
Chapter 94 Close, Close

(PS: Suddenly I want to be a hooligan... Um... Because my collection is less... That's it... Red ticket?)

The ship continued to sail on the sea. After the initial excitement and enthusiasm, even those who went to sea for the first time began to get bored. Beauty can't stand repetition. Half a month later, many people look at the sea, leaving only boredom and anxiety.

In the sea, it is difficult for even the old crew to grasp the direction. Most of them still rely on stars and compasses. As for ordinary businessmen, they have the illusion of sinking in this endless ocean - they should have no hope of returning to land again in their lives.

On the ships of the Seaside, several dancy nobles and slightly less-minded businessmen who came out to play have caused trouble! The reason is that they can't find more fun on the sea. Looking at the sea that seems to be unchanged every day, these people have the illusion that they will be abandoned in the sea forever by God, so they are clamoring to let the ship's stewir send them back!

What a ridiculous! If it hadn't been for looking at these noble and powerful bodyguard warriors, the sailors and stewants on the ship would have thrown these people into the water for a while to wake them up.

But in the end, it was still like this. Several equally noisy businessmen seemed to be dizzy by the sea, and without looking at their identity, they followed them to go back. As a result, as soon as the stewmer of the Sea of the Sea Gang wink, several sailors who had been full of fire, bored and irritability rushed up and picked up the rope and went here. After several ordinary merchants wore a set and made a strong twist to ensure that they would not fall off, two sailors picked up the rope and tied them to the string, and the others lifted the merchants.


"Killing--! Help!——"

"I have money--! I'll give you all the money! - Don't throw me down! -"


At this time, several businessmen finally woke up and knew what kind of stupid thing they had done, and immediately begged for mercy. However, when the steward saw that there were still those aristocratic merchants and scoundrels who looked unhappy and disapproving, immediately,

"One, two, three, hey!"

The sailors shouted the horn and threw it,

"Puff--!" Wow--Puff--!"



At this time, when it was getting dark in the afternoon, several merchants fell into the water. Although they knew that they were tying themselves, who was sure that the rope must be strong enough, or whether their enemy would send someone to secretly cut off the rope and swallow their property?!

And at this time, the water in the sea drowns these people from time to time. If they hadn't held the rope tightly in their hands, they would even have suffoed or choked to death because they were buried in the water! However, in the sea, leaning against the side of the boat, the waves kept hitting the hull, and these merchants had no strength to toss around.

Moreover, even if it is not close to the hull, the waves in the sea are usually several heads high. With few breathing time, several businessmen can no longer shout. As the sky darks, the speed becomes faster and faster. Falling into the cold sea in the dark, in a few blinks, these businessmen were already desperate.

A guy has begun to prepare to give up, because the body consumes strength and will more quickly in despair, and the body becomes numb and cold. The hands and feet gradually stiffened, and more and more salty and cold seawater poured into the mouth, and there was so much despair in the stomach, and people fell again and again.


The stewmer spat coldly, and the sailors immediately pulled the rope, and these businessmen basically fainted. The stomach full of sea water without fainting is dying.

The sailor skillfully lifted these unlucky people and tied them to the side of the ship. However, unlike the general, people were tied outside.

The merchant who hung upside down and vomited water quickly woke up, but he screamed in horror as soon as he opened his eyes.

Although the night was dark, there was a little light on the ship. They could still see that they were hanging outside the side of the ship, and the dark sea was sounding in the invisible place below.

It's because I can't see it, that's why I panicked. Moreover, the sailors responsible for tying several unlucky merchants are obviously skilled workers. Although the ropes that bind these people are strong, they seem to have only one or two, and they continue to rub and pull on the side of the ship. In case they have been grinding for a long time and a little crack, then it only needs a short time to disconnect. Instant.

The sad screams have been tossed for a long time.

Finally, the steward felt that the tragic situation of these people should shock those who were panicked and bored or had strange thoughts, so he put down these sad businessmen.

Sure enough, on the next sea, although each ship seemed a little dead, no one was going to make trouble. In particular, it is said that one of the businessmen soaked in the sea was overly frightened by the cold and died of a serious illness. When the corpses were thrown into the sea, many people were watching silently.

The stewmer of the Saddon Gang finally retained some conscience or in order to comfort other people, ordered people to bring half a bucket of copper coins and sprinkle them down. One copper coin by one shined brilliant gold in the sun. However, in fact, everyone knows that the merchant left much more property than these.

According to the rules, those goods belong to Sedon. Everyone is silent, and the Seaside gang has gradually become more fierce and domineering because of repeated provocations, but he currently has this capital.

The ship is moving forward in silence, with golden light and the shadow of death in the sea.


The only ones that are not affected are probably Mora and Coco. However, in addition to going out for a walk every morning and evening, Mora still spends most of her time silently studying her magic power in the room, or communicating with the suddenly silent God Kingdom, or teasing Coco, listening to her telling stories and singing in a childish voice.

The ship encountered two storms in the sea. Except for the first loss of a cargo ship, it calmed down and never encountered any big formations. It's just that after tossing around in the sea for a long time, someone finally began to get sick!

The panic and chaos has not yet begun to spread, and the sailor in charge of observing the exploration brought good news: the anchor at the bottom of the sea has hit the bottom! The distance is about 800 tiger cubits, that is to say, they have left the range of the distant sea and entered the inland sea area!

The news excited the people on the boat, and even the sick guys began to get better and forced them to look into the distance on the deck.

The weather is very good. Although there is some strong wind, there is no fog, no dark clouds, and the sky is clear. However, even if someone holds a "thousand-mile eye", it can't be seen. Although this sea already belongs to the inland sea, it also comes from the junction of the inland sea and the far sea, and there are no ships or islands.

However, the steweller and sailors on the ship told everyone that in two days, they could see the coastal trade or fishing ships belonging to the first empire on the other side of the sea - Ephra.