Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 041 Shelter

The residents of the church are just ordinary people, and the church itself is just an ordinary masonry building. There are many ways for adventurers to break into it.

However, after hearing the prompt of the master cheating father, everyone did not dare to wear it violently. They can only stand outside the door tied up like a depressed college monk waiting for an interview~~

The small town residents trapped in the Silent Hill are trapped in the gap between time and space forever. If they die again in this world, they will become those ugly and terrible monsters.

For example, those ashes demon children who look like burnt children are the students in Aretha's school, as well as the classic faceless nurses, are the women who have shown contempt, resentment and gloating against Aretha in the hospital, so not only their eyes have been dug out, but their whole faces are also bloody and blood. I can't stand it.

As for those who are still alive, those who live in the nightmare space, in fact, they are almost the same as when they were still alive in the real world, but they themselves do not know the fact of being detained. In their opinion, it is precisely because of the stupid interference of those ignorant people that they have not completely eliminated Destroy the devil, so the devil destroyed the whole world. Except for the Silent Hill, which is only covered by pale ashes, the rest of the world no longer exists, and they can still live precisely because of their purity (innocence?) The faith, the courage to fight against all evil...

Because of this, their faith has become so firm that even the great demon Alysa can't hurt them... And the "power of faith" is the weapon that this group of ignorant mortals can fight against high-level demons.

In other words, the church itself does not have the ability to fight against Aretha, and with the blessing of the faith of mad believers day after day, it can produce a shelter effect.

These believers live in the world of Silent Hill like this, 30 years, never age, and live endlessly... These fanatics living in different spaces have become accustomed to living in such a world, and with the powerful adaptability of "virus", they have stood firmly here step by step. Follow.

They invented and put on protective clothing that can resist the acid emitted by the "man in the condom", holding a large flashlight and iron bar, and relying on the canary to predict the invasion of the world. In terms of this gesture alone, these people have almost adapted to this terrible world...

The switch between the world and the surface world is signaled by the sad air defense alarm, and there is no obvious time period concept. Fortunately, there is always a certain buffer time, and adventurers are not in a hurry now. As long as the residents inside are willing to open the door, there is always a way to impress this group of ragged believers.

This is indeed the case.

The Silent Hill distorted by the thoughts of the big devil no longer has sunshine, and the sky will always be ashes falling one after another. The fire in the underground coal mine has been burning for decades and still remains unquenched.

The absence of photosynthesis also means that plants cannot grow, outsiders cannot enter, there is no food and commodity inflow, no farming, and self-sufficient. The hard life of the church can be imagined.

No mobile phone, no power, no novels, no entertainment, no sunshine, no wind, no darkness and light... In this dead world with almost nothing, many residents are driven crazy, committed suicide or killed.

So whenever the world fades, many selected believers go out to find food, candles, alcohol, medicine and all other available materials.

Two minutes later, when the adventurers outside the gate reached 15 people, the mottled door was finally opened a crack that could pass through, and a group of dusty and ragged people came out of it for a long time, and they could smell a sweaty smell from afar.

Smell this smell, and the female adventurers present stepped back three steps and twitched at the corners of their eyes.

Xu Le also sighed:

"If the back rubbing master sees these people, he will definitely be 'happy' to tears~~"

Fat Lao Geng answered next to him:

"And that hair, it's enough to stir-fry three pots of vegetables."


"B bitch, get out of here!"

The next thing will be simple. These believers who have been brainwashed all day long and have seriously degraded their IQ to the level of primary school students. When they meet a group of adventurers who are "old but not dead is a thief", it will be known from the beginning.

A bag of instant noodles, a sausage, a bottle of mineral water... Nothing is a material for adventurers, but it is comparable to a treasure in the eyes of these believers.

Taking this as a stepping stone and using the "art of language" a little, it is not very difficult to enter the cathedral.

Life has to go on. Adventurers are mostly people who can't sit still. After dealing with their "outsider temporary residence" identity, they begin to look for clues again - they can't be locked in the Silent Hill all their lives, right? That's not to become a madman and eventually commit suicide.

After searching for supplies as usual, the crows in the Silent Hill suddenly began to stir. They flew into the sky one after another, and their dark feathers fell down, like black snow, in sharp contrast to the ubiquitous white ashes.

Speaking of which, the crow born from eating human carrion may be the only living wild animal in addition to the canary raised by humans... The crow's ** is not without reason, because the canary in the hands of believers who go out to search for supplies also suddenly began to be restless and chirping, imitating Buddha foresaw the coming of the crisis.

"Oh no!' 'Dark' is 'dark', 'dark' is coming!" The fanatics suddenly panicked and accelerated their pace and ran to the shelter.

After each air raid alarm sounds, it will take a short period of time before the world in the Silent Hill begins to fully invade the surface world - just like the devil's flirtation, giving you a touch of hope in endless despair, otherwise the believers in the church will either starve to death or be ruthlessly destroyed by the sudden darkness. Kill.

When an ugly and ferocious monster gradually began to take shape in the empty void, Lao Huang and the others had stepped into the threshold of the cathedral. Suddenly, a sense of peace and tranquility came to his face, and a comfort that could not be described in words suddenly appeared in the minds of the adventurer. In China, if it is expressed in words, the meaning of this sentence is...

"You are safe now!"


Looking around, the church still follows the old style of 30 years ago, but it has put a lot of strength in terms of dosage. The walls are made of whole pieces of cyan marble. There is no gap between the stones, and the glass is all colored. The irregular glass is put together to form a pair. Wonderful pictures.

The tables and chairs in the building are all made of the best solid wood and have completely withstood the test of the years. Although they have become dark, they are still very strong.

In the center of the cathedral, there is a huge round skylight. Everyone sniffed and can smell a faint smell of barbecue. As for the "meat" that has been isolated from the world for 30 years and the silent mountain where birds do not shit, there is no need to say~~

Unlike the solemn and sacredness of this church, the believers here are not friendly... These people, who are dirty and smelling like beggars, are looking at the adventurers with hostile eyes. Even if they have just received the "gifts" of everyone, the crazy eyes like wolves still make people shudder.

God knows when there will be a "rabies" attack, rushing up and biting the adventurer. Judging from the very unstable mental state of these people, this is likely to happen...