
Chapter 100 Turnaround

"I've been trying to neutralise the band of that region with other signal waves, and then restore the signal of that region to normal..."

There was really no time to delay. The first person to answer finally appeared. Maybe he was the first to answer. He was a little embarrassed and his voice was very low, but later, maybe it was the reason why the words had been spoken and released, and his voice finally grew louder.

However, when his voice was loud and everyone heard his answer, everyone couldn't help showing disappointment, because when his voice became louder, his answer had already turned a turn.

"But after countless analyses, I don't think this method can be implemented at all. There are countless wavelengths in each space, and all we can do is change a few of them, so..."

has been studied for more than 20 hours, and the problem has not been solved until now. The eldest brother has known the result for a long time.

So unlike others, the eldest brother is very calm, and all he wants to hear is everyone's ideas.

Listen quietly, even the man's last turning point was not missed, and after listening to the final turning point, the eldest brother did not make any comments. He just quietly turned his head and looked at the next one.

I have to say that the eldest brother's attitude is very adaptable to the environment at this time.

If the eldest brother frowns or scolds, the next one will definitely not dare to speak, but now, the eldest brother has not made any comments, and the next person has let go.

As soon as the eldest brother's head turned in his direction, he immediately opened his mouth.

"I'm trying another method. I want to develop a program to see if I can use this program to interfere with the work of that signal shielding machine..."

Another, the eldest brother still did not make a comment, and his eyes moved again.


One more sound, one after another...

Almost everyone has a different method. Gradually, the eldest brother became addicted, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

At the beginning, the eldest brother just held the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but I didn't expect that when the eldest brother heard several methods, the eldest brother really saw hope, and at the same time, the eldest brother also found his mistake.

He should not let everyone study separately. He should have let everyone talk about their thoughts, and then pick out several of them to tackle.

Fortunately, it's not too late now. Just as the eldest brother was thinking about it, another idea that the eldest brother wanted appeared.

"I don't have any research direction. I'm just thinking about a possibility. You said that if we shorten the order as much as possible, is it possible that the probability of the signal being changed will be reduced..."

Listen, the eldest brother's eyes suddenly widened, and he shouted loudly.


The sound was so loud that everyone present couldn't help trembling.

The eldest brother who made everyone tremble was unconscious. He just stared at the person who had just given the answer.

one minute, two minutes...

Looking blankly, the man's face turned pale, and everyone couldn't help closing their breath.

And just as everyone was about to burst themselves, the eldest brother reacted again.

"Nation of these bands to stabilize the signal of those bands, we adjust the signal to a stable band, and then shorten the length of the command as much as possible just in case..."

did have a reaction, but the eldest brother seems to have fallen into his own personal world. He is muttering to himself, and his voice is just talking to himself.

However, when they heard the eldest brother's muttering, everyone was stunned on the spot.

I dare not miss a word, and I dare not miss a word.

Everyone seems to see hope, and before the eldest brother can react, everyone has returned to their workbench.

'pa pa......'

The dense keyboard tapping sound quickly sounded in the hall.


That feeling is very wonderful, seems to be very real and ethereal, but it is a pity that the satellite has never lit up since that time, and Duan Peng has never experienced that feeling again.

"When the satellite is lit, it means that the other party has issued a new order. If the satellite has not been lit, it means that the order has not changed and the other party is still observing. Since the other party is observing, why can't I feel it? Was it just an illusion before?

is taking a break. As before, Duan Peng once again released his spiritual strength.

It extends in the direction of the satellite little by little. The farther away from the body, the more difficult Duan Peng feels. In the end, it extends to about three or four kilometers in the sky. Duan Peng finally can no longer continue, and his heart can't help but wonder.

Of course, the result is still the same as before, and Duan Peng can't find the answer.

And in the end, Duan Peng had no choice but to withdraw his spiritual strength. After all, it's almost time.

But this time, when Duan Peng's spiritual power retreated, suddenly, the satellites in the sky glowed with energy again, and they lit up.

Seeing the light, Duan Peng couldn't help stopping the ongoing action.

At the moment Duan Peng stopped, the light of the satellite disappeared, and then a layer of goose bumps appeared on Duan Peng's skin below.

I feel it, but it feels different from the last time.

Duan Peng felt the danger, and a chill rushed directly from Duan Peng's tail vertebrae to the top of his head, and because of the chill, a layer of goose bumps appeared on Duan Peng's skin.

"Is this another illusion?"

Duan Peng was a little uncertain, and just as Duan Peng hesitated, the satellite in the sky appeared again, and the light was gathering. Similarly, before the light gathered to the peak, the light dissipated again, and then the satellite disappeared again.

I felt again that this time, not only the chill, but also Duan Peng began to tremble, and a firm voice sounded in Duan Peng's heart.

"The other party is trying to crack the signal shielding, and the other party already has a way to crack the signal shielding!"

was stunned. That firm feeling made Duan Peng a little confused. He didn't know whether he should believe this feeling or not. After all, it was just a feeling.

If you believe that the feeling is withdrawn, and this is just an illusion, then they will waste time and miss a good opportunity. If this feeling is correct and Duan Peng and others do not withdraw...

Finally, Duan Peng has the answer, and the two evils are less powerful.

The former, if Duan Peng's judgment is wrong, even if it is a waste of time, Duan Peng and others can also rely on the city to defend, and the latter, if Duan Peng chooses to continue and the crisis really occurs, the whole army may be destroyed, and Duan Peng's destruction will directly affect the survival of the city.

In an instant, Duan Peng's mental strength returned to his body, and his mental strength had just been withdrawn, and Duan Peng immediately raised his hand.

The rest time is over. After several repetitions, everyone is used to this state. At this moment, everyone is ready, and not long after everyone is ready to fight, Duan Peng has raised his hand.

The soldiers are ready to charge. The mecha man's hand has touched the keyboard, and now they are only waiting for Duan Peng's order.

"Gone back to the city!"

The command sounded, the soldier kicked under his feet, and there was a dense keyboard sound in the mecha cockpit.

But when everyone's action was made, they realized that Duan Peng's order just now was not 'offensive'.

Everyone is a little confused. They don't know if they have heard the wrong order.

And Duan Peng, watching everyone make the wrong move, Duan Peng issued another order.

"Gone back to the city!"

It turned out to be true, really back to the city!

I don't understand, but now Duan Peng is the supreme commander, and everyone can only follow Duan Peng's order to change the movements under his feet or hands.