evil spirit

Chapter 109 Fight

Chapter 109 [Bad Fight] Although the temple was held by a cold muzzle, I didn't panic too much.

It's just that I suddenly encountered the Golden River here, which brought a strong... shock to my heart! At this moment, I couldn't help but have a strange idea: Did Ni Duoduo deliberately lead me up? So that Jin He can ambush me here? But soon I swept the idea out of my mind.

Because I saw the frightened look on Ni Duoduo's face, it was definitely not fake.

The girl covered her mouth with one hand and watched Jinhe and me face each other in such a strange situation. Both of them held the deadly point of the other party... Finally, Ni Duoduo still shouted out. She didn't dare to rush over, but pointed to Jinhe and screamed loudly, "What are you doing! Let him go! Put down the gun!!" Jin He ignored Ni Duoduo, and his eyes just stared at me. He seemed to sigh: "Gang Wu, why did you appear here... You shouldn't show up."

"The world is not big."

I said lightly, "One day we can't escape each other after all... Do you think I will hide in a hole like a mouse and live my whole life?" Jin He was silent for a moment: "You have changed."

I pulled the corners of my mouth and said, "It's still the same... It's also thanks to you."

"But did you forget... the day we last met... I told you that I only let you go once, and the next time we meet, I will definitely kill you."

The sound of the Golden River is cold.

"Kill me? Here?" I sneered.

"You guys, break up! Separate! You.

Put down the gun!!" Ni Duoduo was so anxious that she almost cried. If it hadn't been for the fact that both of us had pointed our weapons at each other's ground, the girl would have rushed over long ago.

Jin He frowned, just when he was so distracted.

I suddenly twisted my body and raised my left hand and quickly hit out of his arm holding the gun! At the same time, the body immediately shrank down... Bang! This particle bullet rubbed my scalp almost as never before and shot it out! And Jinhe's reaction is also extremely fast! As soon as I was short, his knees had quickly pushed up and went straight to my face! I had no choice but to withdraw my hand holding the dagger and hit him down on his knees with my elbow... Both of us retreated hard at the same time. I turned my head on the ground and then took the opportunity to stand up, and Jinhe stepped back two steps and raised the gun again to look for me.

I have hid behind the sofa.

"No!" Ni Duoduo rushed to the Golden River like crazy, opened her arms, and tried to stop the Golden River from shooting.

Jin He's face remained unchanged. When Ni Duoduo approached him, he casually cut his palm on the girl's neck, and Ni Duoduo softened.

Jin He held her on the ground, and then looked at me coldly behind the sofa: "Chen Yang.

How long are you going to hide behind the cabinet? I leaned behind the cupboard, held the dagger in my hand, and said loudly, "You feel impatient.

You can come here."

I took a deep breath. From my point of view, I could faintly see the shadow of the Golden River approaching from the glass next to me. Although he didn't make any footsteps or other movements, I was so lucky. There was a glassware next to the cabinet I hid! Do you know? Jinhe, shoot in the room. Do you want to kill yourself? Or do you want to kill Duoduo? Humph..." I deliberately provoked him.

But my words also silenced Jin He for a moment.

Cer to be true.

Usually, the scene of gunfights in the room in movies is actually a little exaggerated.

In fact, when shooting in the city, the bullets fired are usually bounce back and refracted! It has become an irregular bounce! Unless Jinhe is sure to hit me with one shot, otherwise, the probability of killing me or him, or Ni Duoduo is actually the same! Therefore, in reality, few real people dare to shoot in the house.

I took the glassware in my hand in the dark. With a force in my hand, I pinched it into several pieces. I took one of them and pinched it with the most suitable hand. Then I took a deep breath and suddenly rolled to the ground and rushed out to the side! Sure enough, although Jin He reacted quickly, he hesitated indoors before shooting. Then although he fired, the bullet just brushed the soles of my feet. Fortunately, the bullet shot through a flash of the wooden door behind him and did not bounce back.

When I was in mid-air, I was fully prepared. I raised my hand and shot out the broken glass! Jinhe's eyes were quick, and he immediately turned sideways to avoid... However, what I wanted was his hiding! My first piece of glass was just a sway. Just as he dodged, the dagger I buckled in my other hand also threw it out! Keng!! Sparks! My dagger was ready to stung his gun. The gun was nailed out by the dagger. Jinhe's gun was out of hand, but he did not retreat to pick the gun in panic. Instead, he snorted coldly and rushed to me! At this moment, I fell to the ground and hit the ground heavily with my back, but I didn't have time to breathe. I quickly rolled to the side on the ground. Jinhe had already rushed to my side, and at the same time, my palm cut my throat fiercely! His hand is fast and fierce. If he cuts it, I'm afraid my Adam's apple will be broken by him! I raised my arm to block my throat, and at the same time, I immediately rolled again, turned over and forced myself to stand on the ground with my knees.

But Jinhe's skills are still stronger than mine. I supported myself with the strength of my knees, but Jinhe had already jumped up from the ground and flew up and put his foot on me! I almost flew out against the ground, brushing the ground for three or four meters, and hit the wall heavily.

In Jinhe's sneer, he casually took off his coat, twisted his neck, walked slowly to me, and said lightly, "Xiao Wu, although you are much better than before, you are not my opponent.

Your flying knife is good, but even if I don't have a gun, I can kill you with just one pair of hands.

My ribs were kicked by him. Fortunately, Jinhe jumped up and kicked in a hurry. There was no force, and my ribs were not broken.

But even so, I still feel that the severe pain in the ribs is unbearable, especially after the kick, I have been holding my breath for almost a few seconds and can't breathe well.

After coughing hard a few times, I felt that my lungs began to breathe again. I struggled to stand up and gritted my teeth and stared at Jinhe: "Okay! You might as well try it!" Jinhe smiled... In the past, I used to think that Jinhe was so cool when he smiled, but now, I feel that his smile is infinitely murderous! I clenched my fist, drank in a low voice, and rushed up quickly. Then I kicked my feet on the ground, jumped up in the air, and kicked him hard! Jinhe put his arms on his chest. I kicked his arm. He just shook his body and stepped back two or three steps in a row! I was a little surprised that I didn't kick him down with all my strength, but I didn't react slowly at this moment. While he retreated, I raised my leg and kicked out again. This time, a trace of ferociousness flashed in Jinhe's eyes... I even felt that the soles of my feet had stuck to Jinhe's chest My ankle hurts, which has been tightly clamped by one of his arms, and I can't move any more!" Didn't your master teach you that blind jumping and flying legs is the act of looking for death? Jin He smiled ferociously.

I snorted and simply rose up. Although one leg was held by him, I flew up with the other leg and swept across his head! Jinhe quickly raised his other hand to cover one side and fought with me. My leg swept on his arm, and he just shook it slightly.

And I, with both legs off the ground, lost my balance and fell down.

Jinhe raised his leg, his toes were kicking the back of my thigh, and then I threw me out.

Boom! I flew three meters and hit the TV in front of the wall. Immediately, the valuable LCD TV was smashed to pieces by me. My body was trapped in the base of the TV below. The glass fragments of the screen cut my skin and blood flowed.

I struggled to support myself to stand up. The palms of my hands were scratched with blood, but when I shook my feet, the back of the thigh of my right leg was kicked by Jinhe, which made my heart ache, and my whole leg was numb! I barely stood firm. Jinhe had arrived in front of me and punched me head-on. I raised my hand to block it, but his other punch had hit me in the face. I was staggered and staggered to the side for a few steps. I was about to fall down. I supported it on the ground with my hand, and I saw Jinhe in Approaching, he raised his leg in a hurry and kicked out. He kicked Jinhe's waist. Jinhe finally hummed and retreated.

I breathed heavily and got a punch in the face. I only felt that my ears were buzzing, and half of my face was numb. Obviously, it was swollen.

After Jinhe stood firm, he looked at me and smiled, "Well, that's good. The last kick just now was still a little different."