, she was not the only one in the bathroom, and a "passer-by" male cleaner was also there, but he did not lend a helping hand to help little Aretha, who was bullied by her classmates, get out of the crisis, but showed the darkest nature, the ugliest beast/desire... The old little Lori dragged her into the toilet cubicle and raped her...

This kind of thing is what you and I want, but I have to say that it's too much for a little girl under the age of 12 who may not even have hair.

But it's not over yet...

What happened next is even more ridiculous and incredible... As a sexual/aggression/offence of minor children, such a worst crime incident has become the most important in the mouth of Alyssa's mother's own sister, little Alyssa's aunt, the head of the local church, and a school teacher. Dirty, the most evil witch Alysa, maliciously seduced the pure Christian Colin, trying to lead him to corruption...

This is an absolutely unforgivable sin.

For such ridiculous and even terrible reasons, little Alyssa's mother, in a state of semi-coercion, actually vaguely agreed to take her daughter to the secret meeting place of the church to receive the proposal of trial and purification, trying to restore her daughter's innocence and purity.

Although Alyssa's biological mother suddenly woke up and called the police station, Thomas, who was only a police officer at that time. When Inspector Gucci rushed to the secret court of the church located inside the hotel, the "trial of the witch" had begun...

When Officer Gucci endured the amazing scorching heat and opened the barbecue grill that fixed Aretha's body with his hands, everyone could only find a black, barely humanoid thing from it...

It was from that moment that the real demon woke up.

Little Alessa, who has a mysterious background, finally agreed to exchange her soul with the devil when she was lying in the intensive care unit of the hospital, and then took advantage of her boundless pain, anger, hatred, and huge magic from the abyss of hell, directly Based on Silent Hill, create a near-complete world with endless evil forces, and then all the "deserved" people, those who bully her, hurt her, slander her, did not run away, and were trapped in this world called Silent Hill...

And the "inner world" of the Silent Hill, the "black" world, is the world after the world has been transformed from time to time after the air raid alarm. It is a bloody and dirty scene and there are all kinds of monsters. That is actually a reflection of Aretha's inner pain and depression, and by her evil power and hatred. Outbreak after repression.

Well, there are several versions of speculation about the mysterious origin of Aretha.

First of all, ordinary people are ordinary people. They may suddenly stimulate adrenaline to carry a car with one hand and save children who fall from buildings, but they certainly do not have the ability to drag the whole world into nightmares.

So, the first version.

Aresha is the unclean life left by her mother after reveling with a group of men when she was drunk many years ago, including male creatures such as hell demons. So it is born with the power of chaos.

The second version: Aretha is an angel born, which was intended to save the evil distorted human nature of this land, but unfortunately, it turned out to be deep in the mud and difficult to protect herself.

The third version is the most popular version:

Aresha is a projection split of the hell demon. The original purpose of her birth is to pull this 'land of faith' into the depths of hell.

It is still unknown which is true and which is false. However, knowing the origin of a story is always helpful to the context and direction of the task.