Infinite King

Chapter 4 Insect Tide

Silent Hill is not big, so it didn't take long for everyone to come to MIDWICH Primary School. To be honest, when I saw this primary school, Gaijun was very touched. Silent Hill is not a large population, but there are several buildings of schools, which are still primary schools. Looking back on the primary schools in Country Z, Gai Jun can only sigh that education has received different degrees of attention in different countries.

Push open the door with the witch hunter's belief symbol on the glass, and everyone walked into the teaching building in turn. It seems that no one has been here for 30 years. Unlike in the movie, the dust on the ground can be calculated by centimeters. After all, there has been a strong wind blowing outside, and there is not much dust, but the interior of this building will really chop to death if you are not careful.

The light in Silent Hill has always been very poor, and entering this teaching building can already be described as dim. At this time, the heroine took out her ZIPPO lighter or kerosene lamp, which was more appropriate to provide light for everyone. Foreign brand lighters are really awesome, and the light provided can actually let people see the details around them. Gaijun muttered in his heart that this heroine doesn't seem to like to smoke in the whole movie. How could she carry such a bug lighting equipment with her? Has the American national crisis awareness been so high that everyone brings a ZIPPO lighter?

Whether it is a bug or not, in short, everyone is very grateful for this lighter at present, otherwise it is really difficult to walk. Slowly, everyone followed Ross to the door of the teaching room, and the window of the teaching room had disappeared, or there was no glass installed when it was built. Ross saw the flashlight in the teaching room, so he walked in and tried it. Sure enough, the flashlight that had not been used for 30 years was not rusty, but also had sufficient power supply... Even Wang Lin wanted to take it over to see if it was written MADEINCHINA on the back of the flashlight. Only Z country can produce such a durable product.

After Ross got the flashlight, he took a circle towards the wall. Everyone saw four photos hanging on the wall. The specific content could not be seen clearly. The surface of the glass frame was covered with dust, but the movie should be four photos of the country, family, loyalty and god, which were the scene of Chris Bella's kindness to teach children. At that time, Chris Bella should have been a hypocritical mask. Her prestige was not too big, and many times she still had to do something.

Just when everyone had their own thoughts, footsteps came from the teaching building. It should be the three townspeople wearing anti-chemical clothing, but Ross didn't know it. She looked at Wang Lin in horror and seemed to be asking for countermeasures. Wang Lin thought for a moment and said, "I don't know who the other party is, maybe it's a demon, and there seem to be a lot of people listening to the sound, which is a little dangerous. Let's hide first!" In the movie, Ross is the teacher who ran to Aleisha. To complete the task, that is, to help Alessa revenge, you should follow the steps, at least none of the clues in the movie can be broken.

As soon as he heard that he hid, Ross seemed to have eaten hormones and trotted with everyone. The speed was so fast that even Wang Lin sighed, but when he ran up, the dust in the ground floated everywhere. Everyone had to hold their breath and squint after Ross.

I didn't run far, and Ross also felt uny. He stopped and kept patting the dust on his body, and then coughed. Gaijun also breathed a sigh of relief and walked to a place where there was not so much dust. After taking a deep breath and patting off the dust on his body, he looked around and found that this seemed to be an ordinary classroom. But Wang Lin and the others seemed to have found something. After thinking about it, they finally recalled some clips in the movie and looked down. Sure enough, on one of the desktops, there were two palm prints with witch English words written on it.

At the beginning of the film, Gai Jun also knew that this was a key plot. He didn't say anything, and even his half-rapped hand stopped in the air for fear of affecting the heroine. Sure enough, Ross opened the table and saw the workbook in the drawer with Alesha's name on it. Then her eyes seemed to be a little confused, and she probably saw the scene of Aretha being bullied.

However, when everyone thought everything was as usual, everyone only felt that they seemed to be stared at by the wild beast, and even forgot to breathe!

"Dangerous!" Wang Lin roared, and the blood suddenly rose from his palm. Li Xiaoyi and Ke Guodong raised their own * and aimed at the door that had just come in. Murong Shanshan took a step back nervously, approached Gaijun and said, "Don't you also have a gun? Take it out!"

Only then did Gai Jun remember that he seemed to have a pistol and took out the pistol. However, before he could lift it, Wang Lin had rushed forward. Then, Gai Jun seemed to see that the air around Wang Lin began to twist. The blood inflammation in his hand actually burned in the air and then faintly turned into a little girl. , Aretha's evil thoughts!

Then there was a fierce gunfire, and even Gaijun shot in that direction. Some bullets were blocked by a layer of hematitis when they were approaching Wang Lin, and then disappeared by burning, while more bullets hit the evil mind, and there were ripples one after another, which seemed to be effective!

"Ah!" Wang Lin roared, grabbed the evil body with both hands, and then turned around and flashed behind the evil body. Therefore, the black fireman was completely exposed to everyone's sight.

"Bum--" Gai Jun fired again, but suddenly found that the pistol in his hand was out of bullets. Now he could see it. Without bullets, he had no attack power at all and could only pray silently in his heart.

After the evil body was attacked, she seemed to be very angry and opened her mouth to roar, but everyone could not hear her voice. However, Wang Lin's hands seemed to hold the evil mind like iron pliers. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not get rid of it. However, Li Xiaoyi and Ke Guodong's * did not seem to hurt enough. Even if it was output for a few minutes, the evil body was still not too damaged.

"The Dragon Prison!" Suddenly, Wang Lin roared and saw that the hematitis on his body suddenly wrapped around the evil mind in a strange spiral. The current hematitis seems to be the real hematitis, and the flowing wave quality can be faintly seen in the black with red. After the spiral hematitis wrapped around the evil mind, it actually made a sound similar to barbecue, and the smell of blood in the air was so strong that it almost suffocated Gai Jun!

Finally, when the spiral hematitis completely entangled the evil body, the figure of the evil body slowly became smaller and finally disappeared. Of course, from beginning to end, everyone did not see the true appearance of the evil body, but only distinguished the appearance by the hematitis on the evil body. Finally, the last trace of blood inflammation on the body of the evil mind disappeared, and Gaijun seemed to hear a scream in a trance, and then Wang Lin fell straight down and seemed to be in a coma.

This is the first time Gai Jun saw Wang Lin's attack with his own eyes, and he was deeply shocked. It seemed that Wang Lin was not even afraid of bullets. What's more terrible was the hematitis, which should be very powerful!

"End.. Is it over?" Gai Jun stapt and asked, but saw Wang Li Xiaoyi put away* and gasped, "Yes, it's over for the time being!" It was not until then that Gai Jun found that although the battle was fierce just now, at the moment when the evil mind disappeared, the surrounding walls and doors and windows miraculously recovered. I don't know if it was because this was the main plot. Looking at Ross again, he was not disturbed at all and was still confused.

"Captain!" At this time, Murong Shanshan ran over in panic and picked up Wang Lin on the ground and treated the dust slightly. At the same time, a strawberry and grape appeared in her hand, which was stuffed into Wang Lin's mouth. It's strange to say that dozens of seconds later, Wang Lin woke up quietly and said with a wry smile, "It seems that my current strength is a little difficult to summon hemorrhagic inflammation. In addition, it is indeed very reluctant to use the Dragon Heavenly Prison. Huh, really, if I hadn't eaten physical grapes, I might not have been able to speak now."

Murong Shanshan configured an apple again and handed it to Wang Lin. After seeing that he had normal fruition, she was a little relieved and got up and walked back to Gaijun's side: "Why, there is no dark, and there will be evil thoughts."

"No!" Li Xiaoyi is not so ugly this time. After all, he can really "see" the evil mind this time. He only needs to shoot and doesn't need to be so focused, so he is in a good state now. "Remember at the beginning, in the van, the captain also felt the threat of the evil mind, but there seemed to be no outbreak of war that time. Fight. It's our careless. In the world of horror movies, it's really safe at any time!"

Is it safe at any time? Gaijun's unspeakable bitterness in his heart. He suddenly remembered his college life and was bullied, which was really similar to the current situation. However, in real life, he has no money or power, so he can only degenerate himself, play games in Internet cafes to paralyze himself, and no longer face the bloody facts. But now, he sees Wang Lin's strength, and he believes that as long as he can survive, he will be stronger!

"Do you want strength? Then, help me get revenge!"

Gai Jun's heart trembled and looked around in horror. He found that no one seemed to hear this sound except him, but this sound was not like the hallucination he made. So, is it true? However, why can only he hear this voice, or has he been targeted by evil thoughts?

No one noticed the flashing of Gai Jun's eyes at all. About two or three minutes after the evil vision was eliminated, Ross woke up from the "scene replay" and said, "My God, that moment seems to have passed for a long time. Many pictures flashed in my mind, but I'm not sure if it's true."

Wang Lin was speechless. It seemed that Rose was not aware of the fierce battle just now, but it was okay so that she didn't know too much. So Wang Lin reminded, "I don't think this place is a safe place. Do we want it or not?" Before he finished speaking, he saw Ross shouting in surprise, "Sharon!" Then everyone looked in the direction she looked, and a dark shadow happened to flash into the bathroom, which was the second dark bathroom in the movie!

Wang Lin's heart sank. He thought he had killed a evil vision, but now one appeared so quickly that he didn't know how to describe the bitterness in his heart. Murong Shanshan seemed to understand his idea, just holding his hand, and then rushed into the women's bathroom 30 years ago.

Everyone followed Ross and rushed into the women's bathroom, only to hear the sound of closing the door, and four separate compartments appeared in front of them. Ross was about to walk over when Wang Lin hit a color, so Li Xiaoyi stepped forward and said, "Ms. Ross, I'll do it!" After saying that, regardless of Ross's reaction, he pushed open the door panel one by one. Of course, except for Ross, everyone knows that only the innermost compartment has a corpse, so the first three, Li Xiaoyi pushed away directly.

When the fourth door panel was pushed, a decomposed corpse appeared in front of everyone. There is no stench in the movie. After all, 30 years later, everything is rotten and there is no smell. The body should be Colin, the cleaner who sexually violated Alyssa in the original movie, although I don't know why an uncle came to do this job.

At first glance at the body, Ross covered his mouth with a frightened face, and then she saw a conversation on the tile at a glance.

"Do you dare?"

"What about you?"

"If you dare, I dare!"

There is also an arrow pointing to the open mouth of the corpse, which is obviously to tell others that there is something in the mouth of the corpse. Li Xiaoyi pinched a blue piece of wood from it nervously. He looked at it and said, "This seems to be a hotel thing. I've seen something similar before." Of course, this is his nonsense.

"Hotel? I think there should be a hotel in this town. Maybe we should go and have a look. Ross thought for a moment and said, as if he had completely forgotten that there was a mummified corpse in front of him. This nerve was really thick.

not far away, three people in anti-chemical suits were bowing their heads to pick up cans produced 30 years ago... Suddenly, in the bird cage beside them, the originally quiet parrots were crazy to break free from the cage. The three of them looked at it, didn't even want the can at their feet, and hurried away.

Sud of a sudden, the alarm sounded again!

On Wang Lin's side, the tile walls and wooden door panels around the original bathroom slowly disappeared and turned into a wire wall, and then the mummified corpse in front of him suddenly moved... Yes, moved, and then slowly climbed out. In Ross's surprised eyes, his hands climbed out.

This Colin is actually a tragedy. It doesn't matter if you die, and you will be strangled by Alesha with wire to put your legs around your neck. In this way, you will die and be summoned as a monster. It's still very slow to climb over with a palm. Ross stood still in panic and didn't know what to do, and Wang Lin directly pulled her and ran outside. But when I went out, I saw three people wearing anti-chemical clothes fall into a group of cockroaches the size of palms in the empty corridor. Almost ten seconds later, they turned into three white bones!

Damn, there are so many bugs!

I didn't feel anything when watching the movie, but I found that the bugs looked very powerful, but I couldn't catch up with the heroine. But when everyone really faced these bugs, they could no longer have any idea of resistance. Imagine a fist-sized, squeaking cockroach rushing at you, are you afraid? I think a lot of girls have been scared to pee. Well, what about thousands of such cockroaches rushing to you?

Not to mention Murong Shanshan, even Wang Lin's face turned pale with fear, and his legs almost trembled. Fortunately, he hadn't forgotten his identity as the captain and shouted, "Run, run!"

Before he finished shouting, everyone ran up. Er, where do you think you want to escape? Wherever there are no bugs, where to escape.