
Chapter 357 Bad guys, you are so bad

April 21.

"Your Excellency, the front is the time and space of the star domain. That person should have entered the star domain, and we still need to..."

is talking about the future messenger who has been reporting spatial coordinate data with his eyes closed. At this time, he is the only one who has the courage to talk to this criminal law messenger. Although other people have the intention to remind them, they dare not speak for fear that the criminal law messenger will be impressed by themselves, which is a complete tragedy.

It's like a tragedy that a poor young clerk was remembered by a strict boss.

However, these people, including this future messenger, don't know that the person in front of them is actually the person who is still famous in the universe and begins to become popular in the kingdom of the Lord God.

That's a secret transaction between him and the Lord God. How can he really take it out and tell people?

And this time, two children of two equally important gods and the crowned women set out to investigate something at the same time, but soon the divine fire of the two of them was extinguished. However, the divine fire under the crown was more vigorous, and even burned out the divine lamp that could withstand the divine fire in an instant, which caused a huge shock in the highest level of the five main kingdoms.

Because these people know that any divine fire that can reach this level, its owner must have reached the level of half a step or close to this level.

In other words, if there is a suitable main god device, then this female costume under the crown can achieve the position of the main god!

This fact scared a group of people.

Such talent and such qualifications are a great threat to the kingdom of gods that already has five gods.

Such a powerful person is not in the kingdom of the main god, but the women's uniform under this crown is the youngest one.

The younger this kind of thing, the more it is, the more their strength has greater potential and luck.

Such people are more likely to find the main god devices from ancient times in this universe than those who have stayed in this realm for countless years, so as to truly achieve the position of the Lord God.

These old guys were extremely jealous and reported the news to the Lord God as soon as possible.

They have stayed in this realm for so many years, and have already exhausted all the opportunities and blessings given to them by heaven and earth. There is no possibility of achieving the position of the Lord God. Only with a little unrealistic fantasy in their hearts, they woke up one morning and found that the Lord God mercifully installed a main god. He gave himself and told himself that he had been testing himself for so many years, and now he has finally become the owner of this perfect main device.

But now I suddenly found that another person who was countless times younger than me suddenly stepped into this sacred realm like myself, but he had countless times better than me to achieve the position of Lord God, and his heart suddenly became completely unbalanced.

Of course, these people are all those whose qualifications were not superb at the beginning. Even if they reached the realm of the half-step Lord God, they still did not get the eyes of the Lord God, so they secretly left their lives without knowing it.

Although the main god was extremely surprised that the qualification of the crowned women's clothing was so good, in the end, it was such a superb qualification that made him burst out a feeling called jealousy that had disappeared for many years, so he agreed to the confusion. The transaction.

This is the truth of the later confusion and taking people to chase Mora.

They chased along the energy fluctuation, but unfortunately they chased the wrong person because the power of the future messenger was too powerful.

So this is what happened.

The crowned woman's uniform safely integrates the heart of the main god and achieves the only real god in the universe.

And the confusion of planning for one's desire in his heart takes people to run in the direction of hell.

The bright stars are still beautiful and touching when they get close. It's just that countless eras and generations and even time are not enough to calculate that length, which really can't make people feel excited.

At this time, Mora was not in the mood to play hide-and-seek with those people. Immediately after accelerating, he disappeared. Even a space round hole was not used, as if it had disappeared out of thin air, leaving no fluctuation of energy and laws.

The future messenger looked strange. After waiting for the punishment messenger to ask, he first said, "That goal suddenly stopped and seemed to be waiting for us?"

How could this happen?

Since he has been running all the way, why did he stop at this time? Did he finally figure it out that he not only resisted?

Or did something make her unable to move?

Or, what special person did she suddenly meet to help her deal with these people?

How is that possible?!

This criminal law messenger, even the oldest group of upper gods in the kingdom of the main god will feel a ruthless and cold guy with a cool neck after hearing their names.

Who can make a criminal law messenger change his mind without the order of the Lord God? Most of the time, they directly play the role of the devil.

This criminal law envoy doesn't have so many ideas,

"Ha ha, did you finally give up? It's good to do this early. We have gone so many ways. We must treat her well later..."

Although I feel that it's a little risky to do this, who knows if this adult will wear small shoes for himself because of his silent, so the future messenger still carefully reminded:

"Your Excellency, I only see that the spatial orientation coordinates of the predicted target have not changed again, but maybe she has left there..."

The criminal law envoy smiled gloomically and said, "Do you want to say that she will run in a way? Ah ha ha, please, even if this is not a void universe, no object close to the speed of light does not exist, but we have the advantage of a light-year distance reconnaissance. Don't you think we will get there after a year? Ah ha ha..."

seemed to think this was a very funny reminder, and the criminal law messenger smiled unscrupulously. Although there was no air in the void to spread his voice, the arrogant and domineering thinking impact under the blessing of divine power and the disgusting domineering of the old man's boss the next day made these There is envy and hatred in people's hearts.

Few people are happy with the arrogance, recklessness and unreasonableness of this criminal law envoy, but the strength of the other party is there, and they do have that qualification, strength and status.

Even at this time, if the other party still insists on using the violent space jump method of not long ago, they have to pretend not to see, which may bring more bad reputation to the kingdom of the Lord God, but they can't control this.

For good, although the envoy of this criminal law was a little unscrupulous in those remote places, he finally restrained a little here and was able to start jumping through the normal space, although this method slowed down dozens of breathing time.

However, when thinking of this, many people are constantly slandering in their hearts: "Use all the time of that psychopath to be crazy and arrogant on the road. I guess it will definitely appear in that place in a normal way. What a powerful person's bad taste! Envy and hate!"

There are complaints in their hearts that can't be tolerated by all over the world. These people are still not careless when doing things. In case they are caught by this madman, they suddenly want to take the fireworks blooming at the last moment of their lives as his little pleasure in this dangerous cosmic starry sky. Who will complain to anyone if they die? Go?

This time, the door of space was opened in a regular manner. A group of people followed the messenger of criminal law and walked over one after another. Before they were completely finished, the last person found that a huge divine impact came from the other side of the door of space, making the unilaterally transmitted door of time and space tremble, and then collapsed. It collapsed.

If the last guy is a little faster, his foot must step into the door of space at this time, and the end must be the same as the person in front of him.

The penultimate person was right in the gate of space when the door of space collapsed. At this time, the people just left or wanted to enter the space, so generally speaking, he was the only one who was with the door of space at that moment.

A little image came from the last moment of the collapsed space debris, which was the tragic struggle and curse of the unfortunate guy. Obviously, as a god who died in the collapse of space, he will not get any post-death reputation or anything. Even if anyone remembers him, it is also a sad villain. It's just material.

Theoretically, there is no way to hurt the gods. Of course, that depends on the situation. Although it is the case most of the time, it is not wrong to wrong him for this person to die as a space collapse caused by the anger distorted space law caused by the most terrible divine power of the upper god. If you care about this, you have to blame himself for being unlucky.

People will only understand this - after learning the truth.

The last one didn't enter the door of the space, so he couldn't figure out what was going on there for a moment. Did the tracked suspect set up an ambush there?

How could it be! That's all!

But what happened to the huge magic impact that even caused the collapse of the door of space?

At least at the upper god level! Because the door of space is opened by several middle gods, it is impossible to destroy it without the strength of the upper god.

However, the upper god is the only one who is tracked under the crowned woman's clothing known as the mysterious shadow flower of the main god country. Although the role of the proud woman of heaven rarely appears in public, her fame is one of the best in this main god country like her appearance, although there is another big reason for this Because she has almost always lived within a hundred light years of the Lord God, and even has the right to meet the Lord God immediately, just like going in and out of the second-level forbidden place of the Lord God like her own home.

The other one is the criminal law messenger, but it won't be the collapse space created by the criminal law messenger. Even if he is in a bad mood, he is so open and angry with the lives of his subordinates, all those who are already dissatisfied with the criminal law messenger will definitely tear him apart. At that time, even the Lord God will not be saved.

The criminal law messenger who committed public anger in this kind of thing is still not worth using his majesty and power to save him.

So, is it really the women's uniform under the crown?

But this woman is too bold, right? Even if you are sure to win the battle, why pull the battlefield here?

ps: A few days ago, a flower bloomed a tree, and after a rain last night, it fell like rain. Today, looking at the decline of the remnants and willows, I don't know why I suddenly feel that I was also blown away by the rain like this, which makes me so distressed...