
150 do something or not (five thousand words)

Lin Fan looked at the chair without blinking, as if he had looked through everything and looked directly at the owner of the moon god palace that had not appeared.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I mean no harm to you." The words of the owner of the Moon God Palace were plain. While the words sounded, Lin Fan only felt a flash of light and shadow in the air, and the black cat statue had disappeared.

"I know that you have a lot of doubts about how I know this extraterritorial god cat, and even your relationship with it, but all this is actually very simple," the owner of the Moon God Palace's words were calm, but Lin Fan listened carefully to make sure to hear every word clearly. However, the owner of the Moon God Palace continued: "The foreign god cat is originally the guardian beast of my Moon God Palace. However, it is often not in the palace, but out to travel.

"What? Is it the guardian beast of the Moon Palace? Lin Fan was shocked. He never thought that the black cat, which was comparable in size as a tiger, would have such a big background, but then he frowned again. "As far as I know, the cat is the black cat, which has a very close relationship with the mysterious ancient unrivaled god clan, and may even be the owner of a god. ......”

"You're right, but what you don't know is that the god is the ancestor of my Moon Palace." If Lin Fan was shocked when he heard that the black cat was the guardian beast of the Moon Palace, he was stunned at this time.

" is this possible? You are far away from overseas, and the god is obviously buried in a mountain range thousands of miles away..." Lin Fan's shock was almost shouted out, and the whole small attic buzzed.

"You're right, but do you know the identity of the ancestor of our Moon Shrine?" The voice of the Lord of the Moon God Palace was still flat. It seemed that he had expected that Lin Fan would have such a reaction. Before Lin Fan could answer, he said to himself, "He is the king of the god clan and leads the whole god clan!" There was a strong pride in the words of the Lord of the Moon God Palace, "His footsteps have stepped all over the world. He has collected countless disturbances with his own force and wisdom. The moon falls, which is one of them. And every time he walks through a place, he will leave a member of the royal family there to rule and indify him.

"Then why did he end up falling somewhere else?" Lin Fan avoided the focus of the Lord of the Moon God Palace and pointed directly to what he was concerned about. While asking this sentence, his heart pounded. When he asked this sentence, Lin Fan had guessed that the unparalleled god must have fallen in the battle of Xuangu, but until now, everything about Xuangu is still a mystery. And here seems to be an opportunity to solve the puzzle. If you want to be clear about Xuangu, I'm afraid that in addition to the people who experienced it at that time, it is their descendants.

"I know what you want to ask, but unfortunately, I don't know the specific reason." The words of the Lord of the Moon God Palace sounded, but Lin Fan frowned, "Don't you know? Didn't the gods leave any information?"

"The ancestor did leave information that was beneficial to Xuangu and even before Xuangu, but he also left a message that Xuangu and what happened before knew that it was harmful and useless before his cultivation arrived, so he left a strong seal where he left information. If he can't untie the seal, it indicates that he is not qualified to know Xuangu. The previous secret."

"Hasn't anyone been able to break those seals in ten thousand years?" Lin Fan frowned and asked.

"No, never. A world-class figure came here 5,000 years ago. He was the most hopeful to break it, but it was not completely broken after all. He saw some secrets, but he was deeply secret about it. Before leaving, he lost his soul and said a few words repeatedly. There is a rare fluctuation in the words of the Lord of the Moon God Palace, and it seems that he is still amazed by the man 5,000 years ago.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Fan asked curiously, and there was also a doubt in his heart. The person who could unlock the seal of the god and see the secret, even if he could only see a little, was enough to show that he was a personal hero, especially the only one in ten thousand years.

"His words are very strange. He said that the pain of fighting with heaven is endless, the pain of fighting with the earth is endless, and the pain of fighting with people is endless!" The voice of the Lord of the Moon Palace is also full of doubt. Obviously, he is also puzzled by what the man said 5,000 years ago.

"What? Is the person you mentioned the ancestor of the Jingyuan Dynasty 5,000 years ago? Lin Fan did not notice the questions in the main words of Yueshen Palace, but was surprised by what the man said 5,000 years ago, which was clearly written on the yellowed paper he accidentally saw in the Jingyuan Royal Book Garden!

"Do you know?" There was surprise in the words of the Lord of the Temple.

"I entered Jingyuan Royal Book Garden and accidentally turned to a piece of paper, which was written exactly these words." Lin Fan replied in a low voice.

"These words of that person have been passed down from generation to generation and have been passed down for three generations." The owner of the Moon God Palace paused for a moment, and then slowly opened his mouth, "We have also asked people of insight to interpret it, but without exception. No one can understand the meaning of his words and can only judge by guessing."

Lin Fan was silent for a while and thought about it, but finally had no clue. He raised his head and looked directly at the chair and said, "You are already very clear about you and the gods, but I'm afraid it's not about this matter."

"Yes," the owner of the Moon God Palace heard Lin Fan's question. After a brief silence, he decisively admitted it, and then asked a seemingly irrelevant question, "Lin Fan, do you know about the five races of Xuangu Tian?"

"The five races of heaven, what you mean, do you mean the five most famous clans in Xuangu, the gods, the heavenly people, the demons, the heavenly demons and the heavenly ghosts?" Lin Fan replied that he was not surprised that the owner of the Yueshen Palace could call out his name in one bite. Knowing the previous news, it was obvious that the Yueshen Palace owner had already explored his details clearly.

"Well, yes, do you know the origin of the five Xuangu clans?" There was no surprise in the voice of the Lord of the Moon God Palace.

"Didn't you say that Xuangu had already been sealed by your ancestors? Do you know?" Lin Fan frowned.

"The secret of the seal of the gods is only some core things, but for these things, they have not been sealed. In addition, we have been searching for relevant information over the past ten thousand years, and we have accumulated a lot of information, and even become information and stored in the database of our Moon Shrine." The voice of the Lord of the Moon God Palace suddenly became urgent and looked very excited.

"What are their origins?" Lin Fan asked curiously.

"Sit down, I'll slowly tell you," the voice of the owner of the Moon Palace returned to be flat, and then a chair appeared in front of Lin Fan out of thin air. Lin Fan's pupils contracted. He didn't see how this chair appeared in the house at all, just like a creation out of thin air!

"What a profound cultivation!" Lin Fan took a deep breath of cold air, but did not refuse. He dragged the chair and sat down.

"Each of the five clans of heaven has a royal family. Their leaders are called demon emperor, demon emperor, ghost king, god lord and human dignity respectively. The god travels through the world, teaches the people of all continents, and is respected as a god who walks in the world. The demon emperor walks in the demon world and is the co-owner of all demons. The demon emperor gathers the spirit of the world. Wherever he passes, the demon spirit is surging and unstoppable, and the ghost king rarely appears. There are rumors that the well-known yellow spring is the life of the ghost king. Magic weapon Speaking of this, the Lord of the Moon God Palace stopped talking and went on silent.

"Where is the human dignity?" Lin Fan endured for a while and finally asked curiously.

"We didn't find the information of respectable people." The Lord of Yueshen Palace was silent for a long time before he said leisurely, "Moreover, I didn't find anything about this immortal-like person, as if it was just a fabricated by people. Except for this name, we don't know anything else."

"What? How is this possible?" Lin Fan's body shocked, a person who has existed for more than tens of thousands of years, and a person who has left a name can't find a trace of information for tens of thousands of years!

"I once saw Tianren..." Lin Fan's heart suddenly moved and said.

"Are you talking about the image in the fantasy world of Tiannan School?" The owner of the Moon Palace seems to have guessed, and he is not surprised at all.

"Do you know?" Lin Fan asked, but as soon as he asked, he knew that he was a little stupid. The Moon Palace has existed for so long. I'm afraid that the details of each sect are more or less known.

"The image of that person in the fantasy world is indeed true to be a heavenly race, but what is puzzling is that the big man like the god of heaven, who has visited all kinds of ancient books and places, and there is no news at all. In addition, although the human image is also the bloodline of the royal family, it is obviously not strong. It can be considered that it is a side branch, and the blood relationship is already very thin. The Lord of the Moon Palace explained in detail. She herself is a god clan and has the most keen sense of the mysterious and mysterious thing of blood. Lin Fan heard her say this at this time, but he did not feel that she was talking.

"Apart from this question, you mentioned the origin of the five races of heaven, but up to now, you don't seem to have mentioned the origin of the five races." Lin Fan said calmly. He doesn't know much about the five races of heaven. He has never known the strangeness of the five races. So far, he has only known the vein of the gods because he inexplicably walked to the heaven refining body. He also saw the demon palace a long time ago and knew that there was a demon emperor.

"If I say that the five races of heaven are originally one, will you believe it?" As soon as Lin Fan finished his words, he felt that a pair of eyes were staring at him. Just when he felt uncomfortable all over, the words of the Lord of the Moon Palace sounded again, but it was this sentence that shocked Lin Fan.

"What? Do you think the five races of heaven are originally a clan? How is this possible? According to you said, the five races of heaven are very powerful. Even in Xuangu, I'm afraid they can sit on an equal footing with the emperor and the emperor of heaven. If they are from the same clan, how can their ancestors be strong and terrible? Lin Fan was short of breath, spoke more and more anxiously, and stood directly from the chair.

"We also think this answer is impossible, but according to the information we have, this is indeed a very possible situation." The owner of the Moon God Palace seems to be considering the words and saying them word by word, "And that ethnic group has a strange title, the Tiangu clan."

"Tiangu clan?" Lin Fan frowned.

"Yes, Tiangu clan, we are also very surprised by this answer. Just a hundred years ago, we were surprised to find that our ancestors, God, also had this speculation, but he was also uncertain and full of doubts about this matter."

"God is not sure..." Lin Fan's eyebrows frowned more and more. Assuming that all this is true, the Tiangu clan became the most prestigious five clans in Xuangu, so what does this mean? Why did God leave his uncertain conjecture? Lin Fan's face showed a meditative expression. Suddenly, his heart moved and he raised his head and said, "Has God left any other conjectures?"

"You are really smart." The Lord of the Moon God Palace said with praise, "The ancestor God did leave a conjecture, and his conjecture is that the Tiangu clan is too powerful, resulting in heaven and earth, but if the bloodline of the five clans are gathered and the bloodline is integrated, it may create the rise of a new generation of Tiangu clans!"

"Five vein fusion..." Lin Fan said with a doubtful expression on his face, "However, as you said, the king of the heavenly race has never left any news about him or his direct bloodline until now. How can you merge? And what does this have to do with me..."

"It has something to do with you." The owner of the Moon God Palace directly cut off Lin Fan's words, "The child beside you has caught my attention when he first stepped on the peak."

"Here comes the topic." Lin Fan said secretly in his heart, but there was no obvious change in his face, but asked, "Do you suspect that he is the descendant of the royal family of Tianren clan?"

"You may not know that in the ancient period, or even a long time ago, there would be a child similar to him. He didn't seem to know anything, but he seemed to know everything. He didn't know anything, but no matter how dangerous it was, he could move forward and retreat freely without injury, and the one around you A child is almost exactly the same as described in the oracle left by God!" The words of the Lord of the Moon God Palace showed another fluctuation, and obviously his heart was extremely excited. "I suspect that he is a wisp of blood left by the legendary man in the world. He will never die, but he is often in chaos."

"There is the remnant soul of the emperor in the Heavenly Emperor Tower, and the wild demons are also freed from the demon path. They have seen the big head on that day, but they didn't say this." Lin Fan said in a deep voice.

"Do you think they will say these secrets in public?" Even if the owner of the Moon God Palace retorted, "Moreover, after all, this is the matter of my five clans. No matter how noble the human emperor is, he can't care about the five races of heaven."

"Then what do you mean by telling me these?" Lin Fan guessed that the big head was a wisp of blood of human dignity. Although it was unexpected, it did not shake. In his eyes, the big head was just the little boy who was originally ugly and can't stand the pink carving now. No matter what his identity is, it is the same for him. At this time, he heard the Lord of the Moon Shrine mention this and immediately asked vigilantly.

"It's very simple. I hope he can stay. If the five races gather together in the future, maybe we can really return to the ancient bloodline a long time ago." The reply of the Lord of the Moon God Palace was very decisive, but Lin Fan suddenly cooled down.

"You mean, let me give you the big head for the experiment? Do your experiment about the Tiangu people? Do you think I will give you a helpless child who is next to you as an experiment?

"It's not as serious as you said," the owner of the Moon Palace listened to Lin Fan's breath and cooled down, even if he wanted to persuade him, "In fact..."

"Nedless to say, I won't agree with this matter. For you, he is a tool or victim of your resurrection of the ancient blood, but for me, he is just a helpless child. That's all. I won't allow anyone to hurt him! Anyone!" Lin Fan stood up from the chair and looked directly at the chair opposite, "Don't try to press me with your identity as the owner of the Moon God Palace. You know, it's useless!" Lin Fan's words were cold, but with an indisputable will, his whole body was cold.

"Lin Fan, you are blessed by the mythical beast of Lv, the moon god, and you can enter the blood pool in the tomb of my ancestors and get the sacred art of heaven's refining body. Can't you make concessions? As far as I know, that child has nothing to do with you.

"Needless to say, a man does something and does nothing. Since the big head calls me a big brother, I won't push him into the fire pit. Moreover, according to my mind, the old man of God must also be a kind-hearted person. If he were here, he would never build himself an illusory dream based on sacrificing a small On the basis of the child, if he is in my position, I will definitely not give you the big head!" Lin Fan's voice was resolute and resolute.

The Lord of the Moon God Palace was silent for a long time before he said leisurely, "What if I force him to stay here?"

"If you want to keep the big head, then walk on my body." Lin Fan replied blankly. He knew that the owner of the Moon God Palace in front of him was almost crazy. With a sneer, Lin Fan continued, "In those years, the Lord was to teach the people in these wild areas, but he didn't expect that ten thousand years later, his descendants would not only not enlighten the people, but were here. If the people are assimilated, I don't know what to think if he is spiritual.