
171 murderer

"No! It is reasonable that the three-legged golden black egg should have strong life fluctuations, but this three-legged golden black egg does not have a trace of life fluctuations, only rich energy..." Nangong Ling looked at the three-legged golden black egg, and his eyes suddenly paused and said doubtfully.

"Yes! It's really strange..." Lei Feng also showed a meditative expression on his face, and he looked at the three-legged golden black egg above the altar in an instant.

"I remember in a trance..." The big head suddenly opened his mouth and suddenly attracted the attention of Lin Fan and others. "In the deepest part of here, there is a sleeping existence. His breath makes me feel afraid. Now, I feel that the breath of existence seems to be a little stronger, and the energy in this three-legged golden black egg, like Then he was guided to the unknown existence..."

As soon as the big head said this, it immediately startled Lin Fan and others. In the eyes of everyone, the big head is a complete small monster, but now he actually said that in the depths of this Sun Valley, there is a presence that makes him feel afraid. What kind of strong man should he be? And the energy of the three-legged golden black egg is guided to the unknown existence. Obviously, this existence is using the energy of the three-legged golden black egg to heal the injury. What kind of injury needs the three-legged golden black egg to heal? What kind of body can accommodate the almost endless energy of the three-legged golden black egg? Lin Fan and others were completely shocked!

"That existence is much older than mine, but I can feel that his breath is different from us, as if... it comes from the sky..." The big words are like a dream, but the pause revealed stimulates the nerves of Lin Fan and others.

Hearing this, Lin Fan and others immediately remembered what the saints said before, the chaotic clan, the Xuanhuang clan, the mortal clan, and the immortals and gods in the place where Pangu's heart was located. This unknown atmosphere is so powerful that I'm afraid that nine out of ten (harmonious) nine are immortals or progenies!

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Fan and others felt a chill on their bodies. Before the immortals and the gods really grew up, they were ordinary beings and could not resist at all!

"According to what the big head said, that existence is by no means our family. Since he is healing with three golden black eggs, we will borrow this power!" Lin Fan's eyes are firm. He has a feeling that sooner or later he will embark on the road that countless ancestors have fought for. Now he can clear a strong enemy and have more chances of winning in the future.

"Yes, it was necessary to deal with the three-legged golden egg with our strength, but now it is relatively easier. After all, this three-legged golden black egg has lost its life fluctuation, just a sphere with huge energy." Lei Feng nodded.

Wow! Whew! Whew!

At this moment, the sound of hunting in a few clothes sounded. As soon as everyone looked up, they saw several figures rushing towards the hexagonal altar, trying to rush to the three-legged golden black egg first.


When approaching ten feet of the three-legged golden black egg, with the three-legged golden black egg as the center, a dazzling hot light suddenly broke out and suddenly pushed everyone away. The few people suddenly flew back, coughing blood in their mouths, and their faces were gray.

"Sure enough, someone set a ban here." When Tao Ji and several others saw this situation, they seemed to have expected it. Their faces were calm, but they took out their treasures, and then suddenly soared into the air and rushed towards the three-legged golden black egg, but they did not get too close, but hit the mysterious "channel" with the strange treasure far away to connect to the three-legged golden black egg. It's just that this channel is connected to energy. The next moment, I saw a wisp of silk-like energy rushing towards Tao Ji and others through the various channels.

"Hey!" Lin Fan and others were looking at it. Suddenly, they felt a strong wind blowing on their faces. Under the critical situation, their bodies shook, avoided the sudden attack, and stood up. Lin Fan and others looked back and saw seven or eight people smiling at their faces. At the same time, their eyes could not stop turning over the big head, and their intentions were self-evident.

"What a search for death!" Even if Lin Fan's face sank, after Dawei and the big head followed him, he had made up his mind to protect them in any case, but since then, twice. First, there was Bailian religion to kill Dawei, and then Yueyue Palace was unfavorable to the big head. Now, these people are once again wronged with the big head. Lin Fan It's really angry.

At the same time, Dawei's eyes were also flashing fiercely. At this time, his relationship with the big head had risen to be as close as Lin Fan's relationship, and it was also very humane. It also saw the intentions of these people. At the same time, the shocking roar sounded, his body expanded sharply, and in a blink of an eye, he had grown up. To a foot in size, and the cultivation can also reach the critical point between the peak of the marrow and the birth.

"These guys are not good, and there is no guilt in killing them." Lei Feng also said, and then a large bronze plaque with lightning suddenly appeared in his hand, which was a heavy treasure he got from the strange place, which could emit three to five times his power.

Nangong Ling's right hand was also shaken, and a verdant bamboo stick appeared in his hand.

Lin Fan turned his palm, and the blood crying was already in his hand.

Three people and one beast are waiting to attack, but at this time, the change is sudden.

The golden light flashed but had countless black spots of the three-legged golden black egg. Suddenly, it burst out as if it was about to explode. At the same time, a violent and arrogant breath flowed out of it. That breath is a kind of uniqueness, and it is also a kind of arrogance that regards the world as an ant!

As soon as this momentum appeared, the channel of absorbing energy built by those strong people who originally absorbed the energy of the three-legged golden black egg with secret treasure was suddenly cut off, and then the magnificent energy converged towards the three-legged golden black egg again like a sea tide.

"Get out!"

A domineering and arrogant voice suddenly came from the distant sky, like thunder, rumbling, making people tremble from the soul. Everyone has changed color. Just one word seems to change the color of heaven and earth, make the mountains collapse, and turn the sea into mulberry fields. One word has such great power! What kind of strong man is this? There is an irresistible feeling in everyone's heart!


Suddenly, at this moment, something unexpected happened to Lin Fan! Originally, the Xuanshui spirit that was only lazy to protect Lin Fan and others suddenly opened his eyes that seemed to be closed. Among them, the fierce flames flashed, as if there was infinite anger surging. He suddenly turned back to his body and spewed out a breath to protect Lin Fan and others, and then it seemed to be an invisible body. In a flash, he arrived in mid-air and looked to the northwest from afar.

At this time, not only Lin Fan and others were stunned, but also a large number of strong men such as Tao Ji were stunned. No one expected such a sudden change!

"What's wrong with the spirit of Xuanshui? Why do you seem to have a deep hatred for this unknown existence!" Nangong Ling looked at the motionless spirit of Xuanshui in the air, but angrily, looking at the spirit of Xuanshui in the northwest, puzzled.

"I don't know, let's wait and see." Lin Fan doesn't understand, but he knows that since the spirit of Xuanshui is like this, he must have his own reason.


The needles around can be heard. After a long time, the spirit of Xuanshui suddenly made a roar to the sky. Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, the whole body of the spirit of Xuanshui faded, like running water, rushing towards the three-legged golden black egg from all directions. Everyone was stunned and found that the spirit of Xuanshui was unexpectedly Unimpeded, he passed through many restrictions and rushed directly into the three-legged golden black egg. The prohibition that caused obstacles to all monks before actually did not hinder the spirit of Xuanshui at all!

A strong wind suddenly blew in the hall, which was the spirit of Xuanshui frantically absorbing the energy from the three-legged golden black egg. The fast speed made a short vacuum zone appear at the top of the altar where the three-legged golden black egg was located, and the surrounding space collapsed rapidly towards that place.


A shattered sound sounded, and the prohibition around the three-legged golden black egg at the top of the altar was constantly destroyed. The strong men of the moonland saw that it was cheap and didn't care about anything else. They scrambled to sacrifice foreign treasures again and tried to absorb a large amount of energy.


An angry sounded again, with crazy anger in it, "How can it be you? How dare you come back to life! The spirit of Xuanshui! You found the heir again!"

There was a strong anger and fear in that voice, as if the spirit of Xuanshui was innately restrained by him, "My rebirth plan will never be destroyed by you!" It is absolutely not allowed!"

The crazy sound continued, and as the sound sounded, a violent explosion suddenly sounded in the northwest, and then everyone felt a great pressure, steaming from the northwest!

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The horrible footsteps like drums sounded, and they became louder and clearer, as if there were supreme murderers approaching here quickly!

"Ah! Damn it! Who set the seal here again! Who is it! Who is so secret to me!" Suddenly, the footsteps stopped abruptly, and then there was a crazy roar, "No matter who I am, if I get sleepy, I will wait for you to be broken!"

The angry roar made people tremble, and then there was a click. The unknown powerful existence was obviously trapped and was vigorously cracking the seal!

"Hmm! These old guys want to take advantage of it, but I won't let them take advantage of it! When these old guys free their hands, they will definitely take action against me! Now that they have no time to split up, I'll ask for some interest first!" The powerful existence was obviously inextricable for a moment. Lin Fan looked at the three-legged golden black egg, and the spirit of Xuanshui had been immersed in it. Although it could not be seen, it could be felt that he knew that he now had a great opportunity. Looking back, he saw the moon that absorbed the magnificent energy of the three-legged golden black egg with the help of the secret treasure. The strong man, thinking of these people's coveting for the big head, he suddenly felt disgusted. After that, most of these people wanted to embarrass themselves, he immediately had the idea of taking advantage of people's danger.

As the saying goes, when you are sick and kill you, these strong people are almost as sick. After all, their cultivation has been deprived to the peak of the marrow. After going out, you can no longer find a better opportunity than this.

"An important function of summoning the magic lamp is to refine the demon soul. Although I still can't refine these moonfall strong people, it's not difficult to seal them first." Lin Fan thought of the magic lamp, which he had already remembered in his heart. Although the important functions could not be mastered, it was enough to seal people.

At present, he took out the magic lamp and destroyed it according to the method described in the magic introduction. Suddenly, the magic lamp floated into the air. Then, a red space suddenly appeared in the air and suddenly enveloped the five strong men! This is also because Lin Fan did not dare to take off. After all, it was the first time to use the magic lamp.


Suddenly, at the moment when Lin Fan completely sealed the five people, a violent click suddenly came from the northwest. Lin Fan's heart sank and the words were not good. At this time, a big hand that seemed to grab a hole in the sky suddenly appeared in sight!