
68 vitality in the fierce

" guys talk to me and you again!" Listening to the teasing of Lin Fan and Nangong Ling, Shen's face turned red with shame, and finally couldn't help shouting angrily.

"Okay, okay, we won't talk about it. Hey hey, we won't talk about it." Lin Fan saw that Shen was really anxious. Looking at his eyes and his nose were almost crooked, he was really afraid that he would "go crazy in public" and fight with himself, so he quickly stopped with a smile.

"Anyway, we say, or not, the beautiful woman is there, unwavering." Nangong Ling still looked fearless. "Do you think you should let her walk into her arms or let her live in your heart?"

"Ah! Little scream, I'm going to kill you!" After being attacked by Nangong Linglian's cynicism and sarcasm, Shen Shu shouted and rushed to Nangong Ling with his teeth and claws. Nangong Ling's real name, few people know her. Outsiders either call her Xiaohua or her little master.

"Hee hee, you can't catch me!" Xiaohua laughed and made a grimace at Shen Shuan. He turned his head and went into the crowd. The two fled and chased. For a moment, they rushed the crowd into chaos, which provoked everyone to scolding.

Lin Fan smiled and walked towards the Doupo Palace. At the same time, he secretly sensed the idea that had locked himself, and finally decided that it would no longer linger on his body.

With a light heart, Lin Fan's steps were much lighter. Before long, he had come to the Doupo Palace. Shen San was staring at Nangong Ling at the door, but Xiaohua was teasing Dawei with a smile on his face.

Lin Fan has also been here before and has heard about the reputation of the broken palace and its status in Tiandi City, but he has not paid close attention to it. At this time, he came again, but he unconsciously looked carefully.

But after a closer look, Lin Fan was speechless. Doupo Palace is a famous beast fighting place in the Heavenly Emperor City. At least it should be more majestic, and the materials should also be glass bricks and century-old wood and other high-grade things, right? Why should we carve some dragons and draw some phoenixes and some auspicious beasts to decorate them? But what he saw in front of him really made Lin Fan complain.

The ordinary architectural structure, ordinary building materials, ordinary architectural appearance, ordinary doors, and a reduced version of the gate really make Lin Fan disappointed with this well-known Doupo Palace.

Lin Fan had been wondering why he had come here, but he had no impression at all. Now he finally understands that this kind of building is the kind that can never be picked out when thrown into the complex. If it weren't for the "small" of the "fighting broken palace" on the door that didn't waste any pen and ink. No one can imagine that this is the Doupo Palace of the famous Tiandi City.

"Are you sure... this is the headquarters of Doupo Palace, not a branch?" Lin Fan looked at Nangong Ling with a strange face, and then looked at Shen San.

"Hmm!" The two of them made a solemn head at the same time.

"Are you really sure?"


"Are you really sure?"

"I said, black man, are you finished? I'll tell you a thousand points, this is the battle of the palace, like a fake exchange, and the child is not deceived!" Seeing Lin Fan's endless certainty, the little caller finally shouted impatiently.

"Hey, Brother Jia, you don't want to think about whose property this broken palace is. That's the property of the Ge family! What does the Ge family represent? Do you understand?" Shen Shau patted Lin Fan on the shoulder with a meaningful face.

"Oh, the Ge family, is the Ge family very special?" Lin Fan said confusedly, and then suddenly looked at Shen Su with wide eyes as if he remembered something, "No way? Be an iron rooster for this? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

Exaggeration? Bang! Do you know how the No. 2 owner of the Ge family responds to your question? Nangong Ling's voice sounded on the side, "It's good to have a roof to protect you from the wind and rain. What else do you want? The Ge family's coins are not blown out by the strong wind!"

"Is it possible that they originally wanted to open the air?"

"This... It is said that it was indeed like this at the beginning..." Shen also felt speechless and touched his nose helplessly, "How can others think that they are called the Iron Rooster family or praise them? After all, the iron rooster can still scrape out a little rust!"

"I'm gone. What's the use of saying this? Shall we go in? Maybe this time, hey..." Nangong's dirty little face was full of thief's light, and he couldn't help looking at the power.

"Hey." Hearing Nangong Ling's words, Shen Shuo also smiled and looked at Dawei as if he were looking at a huge treasure.

The two entered one after the other, and Lin Fan also followed curiously. He is really curious. First, he is curious about how "ordinary" the inside of the Doupo Palace will be. Second, he is curious about how such a stingy family has been supporting such an "ordinary" Doupo Palace for a long time and can make money. He is really curious.

Lin Fan just took a few steps forward, but suddenly bumped into Shen Shuan, who slowly stepped back a few steps.

"Ouch!" Lin Fan was hit by Shen Shuan and unconsciously shouted.

"Brother Jia, there are a few words that I don't know whether to say or not." Shen calculated turned around, and his face was serious, not as good as before.

"Brother Shen, it's okay to say anything." Lin Fan wondered what the "Shen Liar" had to say, and it was so serious.

"Brother Jia, I have a few words for you. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you." Shen Shu looked solemn, and obviously what he wanted to say was very heavy.

"Well, you said." Lin Fan nodded and looked at Shen Yudao.

"According to my observation, Brother Jia is afraid that there will be a big murderer in the near future." Shen calculated opened his mouth and surprised Lin Fan. Before he could speak, Shen calculated continued, "I hope Brother Jia will remember a few words recently. The water is not close, the mountains should be careful, form good friends, and turn bad luck." After saying these words, Shen San returned to his original rogue nature and walked towards the interior of the Doupo Palace.

Lin Fan only feels that he is like a second King Kong who can't touch his head. The literal meaning is obviously that he should not go into the mountain if he doesn't want to get close to the water in the near future. At the same time, he can turn bad luck into good luck, but his connotation is not at all. When it comes to water, it seems that it can only be the unknown lotus pond of Beihua College, but when it comes to mountains, there is no clue at all.

"Black, come in quickly, don't linger there!" Just as Lin Fan was meditating, Nangong Ling shouted.

"Here it comes." Lin Fan promised and put these thoughts aside. Since you can't figure it out, you can only talk about it later. I believe that there will always be one more way than the problem. Thinking of this, Lin Fan's slightly heavy heart became lively again. While agreeing, he has walked towards Nangong Ling and the two.

After the three people meet and hand in a small number of "entry tickets", the three finally entered the official Doupo Palace.

"Isn't this... too broken?" As soon as Lin Fan entered, he stared helplessly, and his forehead was full of black lines.

The place where three people enter is the highest point of the whole audience. The four platforms are distributed in four directions, and in the middle of the field, there is a huge open space surrounded by a large number of iron cages, in which all kinds of huge or small beasts can't help roaring.

The whole Doupo Palace is extremely simple. The seats are all wooden. Except for the slightly red grandstand in the east, which is obviously the so-called "VIP area", the rest are all "wood". The open space is more direct, without any construction, completely hardened ground, and the top floor is a large roof like a house. , but it has been magnified dozens or hundreds of times.

"Did you forget what I told you outside? It's good that they can give us a place to shelter from the wind and rain!" Nangong Ling and Shen San are also quite helpless.

At this time, more than half of the seats were full, and the three of them looked for it casually and chose a seat to sit down.

As soon as the three sat down, Lin Fanfang waited to talk about this kind of "wood" seat, and felt a gust of wind blowing, and then the darkness in front of his eyes blocked his sight.

Looking up curiously, Lin Fan saw a face staring at himself, and his face was full of disbelief, and he couldn't help thinking "weird!" It's really weird!"

Ah? "Ghost!" As soon as Lin Fan saw this face, he shouted first without paying attention to his muttering words.

The face of the person who just appeared is almost the same as Shen Ju!

"Bah! What the hell? This is my brother Shen Duan! My own!" As soon as Lin Fan shouted, Shen Yu patted him and said with a pooh.

"Didn't you look for a lottery again, didn't you? How many times have I told you? I am the boss! If you hadn't played conspiracy at the beginning, how could you have run out before me? The man standing heard Shen Yu's words, stared at him, raised his palm and was about to pat Shen Zhan on the head.

"Hight! Stop it! Let's go back and argue about it!" Shen suan shrank his neck and waved his hand quickly. Obviously, he was afraid of Shen's break.

"Hmm! You son of a man!" Shen Duan stared at Shen Shuan, and then patted Shen Shuo's body and said, "Sit down and sit down. I have something to say to this little brother!"

Shen Yu moved to the side with a depressed face and gave up the seat next to Lin Fan.

"Hum hum!" Shen Duan just sat down and looked at Lin Fan with bright eyes. Fang waited to speak, but heard a few hums.

"Hum, hum, hum?" Shen Duan looked up impatiently, but the next moment he immediately opened his mouth and said, "Ah, little master, it's you! Sorry! Sorry! Excuse me! Excuse me!" While talking, he stood up and left, with a sad look on his face. At the same time, he stared at Shen Shu fiercely and scolded him more than a hundred times in his heart. Naturally, he blamed him for not reminding himself of this little trouble here.

"Hum hum! You don't have to leave when you come. Tell me what you just said. The little beeping stroked the intoxicated power in her arms and said casually.

"Yes, little master." Shen Duan said respectfully.

Looking at Shen Duan's suffocating expression at this time, which was completely different from Shen San's angry face, Lin Fan smiled secretly, but also sincerely admired Nangong Ling's "ability". After all, it is not easy for anyone to make people not only have a headache but also make people feel evil.

"Just now, I saw that the little brother's face actually contained a sign of great evil, and the great ferocity had been vented out of the body, which was obviously the appearance of early death, but later I found that the great fierceness seemed to have a glimmer of life in the dead, and then took a hair and moved his whole body, and the great evil turned into good luck. I really felt that it was mysterious and unpredictable. It's just that the vitality is too ethereal to see clearly.