evil spirit

Chapter 5 Four to Two

Chapter 5 [Four to Two] Miss Qiao fell from the sky. I'm afraid such a surprise can stimulate people's heart attacks.

After a while, she calmed down. I looked at Qiao Qiao. Although she was in high spirits, she looked really a little embarrassed. There was a hole in her clothes, revealing a large shoulder, black and gray on her face, and one of her shoes fell off.

I'm afraid I want to say a thousand words to her at this moment, but I can't say it at this time. I hesitated for a moment and decided to figure out what was going on first.

I pulled her to sit down, then took out a wet tissue, pulled her, and then gently wiped the dust on her face. Yandi, the bride next to her, also quickly brought a cup to get her a glass of water.

Qiao Qiao took a glance at me, but smiled sweetly, let me play with her face, and then drank a large glass of water in one breath. Then he breathed and laughed: "Hahahahaha, I'm finally free again!!" Aze next to him wiped his sweat and muttered in a low voice, "The terrible demon king is coming to the world again..." Seeing Qiao Qiao's murderous eyes sweep over, he quickly changed his words: "Well, how on earth did you get out? Didn't you come to see us off when we got on the plane at Nanjing Airport? Why did you come here in a blink of an eye? Qiaoqiao made a gesture of victory and laughed: "Master, I have been planning for a long time before I finally seized such an opportunity!" Humph, I usually can't even get out of the city.

Thanks to the delivery of the plane to you this time, I found a chance! Although our old man sent a few people to follow me, I went to the airport to see someone off. I didn't bring any luggage with me, and I didn't do anything along the way. They absolutely didn't expect that I would suddenly run away at the airport.

And I had planned it a long time ago, quietly using the online bank payment method to buy an e-ticket! Humph... And when I went out this time, I only put my ID card in my underwear, and I didn't even bring a handbag, and those bodyguards didn't think of it!" At the airport, after the two of you entered the security check, I pretended to be depressed, and then said that I wanted to go to the bathroom. The old man sent someone to take care of me had to wait outside.

Actually, I was wasting time. I knew it was just after Aze and Wood's plane took off.

There is another flight to Beijing, and the time difference is less than 20 minutes! I spent 20 minutes in the bathroom, and the people outside would stay outside as long as I didn't run.

Then when the time was almost up, I came out of it and pretended to follow them... When I walked to the middle of the hall, I immediately tore the clothes on my shoulder, and then shouted indecently at the crowded place next to me!" Speaking of this, Qiao Qiao sighed and then smiled and said, "This idea, if I call to catch thieves or rob, I guess few people have the courage to meddle in such things.

But shouting rudeness is different! I was such a beautiful woman standing here. I didn't know how many perverts were drooling and peeping at me. As soon as I shouted, several guys who wanted to save the beauty came out. Then there were more and more people around. My old man sent the three men to take care of me, and they were suddenly beaten like pigs.

I ran away in the chaos, and then went straight through the security check with my ID and went into the waiting hall! Hahahaha... Several of the men sent by the old man were not only repaired, but also sent to the public security department of the airport.

When they finished solving the problem, I had already run away by plane!" I came out in a hurry. Although I booked an e-ticket, I flew all the way to Beijing, and then transferred from Beijing to Vancouver, which was only one step slower than Wood Aze and others.

But I didn't bring anything. I only have one certificate on me, and I don't even have a penny.

When I came to Vancouver, I didn't even have money to take a taxi when I left the airport... Humph, I met a taxi driver who dared to flirt with my mother. I told him that I was a friend of the fifth master of Vancouver. As a result, the guy was so scared that he didn't even dare to ask for the car money

I sighed and looked at Qiao Qiao. I was distressed and moved. Seeing her embarrassed appearance, I was probably in a hurry when I ran, and even lost one of my shoes.

I couldn't help whispering, "Joe, you ran out like this... Alas, your father is going to be angry again."

Qiao Qiao looked at me, looked at Yan Di again, and then said in a low voice, "Well, you, you are getting married, how can I not come?" Although Qiao Qiao kept saying that she would not be my wife, at this time, there was inevitably a trace of sourness in her eyes. Although this strange look was fleeting, it was still caught by me.

Qiao Qiao then took a few deep breaths, then smiled again, jumped up from the sofa, then crossed his waist and laughed and said, "Okay, I'm coming!" Needless to say, I want to be a bridesmaid, and no one is allowed to rob me!" Then she hugged Yan Di and said softly, "Okay, Yan Di, why are you always crying like this when you get married today? Come on, come on, baby, I'll dry your tears.

Yan Di wiped away his tears, stared at Qiao Qiao with tears in his smile, and whispered, "You...re you really don't hate me?" Why do I hate you?" Qiao Qiao curled his lips and then smiled, "Come on, beautiful bride. Let's kick these stinky men out. I'm going to change into a bridesmaid costume!" Then she turned her head and stared at the three of us: "Hey, are they all deaf? I want to change my clothes. Why don't you leave? Do you want to stay and peek? Aze and Wood ran faster than anything else and ran straight out of the house. I walked at the end and looked back at Joe.

Qiao Qiao also looked at me. We looked at each other, but Qiao Qiao suddenly winked at me. At this time, Yan Di had turned around and ran to the big wardrobe next to him, taking a new bridesmaid dress and turning his back to us.

Qiao Qiao came over, then tiptoed up, kissed me on the lips, and said softly, "Xiao Wu, I wish you a happy wedding."

I was stunned on the spot, and there was still a trace of her fragrance on my lips, and I couldn't help but feel a little confused.

But Qiao Qiao immediately pushed me out, pushing me and shouting, "What are you stunned about? Do you really want to peek at me changing my clothes? Go out, go out..." I was pushed out of the door by Qiaoqiao. The door was closed, and I was still a little distracted. I just felt that all this was like a dream.

Qiao Qiao suddenly fell from the sky and appeared in front of me - although she is the person I miss so much, does she really not care about my marriage in her heart? Then I returned to the groom's locker room, and Aze and Wood had changed into the best man's dress with the help of the stylist.

After a while, Lei Xiaohu and Xi Luo also came.

Except for Wood, who doesn't know Lei Xiaohu, everyone else knows each other. I introduced it, and I'm not in the mood to say anything else.

Although it's still a little strange in my heart, the room is full of my closest relatives and friends. After talking for a while, I gradually became happy.

When it was almost three o'clock, several brothers who were in charge of the overall planning outside came in. Ciro went out to arrange it again, and then turned around and looked at me: "Xiao Wu, are you ready? It's started."

I took a few deep breaths, and Aze and the wood came to me. Aze straightened the bow tie for me with his own hands, and then patted me and said with a smile, "Brother, don't be nervous. A man has to experience it once in his life... Stretching his head is also a knife, shrinking his head

I smiled and scolded, "I'm married, not on the execution ground."

Aze made a face and said with a smile, "I can tell you that marriage is like a grave. If you regret it now, it's not too late. I know there is a car behind the house. If you want to escape from marriage, we can escort you all the way... Hahahaha."

He was still smiling, but Wood kicked him in the back and kicked him away. Then Wood stood in front of me. He looked at me with a serious expression.

Then the wood smiled, and his voice was very sincere: "On the fifth, it is said that marriage is the tomb of love, but I think that without this tomb, wouldn't there be no place to die? So, ignore Aze's nonsense... Well, I bless you."

"Thank you!" I looked into the wood's eyes and said straight.

At this time, Ciro suddenly laughed loudly and said, "By the way, there are four best men around Xiao Wu today! Aze, Wood, me, and the little tiger! But the bride only has two bridesmaids.

Xu Xin and Miss Qiao!! Aha, four to two, we can get them drunk in a moment! Women don't get drunk, men don't have a chance!!" I glanced at this boy, and I knew what the hell he was thinking.

Hmph! Aze walked to Ciro and looked at Ciro. Suddenly, he bowed. Ciro said strangely, "What are you doing?" Aze looked at Silo with pity and whispered, "Hey, Silo, you probably haven't had a bar with Jojo... You actually came up with this way to find death..." The wood immediately patted Silo and comforted him, "Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!! I will definitely call an ambulance for you later.

Someone outside is urging, and the time is up! I coughed, and then walked out of the locker room first. The four bridesmaids behind me followed me all the way, and everyone held their heads high.

All the guests in the yard have expired. Fortunately, the official white road and the underworld guests were finally arranged to be divided into two districts. A passage was left in the middle of the two districts to spread the red carpet, separating these cows, ghosts, snakes and gods to avoid trouble.