Xianxing City

Chapter 14 The Endless Black Sea

"Ha ha, Xiaozhuo is really smart, but he is mistaken for being smart. Why don't you try another gesture?" Lan Xun smiled.

"Change the gesture?" He Xiaozhuo was stunned, and then suddenly realized. Immediately, the wind started at the same time, and then the palms were facing each other, such as hugging a Taiji ball and rubbing it through the air. The wind began to rotate with the movement of the palm, and with the acceleration of its rotation speed, the wind also began to rotate faster, finally forming a huge rotating wind column, and the whirlwind formed.

He Xiaozhuo was very excited,

"Master Three, I succeeded."

Lan Xun nodded with satisfaction,

"Xiaozhuo, now you can resist the wind and cast spells and use the wind. You must take care of yourself and practice diligently. You should know that there is no end to learning, so that you can have an unlimited future."

"Thank you for your teaching." He Xiaozhuo is really grateful.

"Xiaozhuo, now it's time for you to see Master Six." Lan Xun said calmly.

"Master Three, what about you?"

He Xiaozhuo's face was sad. He didn't expect that the third master would suddenly say this to himself. Although the third master didn't say much, in He Xiaozhuo's heart, he would always feel a kind of deep love in the third master's heart, that kind of silent care. He Xiaozhuo's heart had already been full of recognition and yearning for that love.

Lan Xun waved his hand gently to stop He Xiaozhuo.

"Xiaozhuo, it is better than in the mouth. Your road has just begun. It's ruthless and ruthless. It's good to take care of yourself.

He Xiaozhuo nodded silently and said goodbye to the third master with tears.

Along the way, thinking about the words of the third master, although the speed of resisting the wind is not what it used to be, but due to the understanding of those two sentences, He Xiaozhuo did not put the speed to the maximum. Ruthless and ruthless", it seems that I have understood some, but I can't tell where it is, so I still don't understand it. He Xiaozhuo thought it was very difficult, and Master Eight's words were the best: carefree and happy. I still don't want to think about it. It's useless to think about it when I can't figure it out. Let's have a carefree and happy play. This is the first time I have traveled alone since I entered Yuanjun Mountain.

The third master told himself that the way to find the sixth master ink without black ink is to go all the way north, and you will see a boundless black sea, where you can find the sixth master. I can't see the Black Sea yet. I can just improve my speed to see how fun it is to control the wind.

Thinking of this, He Xiaozhuo put away the clouds under his feet, but guided him by his mind and flew directly by his power. First of all, he wanted to raise the speed to the maximum to see how fast he could fly.

White clouds flew away from my ears, and the mountains and rivers under me became insignificant, but in the blink of an eye, they all disappeared. Such a speed is really exciting. And the sky is the best environment to exert this speed. He Xiaozhuo now understands what it means to let birds fly high. Now he can rampage and gallop to his heart's content. No matter how hard he exerts and in which direction he goes, he can do whatever he wants without worrying about anything. You can be as powerful as you want. You can be as crazy as you want. This is the real unrestrained, and this is the real happiness. He Xiaozhuo roared, his body was as fast as electricity, and quickly jumped forward.

After half a day of madness, He Xiaozhuo finally felt tired. This is a continuous half-day running, which consumes his real physical strength and skills. No wonder he is not tired. Take a nap, casually attract a white cloud, and then lie down beautifully. It's so comfortable. It's also a good journey to move forward leisurely like this.

He Xiaozhuo played all the way. At this moment, he was tired and slept peacefully. When the idea came, the white cloud still floated north with him. So leisurely, I have completely forgotten everything for a moment.

Just as He Xiaozhuo fell into a dream, the white clouds had quietly floated on the boundless black sea and continued to float forward without notice the abnormal movement of the sea.

Suddenly, the calm sea surface suddenly stirred, and then the bottomless black water quickly rotated. A disk-sized vortex roared and formed on the sea surface. The surrounding sea water was sucked over by the vortex, forming waves several floors high around the vortex, and quickly absorbed by the vortex. The waves then swarmed in.

He Xiaozhuo's white cloud is right in the vortex. He Xiaozhuo only felt a huge suction coming. It was too late to resist again, and he was directly sucked into the depths of the boundless abyss together with Bai Yun.

He Xiaozhuo only felt cold all over and was directly sucked deeper by the suction. He couldn't scream well, scratched his hands and feet, trying to struggle out the absorption of the mysterious force, but the force was too strong, and it was a emboldered attack without his own precautions. At this time, it was impossible for He Xiaozhuo to find a balance under this strong suction. He was directly sucked to the bottom of the water and fell to the ground with a crack.

He Xiaozhuo was dazzled for a while and shook his head before opening his eyes. After opening his eyes, he found that there was a clean land under him, and there was no moisture of water. Not only here, but also within 30 meters around me, there is also a dry and flat ground. Looking carefully, the endless sea water is separated, and I seem to be in a huge glass cover. Outside the cover is the boundless black sea, and inside the cover is a clean and tidy room.

"You're here." A voice asked calmly.

"Who?" He Xiaozhuo looked around in surprise, but except for a few abrupt black reefs in the hood, it is the boundless black sea outside. Who made the sound and where did the sound come from?

"I'm opposite you." The man still said calmly.

He Xiaozhuo carefully searched the opposite side, but there was nothing else on the opposite side except a few black reefs.

With a bang, a reef opposite suddenly exploded, and a long hair fluttered in the sky with the burst. In the long hair, a human face loomed, a thin face, black skin, and three black hair. At this moment, the man is sitting there, and the black reef that had just wrapped him has been scattered all over the ground.

"Master Six!" He Xiaozhuo exclaimed in surprise.

This person is the sixth of the eight poles of Yuzhen: ink without black ink.

"Master Six, why are you here?" He Xiaozhuo never thought that he would meet Master Six in such a way, and how could Master Six become a "reef".

"Why am I not here? Didn't your third master ask you to come here to find me?" Mokan said with a blank face, and his voice was majestic.

"Xiaozhuo has met the sixth master." Seeing the sixth master's serious face, He Xiaozhuo hurriedly saluted.

"That's all." Mokan is still cold.

"Master Six, why did you become like that just now?"

"If you practice here for a long time, coral algae and so on will soon cling to you to form coral reefs." Mokan answered faintly.

"What?" He Xiaozhuo doesn't believe his ears. Coral seaweed and so on turn people into reefs. How long will this person stay here? It must be motionless. Who can stay underwater for so long? I remember that the last time I saw Master Six was in the confrontation outside Yuanjun Mountain, and I had been in the mountain for ten months. Has Master Six been mediting and practicing here since then?

"Master Six, but there is no water in the space we are in now?" He Xiaozhuo wanted to ask, where did these corals and seaweed come from without water?

"Now because you come, you must build a space for you, otherwise you can't stay directly in the water for a long time. And in the days of cultivation, when you practice, you must also be directly in this boundless black sea. Six masters said word by word, with irresistible dignity in each word.

"I also want to practice in this boundless black sea?" Thinking of the horror of being sucked in, He Xiaozhuo was really afraid. It seemed that he was really predestined to water. The eighth master let himself sleep on the water and fell into the water again and again. This time, I practiced directly in the Black Sea. I don't have to worry about falling into the water, but I will be soaked in water all day.

"Of course, after practicing for a period of time, you can still go into the mask to rest, but after rest, you have to continue to practice in the water until you no longer need the outer mask to protect and fully adapt to practicing here."

It's okay, I won't drown directly. After listening to Master Liu's words, He Xiaozhuo was a little relieved, otherwise he was really worried about entering the deep sea all of a sudden and made it himself. He Xiaozhuo felt that Master Liu's teaching method was very similar to that of his physical education teacher in school. Before class, he meticulously explained the essentials of the action in one breath, and then executed it. Fortunately, if it was not executed well, he only had two words: start again.

But when I did it specifically, I found that Master Six was much stricter than the physical education teacher, and every time I practiced, I was half drowned.

The sea here is not ordinary seawater, because the sea water is black and particularly cold. If you prick it down, it will be bone-pierced. Even if you resist it with true qi, you can't control the trembling of your teeth. The seawater pressure here is also particularly high, not like water, but like ** after metal melting, but the temperature is cool. Every time He Xiaozhuo immersed himself in the sea, he seemed to be buried in the swamp. Not to mention that his body was very difficult to move, but his breathing was difficult, and he felt that his chest was pressed by lead all the time.

When it comes to breathing, this is the first barrier that He Xiaozhuo has to go through first. Because even in ordinary water, He Xiaozhuo held his breath for only five minutes at a time. What's more, in such a black sea, He Xiaozhuo only felt that he was suffocated as soon as he touched the black water, let alone for a long time. He wanted to retreat into the glass-like cover, where there was almost natural air. There is no difference. I really don't know how Master Liu did it.

But Master Six will never easily open the glass cover, no matter how painful he is outside the cover. Master Six has never relaxed the conditions. Every time he is tortured to death to rest in the mask. It seems that Master Six is really unmatched by a physical education teacher.

However, Master Six not only taught himself the essentials of meditation like a physical education teacher, but also taught himself a special method: breathing with the navel. Master Six told himself that when he was in the mother's body, he relied on the umbilical cord on his navel to complete breathing and other processes, but after a person was born, this passage was closed. People's growth followed the growth, and cultivation was to go backwards and return to simplicity.

So, the first step in practicing in the Black Sea is to breathe with the navel.