Xianxing City

Chapter 13 The Wind Suddenly

"I already know?" He Xiaozhuo repeated in surprise.

"Yes." Lan Xun still smiled mysteriously.

He Xiaozhuo scratched his head in confusion.

"Haha, have you forgotten how your eighth master taught you to sleep?"

"Sleeping on the water?"

"Not bad. You can lie on the water without any help. If you can walk again, won't it be the same as driving cloud?

"So it is." He Xiaozhuo patted the back of his head and suddenly realized.

"How can I fly?"


"Does the idea have so much energy?"

"The idea has energy that you can't imagine, and the more your cultivation improves, the greater the energy."

"What's the difference between it and spell driving cloud?"

"It's very simple. Driving clouds is to fly by objects, which can save effort. It's like riding a car. As long as you know spells, you can do it. Free flight will cost you money. You are running by yourself. You can't do it without skills.

"I want to fly freely now." He Xiaozhuo has long been very excited.

"Bold!" Lan Xun shouted softly and swept He Xiaozhuo out of the air, turned his wrist, and a strong wind had held He Xiaozhuo in the air.

"Like you sleep, hover here first."

He Xiaozhuo understood and lay carefree on the long wind.

"My heart turns at will, and when I think of it, I will lie down when I want to lie down. Do whatever you want. Lan Xun's voice came continuously.

18 days later, He Xiaozhuo was finally free to resist the wind.

Master Lan Xun was not there. He Xiaozhuo took the opportunity to play freely in the air. His free mood and incomparable pleasure reminded him of the Monkey King, the Monkey King, who had seen in the cartoon since he was a child, who had been fighting for 108,000 miles. How good is it to have that kung fu? Thinking of this, I couldn't help itching. An idea rose and really turned forward.

However, before he completed the whole set of * movements, his curled up body was still rising in the air, a strong wind suddenly blew, and He Xiaozhuo was immediately like a broken kite, which was suddenly blown away by the strong wind in the opposite direction.

He Xiaozhuo was shocked, and the sudden change suddenly made him lose control, as if he was in the mudslide that was turbulent by the flying current. He could only drift with the waves, rolling his passive body, and being blown away by the wind.

And the sky is infinite. I really don't know where it will be blown again.

He Xiaozhuo scratched his feet, but except for being ruthlessly blown away by the strong wind, he had nowhere to escape. He could feel that the huge wind tunnel had completely wrapped himself.

He Xiaozhuo was angry. He didn't believe that he was so incompetent that he had no strength to fight in front of the strong wind.

Dantian Zhenqi launched and penetrated through his limbs. The source of green energy spread all over his body. He calmed down a little, then suddenly turned over and finally stood up in the wind and stood in the wind. At the same time, a strong wind hit his head, and He Xiaozhuo couldn't help shaking, but finally stood up. With the first step, He Xiaozhuo's confidence increased greatly. After stabilizing his mind again, he raised his left foot hard and took the first difficult step forward. At this time, the wind was even more fierce, making a sharp roar, blowing crazily to He Xiaozhuo, like an angry lion, who had to overturn the other party to the ground.

He Xiaozhuo began to take the second step. At this time, the long wind was like a hard wall, making He Xiaozhuo's progress more difficult. Although the foot was lifted, it took more difficult efforts to put it down. Although it is only such a small step, it can't be put down for a long time. If this persistence is a little careless, it will be immediately scraped away, and stabilizing the center of gravity has become the top priority. After a difficult effort, He Xiaozhuo finally dropped his raised foot like a machine dance. He Xiaozhuo persisted and walked forward with difficulty. He could not fear the power of the wind. At this moment, he became his greatest motivation to move forward. In this way, it took half an hour to advance more than 20 steps forward.

At this time, the wind suddenly changed, and the strong wind no longer blew head-on, but rotated, and the axis was He Xiaozhuo. The wind swept the cyclone and roared in He Xiaozhuo's ear, turning faster and faster. He Xiaozhuo is in the center of the vortex, and it is no longer possible to move forward, so he has to try his best to stabilize his body and prevent the rotating airflow from spinning himself away. However, the high-speed rotating airflow formed a huge pumping force and also wanted to pull He Xiaozhuo in little by little. He Xiaozhuo had no grasp and could only try his best to get rid of that force. And that force comes from the periphery. If you want to get rid of it, He Xiaozhuo can only offset the gravity by approaching the center.

But on the one hand, He Xiaozhuo can only try his best to resist that force, and on the other hand, he has to be careful to maintain stability. Because once the suction is lost, the body will inertially rush through the center of the vortex to the other side, so that the cyclone will also roll itself away. Therefore, the place where you can stay is only in the center of the whirlwind, where the wind is weakest, or a dead corner. After a tense struggle, He Xiaozhuo finally occupied the most central position, and now he has to hold the center at all.

The wind is no longer so big, but the core of the storm is the calmest place. Now you can't let yourself have distractions. Any distractions may make you lose this center. This is the most accurate balance. Once broken, the whole self will be blown away immediately. Persistence has become the biggest challenge. Whether you can hold on or not depends on this level.

But now it is not machines that are in the center of the storm, but people who may deviate at any time. How to persist and persist longer has become the biggest problem. I dare not think too much, let alone think about it. A slip of mind and a slight shaking may ruin this hard-won balance. Therefore, there must be no distractions and empty-mindedness. And isn't this realm the realm that has been pursued in practice? He Xiaozhuo suddenly seemed to have realized something.

He closed his eyes and slowly fixed his knees. In this whirlpool, he meditated. The wind roared in his ear and the danger around him seemed to have nothing to do with him. He just calmed in the core of the whirlwind.

The whirlwind wrapped around him, but he fell asleep carefree in the center of the tornado. The tornado rushed left and right, and he rose and fell in the tornado, becoming the real axis of the tornado. The wind did not hurt him, but he was free in the wind.

Wonderful, really wonderful!

"Haha..." A burst of woman's laughter came crisply, and the tornado wrapped around He Xiaozhuo suddenly dispersed, and He Xiaozhuo's body lost its balance and suddenly sank. He Xiaozhuo was shocked and instinctively stabilized his posture, raised his breath, and his body popped out in the direction of his thoughts, but what he did not expect was that his body suddenly became so light. With a little force, his whole body shot away quickly and fiercely, straight to the sky.

"Xiaozhuo, congratulations on your great increase in your skills and entering the realm of Zhenyuan. Didn't you imagine a fight like Sun Wukong just now? You can try it now."

Long hair fluttering, and the third master Lan Xun has appeared in front of him.

He Xiaozhuo finally understood that this was another method for the three masters to improve their cultivation, allowing them to practice their skills under infinite resistance and pressure, hammering their will and strength, and once the resistance was removed, they could fly to the sky. The reason why I was able to rush out quickly just now is the result of this kind of cultivation.

"Xiaozhuo, your current driving speed can be said to be flying, not like you were still climbing yesterday. However, compared with Sun Dasheng, it is temporarily impossible to fight for 108,000 miles. But everything is possible. After the cultivation is improved, you will understand. Lan Xun came leisurely.

"Thank you for your guidance." He Xiaozhuo's heart was full of gratitude.

"Don't worry about thanking you. You have learned the art of resisting the wind. Next, it depends on how you learn to use the art of wind."

"Use the art of wind?"

"Do you know where the wind that just hit you came from?" Lan Xun asked rhetorical.

He Xiaozhuo shook his head.

"Practice the formula with me..." After saying that, Lan Xun said another strange spell. He Xiaozhuo used the sense of stillness to firmly remember the formula.

"Now the book."

After saying that, Lan Xun raised his left hand and drew a symbol on the palm of his right hand with his index finger. Although there was no ink, the golden rune was clearly visible on the palm of his forefinger.

He Xiaozhuo looked at it and drew a ladle according to the gourd, which was also drawn on the palm of his right hand. Of course, he had to use the skill of empty calligraphy, and the palm of his hand was indeed golden.

"Inhale the energy absorbed by the grassland in your body and exhale it on your right hand."

After saying that, Lan Xun took a breath on his right palm, and the golden rune immediately flashed.

He Xiaozhuo also immediately followed what Lan Xun said and exhaled a true breath on the rune of his right palm, and the golden rune on the palm of his hand really flashed, accompanied by a trace of coolness.

Lan Xun gently swung his right palm, and a breeze began to blow slowly. As his palm continued to swing, the breeze slowly blew into the distance.

He Xiaozhuo followed, and as expected, there was a gentle breeze in his hand.

"Remember that if you swing slightly, it will be a gentle breeze; if you swing a little faster, the wind will also accelerate; if you quickly push your palm, it will be a strong wind; if you move your finger when swinging, it will be the wind of flying sand and stone. But the final size of the wind is determined by your cultivation energy.

Lan Xun waved his right hand slightly and said.

"So when you and the fourth master met the eighth master that day, you arranged the two strong winds?" He Xiaozhuo finally remembered the fight between the three masters.

"Haha, that's what we are competing with your eight masters. I am in charge of Feng, and your fourth master is in charge of Lei. Of course, you also saw the power of Master Eight, right? Lan Xun smiled.

He Xiaozhuo nodded and was completely immersed in such a magical spell. Zhuge Liang borrowed the east wind. If there is such a spell, I'm afraid he doesn't have to waste his mind to borrow it.

"Xiaozhuo, the technique of casting wind is powerful and cannot be used casually, let alone violate the original intention of natural wind and rain. Otherwise, the person who uses it will suffer the power of natural setbacks. At that time, it will be hurt by himself."

Lan Xun seemed to understand He Xiaozhuo's psychology at once and immediately reminded him in time.

He Xiaozhuo nodded silently. He knew that the emergence of any ability must also be restricted by equal reverse forces to achieve a balance. In this world, this naturally will not be tilted, cracked or torn off, which is what the Fourth Master warned him from the beginning.

"Four masters, how did the whirlwind form?" He Xiaozhuo suddenly thought of this question.