
55 days of anger

"What's the beginning of this little call? Even the proud son of Beihua College is so polite to him? The little master... Is he the master of the Beggars gang?" This is everyone's question at this moment, and Lin Fan has also determined that this little call must be the master of the beggar gang. As for why he added the word "small", he doesn't understand.

"Can we go in now?" Xiao Yihua looked sideways at the young man with a dizzy face.

"Yes, yes, the door of Beihua College will always be open for you!" Chu Feng smiled bitterly and answered hurriedly. At the same time, he stared at the rude young man fiercely.

"What about my follower?" The little bee turned to Lin Fan and then said, immediately filled Lin Fan's forehead with black lines, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently a few times.

"Yes, yes..." Chu Feng stretched out a gesture of invitation as he spoke.

"Heizi, let's go and take you to see the big scene." The little beeping looked old, with his hands upside down and walked forward exaggeratedly. He stood on her shoulders and also pretended to be "the most handsome beast in the world", which aroused the love of a lot of people. Of course, there were many female students.

Lin Fan snorted sullenly and couldn't wait to bounce a few times on his smooth forehead.

"What black bear! What a black man! What a follower! Which bastard gave birth to the evil!" As Lin Fan walked, he looked angrily at the little screaming and scolding proudly.

Lin Fan followed the little call, and more and more people walked forward. Gradually, Lin Fan found a phenomenon. As long as he was a student of Beihua College, when he saw the little call, his face would show a bitter resentment. Looking at those angry faces, they couldn't wait to chop the little call, but they didn't dare to touch her. He could only avoid the plague and stare at her three or four feet away. The murderous eyes made Lin Fan hair all over his body.

"Ah! Little beeping, you really came in again! This time I will hang you on the tree for three days and nights!" A sharp female voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Fan turned his head in astonishment and happened to see a beautiful woman in red running towards them angrily. The exquisite face, beautiful nose and red lips make people want to take a bite when they see it. But at this time, his face was full of madness, staring at a small scream with a smile on his face, and his eyes were about to spit out fire, gritting his teeth, which made people shudder.

Lin Fan looked at the angry woman, shivered and muttered softly, "Don't become the beaten pool fish!" I can't afford the anger of a beautiful woman!"

Ah? Isn't that a phoenix flame? Why did the little bee? The onlookers talked curiously.

"Well, don't you know? The little beeper didn't know what he used to make a big hole behind Huang Yanyan's skirt, so, er..." The student was explaining that suddenly found that Huang Yanyan's cannibal eyes had looked at him, quickly retreated with a smile on his face and fled.

"Isn't this little cry too damaging?" Lin Fan was speechless, and at this moment, another rough voice sounded.

"Where is that little call? I have to beat her buttocks into eight pieces today!" Lin Fan turned his head in astonishment, and a handsome man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was coming here in a hurry.

"Isn't that the well-cultivated brother Qiu Hengqiu? Why did he come here?

"Damn this little scream is too bad! She went to the female students to steal their underwear, and then put them under Brother Qiu's pillow, which made Brother Qiu become a pervert thief for half a month!"

Ah? Is there such a thing? Brother Qiu is really miserable!"

Where is the little beeping? Get out of here!" A rather weak voice sounded, and Lin Fan turned his head and saw a man with red lips and white teeth running over angrily, but looking at him looking for a posture, he felt like he was swinging in the wind.

"Isn't that written by Liu Yu, the 'beaperous' base god? Why did the little beeping provoke him again?"

"Alas, Liu Yu's title of sister was created by Xiao Xiaohua. Although she is quite sissy, she is not a sissy! The little caller is full of rumors from the college that the sister is Xiao Shou..."

Ah? Is there such a secret?"

Where is the little beeping? I have to skin you!"

"Where is that little bastard? You can't vent your anger if you don't beat her well!"




An angry cry sounded endlessly, and the onlookers became Lin Fan's best commentators at this time, but Lin Fan became bigger and bigger. Looking at the more murderous students gathered, and then looking at the people around him with a careless smile, Lin Fan popped out two words from the bottom of his heart: "Evil !" If you must add an adjective, it is "** naked" and ** naked evil!

While sighing, Lin Fan also had a headache. This little beeer has now found him, and God knows what kind of bad luck it will be waiting for him!

"Ah, Sister Huang, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you so much! Oh, and you, Brother Qiu, and you, sister, and you." The little incarnation has been surrounded by people into a circle less than ten feet in diameter, surrounded by murderous eyes, but without any awareness. He also greeted me warmly.

"Shut up! Who misses you?" Without finishing his words, he was rudely interrupted by a group of people.

"Oh, don't miss me? Well, then I don't want to. I'll find a few people outside the college to miss you, okay? The little beeping stared into two big eyes with a smile on his face.

"Get out!"

is tolerable, which is intolerable! The people around rubbed their fists and palms, took a step forward together, rolled up their sleeves and waited for the pain to scream. Lin Fan complained secretly, and he was even surrounded. If it goes on like this, he must become a dead fish.

"Ah! Help, old man! Your students are going to kill people!" Xiao Yihua suddenly screamed, but as soon as she finished shouting, everyone felt a flower in front of them, and there was an old man with white hair and moon-white clothes in the field.

"Hey, old man, I knew you would come to save me." The little beeping said with a smile.

"Save you, you big-headed ghost!" When the old man heard this, his kind-looking expression suddenly changed. He bounced on his little cry and stared, "Your old father is an old goblin!" You are a goblin! Your whole family is a goblin! You are all goblins!" The older man said, the more excited he became, and the frequency of hand bullets became faster and faster.

Lin Fan happened to stand after the incarnation of the small call, and only felt bursts of saliva splashing, and quickly hid to the side.

"Hey, hey! Old man, what are you doing? The tears of the little screaming pain flowed out, covering his forehead and screaming with a sad face.

"What are you doing? Have you been harmed by the natural resources and treasures that I have saved for thousands of years in Beihua College? As soon as the old man heard the little beeping, he even asked him what he was doing. Suddenly, he was not angry and bounced heavily.

"I... I don't have..." Xiao Yihua looked at the honest and powerful face in his arms and whispered guilty.

"Hmm! I'll tell you the goblin! My old man wrote down the disaster of your Beihua College. Your old father said that he would come out and pay it back sooner or later. I will go to him to ask for the bill!" As he spoke, he played it hard again.

"Vice President, you can't let her go like this! This little girl's film is too arrogant!" When everyone heard that the old man wanted to let her go, some people spoke out indignantly.

"Yes! If it goes on like this, our Beihua College must be demolished by her!"

"Did you dismantle it? That's right. Why didn't I think of it? If there is no wall, Beihua College will be magnificent!" When the little beeper heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he unconsciously said it, making Lin Fan completely speechless.

"Remov your head! If you dare to move, I will tear down your old father's fishing (harmonious) island!" As soon as the vice president heard this, he immediately shouted crazily.

"I...that's just saying!" Xiao Jinghua put on an aggrieved expression and looked pitifully at the still angry people around him. "I used to do some bad things, but now I don't have the awareness of change? Brothers and sisters, don't worry about it, okay?" That poor look is really pitiful to me. If I hadn't known her nature, I would have been deceived by her.

"Have you had the awareness of change? Humph! Your awareness is just 'have', change? Wait until the rooster lays eggs!" Huang Yanyan gritted his teeth.

"That's it! Don't pretend to be pitiful. Let me tell you, even if you put on the coat of a happy sheep, you can't change the essence of your gray wolf!"

"Hmm! You change it? If you want me to believe that you can change, it's better for me to believe that sows will climb trees!"

A noisy voice sounded endlessly, which really made Lin Fan see the power of small screaming.

It can make a college person so angry that he is really a talent among talents! Lin Fan couldn't help sighing the great aura of small screaming.

"Okay, stop it. Let's break up. The admissions conference is about to start. It's not good for those new students to see it." The vice president interrupted in time, and then pulled the little call and walked out, and Lin Fan followed closely. Joke! With the deputy dean opening the way, he can still go out. If he doesn't keep up closely, he will not be able to become their vent for a while.

The little call is led by the vice dean and follows obediently, while Dawei rolls back and forth on the shoulder of the little call, as if smiling.

The vice president walked forward with a black face without saying a word.

Between seven turns and eight turns, the noise became louder and louder. At the same time, various flags fluttering in the wind, and a lively square appeared in front of him.

"Huh! Little girl, to be honest, have you fed all those natural treasures to this little thing? The vice president looked close to the square and pulled the little scream in front of him, with his beard upturned.

"I...just ate a little..." said the little begling thief.


I encountered something today, angry, crazy, and my heart jumped off the building...