
Chapter 93 Buying a Boat Ticket

(PS: Who has the past question bank of the national computer second-level machine test? A new question bank in 2011. Hey, Dan said painfully that the most hopeless written test has been passed, but the machine test drew a set of new questions and did it for a month for nothing. It's a big loss! That brother has a question bank and left a contact information or network address in the book review area. Thank you very much!)

"Coco" Mora called.


"My room is very big. You and your father will move to my place." Mora said to the little girl.

"Really?" Coco asked in surprise, "Can Dad and I not live with the goods?"

"Of course," Mora said, "My room is very big."

"It's just," Coco suddenly hesitated, "will it cause you trouble? You have exempted us from the shipping fee. In case you ask for too much, will the people on board..."

Mora stroked the little girl's soft hair: "Don't worry, the room is mine. They won't care. Moreover, how about you live there and sing to me every day, even if it's the cost of you and your father?

"Good!" Coco immediately agreed, "Thank you, uncle. I'll go to my father and tell him the good news!" With that, Coco was about to jump down to find her downtrodist father Sidoma. Morara stopped her: "Do you know where your father is?"

Coco was stunned: "This? ...I ran separately from Dad...Dad! ~”

What a coincidence, he said that Sidoma had sneaked into this place. It seems that he didn't know that Mora had helped him solve the problem of the boat fare, and it was really embarrassing to dodge. It's hard for him to hide all the way and haven't been caught yet.

"Dad--!" Coco shouted, but it scared Sidoma. She was panicked and nervous to look around. She was afraid that Sidoma, whose daughter fell into other people's hands, would not have time to hide her body. She immediately jumped out and immediately saw her daughter being held in her arms by the mysterious young man she met that day.

"Coco!" Sidoma saw that Coco was hugged by Mora and immediately roared and ran over, "Bastard! Put down my daughter--!"

"Well?--" Mora had a question in his mind at this moment: "Do I look like a bad person?"

What Mora doesn't know is that in the hearts of every father who loves his daughter, who is afraid of melt in his mouth and holds in the palm of his hand, the handsome, gold and gentle beautiful teenager is more threatening than all the bad guys combined. And that's what he looks like.

Coco jumped off Mora's arms and ran towards Sidoma, "No, Dad, the eldest brother is a good man!"

"What?" Mora noticed the change in Coco's name - "Big brother?" Didn't you call uncle just now? I also sighed a lot about this. Why did I change my name in a blink of an eye?

"Coco, are you all right? How about it? Did that bastard do anything to you?" Sidoma picked up her daughter and looked up and down, afraid that her daughter would be missing something.

Coco hung a black line on her face and helplessly patted her father's cracked hand, "Dad, don't treat your big brother as a bad guy, okay? Just now, a bad sailor wanted to arrest me, or did the eldest brother drive him away?

Sidoma didn't seem to hear her daughter's words, or pulled her left and right to look up and down. If it hadn't been on the deck at this time, Mora doubted whether he would have taken off Coco's clothes and checked them carefully.

"This is the man!" Sidoma was nervously to see if her daughter had been dripped by Mora. Suddenly, a shout came from behind: "The man in front of him stopped and got on our boat without buying a ticket. Do you want to make out with the sea shark?!——"

Suddenly, he heard someone shouting behind him. Sidoma held Coco in horror and was about to run. Several sailors behind him saw him run away and immediately caught up with him, "Hold--! Don't run--! Run and throw you into the sea again!"

Sidoma didn't dare to stop. He was about to rush into the cabin in panic with Coco in his arms. However, unfortunately, someone came from the opposite deck. Suddenly, both sides were blocked and there was no way out!

Looking at the people approaching on both sides, Sidoma stuffed Coco into his arms and was about to climb up the mast on the boat. However, he is just a weak fake bard, and he has no strength to climb that high mast! And what if you climb up?


Just looking at his embarrassed appearance, the sailors were not in a hurry and watched the depressed almost clown-like guy struggling meaninglessly under the mast. From time to time, Sidoma was so scared that she tried harder to climb up, but she could not do anything about it.

Gradually desperate, looking at the beautiful blue sea, Sidoma only felt that this magnificent scene was really horrible. He heard that a guy who once sneaked into the boat was thrown into the sea to feed sharks. However, in order to cure his daughter's illness, he has no choice.

There is no way to cure my daughter's strange disease here. I heard that the mage country on the other side of the sea has countless magic, secrets and magic. The extremely noble strange man here is just an ordinary person over there. So he took the risk of smuggling, but he was still found.

Are you going to die in this sea?

"Jingle--!" This sound is familiar to all merchants and worker sailors - it is the sound when gold coins collide. All the sailors around Sidoma immediately turned their eyes to the source of the sound, and then they were not calm. A bag of gold coins is scattered on the ground, and several clusters of new gold coins have been exposed through the mouth of the bag! There is a charming light shining in the sun.

These sailors couldn't help moving their throats, swallowed their saliva, and slowly leaned over. The reason why they had not robbed them was that they all saw that the coins were scattered at the feet of the young man who was respected by the stewman to welcome the boat.

"I paid for their boat ticket, and you can take the rest of the money for a drink!" Mora said lightly.

In the sun, his face seems to be shining. From this perspective, he is as charming as an angel. This is the thought of all the sailors in this place. Several people picked up the bag of coins and ran away gratefully. That bag of coins is enough to buy a boat ticket for three or four people, and a boat ticket is equivalent to a year's income of a relatively generous family!

A sailor kicked Sidoma, who was still holding the mast before leaving: "Hey, say you, your boy is lucky. The distinguished guest over there paid for your boat ticket. Thank you!"

After saying that, the sailor threw a few gold coins and threw them to Sidoma. As long as he saves a little, these gold coins can completely support the sea.

Looking at the behavior of these sailors, Mora nodded secretly. Although these people are more greedy than their stewirs, they know how to leave room for work. Even when they were afraid of Hesidom, Mora saw that they were just afraid and did not really intend to throw Sidoma into the sea.

Moreover, when these people leave, they can still think about the gold coins left for Sidoma for food, and they can see their quality and character. Even if they are not good people, they are many times better than the pile of things of the Sea of the Sea.

Now the Sea Gang and the second Sea Gang are fighting desperately, but Mora slightly foresaw that this Zakui Sea Gang did not participate at all, but this Sea Gang that eventually became the first in the sea town should be this Zakui. A team that is internally united and can do things. If it doesn't succeed, it will be difficult.

Sidoma seemed to be scared. When those people left, she still trembled with the mast. Mora frowned and watched him hold the mast with his hands desperately, but his chest was concave, afraid of hurting his daughter, and couldn't help but be angry and moved. So he stepped forward to open Sidoma.

However, Mora used a little force, but did not pull him away. As soon as his mind moved, his eyes suddenly took some magic power, and then Mora saw that Sidoma's arm was stiff at this time because it was too hard. If he pulled it away with strength, he had to hurt him.

With a sigh in his heart, a trace of magic power gushed out of Mora's hand and patted it on Sidoma's hand. Sidoma only felt that her arm, which could no longer move, suddenly became hot, as if it had been burned by a stream of hot water. It was sour and comfortable, and her arm loosened.

Coco's little face turned white with tears in her eyes, but she didn't cry. At this time, when I saw Mora, I suddenly cried. After all, no matter how sensible the little girl is, she is just a four- or five-year-old child.

Mora picked her up with pity and kept patting her on the back to comfort the girl: "It's okay. It's okay. Coco won't cry anymore."

At the same time, he said coldly to Sidoma, who looked ugly, "Follow me!"

Sidoma watched her daughter being held in Mora's arms and gradually stopped crying, full of taste, but this time she couldn't get angry at all. If it weren't for Mora, they might have been struggling in the sea at this time.

Moreover, under Mora's beat, his stiff arm suddenly got better, which also made him sure that the seemingly ordinary young man in front of him absolutely had strange skills and would never be the kind of aristocratic dhod who covet human vulgarity.

Mora's room is on the first floor under the deck. It is neither high nor short. It will not be blown too hard by the sea breeze nor be shaken by the waves.

The layout of the room is simple and magnificent, which is incredible for the sea gang that can't wait to be full of goods. Sidoma's eyes widened as soon as he entered the room. Even if the spacious room was only filled with ordinary goods, it was a red profiteering. If it was a valuable treasure, it was unimaginable!

However, now it's just a person's room. There is a bedroom, a small living room, and even a toilet room in the room! Looking at such an arrangement, Sidoma finally confirmed that this young man who looked like an aristocrat definitely had the power he could not imagine, otherwise it would never be worth taking out the best room to entertain him.

Sidoma has been in Haizhen for several years. It is very clear that such a spacious, rich and elegant room, even the steweur on the ship is not qualified to live in, and only extremely noble people may be invited to live in, and ordinary nobles are not allowed.

Thinking of the cargo compartment where he and his daughter were hiding, it was dark, crowded and smelling strange. Looking at this cabin, Sidoma suddenly became speechless. At the beginning, the girl who once resented her childhood sweetheart married the nobleman, although she later felt that she had chosen a good life, she could not blame herself. But until this time, he knew that it had always been poor or hardship, but once the hardship met the magnificent contrast, the instantane feeling was so tormenting!

Mora ignored Sidoma's complicated thoughts. Coco has been hiding in the low cabin with Sidoma and has not had a good rest. Now after such a shock, after crying for a while, she is sleepy. He fell asleep on Mora's shoulder. When he fell asleep, his body kept choked because of the unhappiness caused by crying.

Mora gently patted her on the back, quietly walked into the bedroom, and gently put down Coco. When she put it down, the little girl was shocked and her body twitched. Mora sighed in a low voice, and a divine force gently pressed into her body along Coco's eyebrows. The girl muttered something, and then fell asleep quietly.

Mora turned around and said to Sidoma, "You have a good daughter, but you are not a good father." Sidoma choked and wanted to defend, but had nothing to say.

"Before you get to the shore, you can live with me. The place is spacious enough. The food is delivered regularly every day. I will ask them to prepare your share."

"I don't have extra money. I want to treat Cocoa now!" Sidoma gritted his teeth and said. As soon as he finished speaking, his face turned red. I don't know if it was shame or something else.

"Then you can pay it back later." Mora didn't say he didn't want money or anything. That way of speaking is really hurtful to people's self-esteem. For Mora, who has received the knowledge of prophetic priests since she was a child, the way of speaking is a course that must be learned to reflect at all times. It is inconceivable for a prophet or priest to be rude because he speaks inappropriately.

Sedoma thought that Mora would say something to make her ugly, but Mora said so. This completely took care of his face and said that he would return it later, but once he got off the ship, where would there be a chance to meet him? So it's equal to Mora...

Sidom was silent.

Mora sat down close to the window in the living room, took out the code, looked at the ocean and the scenery farther away, and silently thought about everything about the past, present and the future. When the room calmed down, Sidoma felt embarrassed, and finally found a chair to sit down in a daze.