
106 Go to hell!

"What is he going to do?" Watching Lin Fan rush to Tiandi City, the same question rose from the bottom of everyone's heart, and then followed coincidentally.

Just after Lin Fan left for a few breaths, the three boundary gates suddenly rumbled, and then the terrible pressure swept through all directions, and then seven figures came out of the three boundary gates.

They all put their hands upside down, hold their heads high, and their eyes are like blades, arrogant but cold, like the gods in charge of the world, overlooking the vast land. And among them, there is a boundless teacher of Ziyang!

And another person, if Lin Fan is here, will certainly recognize that it is the Dragon Tsunami Sea famous for his greed!

As for the remaining old woman, she is also an old acquaintance. It was Li Feiniang who had scolded Lin Fan that day. At this time, she was still angry and looked at Lin Fan in the distant sky with a grumpy face.

As for the other two boundary gates, two people came out of each. One of them has a white lotus flower on their cuffs, which is obviously a person from the White Lotus Sect, while the other side has a blood-dropting machete at the waist. Naturally, they are short and naturally the moon falling soul group. They looked at each other, and then stood in three distinct ways. Behind them, there are cold and arrogant middle-aged disciples, all of whom have reached the late stage of bone refining, and some of them have even reached the early stage of horrible marrowization.

"This bastard killed my only son. Last time I let him escape, this time I will cut him into meat sauce!" Hua Wuliang looked angry, and even his face was a little deformed. He stared at the direction of Lin Fan's disappearance and gritted his teeth.

"There are a lot of treasures on this guy!" Long Xiaohai swallowed and stared at Lin Fan's eyes, full of greed, and obviously wanted to catch some treasures.

"This boy is too arrogant! Today, I will kill him!" Li Feiniang looked angry and stared at Lin Fan, who had turned into a small black spot in the distance. Her heart has never been broad-minded. In those years, Lin Fan's words offended her, and she has been holding a grudge until now!

"This person has what we need. After killing him, we will take what we get." Bai Lian taught a man to say indifferently, "Let's go. He can't fly today."

"Yes, the purpose of the blood sacrifice is to lead the killing and robbery to him, and take the opportunity of the birth of the sacred object to kill him!" One member of the soul group said, "When the sacred object is born, it will be cut off to evil, and then return to the ownerless thing. He is the best candidate!" After saying that, he sneered. After saying that, the seven people made efforts to pursue the Heavenly Emperor City at the same time!

Lin Fan is actually the victim of their man-made destruction against the birth of killing objects!

But Lin Fan knows nothing about this. In other words, even if he knows, he will not care about it. At this time, he was stopping outside the Heavenly Emperor City and looked up at the strange three-headed and six-armed magic shadow over the Heavenly Emperor City. He sneered, and his blood was still dripping blood. It seemed to be inexhaustible. Dawei had already turned into a foot length, lying on his shoulder, holding the spiritual essence and nibbled.

"Are you here? Seven people, Hua Wuliang, Long Xiaohai, Li Fei Niang, Soul Group, Bai Lianjiao... Hey hey, seven reborn masters! You really think highly of me!" Lin Fan sneered, saw them approaching, his figure shook repeatedly, and suddenly disappeared into the Heavenly Emperor City.

But he did not hide his whereabouts, and even kept making noise all the way, as if he was afraid that Hua Wuliang and others would not find him. The blood coat on his body has already become dark red, making him look like a bloody demon king. Almost wherever he goes, it will cause a sensation. It is really easy to make a movement. Behind him, in the sky and underground, the dark crowd followed from a distance. Everyone was curious about how Lin Fan, who practiced bone cultivation, would turn defeat into victory in the face of seven masters with more than reborn cultivation! In their opinion, archery is a mortal situation!

In the meantime, of course, there were also people such as Nangong Ling Shen Duan who wanted to help Lin Fan, but they were secretly rejected by Lin Fan and only vaguely said that they were sure. Nangong Ling and others were also curious about Lin Fan's cards, so they just followed closely.

As they moved forward, everyone finally found something wrong. Lin Fan's direction turned out to be Beihua College!

"Does he want to borrow those antiques of Beihua College to deal with these seven people?" Shen Duan opened his mouth to guess.

"No way..." Ge Duojin, who had already joined Nangong Ling and others, shook his head and said, "Those old men of Beihua College will never take action unless their vital interests are involved. This has almost become a tradition, and my Ge family has deeply learned it.

"Then what did he do there?" Shen Duan asked.

"Is it...unnamed Holland?" Nangong Ling's brain flashed and opened his mouth to answer.

"Unnamed Holland? What are you doing there? If it was before, it was definitely a big kill, but now, the three-headed and six-armed magic shadow has become much lighter, the magic atmosphere in the Heavenly Emperor City has faded a lot, and the unnamed lotus side has already been silent. Even if there will be major changes on the unnamed lotus bank on the day of the ghost festival, as rumored, it is not yet!" Shen suan immediately raised his own questions.

Nangong Lingjing waited for Shen to finish speaking, but did not say what he saw on the side of the unknown lotus that day. Looking at Lin Fan's direction, she is almost 100% sure that Lin Fan must want to use the power of the supreme existence in the mysterious path in the unnamed lotus bank to catch all the people who follow her! Originally, all this was impossible, but in Lin Fan's hand, he held a device that could actively induce the ghost path - the soul-chasing flag of the years!

"That's a double-edged sword!" Thinking of the scene he saw that day, Nangong Ling felt cold all over. That kind of cultivation, even if it was a projection, even through several spaces, made people feel a sense of destruction. If it was really lured out... Nangong Ling felt that his hair stood up all over his body, but he did not stop Lin Fan. It's not that she doesn't want to, but that she knows that she can't stop it at all.


Just as the crowd was following, Lin Fan suddenly accelerated and ascended seven steps to the sky. A confused rainbow bridge appeared in the air again. Lin Fan seemed to be really ascending to the sky. His figure shook and disappeared from everyone's sight. The next moment, he strangely appeared on the big stone tablet on the shore of the unknown lotus bank.

"I'll wait for you here! Don't let me down!" Lin Fan looked up at the dark and lively crowd around him, and then set his eyes on Hua Wuliang and others who were rapidly following him in the distance. "Hundreds of monks in the late bone refining and even in the marrow period are almost done!"

Hua Wuliang and others saw Lin Fan stop and saw the joking expression on his face from afar.

"When you die, it's still so rampant! After a while, I will definitely skin you and sacrifice my son's spirit in heaven!"

"His face is really annoying, just like his master!"

"Seeing this arrogant expression, I want to strangle him."

"Laugh, there is not much time to laugh."



Everyone is angry. In their opinion, they have taken the absolute initiative, and the prey they think has hidden in death is looking at them with ridicule. No one can be angry.


Everyone accelerated at the same speed, and in an instant, it has reached the unnamed bank. He fell to the ground and walked towards Lin Fan with a black face.

"Hey." Lin Fan's eyes showed a sneer, which made Hua Wuliang's heart cool down. His intuition was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything wrong. Then, just as they were stunned, Lin Fan suddenly turned around and jumped into the unnamed lotus bank.

Everyone was shocked and rushed to the unnamed lotus bank and looked under the unnamed lotus bank.

The water in the unnamed lake is clear, but it is strange that you can't see the bottom.

"If you run to the edge of the sky, I will catch you and tear you up!" Hua Wuliang saw Lin Fan disappear under his nose, and was immediately overwhelmed by hatred, said a fierce sentence, and then jumped into the unnamed bank.

The rest of the people looked heavy and did not jump in directly, but watched quietly.


Suddenly, there was a dull rumble at the bottom of the unnamed lotus lake. Just when everyone turned pale, the whole unnamed lotus suddenly boiled!


Nangong Ling experienced this situation. As soon as he saw this situation, Lin Fan had lured him out of the magic path with the soul-chasing flag of the years. His face changed, shouted in a low voice, and retreated sharply. At the same time, the whole unknown bank suddenly set off dozens of feet of high waves, dancing like a dragon in the air, and suddenly swallowed up the untimely monks. Hundreds of people screamed, but disappeared cleanly, and there was no residue left.


The unnamed shore is still shaking, and the bottom of the lake seems to be like an earthquake, shaking thousands of meters. And above the unnamed lotus bank, there are many magic clouds and dull breath, which is suffocating.

Puff! Poo! Poo!

Some monks suddenly collapsed at this moment. But this does not seem to be aimed at people with low cultivation, but seems to be the oppression of some kind of air!

"What's going on?" Beihua College was boiling, and dozens of figures rushed from different places with an angry face. Beihua College has not had such a change for a long time, and some hermit elders rushed over at the first time. Then, they were shocked by what they saw in front of them, and they looked shocked and unbelievable.

At this time, the unnamed lotus bank is completely boiling, and the boiling lake water converges into a huge network of boiling water in the air, covering all 100 meters. Hua Wuliang and others and the monks who brought in have not escaped because they are too close to the unknown lotus bank!

"Wat me to kill! Just wait to die!" Lin Fan's domineering voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of the lake, and then, between the people inhaling cold air, a dazzling golden figure suddenly came out of the bottom of the lake! Behind him, a large flag several feet long, hulaing and pulling out, is a simple and old path, which is mottled and seems to have experienced tens of thousands of years! And among them, there are countless shadows and countless shadows. Although there is no pressure outflow, it is shocking enough! And deeper in it, there seems to be a pair of eyes, which are uncertain!

"Tongyou Magic Path!" Ji Qian and Qian Yi stood together, looking at the path between the reality and reality, spitting out word by word.

"You guys can go to hell!" Lin Fan's voice was without any emotion. With a sharp wave of his right hand, the soul-chasing flag of the years suddenly shook violently, and the subsequent magic path suddenly emitted a thousand light, exploded with a bang, and the terrible energy fluctuated through the heavy planes, rushing to Hua Wuyi and others!

At this moment, the eyes in the depths of the ghost path are more dazzling, as if some kind of ancient seal has been unsealed!