
50 hateful little bee

"Hmm! What is similar? I am the real..." The little marquis heard Lin Fan's words and suddenly looked proud, but he barely pretended to be proud, but before he spoke, Lin Fan continued to speak.

"This lips are red, the same as the monkey's buttocks. Sure enough, it's the monkey master," Lin Fan said, turning his eyes to the woman again. "This face looks like a New Year's painting. Sure enough, he deserves the monkey master!"

When the marquis heard Lin Fan's words, he was immediately suffobed back by his words. His face was first red, then iron blue, and finally turned black charcoal. The woman also looked angry. She left the marquis's arms, stretched out a finger and pointed to Lin Fan and couldn't speak.

"Kid..." After holding it for a long time, the marquis finally gritted his teeth and spit out two words.

"Don't stare at me, the powder on your little beauty's face is about to shake off! Hurry up!" Lin Fan interrupted his words and said solemnly.

The audience around, who had already resisted laughing for a long time, couldn't help laughing. Dawei couldn't help rolling on Lin Fan's shoulder, then pulled Lin Fan's hair, stretched out another front paw to imitate the woman, and pointed to the little marquis tremblingly. At the same time, he made an extremely angry expression on his face, matched with a funny roar, which made the audience around him laugh.

"Do you know who I am, puppy from the countryside?" The little marquis finally made a sound.

"Oh, are you special?" Lin Fan looked at the little marquis, "It's also two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth and two hands. It seems that there is no less eye and no more hand!" Lin Fan pretended to look at it seriously.

"I want you to understand the end of offending me! I'm going to tear you up and feed the dog! I want you to be a joke of Tiandi City!" The little marquis looked at Lin Fan with a ferocious face and almost roared.

"I'm going to peel his skin and chop his bones! I'm going to find 18 horses to pull him into 18 pieces and chop them into pieces and cook them and throw them on the street!" The woman looked crazy and screamed. The people around the audience were so cold that they stood up.

"Two crazy people!" Lin Fan looked at the two people whose eyes were red and crazy, grunted, and then turned his head and left.

"Dog bastard, stop!" The little marquis shouted and attacked Lin Fan from behind.

"Is Tiandi City such a group of brain-damaged people?" Lin Fan dodged as soon as he flashed, stood on the side and looked at the little marquis who had continued to attack him crazily, and frowned.

"Hey, if there is no brain-damaged, wouldn't the world have a lot less fun?" Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded, and Lin Fan only felt a shake in front of him, and a dirty little scream appeared in front of him. Although his face was dirty and dirty, his eyes were big and bright. He looked at himself with a smile, revealing two shiny little tiger teeth, and then stretched out a hand without recognition at all. Then he touched the power on Lin Fan's shoulder.

Dawei's eyes turned brimly and didn't know what he was thinking. Then, Lin Fan opened his mouth and rushed into the little cry's arms. His eyes narrowed slightly and his face was full of enjoyment. He also stretched out a small claw to scratch the little cry's chest, and then closed his eyes and rubbed fiercely and looked drunk.

Lin Fan looked at the scene in front of him and was speechless. He kept scolding: "Damn it! You per whore! I either shoot or tish. When I see a little beauty, I will go to eat tofu! It's like I've never seen a mother in my life!" He had already seen through that this little call was a woman dressed as a man, and at the same time secretly, he met two women dressed as men in just a few days, one Ji Yunzheng and a little caller.

He scolded here, but the little screamer had turned his head and looked at the little marquis with a smile with a drunken face: "Master, we've seen each other again. We haven't seen each other for a long time. We miss each other very much."

"Little miscellaneous... Why is it you again?" At this time, the little marquis was completely out of the domineering he had just now. His face turned red, and he looked at the little cry in front of him with hatred and fear, "It's Marquis Chi, not the idiot marquis!"

"Well, alas, I don't have a good memory, I'm sorry," the little scream sighed in disguise, and then looked bored and said, "Now there are fewer and fewer brain-damaged people. It's hard to meet one. How can I miss it?" While speaking, two bright big eyes turned and looked at the little marquis and the woman.

At this time, the people around him were already talking about it, guessing the origin of this little call, which made the little marquis who enjoyed a fierce reputation in Tiandi City so hate and afraid. The little marquis and the woman stood still, and it was not good to leave, and it was not embarrassing.

"Master, I just heard that your mother is looking for you to go back to dinner all over the city. Why don't you go back?" The little call suddenly said.

"You are cruel!" Looking at the increasingly crowded audience around, she took a look at the smiling little call and Lin Fan. The little marquis's face could no longer hang up. He gritted his teeth and said viciously, and then his face turned red and angrily rushed away from the crowd away from here. When the woman saw the little marquis leaving, the woman looked at Lin Fan and little cry angrily. , chase the little marquis and go.

"All right, everyone is scattered!" When the little beeping saw the little marquis leave, he raised his voice and began to drive people away, but the crisp voice could not make people feel bad in any case. In a faint smile, everyone left one after another.

"Hey, black bear, lend me this little thing to play for a few days, and I'll return it to you in a few days." When the little beeper saw everyone leaving, he stroked Dawei's silver-white leather armor and looked up at Lin Fan. His eyes flashed and his nose shrugged slightly.

"Hey, little caller, is it possible that you are not here to relieve me but to grab food from the monkey?" Lin Fan was shocked and said with wide eyes.

"Smart!" Xiao Hua stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and his eyes showed wisdom. He said confidently, "I... I'm called Hua Rili Wanji. I have to * and beg, and I have to make soy sauce if I have nothing to do. How can I care about your black bear's business?"

"I said little...little bee, * also shouting like this? Also, who is the black bear? Lin Fan suddenly stretched out one mischievously and pinched it on the upturned nose of the little screaming.

"Ouch! Let go of the black bear!" The little beeping was in pain for a while, stretched out a hand and patted Lin Fan's hand.

Lin Fan's hand loosened, and the little call melted empty. Lin Fan set against this time, grabbed the intoxicated Dawei arched in the arms of the little caller, which made the big caller extremely dissatisfied and roared endlessly.

Lin Fan ignored Dawei's roar and carried it like that, and then said to Xiaoweihua, "Little caller, I won't play with you. I want to beg for food and change the master." As he spoke, he turned his head and left with great power.

"You black bear, you are really small... Is Ben Beating easy to mess with? Humph! I want you to understand the end of offending Ben!" The little cry scolded Lin Fan fiercely, and at the same time stretched out a small fist, constantly wrinkled his face and waved his fist at Lin Fan.

"You're really welcome to borrow this little girl's film? Do you think I'm so stupid? Lin Fan muttered softly, but then he looked puzzled, "Is I that dark? Why is it called a black bear?

Lin Fan thought while walking sullenly, and suddenly bumped into a person.

"I'm sorry." Lin Fan quickly apologized.

"Grandpa gives a bowl of rice!" A shabby call appeared in front of him.

Lin Fan was in a dilemma. If there was, he would definitely give it to him, but what he could use now was only 10,000 yuan of jade. It was really difficult to take it out. He said sorry in embarrassment. Lin Fan bypassed the call and continued to move forward.

"Good job, uncle, give a bowl of rice!" Not yet ten steps, another one.

"Grandpa gives a bowl of rice!" Another one.

Lin Fan's head was big and vague. He felt as if he had been tricked by the little bee.

At this time, more than a dozen beggars had gathered around Lin Fan, which made Lin Fan surrounded by water and shouted, "Grandpa give a bowl of rice!" The shouts came one after another, and the people on the street stopped one after another, looking at Lin Fan with contemptuous faces, with a strong disdain in his eyes.

Lin Fan's forehead was full of black lines. He originally wanted to shake these calls, but there was no vitality in his body. If they shook them with brute force, they would pretend again, as if they were beating and barking. At the same time, Lin Fan found that the vitality fluctuation in each of them was not weak, at least dirty. Heavy above.

"What the hell is this little caller? How can there be so many calls?" In a blink of an eye, the call has been pulled back to almost 20 people, and the surrounding water is even more difficult.

Lin Fan was squeezed around by the crowd, but he had to squeeze out a smile, which was extremely sad. Suddenly, at a glance, he saw that the little scream was hiding in front of him on his left, looking at himself with a gloating face, full of meaning "It's your fault to offend me".

Lin Fan smiled bitterly, stared at a pair of big eyes, and looked at the little scream like asking for help, but the little scream made a humming expression and turned his face to one side.

Lin Fan was helpless, raised the great power in his hand, shook towards the little beep, and made a forward push posture.

When the little beeper saw Lin Fan's action, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and walked towards Lin Fan with snapping his fingers all the way.

"Oh, this boy is really stingy! Why are you reluctant to give them a bite of rice when you see so many hungry and thin faces? Xiao Xiaohua shouted exaggeratedly as he walked, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"This strange little beeping again!" Soon, someone recognized him.

Lin Fan smiled bitterly and couldn't help avoiding public screaming.

"Well, although you are black like a black bear, you are also dressed in bright clothes, but why are you so stingy? Is it..." Speaking of this, the little scream pretended to be curious, "Are you from the legendary Ge family? Oh, not to mention, it really has the demeanor of your ancestor Grandet!"

"Oh, it turned out to be the Ge family, that's no wonder!"

"Alas, the people of the Ge family are all iron cocks. No wonder this young man is so stingy!"

"What kind of iron rooster? At least the iron rooster can scrape out a layer of rust! The people of the Ge family are all glazed roosters!"

Lin Fan listened to the sarcasm of the people around him, looked depressed, and listened to their tone. Obviously, he really regarded him as the legendary Ge family.

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise. I just got some here. Let's take it for dinner." The little scream shouted as a savior.

"Alas, this little call is really kind! Give all the money you have worked hard to get to other call!"

"Yes! But unlike some people, they are defeated in it!"

"There is indeed a gap between people!"

Lin Fan listened to a sarcasm and couldn't wait to find a hole to get in. He really wanted to curse: "Fuck this bad call is a thief shouting to catch the thief. If you get a bargain, you still act well!"