
79 The person who was punished by his wife for kneeling on the board?

"Although the origin of Dawei is difficult to understand, it can be integrated with the horns of the Xuangu War King and the Bull Demon King. I'm afraid it is really related to the inheritance of the Bull Demon King. Tianjimen was inherited from the largest rebel dragon python family in Xuangu. I'm afraid there is really a deep hatred between the two." Lin Fan thought in his heart.

At this time, Qin Keer was also full of doubts. Dawei's performance was beyond her imagination. Although she was not calm on her face, she was also thinking at the bottom of her heart.

"Xiaoqing has always been very lazy, but today the little guy's mood fluctuated as soon as he got close to him. After that, he actually looked scared. I don't know where this little beast came from?" Thinking so, Qin Keer wanted to turn her head and see what the little guy came from, but out of all kinds of scruples, she didn't look back.

The two have their own thoughts, and the people around them are also thoughtful.

Ji Wuhua's eyes burst into chaos and looked at Lin Fan from time to time. The corners of his mouth were slightly slanted, as if he was sneering. No one knew what he was thinking.

The long hair of Yaotian still covers his face. On his body, layers of strange thin curtains blocked everyone's eyes, making it impossible for everyone to see his true face, but the violent light in his eyes came out, making people feel like a light on his back. Occasionally, he felt harsh and painful.

As for Jiang Yun and Jiang Yixuan, they still had a gentle smile, as if it had nothing to do with them at all, so they were not taken into account.

In addition, Tianmo Sect Xiangxiao and Tiangui taught ghosts to see sorrow, and their eyes flashed from time to time, looking at the roaring power, and at the same time seemed to sweep Lin Fan intentionally or unintentionally.

In addition to the people Lin Fan knew, there were still dozens of strange eyes looking at Lin Fan. Lin Fan turned a blind eye and just softly appeased Dawei. It took a long time for Dawei to calm down.

At this moment, a loud bell suddenly sounded in the Doupo Palace. Then, an old man with a red face came to the stage and glanced majestically at the stage. The bustling sound under the stage suddenly disappeared, and all of them opened their eyes and looked at the old man.

The old man was very satisfied with the reaction of everyone. He smiled and cleared his throat and said, "At the birth of the beast god, all the beasts gathered to compete for the title of beast king. It is not to say that it is an annual event, but it is definitely the most lively event. I am not talented in breaking the palace. I want to be the place where all the beasts of Tiandi City gather. Thank you for your support. This battle of the Beast King is much higher than in previous years in terms of quantity and quality, and the fierce competition will be unprecedented. I hope it can bring you a visual feast.

After saying relatively briefly, the old man retreated, and then a young man went up to report the next fight.

The central venue of the Doupo Palace was temporarily divided into four parts, and four games were held at the same time.

This battle of the Beast King has emerged from the beginning. The audience cheered endlessly and kept cheering for their favorite spirit beasts.

Lin Fan looked around the field and then set it in the same direction, where a leopard was confronting a green-haired lion. Elsewhere, the war is in full swing, but it is still quiet here.

The two beasts are like natural enemies, staring at each other from the beginning. Both of them have obviously experienced a large number of battles with rich experience. The leopard is more than half the size of the green-haired lion, but they are brazenly fearless. They can't help spinning around the green-haired lion and looking for opportunities to issue a fatal blow in the diary.

At this time, the battle between the two beasts has entered the level of white heat. The field is thunder and fire. The leopard and the green-haired lion have long been unable to see their bodies. The two beasts are running in the air and giving full play to their advantages.


Another shock, and then the leopard suddenly fell from the air and fell to the ground with a dull sound.

"The leopard was photographed from the air by the green-haired lion again! That's it last time! It's still like this!"

"That green-haired lion is not intentional, is it? There is still some sarcasm in its eyes!"

"Really! This lion deserves to be the king of beasts!"

Everyone talked about it and shouted for the green-haired lion. The leopard seemed to be ashamed and angry. After jumping up from the ground, there was a loud roar. Then his eyes were opened angrily and rushed to the green-haired lion again, but the ending was no suspense. He was slapped to the ground by the green-haired lion again and again until the end, the green-haired lion Zi seemed to be quite impatient with the more frustrated the leopard became. With a fierce slap, it could no longer stand up and fainted directly.

"It is said that lions are not as hard to kill as tigers. It seems to be true." Nangong Ling looked at the green-haired lion step by step without impatience and exiting the field like an elegant gentleman, and sighed.

"These are all monsters with wisdom. Naturally, they won't do so many evil things at this time." A strange voice suddenly came, with a smile in the voice.

Lin Fan and others turned their heads and saw a young man with a modest smile on his face smiling at them. However, the smile on his face turned to Lin Fan and others, but his eyes were almost fixed on Dawei. Although he tried to hide the heat in his eyes, he did not hide it from Lin Fan's eyes after all.

Lin Fan smiled, but turned his head and said nothing more. Looking at the man's smile, he always felt uncomfortable and felt that his smile was too fake.

"Hmm!" Nangong Ling hummed before turning his head, but Shen San responded with a treacherous smile, "Brother Zhao just came out of the small dark room? Look at this, it's been going well these days. How many days will we play again?

After Shen finished speaking, he smiled strangely and turned his head. The smile on the young man's face suddenly condensed on his face, flashed a trace of shame and no longer opened his mouth, but there were a few cold light in his eyes.

"Old liar, do you know that man?" Lin Fan looked at Shen.

"It's more than just knowing! It's simply unrebellious!" Shen Duan interrupted, "That guy's name is Zhao Fu. He has a sword in his mouth and a knife in his smile. He claims to harm others and himself. He has a bad stomach, but he has a characteristic that he is afraid of his wife! Once this guy actually hit me, and I tricked him into the fireworks field. On the way, I made a signal with Shen Yu. We have been connected since we were children, and we could understand each other's meaning with a gesture. He went to call his wife there. I walked away when I was about time, and then he was locked in a horse ring. Kneeling on the board for a month.

Shen Duan had a loyal face, but he talked about the whole person, and he was quite proud of the details, which made Lin Fan and Nangong Ling listen to each other. At the same time, Ji Yun and others were also speechless. They unconsciously turned their heads and looked at Zhao Fu. Yao Tianxing shouted exaggeratedly, "Zhao Fu, I heard that you are old by you. Is it true that the mother-in-law punished her kneeling on the board?


I'm going to set up the class, and I've encountered something else today. I'm in a bad mood. It's even later. There will be another chapter later.