
Chapter 358 Level World

April 22.

You should know that although the criminal law messenger himself is in charge of criminal law and is extremely familiar with the criminal law in the kingdom of the Lord God, this does not mean that he is a perfect and good citizen!

On the contrary, the existence of such people is simply a cancer of a divine country to some extent. Because they are extremely thorough in the law, they also know more and more how to avoid the loopholes of the law and seek some benefits for themselves that they are willing to see.

They can ignore the law so that people understand the essence of order compliance, but simply talk about it with the appearance of the law, and are extremely skilled in using the loopholes of the law to kill one opponent and enemy after another, and even return to the dust with a deep resentment and stench reputation.

In any case, such a person is a poisonous snake and scorpion-like task. Even if there is a grudge against them, it is best to take them far away. People can't always argue with a mad dog who loves to bite people.

I really don't know what the crowned lady thinks?

Do you want to limit the attack of the criminal law messenger by using the existence of many planets and life in this star domain?

It is impossible to think about this, because in the kingdom of the Lord God, dozens of living planets were accidentally killed for this reason, which is not cared about at all for these people, and they are not legally responsible.

Does the woman's dress expect the man's legendary spirit of kindness, kindness and fraternity in his heart to make him give up attacking himself because of those ants?

Is your brain broken?


In fact, it is not the woman's clothes under the crown that are broken, but the confusion disguised as the criminal law messenger.

When he came out of the door of space with a group of people, he found that there was no one in the dozens of light years from this place to the present!

Although there are many living galaxies and star domains hundreds of light years away, if the other party does not use space technology, it is impossible to exceed the speed of light in any case. That is to say, if the other party does not use law and divine space technology, it will only have dozens of seconds of light distance from himself at most at this time. However, there is an empty and lonely vision. Where is there a half-person figure?

I was fooled!

A few seconds later, he understood this fact in confusion, so the pseudo-criminal law messenger instantly burst out his magic power and vented his anger on the people around him.

Except for the future messenger's mind to move at a critical moment and instantly open the main god's protection system, everyone else was completely smashed into scum by this confusion! Naturally, this includes the unlucky man who has not yet come out of the door of space.

The future messenger opened the main god protection system at the last moment, and was instantly transmitted back to the kingdom of the main god by the power of the main god on his body, and complained to the gods about the actions of this criminal law messenger.

Of course, you can also see the difference between the pseudo-god and the true god at this time. This divine power of blessing on the future messenger only has such a simple protection and transmission function. If it is the real main god, you can add your consciousness to this divine power at this time, instantly know what is happening here, and may even give it to this A muddle-headed man who is breaking the rules crazily.

However, this is just talk.

First, the identity of the confused criminal envoy is just a disguise. Second, the Lord God will not kill him until he gets the things in his hand.

However, at this time, he was confused but did not care about whether the Lord God would trouble him or not. His attention was attracted by this void. He stared at this empty world, as if he wanted to peel off the girl's clothes with his eyes. He couldn't wait to drop this void with his own eyes. All the laws of the empt and the things that may block the sight are peeled off, revealing the woman hidden inside who actually provoked herself.

But the facts are not as expected.

As a god, although there is a gap between the gods of this era and those of ancient times, this gap is only reflected between gods and gods. Most of the time, when it is aimed at mortals, the existence and non-existence of this gap is meaningless, just like a match and a lighter for a gas station. In fact, the meaning is the same.

Although it seemed to be very irrational to kill those fellow middle gods and several other upper gods, the anger had calmed down at the moment of action, and the rest was calm analysis.

The criminal law messenger is fake. The consequence of doing so must be that the main god must kill the real master of this identity to comfort and soothe the existence of those angry main gods. At the same time, it will also give those other criminal law messengers a lesson to make them clear why they can be so arrogant. Zhang unscrupulously used the vacancy of the law to seek benefits for himself, but in the end, all these rights were still granted by the Lord God, so their arrogance must be restrained when serving the Lord God, otherwise, the end is doomed to be miserable.

"And even without himself, the main god will probably find one or two guys who have done too much and caused the gods to rebound as an example of the monkey."

Of course, that actually doesn't have much direct relationship with him. The only thing that can reassure him is that although he will be extremely angry and eager to tear himself into eighteen pieces, he should be very satisfied with his actions in fact...

But even if the person has a problem with himself, so what! It is impossible for him to catch himself, and even if his real body comes, it is useless.

Humph, those who have been sitting on that throne for thousands of years may have forgotten the "Wan Kefa" in this universe, which is also one of the ten supreme laws - everything is possible.

The world is full of variables. The Lord God is the supreme existence in the current universe, but in the eyes of the whole universe, it is just a more special cloud smoke. When the wind blows back, it will not exist.

It's ridiculous that those guys still think that as long as they admit the truth, there is nothing in the world that they can't do.

Do you not know that as long as you have a period of time, you can completely master that technology? At that time, no matter which god takes action, it means that you are about to step into that supreme realm and become one of the five masters of the universe.

Thinking of the anti-sky technology found in the ruins, the corners of his confused eyes flashed with horrible fanaticism and coldness.

As long as the Lord takes action, the world will shock the universe.

When you completely take away the body of a main god, and other main gods come to do something against you, then, ha, don't blame yourself for being alone in the universe.

However, it still takes a little time to collect that special magic power, otherwise it would be a little loss if you rely on your own life to launch that ability.

Of course, the best way is to directly get the divine power and divine body of the goddess called the woman's uniform under the crown, which is simply the most perfect vessel to cultivate that special divine power.

It is also because of looking at everything in the kingdom of the crowned woman, this confusion is an incomparable affirmation that the kingdom of the main god must not have the experience and experience of the core of the divine power being invaded by some special force. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to be cultivated like such a perfect physique that no one has done it so far. .

What could be a more perfect tourist attraction than this undefelled world with the core of divine power?

He was confused and changed his face. Sometimes he was angry because he couldn't find the woman's uniform under the crown for a while, and he was surprised and excited about his future world scene.

However, at this time, he still did not take any action, but quietly watched the shock wave of the explosion after the two upper gods and more than a dozen middle gods were killed to sweep the empty universe in an instant, and at the same time, he jumped to create some wormholes at the speed of the distorted law from time to time to hit those life star fields in advance.

Simply in terms of time, in about a year or so, this divine power will fluctuate to reach the star domain hundreds of light years away. I hope that there will be more than three median gods in it. Otherwise, even after a year, this devastating divine power across space will still make them want to live and die. .

Even if they can protect their own planet, nearby asteroids and various stars may be affected, so that the life system of this star domain will be completely destroyed.

But what's that about yourself? Even the people of the Lord God will not care about this kind of thing.

Besides, his original purpose is to use the explosion of the core of the divine power after the death of these people to sweep the universe, so that the person who may be hidden in this universe is invisible.

In fact, he has wanted to do this for a long time. However, he knows that the mentality of his goal is a strange humanoid creature protector, and he has a special feeling for all human-shaped creatures, which is also the main reason why she is more lonely in the kingdom of the main god.

According to the confused idea, this woman's clothing will probably stop and hide in this star field, and then find a way to use the terrain of these places to get rid of herself.

Of course, that's just her wishful thinking. As a childish child of a humanoid animal protection association, she can't remember the attitude of those high-ranking beings in the kingdom of gods - their attitude towards humanoid creatures.

Since tens of thousands of years ago, a ghost used the magic core of a middle god to make an energy source as a core-like existence, and then collected a large number of elemental assemblies, giving them a little foundation for life according to the degree of life structure, and finally giving The initial speed of the artificial world made them form a small star system. And after successfully creating a small race in it, any non-god or non-god galaxy in the universe has become the worst existence without theocracy. No one cares about their life and death. At most, they will make a record of their living form and civilization, and then reproduce one in another empty universe. Anyway, no matter how destroyed it is, those can be made.

What aggravates this consciousness the most is that tens of thousands of years later, a humanoid creature in that artificial galaxy was successfully integrated into a divine core and became a "member" in the kingdom of the main god.

Since then, all citizens of the non-god kingdom and non-god citizens of the kingdom of gods are reptile creatures in this universe.

If it was the existence of these two countries that killed them, then they died in vain.

Just like a human walking on the road and trampling a bug to death, no one will think that the human should be sent to prison because of this, and even the madman of the most brain-damaged Animal Protectors Association will not think so.