evil spirit

Chapter 108 Long time no see!

Chapter 108 [Long time no see!]

Since I've been through so many things, I've rarely been angry.


It seems that few things can really arouse my inner anger now.

But now, looking at Ni Duoduo dressed in a cute and docile posture, she was held in the arms of the princess as a pet, and at the same time greeted me indifferently...

I don't know why, deep in my heart, a flame was suddenly ignited in an instant!!!

Yes! This feeling is anger! It's real anger, the kind of anger that can arouse my murderous anger in my heart!! My face was cold, and I stared at Ni Duoduo, who was held in the princess's arms...

She felt my eyes. After all, she had experienced a period of mutual dependence with me. She understood all the subtle signs of my expression change and eye change! I'm sure that Ni Duoduo also felt the fury in my eyes! She didn't even dare to look into my eyes!

Perhaps, before that, I just had an instinctive dislike for the princess... but I just didn't like her. She is slutty by nature. Although she doesn't conform to my principles of life, I will never have any special hatred for her...

But at this moment, at this moment, I hate this woman from the bottom of my heart! She wanted to hit me. In order to retaliate against me, in order to demonstrate to me... I can actually use this method!!

Maybe she doesn't know that such a means will only arouse my most primitive and crazy anger!

My mood has changed. Even Yang Wei, who was standing next to me, felt that she was closest to me and felt that my fingertips were trembling. Although my face was cold, the beating of the muscles in the corners of my eyes could not hide Yang Wei... I was actually murderous!

Yes, at this moment, I almost can't wait to kill the princess.

"Chen Yang..." Yang Wei called me quietly, and then she took a step forward. It was just a moment of anger in my mind. Suddenly, I felt a soft little hand stuffed into my palm. I looked down and Yang Wei had gently held my hand. He smiled gently at me.

Her eyes, like the best sedative, made me wake up a little in an instant...

My clenched fist slowly loosened again, and then I took a deep breath and looked at the princess who looked at me with a provocative face... I suddenly had a ridiculous idea: the idiotic provocation to this kind of idiot woman. Is it necessary for me to be angry?

"Your Highness." I looked at the smile on the woman's face... She seemed to notice the evil spirit on me just now, and her smile was a little stiff, and her body took a step back in fear. I looked at her coldly and did not hide my disdain: "You should be lucky, because you are Solin's daughter. Otherwise... people like you would have died a hundred times."

After saying that, I stepped forward. Yang Wei was shocked and quickly wanted to pull me. She was probably afraid that I would do something too much under the fire, especially what I would do to the princess. I gently broke free from her hands. Looking back at her, "Don't worry, I understand."

Looking at me approaching, the princess also seemed to notice something wrong. She was a little nervous and looked at me: "Chen, Chen Yang... What do you... want to do?"

I ignored her. I looked at Ni Duoduo in the princess's arms with murderous eyes, and then said coldly, " Ni Duoduo, you *** come here!"

My cold voice, full of suppressed anger, made Ni Duoduo's whole body tremble. A trace of vibration suddenly flashed in her big lifeless eyes, and even her body trembled.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The princess pointed to me and laughed wildly, "Chen Yang, you must be dizzy! She is my baby and my pet now! She won't listen to you, she will only listen to me..."

She was laughing wildly, and I felt more and more that this gorgeous woman was actually not charming at all, especially the sound of her smile, which was really like an old hen with eggs. I still ignored the princess, but raised my voice slightly in a colder tone:

" Ni Duoduo! I asked you to come over, do you hear me? I'll say it again for the last time! You'd better not make me angry! You know what it's like for me to get angry!" I stared at the little girl in the princess's arms, word by word, and said coldly, "You! Here! Me! Pass! Come on!!"

"Chen Yang, are you crazy? I said she only listens now..." The princess still wants to mock me...

However, Ni Duoduo trembled violently a few times, and then suddenly turned around and struggled out of her arms. The princess was unprepared. Ni Duoduo had left her arms, hesitated for a moment, and then came to me. The princess was furious and wanted to pull her. At first, I had taken the lead and slapped her hand.

Ni Duoduo looked at me in fear. Her face was full of fear of me, and her body was trembling. At least this mood was much better than the lifeless look just now.

I know that Ni Duoduo is still very afraid of me, or she is extremely dependent on me... The kind of people who have experienced the days of desperation together and the struggle of life and death together has almost deeply branded my fear and dependence on me and absolute obedience in the heart of this little girl. Remember.

Especially when I was really angry.

"Bastard! Chen Yang! How dare you rob my toy!" The princess was so angry that her face changed. She screamed, but I went up and forced her further. She was so scared that she shut up quickly.

"Listen to me! Maybe someone would like to be your toy, but she is not!" I looked at the princess coldly: "And, don't try to annoy me, you stupid woman. If your IQ is half the size of your chest, you should think about me!"

After saying that, I looked back at Ni Duoduo, who looked at me with big eyes, and shouted with a calm face, "What are you looking at! Go with me!"

"But..." Ni Duoduo finally opened her mouth. She looked at me hesitantly and then at the princess: "I...I...I'm not..."

I stared, and she was so scared that she immediately swallowed the second half of the sentence. I couldn't help but say that I picked up Ni Duoduo, as if I had forcibly took her home and carried her on my shoulder. As long as she dared to move, I immediately raised my hand and hit her ass rudely!

I really hit it very hard! I only hit it twice, and Ni Duoduo didn't dare to struggle.

I winned at Yang Wei. Then he turned around and carried Ni Duoduo out. The princess screamed angrily and tried to stop me, but I threw it away. And this woman immediately wanted to shout loudly... After all, she is the "princess" here, and Yang Wei has hugged her neck from behind, reached out to cover her mouth, whispering something in her ear...

I don't care about this, hold your head high. With a man on his shoulder, he strode through the banquet hall.

I don't know how many strange and surprised eyes came along the way, and the lady exclaimed in a low voice. And I didn't care about this. I just walked out of the castle and walked through the lawn outside. In the two castles, Solin's men seemed to feel a little strange. They came up to stop me or ask me, but before they approached, I stared and shouted, "Get out of here!" Don't bother me!"

The two Solin's men recognized me as a Solind VIP and didn't dare to stop me.

I walked smoothly to the outside of the castle. Hansen and Hammer waited in the car, but they didn't come out with Yang Wei. Instead, there was a strange young girl on their shoulders. Both of them were a little surprised. Without further ado, I directly opened the door and said to the two, "Get out of the car!"

The hammer came down quickly, and Hansen asked me, "Where's our young lady?"

"It's inside." I said quickly, "I have something to deal with now. I've driven the car away. If you have any questions, you can ask Yang Wei later."

I threw Ni Duoduo into the co-pilot's seat of the car, sat in the driver's seat and closed the door heavily. Ni Duoduo seemed to be a little timid and asked me, "Chen Yang... Where are you taking me?"

"Shut up!" I looked at her coldly: "And, don't move! Sit down honestly!" (

I started the car and slammed on the accelerator, and the car immediately rushed out like an out-of-control monster! I didn't look at the road signs, and I didn't care about the direction. I drove out randomly all the way. If there was a road, I rushed forward. When there was no way, I turned around. Anyway, I don't care so much, just keep driving like this. I drove this car so fast that it was like I was going to vent my anger on the accelerator...

I don't know how long I drove. I just felt that there seemed to be a lot of remote places around me. I suddenly stepped on the brakes, and the huge body of the car stopped. I patted the steering wheel hard, and then turned my head to look at Ni Duoduo: "Get out of the car!!"

I rushed out of the car, then turned around and pulled the girl out of the car. Then I sat on the front of the car, pressed her on my knees, made her buttocks high, and then hit her right hand hard!

Bang! Bang! Pa...

Don't think it's a joke, I played very hard! And from Ni Duoduo's painful exhalation and the struggle of her body, I know that I must have hurt her very much.

I don't know how many times I hit it. Later, I even felt a little pain in my hand, so I stopped. And Ni Duoduo, her body trembled gently, and from the sound of her nose, she was crying gently.

I put her down. Sure enough, there were tears on her face, and tears dazzled the makeup on her face, especially the eye shadow and foundation, which made a mess. She bit her lips tightly. She hurt her very much just now, but she didn't dare to shout loudly, but couldn't help screaming in a low voice. Obviously, she bit her lips and endured it very hard.

The more I looked at her, the more angry I became. I turned around and took out two large bottles of mineral water from the back of the car and threw them in front of her. Then I took a bag of paper from the car and threw it to her. I shouted, "Wash your face clean!" Do you know? You look like a high-level prostitute now!! You stupid girl!!"

Ni Duoduo cried. This time, she cried silently, and tears kept flowing from her eyes. But he didn't dare to talk to me. He bent down silently, picked up the plastic water bottle on the ground, unwred it, held the water in his hand, and rinsed it on his face over and over again. The more she washes, the more tears will flow...

Although she looks pitiful, I am not soft-hearted at this moment.

I think she should take some lessons! This stupid girl! When will she become sensible? Only then can we not do these ridiculous and stupid things?!

When a person does a stupid thing when he is young, it may be said that he is young and ignorant. But she has happened these annoying stupid things again and again... I really don't want to scold her for being willing to degenerate... But I really can't think of any other words.

Ni Duoduo washed to the end, and she couldn't stand. He squatted on the ground, covered his face with his hands, and began to cry. She cried so pitifully, so helpless, little her. He just squatted on the edge of the street and cried.

I sighed and finally felt a little relieved. I walked over. He also squatted down, snatched the water bottle from her hand, then broke open her hand covering her face, and looked at the snot and tears on her face.

Yes, she is very hateful, but she is also pitiful.

I poured some water on the paper towel, wet the paper towel, and then went to wipe her face. At first, she was a little afraid of me and seemed to dodged. Then it didn't move, allowing me to wipe her face one by one.

After using up two whole bottles of water and half a pack of tissue paper, Ni Duoduo finally regained her true face, at least no longer like a senior prostitute. It seems that this is the Ni Duoduo, the young face in my impression.

I casually threw the tissue in my hand on the ground, then stood up and looked at her condescendingly: "Daiduo, listen! Don't think that you can do something wrong when you are young! Everyone can only be young once! If you continue to do these ridiculous things... you'd better understand that someone won't help you and save you every time! You are not a child anymore. You have to be responsible for your own life! You... you'd better *** be more sensible to me! Don't you know that others have been worried about your affairs? But you don't seem to be a person?! If you really don't want to live a normal life, I'll teach you that one bullet can end your life! Otherwise, you can also find a place where there is no one to make yourself rot!!! Don't think what I said is cruel! Because that's how you let me down! It makes me very, very disappointed in you!! I once thought everything I did for you was worth it! At least I saved you, saved you from the pit of fire, at least let you escape from the depravity... Even if I paid the price! But now, all the things you sacrificed to me have been in vain!!"

Watching the girl squatting on the ground and crying and shrinking into a ball, my tone was even more indifferent: "What are you crying for? What do you have to cry about? Let me tell you, don't always think of yourself so pitiful! There are more people in the world than you are poor!! Don't always feel helpless and need to wait for others to save you! Indeed, I can help you and help you... But what about you? You have done this kind of self-depraving thing over and over again! If you are a person who always takes the initiative to jump into the fire, then others can't help you. I just want to give you eight words: clean and self-love! It's easy to take care of yourself!!"

After saying this, I really didn't want to pay attention to this girl who always did stupid things. I turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly my leg was hugged.

I looked down. Ni Duoduo had knelt on the ground. Her body trembled like leaves in the storm. Her hands hugged one of my legs tightly, and her face pressed against my leg. At the same time, she pleaded with a crying and trembling voice: "Chen Yang... Don't go, please don't go... I beg you..."

I wanted to break free, but seeing that she cried pitifully, I couldn't bear it for a while.

"Mom is dead, grandma is gone... My father is an asshole who doesn't care about me! No one cares about me, no one loves me... Chen Yang, I only have you... only you care... I, only you... love me, protect, protect... The little girl sobs and intermittently said in a trembling voice, "Except for you, I have no one else in the world to believe... Chen Yang. Please don't leave... Don't leave, leave! Please don't... You can't want me... Don't want me..." Her tears and snot all fell on my trousers, and her body collapsed.

I was hard-hearted for a long time, but finally I couldn't help but soften.

After all, she is Ni Duoduo. It was the girl I once took her to escape thousands of miles, the girl who once lived together in a room on the way to escape, in a murderous environment, the trembling girl hiding in my arms.

I bent down and set her up. Ni Duoduo seemed to have found something to rely on. She hugged me with both hands and cried loudly. He kept shouting, "I'm sorry... Chen Yang, I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Don't say sorry to me." Although my tone was still indifferent, I still showed a little unbearance to the girl: "I don't like to hear you always say sorry to me... Why do you always feel sorry to me? Why can't you live a normal life? You are not eight years old now. You are eighteen years old! You have to understand that life is your own, and life is also your own land! If you have to ruin your life, it's your own business!! You didn't feel sorry for me, and more importantly, you were sorry for yourself! And I don't want to meet you every time. You look like a person who doesn't look like a person, and a ghost doesn't look like a ghost!"

Ni Duoduo shook her head and still hugged me: "I was wrong. Chen Yang, please don't leave me... I was wrong... I'm sorry..."


I sighed heavily. In my heart, I was really soft-hearted to this girl. I was angry and disgusted, but there was still a concern.

This kind of feeling is undoubtedly complicated.

" get in the car!" I said depressedly and stuffed her into the car. I got in the car, started the car, and then looked at her: "Where do you live?"

Ni Duoduo quickly gave me an address. Then she explained to me that she rented a high-end apartment. It's near University Town, Toronto.

I still didn't give her a good look, but Ni Duoduo tried her best to explain it to me all the way.

The last time she ran to the damn ** party, she was taken by a classmate who was also born in a rich family. Before she went there, she didn't know it was such a place. I didn't say anything about her explanation. She said it last time.

To be honest, in fact, I forgave her in my heart last time, but after all, she is Brother Huan's daughter... Considering many factors, I didn't contact her again.

But today...

Looking at the change of my face, Ni Duoduo knew what I was thinking and quickly said, "I... Sophie..."

"How did you get along with this woman? Humph, her pet? You..." I couldn't help but go up again when I thought of the anger that had dissipated just now.

Ni Duoduo quickly said, "The last time I saw you, Sophie came to me. She said that she knew you and knew your whereabouts... I... I know that you were very angry with me after you left last time... I thought you didn't want me anymore and never see me again... I... Chen Yang, I was very scared... Fei was very kind to me, and she also helped me deal with a lot of people who bullied me at school... And the classmate who took me to the party last time... She threatened me later. I was very scared at that time, and Sophie helped me..."

"Hmm." I sneered. But I thought to myself: Can I help you? Princess Sophie is one of the core members of that ** organization! As for your classmates threatening you, and then Sophie came forward to help you deal with it... 100%, it must be Sophie who deliberately let people do this to deceive you!

And the reason why the princess did this was also very simple... She thought I had something to do with Ni Duoduo, so she wanted to trick the girl into getting revenge on me.

"Then what? Then did you get together with her? I sneered.

"Well...yes...ah, no, no, no." Ni Duoduo almost cried again. She quickly explained, "I... I'm very grateful to her... but she... Later, I thought you didn't want me anyway... And she was very good to me, so..."

"So you actually got together with a woman? Humph! So you went to her bed?! Humph!!" I was even more angry.

"No..." Ni Duoduo was trembling: "She forced me, but I refused... She wanted to do something strange to me. Later, she said that you didn't want me... and made me hate you... I don't know if I can do it, but she won't allow me to mention you again. Moreover, she began to become fierce. If I didn't listen to her, she would hit me... She also threatened to announce that kind of party..."

Humph, pure little lamb. Being dragged into the trap step by step.

"Are you afraid of her?"

"Well... Sophie is kind to me sometimes, and sometimes she is mean to me. She once wanted to do it to me... But I finally refused. I really couldn't do it. She was so angry that she smashed a lot of things, but finally she didn't touch me." Later, I learned that it was because the princess wanted to compete with me in her heart. She had to completely cheat Ni Duoduo to win me, so it's useless.)

"So you were so indifferent when you saw me just now, and she asked you to do it?" I frowned.

"Um..." Ni Duoduo looked at my face carefully. Fearing that I would get angry again, I quickly said, "I... I thought you didn't want me anyway... You won't talk to me anymore... So..."

The typical mentality of an ignorant girl.

I sighed again.

And Ni Duoduo saw that my tone of talking to her became more and more peaceful, and she seemed to gradually show some careful happiness. He looked at me without relaxing for a moment, as if he was afraid that I would disappear from her.

Although I don't know the way to Toronto at all, fortunately there is Ni Duoduo. After all, she has been in Toronto for more than a year, under her guidance. I drove to find her place of residence.

This is indeed a very high-end apartment, and the area is not small. Judging from Ni Duoduo living alone, such a house can almost be regarded as a luxury. I vaguely remember that I heard what the princess said. Ni Duoduo actually has an asset of 20 million US dollars... It should be all given to her by Brother Huan.

I originally wanted to send her to the door, but the little girl was obviously particularly attached to me, especially today, when she hugged me and cried bitterly. Now it was the most ** time for me. She looked at me eagerly and refused to get out of the car for a long time. Finally, I sighed: "Be a good person and live a good The next time I see you. I don't want to hear you say 'I'm sorry' to me anymore!" He paused: "If I know next time and you do these stupid things again, then I don't think I will pay attention to you anymore! Did you hear that?!"


I sighed, thought for a moment, and said, "That Sophie, you don't have to worry about her. I'll find a way to make her not bother you again. I promise you this... But in the beginning, if you do another depraved thing... even if there is only one thing! Ni Duoduo... If that's the case, even if you die in front of me in the future, I won't look at you."

I originally planned to see her get out of the car and leave, but after Ni Duoduo rubbed out of the car, I saw that her walking posture was a little limping, and I found that she had hit me in the buttocks too much. Later, when she squatted on the ground and kneltted on the ground just now,

Looking at her alone, I finally got out of the car, and then put my hand on her and walked into the apartment.

Ni Duoduo was obviously very happy. She almost opened the door with a happy expression, and then hung on me and hugged me.

Her house was really big, but when I walked in with her in my arms, I suddenly felt a strange feeling in the dark...

I couldn't help frowning, and the feeling seemed to make me a little uneasy...

The room was very dark. When Ni Duoduo reached out to turn on the light, I felt more and more that my inner uneasiness suddenly became stronger!

It's murderous!!

I was shocked! Then, in an instant, a cool air spread from the back of my head to my heel!! The hair all over my body seemed to stand up in an instant!!

Suddenly, I pushed Ni Duoduo in front of me. She fell on the carpet, and I suddenly twisted to one side. At the same time, I quickly pulled out my dagger from the soles of my trousers! My body has exerted all its explosive power in an instant! I twisted my waist, and at the same time, my body formed like a bow, and the dagger in my hand waved quickly behind me!!

I have done my fastest reaction, and I have done my best! However, my temple was still held by a cold thing!

That's a gun!

Then, I heard a familiar, indifferent voice:

"Learn five! Don't move!!"

Hearing this sound, I calmed down in an instant!

At this time, Ni Duoduo had already screamed and turned on the light in the room. Then she looked in my direction with frightened eyes... She seemed to want to scream, but she seemed to rush over.

"Don't come here!"

It was me who said this with the voice just now.

In the room, I stood face to face with a middle-aged man!

As in my memory, his whole body is full of a kind of leopard-like rapid power, his facial expression is calm, and he is always so indifferent! The light hit his face, and the shadow on his face was as hard and cold as granite!

He has a gun in his hand, and the muzzle is against my temple. As long as he gently pulls the trigger, it can kill me!

And I, the blade of the dagger in my hand is against the aorta under his neck. As long as my wrist is hard, I can cut his blood vessels!

The two of us looked at each other for a while, and then he looked at me and said lightly, "Xiao Wu, you have made progress. Your skills are much better than before.

I just smiled briefly, then looked at him and said slowly, "Long time no see... Thank you for your praise, but these are all thanks to you... Golden River!!"