
Chapter 224 Entering the Elf World 1

This "incorrect wind" lasted for nearly a thousand years before it finally disappeared under the edict of the Elf Queen, but the habit of drawing patterns everywhere has been retained.

In some legends and paintings, elves are full of magical patterns, and some spells even think that some powerful elf forces cannot stay in the body, so they have to depict those seals or other patterns on the surface of the body to adjust themselves.

This misunderstanding is very coincidental. In fact, the strong man among the elves known as "big elves" is just that kind of pattern lovers. The pattern on the body has no other meaning except decoration and personal preferences.

The reason for the misunderstanding of those mages is that the elf queen stipulates that elves with less than a certain degree of strength are not allowed to scribble on their own bodies. Otherwise, once they are caught, they must be painted with colorful colors, so that she can't see any lines.

Many elves who are crazy about beautiful lines have to work hard to improve their strength. Only by becoming big elves can they not have to worry about the patterns on their bodies being painted into colorful butterflies by the Queen's guards.

In a word, all this shows one thing. Elves are extremely beautiful creatures. For beautiful things, what they can do is definitely beyond human imagination.

In the extremely distant ancient times, it is said that the existence of the divine kingdom that created the elf world was a god born at about the same time as the supreme creator of the world...

[Cough! I have to remind you, gods, this really has no gender, the so-called goddess male god and so on, cough, cough, that's actually the delusion of people full of worms. However, there must be a difference, but there is also a difference. Some gods have a particularly strong pursuit of perfect things, such as the god who created the elf world, who is extremely interested in the existence of any smooth curve. Some gods are more optimistic about things with defects of changes and shortcomings, such as the supreme creator of the main world. He has many defects in the creation of the main world, but this defect is the driving force for the continuous evolution of the main world.]

When the god who created the elf world recreated the world, he may have added the pursuit of perfection to the creatures of the elf world. As a result, the creatures in this world, especially elves, have almost reached the level of abnormality.

It is said that in the early ancient times, elves also ate meat, but later, these beautiful creatures found that eating meat would make them fat, and when they became fat, they would not look good. Therefore, the elves began to pray to the creators who created the elf plane so that they could live well without eating meat.

God knows what kind of existence the creator of the elf plane is, and actually responded to the prayers of these crazy aesthetic elves, making the elf world full of all kinds of fruit trees overnight, thus solving the problem of elves' food. Since then, the elves have given up meat and added vegetarian food. The ranks.

It turns out that vegetarians are still very tall. Although they are all slender, they are generally extremely beautiful. Moreover, in order not to let all the elves go crazy by eating fruit, the elf plane creator has specially created many meat-like fruits.

Later, this kind of food spread to the main world of human beings, so there was the term "fruit".

(I'm so good at blowing O(∩_∩)O haha~)

After tens of thousands of years, the elves became like this.

The perfect face of Hesina, an ancient human, is similar to the appearance of the ancestors of the elves. For the elves, although the human body is a little big and does not meet the exquisite standards (the elf body is only half the size of the human standards), everything in general still conforms to the aesthetics of the elves, so the attitude of these elves is much better to see this woman replying to her people. .

"This..." As soon as Xuesina opened her mouth, she saw that the elves' faces turned black, and her wisdom was countless times higher than that of the white tiger, gently covered her mouth and knew that she had said something wrong.

Although languages are different from each other, the communication between thinking expresses their meaning more clearly. A quantifier "only" suddenly made these elves who had just had a good impression on Shesna start to turn black.

For good, Shesna immediately realized the dislocation and immediately changed her words: "Well, this noble White Tiger Lord..."

I know that Shesina doesn't really value Lord White Tiger as much as herself, because this can be felt from the communication of thinking, but after all, on the surface, Shesina's attitude is still very good, and she is a rare human who looks very similar to the noble and perfect elf, so these The elves ignored this point of disrespect.

Sena continued her introduction: "This distinguished White Tiger Lord is a friend we met on the way. Once again, he has lived in this mountain forest for a long time. His food choices and life were formed at that time and have nothing to do with us."

Looking at the incredible eyes of these elves and thinking about their arrogance and rudeness just now, Shesna suddenly decided to disgust them fiercely as the price of provocation.

"You noble elves, maybe you don't know anything yet. Lord White Tiger has always eaten animals alive like those ordinary beasts. Oh, look, just like the corpses of these animals on the ground, Lord White Tiger used to bite their necks directly and then pull them off with his teeth. The hair, then tear their skin and flesh, and start to eat from the most delicious parts of the bodies..."


A young female elf suddenly put her bow aside, and then ran away and vomited, with a cunning smile on the corners of her mouth.

However, I made some cooked food yesterday, and it seems that Lord White Tiger likes it very much, so the animal corpses you see today are actually hunted by Lord White Tiger to prepare me to cook cooked food for him. It seems that Lord White Tiger is still interested in changing the recipe.

The elves looked at the flesh-and-blood corpses on the ground and were very nauseous. Oh, no, they were particularly nauseous, even on the battlefield, because their enemies, the dark troupe, were semi-element creatures, so these elves did not often see the disgusting appearance of those flesh and blood.

Even the elves themselves, although they seem to exist as real objects on the surface, in fact, their structure is different from that of the main world creatures. After their death, their bodies will naturally return to self-heating and turn into the most basic elements.

Although it seems that elves also have something similar to human blood on the surface, in fact, those are just elemental liquefaction. Anything in the elf world will turn into the most basic world element after losing its meaning of life, whether it is elves or some biological plants in the elf world.

Even some items used by elves will gradually return to nothingness when they have not touched the breath of the elf world for a long time. It is also for this reason that there has always been legends of elves in the whole human world, but there has never been real evidence of elves.

Because many human beings have doubted whether this creature really existed. Every few hundred years, many human beings will doubt the existence of these magical creatures because of the loss of evidence of the existence of elves, which triggers a huge elf world adventure to prove their existence or non-existence.

However, it is obviously easier for people to prove that they exist, although most of them are often gone forever. God knows whether they went to the elf world and were taken away by an elf woman or accidentally lost in the gap between time and space.

It may appear at the bottom of the abyss to make a delicious dessert on a devil's table.

Crossing is a dangerous job.

However, danger often means a huge harvest.

Mora's voice sounded in Shesna's heart: "You communicate with these high-ranking things. If possible, we may need to walk around the elf world."

Sina was stunned. Is it revenge?

Feeling her doubts, Mora replied in her heart, "Although your enemy cannot pose a threat to us, he is already a low-level god after all. Even if we can kill him easily, it is difficult to guarantee that we can do this endlessly. However, the huge consequences are not what we can bear now.

"Then why don't you achieve the status of gods in this world?" While the elves vomited, Shesina quickly exchanged ideas with Mora, "Although I don't know your realm, I can also know that you have reached the point where you can enter that realm at any time, which is just a step for you. Moreover, you have made all the preparations for this step. What are you afraid of?

Mora smiled helplessly: "I have mastered the soul transformation, but such a means can only barely make my soul breath not be detected by those enemies at ordinary times. If I become a god in this world, I must exchange laws and exchange information with this world. Now my enemies have confirmed that I am in this world. It is only because they are afraid of him that they have not sent messengers to find me, but their spirit is always looking for me on the ground. Once I become a god here, it will immediately attract countless enemies. In order to destroy me, they did not hesitate to penetrate the world. They haven't done it yet, just because it's not worth it.

"And the elf world was created by the ancient god era. Her world is extremely exclusive, so it achieves gods there. Even if there is information and law exchange, it is also a communication with the three major world trees of those elf worlds. , will not be detected by any god.

Sena caught a suspicious point: "Well, doesn't that Elune know?"

Mora smiled mysteriously: "She has been sleeping for countless years. Those elves think that responding to their divine grace is actually the forged power of the three world god trees to collect the power of faith. This is a secret that I knew when I traveled to the Kingdom of God. The people who know it, now plus you are just four people.

"So, we..." Susina looked at Morra, "We're going back with these elves?"

Mora nodded slightly: "Yes, but I don't want to talk to these little things with eyes on my forehead. Go and deal with them."

Sena rolled her eyes and looked at the elves who were slowly recovering from the nausea of the corpse, and suddenly came up with an idea.

The magic beads at the top of the staff emit huge energy fluctuations. The mysterious magic lines fly around, building into mysterious groups. Countless spell runes are looming in the pattern. The wisdom of the powerful quickly calculates the surrounding environment and destroys the energy needed to destroy the target, and then the endless power in the body The most critical point of the spell pattern is that an ice storm is forming.

The elves looked at Xuesina alertly, and the bows and arrows in their hands were facing this side. If it hadn't been for the perfect forehead of Xuesna's elf-like face and kind smile, these extremely cold elves might have shot the arrows directly.

"The pocket of the cray code becomes scum--!"

The spell is to stimulate the power of the spell more attentively and deepen the caster's control of power and maintain spiritual concentration.

A small ice storm spit out from the magic pattern in the air and constantly hit the dead animals on the ground. Each ice storm quickly froze the bodies, and then the rotating force instantly turned the bodies into slag powder. Dissipate in the ground and become a basic element to return to nature.


Lord White Tiger is angry!

The food materials she worked hard to prepare in the morning and evening were killed. Can she not be angry? She has always felt that this woman has something to do with herself, and now she is even more sure that this woman is determined to be right with herself.

Lord White Tiger, who was playing with the female elf leader, suddenly jumped up and rushed to Xuesina, revealing her tiger teeth unconcealed. It seemed that if Shestina did not give a better explanation and compensation, then a human-animal war today would be inevitable.

The elves who were just satisfied with Shesna's behavior recovered from the shadow of the bodies and saw Lord White Tiger bite Shesna desperately. This made them extremely dumbfounded!

According to the habits of the original elf clan, these elves follow the white tiger to constantly shoot arrows and kill the enemy, cover the white tiger, and let the white tiger rush to the enemy recently to destroy the enemy.

But it seems that the reason why the white tiger wants to deal with this woman is hi, a woman who destroyed the depraved food of the white tiger?

Such behavior is extremely grateful in the eyes of the elves, but in the face of the "depraved and blackened" white tiger, these elves suddenly hesitated. Who should they help?

Looking at the elf leader together.

At this time, Ms. Elf knelt on the ground, supported the ground with one hand, hit the soft and thin lower abdomen with one hand, and kept making a dry vomiting sound in her mouth. Her beautiful snow-white face was almost transparent at this time, and there was no color of any element **.

Looking at the flesh and meat foam residue between the teeth in Lord Baihu's mouth and the animal corpses in the place just now, these elves looked at the captain who had been vomiting to death like the most ordinary elf, and for the first time they were glad that their strength was not the strongest.

.................................................. Oh, my God! There is no manuscript saved today. I have just typed it so far. What should I do tomorrow? You have to give me some excitement. I've been in a bad mood recently................................................