Infinite King

Chapter 3 Dalia

Wang Lin sighed, approached Murong Shanshan and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be sad. In the world of horror movies, even you and I can't protect ourselves. Perhaps it was a good thing for Ke'er to die in the dark, at least not scared by the real despair. Alas!" Then he sat down and looked at the deep ditch not far ahead. "In the world of horror movies, you and I are just struggling bugs. Death. After all, we are dead. Don't be sad. We should be happy to survive.

Murong Shanshan gradually stopped crying, looked at Ke'er, who had lost consciousness in her arms, and choked, "We are too weak to protect the people around us. Do you remember what I said at the beginning? I want to be a doctor, because I don't want to see anyone die in front of me, but I can't even protect myself!"

"Ha ha, doctor? Li Xiaoyi is probably out of strength. It's time for you, the doctor, to come out. Also, I also have a lot of wounds on my body. Sorry to trouble you. Wang Lin smiled faintly, and his expression returned to calm. Even Murong Shanshan couldn't see what was thinking in his heart.

Murong Shanshan still hasn't forgotten her duties. She put down Ke'er's body in her hand, finally took a look, concoulded an apple, handed it to Wang Lin, and then walked to Li Xiaoyi. Sure enough, she found that Li Xiaoyi had been unconscious. She sighed, took off the cigar at the corner of Li Xiaoyi's mouth, stuffed a grape into his mouth, and also gave Ke Guodong a grape, which surprised Ke Guodong.

"I... I'm fine." Seeing Murong Shanshan coming towards him, Gai Jun said quickly, but he kept glancing at Ke Guodong and wondered what the grape was.

Murong Shanshan couldn't see Gaijun's idea, but also gave him one, and then said, "Eat it. Later, there may be more dangerous things waiting for us. If you don't recover your strength, you may die here. All right, I'll go down and find the heroine. Don't go far.

"Wait, aren't you afraid alone?" When Gai Jun heard this, he suddenly asked.

"Fear? What are you afraid of?" Murong Shanshan obviously had doubts about Gai Jun's words.

"I mean, in this horror movie world, aren't you afraid of any danger if you go down alone?" Gaijun explained.

As soon as Murong Shanshan heard this, her eyes were swollen with a trace of confusion. She suddenly smiled and almost made Gai Jun dumbfounded. At this moment, she no longer seems to be a 14- or 15-year-old silly woman, but more like a mature adult: "There is nothing to be afraid of, only worth it. Doctors, even if they sacrifice themselves, must save everyone who may survive. Besides, according to the development of the plot, there should be no danger now. All right, I'll go first." After saying that, she walked down the stairs, but at the moment of turning around, no one saw that her eyes were full of tears. She needs a place to cry quietly.

In the plot, the heroine is unconscious in the basement until the next morning... Of course, the morning here needs a question mark. It seems that in the Silent Hill, except for the darkness created by the evil body, the light has always been dark.

About half an hour later, Murong Shanshan came out of the ground with Ross. Ross was obviously stunned and asked, "What's going on here? It seems that there has been a fierce battle?" At a glance, she saw the wall full of craters, and then suddenly saw Ke'er's upper body on the ground. Her face darkened, but she didn't say much.

"Ms. Ross, we just saw you suddenly rush to the ground and were about to catch up, but it suddenly got dark, and many monsters appeared in the dark. Alas, fortunately, we are 'spiritual recorders', and the organization sent us two special function people to not be killed by this group of monsters. Oh, my God, just now it was really a huge cockroach everywhere, and a giant swordsman with an iron triangle cone, which is the mark after the battle. Unfortunately, one of our special functions, but sister, unfortunately died at the hands of the giant swordsman. Wang Lin looked sad. If he hadn't known the truth in advance, Gaijun might have believed it. "So, this revenge must be revenged! We need to find this demon and kill him!" He turned into an angry look again, as if he was angered.

"Special function? Ke'er sister?" Ross's heart moved and suddenly said, "Is there something strange here? Before I was underground, a large group of black humanoid monsters with flames suddenly appeared. I ran desperately and finally fainted. It seemed that I saw the group of monsters disappear before I fell into a coma. Mr. Wang Lin, do you know what's going on here? Also, can you help me find my daughter Sharon?"

Wang Lin was overjoyed and said quietly, "Well, Miss Ross. There are some things you may not know. In fact, many people died in this town because of a fire 30 years ago, and then it was completely blocked.

"I know this. I saw the relevant information about Silent Hill from the American ghost domain before I came here. According to the data, many people disappeared after the fire and their bodies were not found. Ross frowned, "I thought it was deceptive news on the website."

"No, it's true. The duty of our 'spiritual recorder' is to investigate the causes of these supernatural events and remove the dangers of the supernatural empire. Otherwise, civilians like Ms. Ross are likely to be injured or even killed by mistakenly entering these places. Speaking of death, Wang Lin paused deliberately, "So, Ms. Ross, please actively cooperate with our actions next. Maybe you don't know that if you run down suddenly just now, you may die directly if there is danger. In that case, even if we save your daughter, she will become an orphan without a mother.

Although he still didn't believe it, Ross still obeyed Wang Lin's words. According to the next plot, the heroine should meet Alyssa's mother Daria, then return to the jeep, meet the awakened policewoman Sibir Bernat, and escape. Judging from the plot development of the whole film, although the policewoman is of some help to the heroine, with the participation of the team members, the importance of the policewoman is not so important. As for Daria, this is a key figure, because Daria is the only one in the whole movie who can walk in the dark without being attacked. Maybe with her, the team members can be less dangerous.

But one thing to mention is that in the movie, Ross woke up naturally. After coming out, he met Daria at the crack and knew the existence of Alesha. So, at this time, can everyone meet Daria?

Wang Lin thought for a moment and suddenly said, "Miss Ross, we have just fought with the devil, and the members of the team are already a little tired. We need to rest in place for a while before looking for your daughter and looking for the devil to destroy it.

Ross looked at the crowd and did find that Wang Lin had many scars on his body, and Li Xiaoyi and Ke Guodong looked tired, so they nodded and agreed. But her daughter disappeared for no reason. She was so anxious that she couldn't calm down for a moment, so she had to look around and happened to see the crack. She was obviously surprised and walked slowly.

At this time, including Gai Jun, suddenly saw an old woman with short white hair squatting on the edge of the empty crack, which seemed to suddenly appear there! The heroine obviously saw Dalia, so she slowly stepped forward and asked tentatively, "Hello, who are you?"

"The intersection of Silent Hill is controlled by dark forces." Daria suddenly said. She didn't even look at Ross and seemed to be talking to herself.

"Please, I don't know what's going on here, do you know?" Ross was obviously a little confused, but suddenly he saw a stranger, or even a person in the town. Naturally, he needed to ask, "My daughter, I'm looking for my daughter. I'm really worried that something will happen to her."

"We have all lost our children, and our lives have been bleak since then. They deceived me, the sins in my heart... And hatred made them hurt my child and abuse her, Aretha!" Hearing Ross say that her daughter was missing, Dalia's face showed a sneer. She walked around Ross and said.

"This is my daughter Sharon. He is sleepwalking. Please be careful." Ross suddenly thought of something and pulled out a necklace with Sharon's photo from his clothes. "If you see her, please tell her that I'm looking for her."

Daria glanced at the photo and suddenly said excitedly, "Oh, this is my daughter, Aretha!"

"It's my daughter Sharon." Ross felt that this woman was mostly crazy and was a little unhappy. After all, it is not easy to see a woman who is suspected to be a townizen, but she may be crazy.

"It's mine!" Daria suddenly began to grab the necklace, but she had been in the Silent Hill for 30 years and was already old and weak. Ross just grabbed her gently and brought her to the ground.

Wang Lin obviously saw this process, which was no different from the plot. They were finally relieved that their previous actions would change the plot. Fortunately, the plot still happened.

Rose came towards the cannons, and Dalia, who fell to the ground, sneered and said, "In the fire, she swallowed their hatred!" However, Ross didn't hear it.

"Mr. Wang Lin, I want to go back to the car. The situation here is beyond my imagination, so I want to call my husband Chris. Can you go with me?" It seems that he has realized that it is not good. Of course, the plot may be inevitable. Anyway, he will return to the jeep to see the oil painting.

"No problem. Let's go on the road as soon as possible, and my team members have almost had a good rest. Although it was only a few minutes, Li Xiaoyi and the others could not have a good rest at all, but because Ross was a little messy, he didn't think so much, so he walked first and rushed to the jeep.

About half an hour later, everyone came to the side of the jeep. Ross stepped forward and opened the door and suddenly saw the oil painting on the back seat. The subsequent development was really similar to the plot. In short, she called the hero. No, it should be the soy sauce character Chris for help. Wang Lin is now preparing for the appearance of policewoman Sybil. Sybil has a gun in his hand, and he will still be injured by her if he is not careful.

Sure enough, just when Ross almost cried and begged Chris to come quickly, Sybil, not far away, had appeared in the sight of everyone. However, before everyone could react, Sibir had pointed his gun at Li Xiaoyi in the front.

"Put your hands on the car, hurry up! And you, madam, get off the steering wheel!" Sybil did not hesitate at all and pointed a gun at the crowd. "Damn it, that lady and you, why didn't you listen to my advice and rushed in yesterday? Now, I will arrest you in the name of the police. Don't resist, or I will add a policeman to your charge!" Sure enough, he is indeed a single-minded character in the movie, and he doesn't care how he arrested the seven people at the scene alone.

"Wait, we are good people!" Gai Jun couldn't help saying this when he saw someone pointing a gun at him. If it weren't for wit, we would have been a good people. Ke Guodong rolled his eyes and said that he was speechless, and Gai Jun also looked a little embarrassed after saying this. Looking at Wang Lin, he hoped that he could think of something.

Sybil was very professional and was not fooled by Gaijun. When he came forward, he found that there was only a pair of handcuffs. He said something that struck everyone in a hurry: "Hurry up, the man takes off his belt, and everyone is not allowed to move! Can this car still drive? I'm going to take you back to West Virginia.

As she approached, Ke Guodong stunned her with a knife and looked at Wang Lin: "What should I do?"

The undead looked at the heroine in the car, and Ross pretended to see nothing cleverly. Wang Lin smiled and said, "Forget it, shut her in the car and bring her pistol. Gaijun, can you use a gun?

Gaijun hesitated for a moment and replied, "No, but I have played CS."

But Li Xiaoyi still gave the pistol to Gaijun and smiled at him, "It's okay, man, there must be a first time." After saying that, he sprayed a puff of smoke, which looked very chic.

Everyone carried the policewoman into the jeep with integrity, and then Wang Lin looked at Ross and explained, "In fact, we are the 'psychic recorders' sent by the Z side, and we don't really want to meet the American police. Of course, we are not a murderer, so we can only wrong her first!" After saying that, Li Xiaoyi locked the policewoman with handcuffs and put the key under the car plate. This action is for Ross. If the final ending is the same as the movie, that is, if the heroine survives, maybe Sybil can survive and accompany Ross and Sharon. Of course, it is mentioned in the mission that if this Sybil can survive, he can get 1000 bonus points.

"Well, Mr. Wang Lin, and your team members, we'd better go to school now. I have a hunch that this oil painting must indicate something." Ross looked at the crowd with a pleading look, which softened Gai Jun's heart, but after all, he was a newcomer and did not even have a high sense of existence as Ke Guodong in the team, so he was silent.

"This is natural. Let's settle down first, find Sharon first, and then I will send you here, and our team will return to the town to search for the traces of the devil. Is that okay?" Murong Shanshan turned her eyes and suggested. Naturally, the people present know that this proposal is nonsense, but this is also the best way to follow the heroine and attract her.

Rose is naturally very happy and takes the lead. Whenever he saw a road sign, Ross would stop. Slowly, everyone was getting closer and closer to the school.

On the other side, Wang Jian only felt that his limbs began to stiffen. He has been maintaining this posture, clinging to the shadow of unknown light projected on the ground, and he didn't even dare to look at Sharon!