
Chapter 226 Entering the Elf World 2

The huge body of the white tiger passed by Mora, and there was a tiger claw that was about to catch Xuesina's robe. Mo stretched his hand to stop his waist and suddenly hugged the white tiger girl three or two times bigger than himself.

It feels like a child holding an oversized plush toy, and this toy can only move. The white tiger kept trying to stretch out his paws to catch Xue Sina, but it was close to the world. There is no other way but to stir the air.

The white tiger wanted to use the power in his body to give Xuesina a gray-headed and embarrassed, but after being hugged by Mora from the tiger's waist like holding a toy, his strength completely disoed the command.

The white tiger wants to turn around and give Mora a claw, but obviously unless the white tiger's legs and feet have practiced the so-called yoga in human beings. However, in addition to molluscs such as snakes, the white tiger's body is soft and can't avoid the natural restrictions of joints.

Seeing his noble and arrogant white tiger being held by the barely qualified human man like a big plush toy, all the elves wanted to shoot the arrow in their hands into the man's eyebrows.

But it is obvious that the strange guy White Tiger is looking for trouble.

Mora glanced at Shesina and motioned her to continue to communicate with these elves and ignore the big white cat.

Sena smiled, and then stretched out a hand on the white tiger's ear before the white tiger could react and twisted it in a circle.


The white tiger is furious! In the eyes of those elves, Mora's arms are like holding a blizzard. The white tiger, who felt that his dignity had been provoked, burst out of his body's own power, and the air was torn by her tossed and made a "brush" sound.

But Mora's body doesn't look like any effort, and even it can be seen that even his clothes have not been damaged.

The elves are not arrogant and brainless creatures. Although they held an extremely disdainful attitude towards human beings at first, now when they see that these two human beings ignored by themselves actually show such a ability, these elves naturally change their attitude.

Looking at this, Shesna immediately seized the opportunity and said:

"Dear alien guests, I don't know what's wrong with you coming to our main world. Although our strength is not the strongest, we must be able to give you some help in some things.

The elf male leader took a look at the elf female leader who was still kneeling and vomiting. The female leader waved her hand at him and motioned him to come to the home team and spit out first.

When the male leader saw that the female leader gave him the right to speak, he dared to boldly come forward to negotiate with Mora Shesna on behalf of the whole elf team.

It's not that women in the elf world are superior to men, but that this female leader is too strong. And the extremely powerful talent and power progress also gave her enough arrogant capital.

Even without those, the royal identity of the wind speakers is enough to make the elves afraid and speechless. The elves love peace, but that doesn't mean that they are equally stable.

Where there are people, rivers and lakes are suitable for any creature or population. Unless there is only one person in that population. Otherwise, even if there are only two people, there will be countless disputes.

Neither humans, elves, or even gods can get rid of this.

There is no need to say that human beings, elves, right in front of them. God, Mora's encounter is enough to explain everything. As for the evil country of the abyss, it is a chaotic land, and good order and good kindness are as incredible as darkness in the kingdom of God.

The male elf leader corrected his attitude this time and saluted Shesina and Mora and said, "We are elves from Teda Hill, a tree belonging to the three worlds in the elf plane. Our world is being attacked by a dark army from an ignorant land outside the sky. They are far less powerful than us, but ten It's weird, and it seems that their people can be resurrected after death, but we didn't know this news at first. By the time we found out, their strength was not far from ours.

The trees of the three worlds have been attacked, and the battle has spread to the whole elf world. All the elves are already in a hot battle. Even the newborn elves have given up their childhood games and entered the preparation for battle.

However, the battle is getting fierce. Although we can repel those enemies once at a time, their dead bodies will soon be resurrected in their camp, and our brothers and sisters will all return to Elune's arms after death.

Later, our respected great White Tiger Lord led a group of elf guards to kill the guards of the Black Legion, found their resurrection altar, and caused great damage to the altar, but did not completely destroy the altar, but only reduced the power of the altar. The soldiers who resurrected them are not as powerful as they were before death.

But once they pass their weak period, these people will immediately become soldiers similar to us.

However, what is sad is that our White Tiger Lord fell when the altar was damaged. Fortunately, the kindness of our ancient Elune can still permeate the whole elf world, and the sleeping Elune used her power to recall the soul of the White Tiger Lord. However, the soul of Lord White Tiger is very seriously damaged.

Moreover, from the injury of Lord White Tiger, we learned a very frightening news for the elves. This invasion of the Dark Legion was supported by a dark superior god. Although he did not directly affect our battle, the dark resurrection altar was the product of his power.

The reason why all the dark legions are so powerful is that their power participates. The power of a superior god is not what our elf world can deal with at this time.

In order to prevent the white tiger's soul from being invaded by the dark forces during the resurrection and becoming a dark white tiger - the black tiger, the afterglow of Elune's sleep projected the white tiger's soul into your main world and let him complete those soul damage here.

Our task is to take Lord White Tiger back to awaken her strength and continue to fight against those evil and disgusting dark legions until our Elune's ancients revive.

Not long ago, we got a metaphor from the ancient Elune from the revelation of the moon well, saying that Lord White Tiger's soul damage has been fully recovered and can return from the main world.

I was just worried that Lord White Tiger did not revive the memory and strength in his soul, so he sent us to the main world to welcome the return of Lord White Tiger.

However, when we were cross-domain plane, we suddenly met a wanderer. In order to avoid the wanderer, we deviated from many originally measured safe routes. As a result, we accidentally encountered a time turbulence, which affected our journey. We don't know whether the time has been accelerated or delayed. Anyway, a big problem for us now is that we don't have enough energy crystals.

However, fortunately, Lord White Tiger has awakened his power, so when he goes back, he will awaken again and inherit the power that originally belonged to Lord White Tiger, he must be able to easily defeat and destroy the altar of the Dark Legion.

The male elf leader finished these things. Shesina looked at the male elf leader, but in terms of appearance, she was also a beautiful and handsome almost evil creature.

Sena touched her face with a little jealousy and suddenly thought that her master wanted to go to the elf world, not to be with the elf queen...

A sharp pain came from Susina's feet.

I don't know when the white tiger, who was still struggling angrily in Mora's arms, changed its strategy. If the two claws in the front can't be caught, then the two in the back can also be okay. So the white tiger tried his to sink his body and wanted to step on Xue Sina with his feet.

Unfortunately, Shesna just thought about whether Mora was going to mess around in the elf world, and Mora did not close the spiritual channel between herself and Shesna, so what Shesna thought suddenly appeared in Mora's mind.

Mora immediately loosened the strength of his hand, so the white tiger excitedly found that his back "foot" could fully touch the foot of the man who repeatedly provoked him, slowly withdrew his feet, and then Lord White Tiger kicked out with all his strength.

Sesina's eyes immediately widened. The beautiful cheeks were suddenly full of gas. Such a cute expression killed those elves in an instant. Although none of them understood why Xuesina suddenly made such an inexplicable expression at this time, it was obviously cute, wasn't it?

Beauty comes from cuteness. As soon as these elves saw such an expression as Susina, although it seemed a little inappropriate to talk about the tragic experience of the elves. But the elves don't care about those things. These are a group of guys who can die for the so-called charm.

However, they soon knew the reason for Shesina's expression. The white tiger's hind claws were fiercely stepping on Shesna's feet and constantly rubbing. Judging from the deep ground, this is a very difficult bear.

The twenty elves behind the two leaders finally couldn't help it. One of them asked his leader in elf language, "Sahul leader, is Lord White Tiger really awakened?"

"If it hadn't awakened its power, it would have been impossible for the white tigers in the world to reach a high level of ability." The male elf leader hasn't answered yet, and the other elf said.

"But why does Lord White Tiger always seem to be not very intimate with us? Moreover, it seems that Lord White Tiger is close to that human being. Why does it always make us feel that there is no breath of a king?"
