evil spirit

Chapter 93 stab in the back

Chapter 93 [Stab in the Back]

I snorted and pretended not to listen to his nonsense: "I asked you about Thailand!"

"Oh... General Chachai has contacted me, and he expressed his willingness to see me... But there is also a bad news... I heard that Daquan also sent someone to see General Chachai. Well, now our two families are against each other. If we meet each other, will they kill me? I don't want to be thrown into a ravine in Thailand in a sack.

"Don't talk nonsense. You finish the thing and be careful... Well, if it's done, I'll give you a beach house when I come back."

"Oh yeah!" Yan Yazhou laughed and said, "Well, with money, I have the motivation to work!"

After hanging up the phone, I sighed.

***, so greedy! The fangs are not the father of a little money fan, is it?

But this guy is really a little weird. As an old courtier left in the era of the Eighth Master, this guy's cleverness and cunning are first-class. Especially in the aspect of pretending to be crazy, it is even more at its peak.

I have long felt that when I was under the Eighth Master, it was far more than just the simple job of a lawyer. Moreover, it seems that he also knows a lot about the situation inside the big circle, and it seems to be somewhat inextricably related. However, this guy is an absolute snobbish. Whoever is strong will follow him, and he will always choose to stand beside the winner. There will never be a ridiculous idea of "voking allegiance to the death" in his mind. Therefore, because of this, I have never forced him, as for the many secrets hidden in his heart. I never ask, as long as he is single-minded to help me do things.

Thailand...Well, Thailand...

The big circle of Asia started with the early Ming Dao Ming Gun. In the Asian circle now, the drug business is their important cause, especially in the Golden Triangle.

Calculated, most of the annual supply of drugs in the large circle comes from the Golden Triangle, Thais, Burmese and so on. And if I want to deal with the big circle, I'm afraid I can't come to the door in this situation.

And I sent bao ya zhou to Thailand to meet a drug tycoon in Thailand! One of the best drug lords in the Golden Triangle, guess the general.

It is said to be a "general", but in fact, it is also a small warlord in the Golden Triangle. He got a guerrilla and planted a few original gardens. Thailand's previous government and this government came to power by coup, and the handover of power also depended on political changes.

Every time one side falls, some military forces naturally fall with it. Among the fallen officers, some of them simply changed from the army to the armed forces of bandits or drug lords.

The inextricably linked relationship is not clear. In short, the news that Zhou Yan told me was: this General Chachai, once a senior officer in Thailand, after the coup decades ago. He went to the Golden Triangle to become a drug lord. He has not been able to stand for decades, and he is also deeply rooted in the local area, which is very good!

More importantly, he controlled a considerable part of the source of drugs in the Golden Triangle! Even in a sense, he is a person with a similar "ally leader" status. Every year, the supply of drugs and the proportion of distribution must be checked and the general nodded, so that drug lords of all sizes can proceed smoothly.

Big circle, no exception!

After all, although the big circle is a drug business, the Golden Triangle is not China's territory. No matter how powerful the big circle is, it is impossible to eat the Golden Triangle alone. And Chachai, a local snake like General, has an established army gun under his command, and the big circle also needs to let him a little. Especially for the annual supply of drugs, it is also necessary to check the color of the cake.

I asked the fangs to see and guess, just to find out if there is a chance to stab the back of the big circle!

Recently, a series of "anti-drug" work in Canada has almost robbed the job of the Canadian police's anti-drug department. These anti-drug police officers hardly need to work hard. Every day, they just wait for the news to come and where there is a fight, and then they come to collect the corpses and "se seize" a large number of drugs by the way. Such a leisurely life is leisurely.

It's just that it's a big circle. According to my news, in the past 20 days, a large number of drugs shipped to Canada have been swallowed up and suffered heavy losses.

The route at sea was almost killed.

I'm a local snake, well-informed, and Captain Wick, the old sea smuggler, gave me the news. The route at sea is almost at the palm of my hand! The goods shipped out of the big circle were destroyed, and they naturally refused to rest. In the next few days, they sent elite "airborne troops" to escort the goods.

As a result, the airborne soldiers sent and the "mercenaries" I got from Africa did a few fierce fights.

To be honest, judging from the results, the big circle can be rampant for so many years, and the strength of the "airborne soldiers" is really strong! Although I won the result, in terms of casualties, the big circle had the upper hand.

The combat effectiveness of the "airborne troops" they sent is basically above the soldiers I bought from the trapped tower! The proportion of losses is almost one to two!

But these elite warriors, one in the big circle is dead and one less! They can't afford it! But I'm not afraid!

The old hooligan warlord of the trapped tower, there is nothing else, but life is worthless! Moreover, black people are naturally physically strong. Many of them are warriors from the local clan tribes. Although they may not be very strong from the perspective of professional soldiers, those barbarians are hunters who dare to go out to hunt leopards, lions and beasts. Needless to say. Everyone who fires a gun and trains a little more, he is quite a good soldier. [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

If such a person fights a formal war, it is naturally far from enough. But this kind of small-scale conflict of more than a dozen or dozens of people is very good at it.

You come and go, and you actually fight with the powerful airborne soldiers in a big circle! In the past few days, more than 80% of the first 100 soldiers sent to the tower have died, but nearly 50 masters have also died in the big circle.

And I, I only paid more than 100,000 dollars!

More than 100,000 dollars, if you lose tens of millions of yuan... There is no need to ask who wins or loses.

As for human life...

I sneered, human life?

After the fat man died, I suddenly understood a truth!

Life is worthless! As long as you can let my friends around me, my relatives, my comrades-in-arms, my brother, don't be hurt again...

No matter how many other people die, what does it have to do with me!

After a string of numbers in General Tai's private account in two days, I believe that a new group of African mercenaries will come soon.

Now, I let the fangs go to Thailand to find the biggest drug lord in the Golden Triangle to check the general, just to make the big circle not only the goods go out! At the same time, we should also insert a knife into their supply!

What is the most important thing in the world?

It's not humane! Not loyalty! It's not loyalty!

is strength!

Strength is the most important!

If I had enough strength, the fat man would not die in front of me that day!

If human feelings can change everything, the master Lao Cat, who taught me killing skills by himself, will not chase me!

If loyalty is useful, then I will not be killed by Ye Huan!

Strength! Only with overwhelming strength can we truly control the balance of victory!

Yang Wei gave me a strategy to divide the inside of the big circle. The civil strife in the big circle, against my plan, there must be opposition and support. I will try my best to attract the non-hostile forces in the big circle.

But how can I get it over? Do you want to talk about it? Those big circles from Lao Qiu Ba won't bird you! Only you have shown enough strength to let the enemy bow to you! Only then will they cooperate with you obediently!

Do you convince people with virtue?

Go ***! It sounds good to convince people with virtue, but it should also be based on the premise of sufficient strength and deterrence!

Since the phone call of the bao ya zhou contacted me, I have been waiting for a whole day to get the news of the xi ya.

This phone call was made to me around the fangs. His voice on the phone was still weird, but it was a little weird.

"Boss... I met General Chachai according to your instructions... However, it seems that they don't trust you very much. Alas, this business trip is really unlucky. It's good for me to stay at home and lie in ** hug a beautiful woman. I just listened to you and came to Thailand. Now it's all right. I'm pointed at a few guns in my head now, and I'm going to see Fang Bazhi at any time.

I frowned: "What's wrong? Didn't you say that Chachai is your old friend?

"Old friends are old friends... Damn it, I taught him to play mahjong." There was a noise on the phone, and then the buck teeth sighed: "Don't talk nonsense... Guess, he wants to see you and talk to you face."

I frowned deeper: "Face-to-face... How can I go to Thailand like this now?"

"Oh, my God..." The bao ya zhou laughed exaggeratedly: "Boss, I think you are just a pig... And it's still a pig coming down! Don't you know that there is such a thing as electronic communication technology in the world..."


Although the periodontal is very serious, it at least shows that he is still safe now, and that there is still a chance and hope for things.

As for the interview he said...

I quickly set up a large LCD screen in my room, as well as microphones and communication equipment.

Then an hour later, I and the legendary drug lord of the Golden Triangle, General Chachai, who had not fallen for decades, "confronted" in this way.

Sitting in front of the screen, I naturally held the handle of the wheelchair with my hands and looked at the screen in front of me.

Because the signal is slightly delayed, the difference between the sound and the image is slightly two seconds, and the picture is also a little trailing, but it doesn't matter.

In the screen, the fangs are wearing a typical Thai flower shirt, with a cigar in his hand, and his hair is shiny, which seems to be very leisurely.

However, he was right. There were three guns behind him pointing at his head at the same time.

Then, the picture flashed. It seemed that after someone turned the camera, a black and thin man appeared in front of the camera. He was wearing a Thai military uniform more than ten years ago, but the epaulette on his shoulder was gone.

"Hello, the fifth master of Vancouver's circle... Oh, you should be called Mr. Chen of the Huaxing Gang now." The little old man's appearance was very ordinary, but there was a wolf-like cold light in his eyes: "I'm guessing. I think you have something to discuss with me, right?"

Unlike the drug lord leader I imagined, this general Chachai not only does not look rude, but speaks English very smoothly, but his accent is a little strange.

"Yes, General Chachai." My face remained unchanged, and I said slowly in an almost wooden tone, "I hope to get your help... I hope you can use your influence to temporarily cut off the supply of drugs from the big circle gang."

After listening to my words, the little old man in front of the camera snorted, as if mocking me: "Do you know how much of drugs I provide to the big circle gang every month, even if it is only temporarily cut off for a month, how much will I lose?" After a moment, he sneered again, "And, why did you propose this condition to me?"

In the face of his hostility, I smiled softly, and then I whispered, "I think you have seen what happened in Canada in the past month."

"..." The other party didn't say anything, just looked at the screen.

I said easily: "In fact, the drug market in North America has always been occupied by drug lords in South America. There are a large number of drug plantations in South America. Previously, the goods in the Golden Triangle were only supplied to the Asian and Middle Eastern markets, as well as a small part of the European market! But from three years ago, the situation has changed! God bless, the hurricanes for several months have caused great losses to the planting in South America, and the harvest of that year was almost lost. Then, taking advantage of the opportunity of North America's shortage, the goods in the Golden Triangle have continuously flowed into the North American market through the large circle of Asia! I believe that General Chachai must have made a lot of money in the past three years, right?

"Hmm..." The little old man on the screen didn't say anything, but just answered me with the voice in his nose.

"After that, plantations in South America resumed production and planting, but because they missed a whole year, the market has been occupied by drugs from the Asian Golden Triangle. And your goods are cheaper in price, so even if the plantations in South America are restored, they can't completely take the market back. According to the information I have, in recent years, the market share of drug organizations in the United States has decreased by 20%! And in Canada... it has been reduced by 60%! And the lost market, to put it all the rude words, fell into the pockets of the leaders of the Golden Triangle led by General Chachai.


(I took the lead yesterday, and I'm lagging behind again tonight... I can't help sighing that it's really up and down these days... I chatted with Guan Guan on QQ a while ago. I said, yesterday I rode you, and today you rode me. It's too ** slutty. It's not good to Shut me up and say: You're exhausted.

Actually, I still have a word in my heart that I didn't say to Guan Guan. This sentence is: I want to be on you ^*^

Well, although I'm lagging behind again today, I'm not afraid, and there will be tomorrow! Comrades who have a monthly ticket, please support it! Push hard! Top it hard!

This is a race. I will never give up until I get to the point.

I will continue to update tomorrow... By the way, there will be **~!

Finally, I suddenly thought... If I also had a shepherd's lucky ring, if I had worn the ring code, maybe the monthly ticket would have crushed the ** pass now!)