
Chapter 101 Crazy Big Brother

With a smile on his face and madness in his smile, the eldest brother stared closely at the display in front of him with that strange expression, and his mouth was full of words.

"I want you to die! Wait, you will die ugly soon!"

To be honest, everyone also wants to solve the current crisis quickly, but when everyone saw the ferocious expression of the eldest brother, everyone couldn't help shivering.

A few minutes ago, everyone finally completed the stabilization of several signal bands, and now all that is left is to find out those bands, but everyone didn't expect that they just heard that the signal band was stable, and the eldest brother immediately became like this.

Everyone is a little worried. After all, there are too many kinds of bands, and they have to check them one by one. No one knows whether the eldest brother will be impatient and transfer his anger to their heads after several inspections.

What should I do?

While the eldest brother was not paying attention, everyone looked at each other, but after looking at each other, everyone became more helpless, because they could only see the same eyes as themselves from each other.

What should I do?

A question again, helpless again. After several times of the same question in their hearts, everyone had no choice but to give up. They could only suppress their fear and then start the same work as the eldest brother.

I hope it won't take long. I hope the big brother won't go crazy!

While trying, everyone prayed silently in their hearts.

Once, it's wrong, again, it's still wrong!

The worry is getting heavier and heavier, and the atmosphere in the hall is getting more and more depressed. Even later, a short command requires several input.

And just as the atmosphere in the hall was depressing to its peak, suddenly, a voice sounded in the hall.


was the voice of the eldest brother. The voice was not loud, but the people present almost jumped up, and they even had an impulse to escape.

But can you escape?

Obviously, they can't escape the energy gun, and even if they can escape the energy gun, they can't escape the robots at the door.

Slowly, one by one, everyone's heads slowly turned in the direction of the eldest brother.

Seeing that the eldest brother's figure finally fell into everyone's sight, and when they saw the eldest brother's face, almost everyone's heartbeat leaked.

Big brother is very angry, and his expression has been completely distorted.

Seeing the eldest brother's expression, everyone couldn't help it. They wanted to leave. They wanted to escape, but they didn't dare.

Slowly and quietly, everyone looked at each other again.

You winp at me, and I pout at you.

Everyone motioned to ask the eldest brother, but no one dared to make any sound. They were even afraid that the sound would catch the eldest brother's attention.

But it's not that they can avoid all this without attracting the eldest brother's attention, because when they win their eyes, the eldest brother's voice suddenly sounded again.

With a shout, the eldest brother roared loudly, "What are you doing? Don't you know what race against time is? Don't you know what time it is? Tell me if you want to die!"


neatly and uniformly, in an instant, everyone's bodies turned at the same time. They had never had such a tacit understanding, but for a moment, everyone's eyes stared at the indicator in front of them.

lowered his head, and the same voice sounded in everyone's hearts.

"Don't look for me, don't stare at me!"

Maybe their prayers took effect, and the eldest brother did not stare at anyone, and no one's name rang in the hall.

But it's not that they can rest assured without their names. On the contrary, everyone's hearts are still raised in their throats, and their ears are also raised high, nervously paying attention to the movement behind them.

one minute, two minutes...

Quiet, the whole hall was terrible, almost every second like a year, and every second was so difficult. Fortunately, a few minutes later, the eldest brother's voice finally sounded again. There was no mention of anyone in his voice, and everyone's hearts fell in an instant.

But it was only for a moment, because the next second, their hearts were re-hooked by the eldest brother's remarks.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? We are still experimenting here. Why did they run away? How dare they run?"

The eldest brother was muttering to himself. Listening to what the eldest brother said, everyone forgot their fear.

One person left his position, followed by, and the second person also left his position...

They came behind the eldest brother, and their eyes looked at the display in front of the eldest brother, and everyone stood on the spot.

On the display, those soldiers and mecha are evacuating.

Obviously, their idea of eliminating these forces outside the city is no longer possible.

What should I do? What should I do?

Everyone began to be a little confused, and they even began to doubt what they had done.

Fortunately, when everyone was in a daze, the eldest brother came to his senses again.

As soon as he came to his senses, the eldest brother immediately found the people behind him, and the eldest brother also found everyone's abnormality.

In an instant, cold sweat soaked the eldest brother's back.

After all, he was used to being the eldest brother. In an instant, the eldest brother realized the seriousness of the situation.

So, just for a moment, the eldest brother suppressed the emotions in his heart.

"Don't panic, there are still half of the robots, and we still have hope!"

Yes, there are still half of the robots!

I have to say that a good leader is very important for everyone's guidance.

I haven't heard the eldest brother's calm voice for a long time. What the eldest brother said has stabilized his mind, and his appeal is still very strong. The voice has just fallen, and most people have stabilized their minds.

Of course, the fear in my heart still exists, but this fear will no longer affect their work.

And the eldest brother couldn't help but be relieved to see everyone's eyes recover.

"Then let's continue! These people's physical strength has declined a lot. If we can test the right band one second earlier, they will have less time to rest.


Together, at this moment, everyone's heart ignited the belief of fighting to the death.


returned to the city and finally returned to the city.

Just as soon as they entered the gate, Duan Peng and others were immediately overwhelmed by the welcoming crowd.

Of course, this situation did not last long, because the battle is not over yet, so only for a moment, those non-combatants have left far away.

The non-combatants left, and Dong Ming and others greeted them again.

His face was full of fatigue. Obviously, during Duan Peng's time out of the city, the people who stayed in the city were also uncomfortable, but at this moment, Dong Ming's tired face still had a smile.

"I'm back!"

The voice was not loud, even plain, but with such a plain voice, everyone heard a little warmth, because Dong Ming did not ask about their results.

However, Dong Ming does not ask, which does not mean that Duan Peng does not need to answer.

Facing Dong Ming's plain words, Duan Peng nodded gently. Immediately, Duan Peng talked about everyone's concerns.

"The situation is very serious. We don't know if we don't go into the forest. When we walk into the forest, we find that the robots in the forest are more than one million."

Originally, I didn't want to say it, because Dong Ming saw everyone's fatigue, but when Dong Ming heard Duan Peng's words, Dong Ming couldn't help it anymore, because what Duan Peng said was really terrible.

"One million? All advanced intelligence?"


In an instant, everyone's faces turned pale. Seeing the panic on everyone's faces, Duan Peng even had the impulse to hide the information, but the information could not be concealed, because no one could bear the consequences of concealment, so even if he couldn't bear it, Duan Peng had to nod.

More than one million! I suspect that the other party has developed a program to make ordinary robots evolve.

This speculation is even more horrible, and everyone even has the idea of giving up.

But it was just an idea, because in the next second, Duan Peng's voice sounded again.

"But we are also good. This time we went out, we have destroyed half of the robots!"

Shocked and unbelievable, everyone looked at Duan Peng and the team behind him with an unbelievable look.

The soldiers were tired and only went out for more than ten hours. These soldiers' clothes had become tattered, and they knew at a glance that they were torn by branches or shrubs.

It can be seen that they worked very hard, and they didn't even avoid the obstacles in front of them for greater killing.

Similarly, the mechamen are also very tired, and their fingers have become red and swollen.

Looking at it, the eyes of those left-behind fighters who failed to meet the standard because of their combat effectiveness couldn't help bursting into tears.

However, at this time, suddenly a voice suddenly sounded.

"Then why don't you come back after killing!"

In an instant, all the atmosphere was destroyed by this sound. Some people looked at the speaker with disgust, but some people looked at Duan Peng and others doubtfully.

In fact, the soldiers behind Duan Peng are also puzzled.

When they first went out, they were very nervous. After opening the passage, they even thought about leaving.

But later, with the mastery of the rhythm of the battle, everyone has completely gained the upper hand, but they can't figure out why Duan Peng suddenly gave the order back at this time.

The whole space suddenly became quiet. I don't know whether I was waiting for Duan Peng's reply or whether I should scold the questioner. In short, the whole world suddenly quieted down.

Fortunately, Duan Peng didn't care, because people would always be selfish, because Duan Peng also wanted to leave at the moment when the channel was opened. Of course, more importantly, Duan Peng felt the doubtful eyes of the soldiers behind him.

So, after a slight pause, Duan Peng opened his mouth.

"Because I feel dangerous."

I don't believe it. In fact, Duan Peng himself doesn't believe it very much, but Duan Peng did not give up.

For another time, Duan Peng pointed to the two satellites in the sky.

The two satellites still repeat the previous movements, concentrating energy, dissipating, regathering energy, and dissipating.

After Duan Peng's guidance, everyone found the difference between the two satellites.

And just as everyone was staring at the satellite, Duan Peng began to speak again.

"I have a feeling that they already have a way to crack the signal shielding, and now they are experimenting, so I rushed back with people!"