evil spirit

Chapter 111 Interlocking

Chapter 111 [Clocking] I lay **, staring at the ceiling.

At this moment, my face must be ugly... My mind is over and over again, only that name is turning... Ye Huan! Ye Huan... The man I used to call "Brother Huan"! The eldest brother, eldest brother, boss, benefactor who was once regarded as the most trusted by my father and brother... All these identities are placed on that person. Once in my mind, he was a mountain! A high mountain! It's a mountain worth my hard work on! This person once gave me the family affection, kindness, loyalty that I longed for... He was even the idol I admire most in my heart! He promoted me, gave me status, and gave me a chance... And in the end, he personally pushed me into the abyss... This kind of feeling is difficult to describe, difficult.

Now, perhaps intellectually, I should tell myself that he is now my enemy and my enemy! It was his persecution that I had to leave my motherland, leave my hometown, and cross the ocean... So, should I hate him? Yes, I do hate him now... So what should I do? Kill him? I was stunned by the word "kill" in my heart.

Then, I began to meditate... I'm not an indecisive person... Even though I used to be a little obsessed with principles, since I went further and further on the black road, I can almost be regarded as a cruel person now.

However, in the face of Ye Huan.

I suddenly found that in my heart, my feelings for him, in addition to hatred.

It seems that there are still too many...other things left! I can't forget that Ye Huan was good to me... That kind of feeling is like the eldest brother.

I can't forget that he asked me to practice boxing with him with a bright smile. I can't forget that the two of us went to the sauna together, and then we rubbed each other's backs like our own brother and younger brothers... I can't even forget that he once said to all his subordinates: You are my people, I Pleasure and enmity... How simple these four words are! How easy it is!! But can you really do it in the face of your former relatives? Without Ye Huan, there would be no me today.

Without Ye Huan, I'm afraid I'm still a small worker at the bottom of the society in Nanjing! Winter five."

I don't know how long I was stunned. Yang Wei gently shouted at me.

I turned my head and looked at her blankly.

Yang Wei looked into my eyes.

Her eyes were clear, rational, and her tone was calm: "What are you thinking about?" .........It's nothing."

I closed my eyes.

"I know.

Ye Huan's position in your heart.

Yang Wei whispered in my ear, "But you should also understand that the past is over, and your relationship with him has become an enemy! It's impossible to turn back! And you'd better understand... Ye Huan and I have cooperated before. I know this person's character very well. He is the kind of real hero.

When it's time to be kind, he will be kinder than God... But when it's time to be cruel, he can also be cruel!! This person has always made me a little afraid.

So... you have to understand that the matter between you and him can't be solved with Qing... Moreover, if Ye Huan is really in Canada now... then now is your best chance to deal with him! Once he returns to China... that's his place. If you have no foundation in China, your only chance to deal with him is here!" I know."

I suddenly opened my eyes, and I even smiled.

Look at Yang Wei: "Yang Wei... You know, I'll tell you one thing... a secret."

"What?" I sighed gently, and then I looked at the ceiling. My face was calm, and my tone was even calm, without any emotional fluctuations. I said softly, "I have never really hated anyone in my life... Well, yes, it seems that there has never been."

After a pause, I continued, "For example, princess, although I hate this woman very much now, and she once wanted to do something to me... But I just hate her.

For example, the Vietnamese Ruan Xiaoruan, who was killed by me... I just know very well that they are my enemies. Everyone is dead, and one side is bound to fall down.

My voice became softer and softer, and then I changed my tone and whispered, "But except for Ye Huan... You may find it hard to believe that the person I hate the most in my life is him! Yes, you heard it right... I'm talking about hatred! Every time I think of him, I can't help but have anger in my heart. This kind of anger will make me lose my mind and drive me crazy! I had an illusion in my heart to hold him in front of me, make him embarrassed, and let him see how beautiful I am now! I would even imagine spitting on his face, scolding him, and then questioning him why he betrayed me in the first place! I also fantasized that he would cry bitterly in front of me and beg me to forgive him... I fantasized about ruining him and letting him lose everything..." I gritted my teeth, but with a trace of helplessness: "Yes, I hate him so much... But every time I get angry, I'm not only angry at him... I'm Shi hates himself very much... Do you know why?" I don't know."

Yang Wei said softly and gently held one of my hands at the same time.

I shook my head, lowered my eyelids, and smiled bitterly: "I hate myself, because... Even when I hate him so much and fantasize about those scenes in my heart, I never thought of killing him... never.

I even suddenly found that even now, even if I hate him again, I still don't kill him at all in my heart.

At this point, I looked at Yang Wei and said, "Do you think I'm strange?" I shook my head and said, "I think it's strange myself... because I don't dare to kill people.

Even if it's someone else's head.

Qinghong is too far away from you to really overwhelm you... But if the other party really wants to avenge you, endlessly sending gunmen to trouble you or assassinate you is enough to give you a headache! In addition, Jinghong's power has penetrated a lot in Asia now. God knows what special ways they have.

You know, most of our smuggling business is done with the Asian side... In a word: your current career is in the stage of development, and now you.

It is not suitable to set up a strong enemy such as 'Qinghong'.

I fell asleep all night before. After talking with Yang Wei, it was the afternoon of the next day.

After talking for a while, I was somewhat tired. The doctor came in and examined my body again and did some simple treatments.

I didn't have any particularly serious injuries this time, but the minor injuries were dense all over my body, and there were more than 20 places that were scratched by broken glass alone.

And the other bone fractures are enough to make me lie in ** temporarily incapacitated.

At the same time, the doctor's diagnosis showed that my internal organs also had some shock injuries, but fortunately they were not serious.

In the afternoon, Solin sent someone to visit me.

was blocked by Yang Wei outside.

Old Solin also called. Originally, he was coming to see me in person. After all, I am his close ally now.

However, Yang Wei declined on the name that I was resting after my injury and could not be disturbed.

Solin can't do without Yang Wei's face.

Moreover, Solin feels very faceless... After all, I'm his distinguished guest. In Toronto, Solin's base camp area, I was actually given this.

Old Solin also sent someone out to find out who hurt me.

But I guess he can't find anything.

Because after I woke up, Yang Wei had sent Hansen to check it. Hansen went to the place where I had an accident, that is, Ni Duoduo's residence. There was only a mess there, and neither Ni Duoduo nor Jin He were there.

According to Yang Wei's guess, I'm afraid that Ni Duoduo will not continue to stay in Toronto after this time, and will definitely be taken away by Ye Huan.

My excuse for old Solin is that I was ambushed by the enemy.

This excuse is very vague, but there is no place for the old Solin to pick the thorns.

Moreover, when it comes to my enemies, it is equivalent to my privacy, and it is not convenient for old Solin to ask.

In the evening, someone came to Vancouver.

To my surprise, in addition to the eight best brothers sent to my car repair yard, my eldest brother also came!! When I saw the eldest brother coming in from outside the door, I was stunned! However, my brother looked awe-inspiring. He walked to my bedside, stopped me from opening my mouth, and then sat down.

He lifted my quilt, then looked at my wound carefully and whispered, "You can bear the pain."

He gently raised my arm and helped me up. After a careful examination, the eldest brother frowned.

I saw the eldest brother who had always been quiet, with anger flashing in his eyes. He let me lie down, endured the fire, and said in a low voice, "Chen Yang, tell me, who hurt you?" It's... an enemy."

"Humph!" The eldest brother snorted, and he sighed.

Hold my hand: "Chen Yang, don't hide it from me! Don't think I can't see it. Your injury was beaten by a master! Hey! This person who fights with you is good at it.

I know I can't hide it.

I just told him the truth: "Big brother, do you remember what I told you that I fled to Canada for in China? I met the man in China who fought with his subordinates. Do you remember the man named Ye Huan that I told you about? One of his men, whose name is Jin He, happened to meet him here last night, and then fought with him. I'm not his opponent.

Big brother thought for a moment: "Oh? Is the man named Jin He very powerful?" At least it's better than me."

I smiled bitterly: "I even split him with my heavy hand in the end, and I split him on the chest!" But he didn't give him any heavy damage. After he hit me hard.

You can still blow me away at once.

Big brother nodded: "Okay, Chen Yang, take a close relationship with him.

Typ with me in detail."

I said according to his request. From the start of Jinhe and me, I hit the other ground gun with a dagger, and then the two fought hand-to-hand, but my strength was far less than his.

And Jinhe's strength is amazingly strong... Almost when I hit him, it is difficult to cause damage to him, and I can punch the heavy hand of the sandbag with one punch.

It just brought him a certain degree of damage... When I finished speaking, there was no special expression on the eldest brother's face, but a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth and said lightly, "Well, so that's it. I thought it was a master.

It's just a little hard qigong.

Then the eldest brother stood up and looked at me: "Brother, I said, I will be by your side in the future.

I won't let others hurt you easily again! These guys treat you so much in China, and now they still refuse to let you go here. This kind of behavior is really too deceiving! Don't worry, my brother will definitely help you out of this tone.

After saying that, the eldest brother shouted, "Hammer!" The hammer immediately came in through the door.

Big brother took a look at him: "You go out with me... Humph, boy, be honest, you can answer whatever I ask you!" Now the hammer is also half an apprentice of the eldest brother. He is trained by the eldest brother every day. Now the most afraid of this stunned young man is my brother. Hearing this, he quickly lowered his head and obediently followed the eldest brother.

I lay in ** and couldn't stop it, but I thought that anyway, the eldest brother didn't know where Jinhe was, so he was not so anxious.

A few minutes later, Yang Wei came in. She closed the door and came to me: "Dong Wu, I found it."

"What did you find? Ye Huan's news?" I'm a little excited.

"Well, Old Solin is still in the dark, but I just cleverly checked some other businesses that Old Solin has done recently from some other channels, because I guess that Ye Huan's coming to Canada is mostly related to Old Solin.

Sure enough, I found out what old Solin seems to do business with Chinese people recently, and just yesterday, old Solin stayed in some guests from China in the resort by the lake.

At first, I also wondered why the old Solin didn't invite those Chinese guests to the banquet last night... Now I understand that those Chinese guests are Ye Huan!" No wonder Old Solin didn't let us stay at his lakeside resort this time! I was moved: "Does old Solin already know that I have a grudge against Ye Huan?" So he deliberately didn't invite Ye Huan to last night's party? Yang smiled and said, "That's not true.

Old Solin doesn't know anything about you and Ye Huan.

But he didn't invite Ye Huan to the party, but it was because of me.

Now I was a little surprised: "Because of you?" Yang Wei sneered: "Old Solin has been thinking about gambling business again recently, but he doesn't want me to know about gambling business.

Because after all, our family has a good relationship with him.

And our family is a gambler! Old Solin actually bypassed our family and did business with Chinese casinos... As you know, Ye Huan also has a lot of casinos in China.

This time, old Solin seemed to want to bypass our cooperation with Chinese casinos, so he didn't invite Ye Huan to attend last night. He was worried that Chinese casino guests would be a little embarrassed when they met me.

After saying that, Yang Wei smiled and said, "Look, it's such a coincidence.

But Ye Huan seems to be in Toronto, which is for sure!" My face changed slightly and I didn't say anything.

"Chen Yang."

Yang Wei looked at me and said softly, "That's the thing. I know you are still undecided... But I think that even if you don't want to kill me now... But you are now beaten like this by Ye Huan's subordinate Jin He, this matter can't be just like this! You are not only Chen Yang now, you are Xiao Wu! It's the fifth master of Vancouver! He is the leader of the big circle! He is the boss of the underworld in Vancouver! If you encounter this kind of thing, if you put up with it without saying a word... Hey! Then in the future, don't expect to look up and be a man!! Others will think that you are weak and can be bullied!" What do you want?" I looked at Yang Wei with no expression on my face.

"It's very simple. Even if you don't kill people, at least you have to say this!" Yang Wei said lightly, "Now Ye Huan must have known your status and identity here. Now it's him who should be really worried and afraid! Because in Canada, if Solin doesn't protect him, he is just an outsider, and you can pinch him to death! Moreover, he is worried now, but he can't tell it to the public.

Because your relationship with him is a secret! He can't let Solin know you and his real hatred.

So, we can make good use of this to let Ye Huan suffer a dumb loss here.

I was silent for a moment: "Do you really want to do this?" You have no choice."

Yang Wei said coldly, "You and Ye Huan are already enemies.

Unless you don't go back to China all your life! But Chen Yang... Don't think I don't know your plan! No matter how good you are in Vancouver, you always have a wish in your heart! That is, one day I will go back to China! Then take back everything you have lost!!" My body was shocked! Yang Wei continued to say quickly, "Since you have this awareness, you should understand that there is no room for maneuver between you and Ye Huan! Now you can not kill him, and I won't force you, because after thinking about it, I also feel that now is not the time to kill him, kill Ye Huan, but will attract Qinghong, a strong enemy.

So I won't let you do this now... But you have to be tough.

If you can't get through your own test now..., Yang Wei deliberately looked at me with a disdainful look and mocked, "Then you just stay in Vancouver for the rest of your life, and you can't go home for the rest of your life!" Bang! I patted my hand on the edge of the bed and struggled to sit up. I was expressionless. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Yang Wei: "Okay, what do you think I should do?" Yang smiled and said, "It's very simple. I've called Solin. I said that it's not convenient for you to stay in a hotel when you are injured. Please ask him to help arrange a place to live.

Solin immediately said that he could take you to his Zhuangyuan, but I have refused.

Later, Solin promised to arrange for you to move to the Lakeside Resort, and tomorrow, Old Solin will arrange a special plane to take you back to Vancouver.

"But... you mean... I'm moving to the lakeside resort now... and Ye Huan and others live in the same place?" I changed my face. After thinking about it, I said, "But hasn't old Solin always tried to avoid letting Ye Huan and others meet you?" Yang smiled, and she smiled confidently: "Old Solin's flowery intestines can't hide me.

It's okay if I didn't know before.

Now that I know, I naturally have a way to make him unable to refuse me.

Humph, there are few things that Yang Wei can't do.