
166 saints talk about secrets

As soon as Lin Fan's words came out, he calmed down. For this problem, Lei Feng and Nangong Ling never thought that they looked at Lin Fan in surprise, but the eyes of the Lava Beast King were extremely shocked, as if they were looking at Lin Fan like a monster.

"You shouldn't ask this question..." The voice of the lava beast king seems to be very low and solemn in his eyes, as if this is a taboo.

"Yang Nu, it doesn't matter. After so many years, the new reincarnation should be reopened again..." The saint's words, with a vicissitudes, obviously remembered the past that had been too far away.

"I hope the saint can solve the puzzle." Lin Fan was excited. He tried to keep calm, but his voice was still a little trembling. Nangong Ling and Lin Fan were also excited. Xuangu's mysterious veil was exposed.

"I can only tell you part of it, and the rest needs you to explore it yourself. When your cultivation takes a higher step, you can explore or even complete it. Xuangu or even for thousands of years, it has not been completed, and the great cause of war!" The saint's voice was full of loneliness, as if it were a lonely and difficult road.

"Yes." Although only part of it can be known, Lin Fan and others are still excited. After all, the Xuangu veil that has been pursued for so long is finally about to set off a corner today.

"There are people in the world called immortals." The saint seemed to be taking care of his thoughts. After a long time, he opened his mouth quietly, but the first sentence surprised Lin Fan and others. The so-called immortals, they have always thought that it was the title of mortals to monks, but now it seems that there are really immortals in the world! But they did not interrupt the saint's words. Although the saint did not directly say what heaven was, since he said immortality first, there must be his reason.

"At the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, Pangu God disappeared and became incarn between heaven and earth, but the chaos he broke did not completely dissipate, but because there was no place in line with the chaotic residence in the universe, they floated out of the country and slowly evolved into an extraterritorial chaotic family, and some remained in the universe and were quieted by the Pangu god. Part of the chaotic atmosphere scattered in the high sky, gathered in the heavenly capital, and slowly evolved into the Xuanhuang family. Other spaces on the ground finally evolved into the human world and the mortal family. The chaotic family is born strong. Although the Xuanhuang family is not as powerful as the chaotic family, its ability is also earth-shaking. And all the war comes from the intact heart of Pangu God, the heart of Pangu!"

"The heart of Pangu can be said to have gathered the most original power of the Pangu god. When the Pangu god disappeared, it flew to the nine heavens and became the legendary heavenly way!"

"The way of heaven? Pangu's heart? Lin Fan and other three people felt that their hearts were stung fiercely. They never thought that Tiandao really existed! What's more, I didn't expect that Tiandao was a heart of the pioneering Pangu god!

"Yes, the way of heaven is the heart of Pangu..." The saint's words revealed melancholy, muttered a few words in a low voice, and then continued to speak.

"Pangu's heart incarnates the way of heaven, which is the most fair thing to be ownerless. That's it. Heaven and earth are not benevolent, everything is a ruminant dog, saints are not benevolent, and the people are ruminative. The original intention originally meant that the saints of heaven and earth are the most selfless and treat everything equally, but slowly, these two sentences have changed their taste and become understood by everyone. Heaven and earth are unkind, the most ruthless, and the saints are ruthless and famous. In the saint's words, there was a strong sense of self-deprecating, and the face of the lava beast king showed grief and indignation.

Lin Fan and others are silent, and the saints seem to be unhappy. I'm afraid it has nothing to do with this.

"So, there were all kinds of remarks and actions against the heavenly path. All those who encounter difficulties think that it is the way of heaven playing them, but they don't know that the way of heaven is ruthless, selfless and desireless, and how can they interfere in the world? It was not until later that some talents finally exposed the conspiracy hidden behind..."

"The talent of heaven and earth? Conspiracy?" Lin Fan frowned and repeated.

"Yes, those are five people, or more specifically, the five gods, the gods of elements..." The saint's words were low, and with a trace of respect, obviously great respect for the "five gods".

"The gods of the five elements are all dexterous people. It is no exaggeration to describe them as a hole like watching fire. Based on all kinds of clues, they finally found that all these rumors came from extraterritorial and chaotic people.

"What? What do the chaotic clan mean by deliberately misinterpret the words of the mortal world? Lin Fan was extremely shocked. According to the words of the saint, he inferred that the Chaos, Xuanhuang, the mortals, and the three races should have not interfered, but now, the Chaos actually intervened in the mortal world. It is obviously unrealistic to say that they have no plans.

"Yes, when the five element gods discovered this fact, they were as shocked as you, but according to their further investigation, they found that..." The saint's words also slowly revealed shock.

What did you find? Does it have anything to do with Pangu's heart, or the way of heaven, that originally flew to the unknown? Nangong Ling speculated carefully.

"Yes!" The saint's answer surprised everyone. The Chaos clan found a selfless heavenly way like a blank piece of paper, which is probably not good for the other two clans!

"What happened later?" Lei Feng immediately asked.

"The fact that the five element gods found this fact is also extremely shocking, but they are even more confused about how the extraterritorial chaotic clan can find the heart of Pangu in the unknown place. At the moment before his dece, Pangu God dominated Pangu's heart to be rooted in a place that could never be detected by the remaining divine thoughts. Fang, especially, according to the harm of chaos to heaven and earth, the location of Pangu's heart will inevitably cause great damage to chaos..."

The saint's words seemed to be extremely low, as if they had come to some key point. Lin Fan and others listened carefully and did not want to miss a word.

"They continued to explore and finally found the root cause. In the heart of Pangu, that is, the place where Tiandao lived, after countless billions of years of evolution, a new ethnic group other than the three races was born..." In the words of the saint, with melancholy and even a rare shock, after many years, this matter The old shocked him, so we can know how much this group shocked him!

"Is this group a fairy?" Lin Fan guessed and asked.

"Yes, they call themselves immortals, and at the same time, there is another ethnic group, an ethnic group that is completely opposed to the immortals, the Protos."

"What? And the Protoss?" I just learned that the immortals were born in the location of Pangu's Heart, which was enough for Lin Fan and others to be shocked, but at this time, they suddenly heard that there were also gods outside one of the immortals!

"The immortals and the strong in the Protoss want to control the way of heaven and become the controllers of countless universes, but the two were also born in the heart of Pangu. After fighting for how many years, there is still no result. In this case, they don't know what to do. It is analyzed that in other regions, there are still three races, three races that can be said to be more powerful than Pangu's heart, Chaos, Xuanhuang, and mortals.

"Saint, as you just said, the Chaos should be a member of the exile of the Pangu god to some extent. Why do you say that he also adheres to the powerful power of the Pangu god?" Nangong Ling raised questions.

"The origin of the chaotic clan comes from chaotic fragments, and these chaotic fragments contain the most power of the Pangu god, so it is not an excessive to say that they adhere to the power of the Pangu god. As for the Xuanhuang people, they have always been detached from the world, living in the capital, and not hearing about the world, but their grasp of strength and understanding is a quite perfect combination. However, this clan has always been underrelent, but as for the mortal race, it has greatly adhered to the understanding of the Pangu god. Their initial strength may not be very strong, even weak, but their potential is unlimited and can be infinitely improved.

"The immortals chose the Chaos as their partners. In their original plan, they united with all the Pangu three tribes to fight against the Protoss and obtain the way of heaven. After all, although the immortals and the Protos were basically similar, the Protoss did not know why they were stained with a trace of Pangu's heart when they were the ancestor, and their bloodline was one point better than the immortals and slightly prevailed. However, at that time, the mortal holy emperor understood their conspiracy and strictly refused to accept the immortals. After that, the Xuanhuang clan also passed down the Tiandu order from Tiandu and refused to form an alliance with the immortals. For a while, in the whole universe, there were three forces. The Protoss were on one side, the immortals united the Chaos as one side, and the mortals and Xuanhuangs also came together to protect themselves.

The saint's voice is getting slower and slower. It seems that at a critical moment, even Lin Fan and others feel that the atmosphere is a little depressed.

"The Xuanhuang clan is divided into five branches, which are the heavenly gods, the gods, the heavenly demons, the heavenly demons, and the heavenly ghosts that the world is familiar to. If the world doesn't know, they are called one of the heavenly clans according to their superficial meaning. The Xuanhuang clan and the mortal race are united and invincible. No one can stop the gods and immortals. The chaotic clan has supreme power, but it is also a series of setbacks. After the analysis of Chaos, it was agreed that the direct reason for the mortal race to be like a piece of iron is because of the Holy Emperor! The emperor of saints! Another reason is the respect for heaven, which makes Pangu's heart subconsciously favor the mortal race and the Xuanhuang clan.

"After that, they began to slander the Holy Emperor and the Heavenly Way, misinterpret the true meaning of the words, and at the same time took advantage of some people's rebellious psychology, which finally led to the fragmentation of the Holy Emperor's Taoist foundation. It was out of control, and at this time, countless ethnic groups in the mortal race suddenly rebelled, and the balance of war tilted as a whole. In the end, the way of heaven fell, and I don't know who it fell into. Many holy clans were destroyed, and the Holy Emperor also incarnated into heaven and earth to maintain heaven and earth. However, the human race and the Xuanhuang clan were finally greatly damaged, the Xuanhuang clan withered, and the mortal race was also divided.

"What about... the emperors and the emperors of heaven and the saints?" Lin Fan lost his mind for a while and asked another question.

"As for the origin and deeds of those people, I can't understand them. All I know is that they were arranged by the mortal emperor and the Xuanhuang saint in those years. I can't understand the specific situation. The saint's words immediately made Lin Fan, who felt a little clear, have a deep doubt again.