
184 static area (6500 words)

Although Lin Fan was also angry that a precious mulberry was swallowed by Dawei, he saw that he was trampled on by the three-legged golden black and the sword spirit, but he also had sympathy. He hurriedly ordered the blood crying sword spirit to stop, and at the same time let it communicate with the three-legged golden black. The blood-crying sword spirit is also a child's heart at this time. Just like his candy was robbed by other children, he was indescribably angry. After stepping on it, a lot of anger also leaked out. Hearing Lin Fan's words, he stepped on it fiercely a few times, and then stopped. At the same time, he slowly appeased the three-legged Jinwu. After a long time, the farce completely calmed down.

Lin Fan looked at the power on his face and his eyes full of grievances and tears. His heart couldn't help but soften. He hurriedly squatted down and picked up Dawei, pinched his small nose and comforted him a few words. However, he saw that Dawei was still aggrieved and did not say anything. Nangong Ling saw this and hugged Dawei and let him go with a smile. On his shoulder, he didn't say anything to it, but looked at the sea, and then turned his head to Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi and said, "Brother Eight, Brother Thirteen, isn't the blue sea far away?"

"Well, it's not far. There should be a hundred miles away. We'd better be careful." Gong Yi took a deep breath, took a fierce look at Dawei, and then shook his head, as if to forget the fact that Dawei swallowed Fusangguo, and then said.

The blue sea is known as the Yellow Spring Tomb, and the degree of danger is self-evident. Thirteenth brother, didn't you go to see the eldest brother when you came? He finally came back alive after exploring the blue sea. What did he say about there? Gong Yi's face was meditated and looked at the magic sound.

Lin Fan and Lei Feng didn't feel anything after hearing this. They had never heard of Huangquan Tomb before, but Nangong Ling was shocked and looked at Gong Yi unbelievably and said, "Brother Eight, do you think the eldest brother once explored Huangquan Tomb in those years? How is this possible? No one has ever said about it!"

"The eldest brother can be said to be a strange man in those years. In terms of his reputation, his name is probably higher than that of his master, but few people know his origin." Gong Yi's semantics answered vaguely.

However, Nangong Ling obviously did not mean to let go of this topic and continued to ask, "Big brother's cultivation is excellent. If you go out of the shrimp fishing island, you must be a dragon and phoenix among people, but how can it be more famous than my father?"

"Master's cultivation is so high that we can't catch up with him, but Master has always been just wandering around the world and rarely does anything, but the eldest brother is different. He has to go out to travel every few hundred years, and every time he goes out, he will show people in a different identity. To this day, I'm afraid he has a name in the cultivation world. There are more than seven letters, and each name is a resounding role, but we are strictly forbidden to say these names. Mo Yinzi took over the words and then looked into the distance. The topic turned around and continued, "About 2,500 years ago, the Biluohai suddenly changed. The eldest brother was on the way back to the shrimp island. After hearing about this, he immediately made up his mind to find out. It was at that time that he entered the Biluohai."

"Oh? So did he find out anything? Hearing the words of the magic voice, Nangong Ling's interest was immediately attracted, and he asked with wide eyes.

"In fact, it's not accurate to find out anything, and the eldest brother just saw something..." Mo Yinzi replied, "The eldest brother said that there are nine levels in the blue sea, each of which is made up of piles of white bones, which are complicated all the way. You can make a little mistake. It is the most dangerous thing to break bones. He only reached the fifth time, and he could no longer move forward at the sixth. Moreover, the nine levels are changing all the time. Sometimes the first one becomes the ninth one, and sometimes the ninth one becomes the first one. The whole nine levels are more like a circular big level, but it is difficult to detect without a certain cultivation, and the maintenance time is extremely short. He took this opportunity to see it. At the end of some situations, the eldest brother said that in the depths of the blue sea, there is a city buried!"

"What? Is there a city buried? As soon as they heard Mo Yinzi's words, everyone was stunned. What is the concept of a city buried at the bottom of the sea?

Nangong Ling suddenly thought of the ancient legend and looked up and said, "It is said that the blue sea was the birthplace of the sea hegemon in the past. Later, it encountered a sudden disaster that led to the destruction of the clan. Is that underground city the mackerel people in those years?"

"Big brother originally thought so, but he thought about it later, but he felt that it was not that simple. The blue sea is the birthplace of the mackerel people. It is true that the abandoned city is also eight (harmonious) nine times the city of the mackerel people in those years. However, the eldest brother said that strictly speaking, it was not appropriate to describe the city as a desolate city. He took the opportunity to count the breath and really felt the vitality in it. Xi, that breath reveals an unspeakable nobility, but it is extremely strange. According to his guess, after countless years of evolution, the city may have given birth to new life, and this kind of life is very likely to be related to the mackerel!"

"Big brother means that the mackerel, who was originally extinct because of the disaster, may have come back to the world now?" Gong Yi also frowned.

"I'm not sure, but there is a possibility. Therefore, the eldest brother took special care of us and must be cautious. Moreover, although he calculated that your friends only suffered some hardships and did not have great difficulties in life and death, it is still difficult to protect them, because he only knows part of the Biluohai.

"Look, the blue sea is coming!" Several people were talking when the beast suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted excitedly.

Lin Fan and others heard the words of the beast. They all turned their heads and looked at it. There was a big yellow wave, which was obviously a large amount of mud and sand mixed in the sea, which was shocking.

As soon as they saw this scene, Lin Fan and Lei Feng's mind immediately tightened. The blue sea, also known as Huangquan Tomb, was enough to make Lin Fan and Lei Feng bring up all their minds. At this time, even Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi's faces became solemn.

Nine blue lines, wrapped around Gong Yi's fingers, swimming back and forth, like life. And the magic sound has also held the horizontal flute in his hand, looking solemnly at the yellow sea in the distance. The three-legged Jinwu and the blood-crying sword spirit also seemed to sense the solemnity of the atmosphere and stopped shouting. They looked into the distance. One of them was full of purple flames steaming, and the other's golden flame swallowed uncertainly, and they were on alert.

There was a moment of silence in the field, and the atmosphere seemed a little depressing. At this time, only the big head did not seem to feel any pressure. His eyes flashed confused and looked at the yellow sea in front of him, and his face showed meditation. He seemed to remember something, but it seemed that he had not grasped anything.


The hull suddenly shook, and then shook violently. Lin Fan and others were caught off guard and almost fell on the deck. It seemed that this would happen. Gong Yi did not show panic. He casually made a seal and suddenly broke into the hull. Then, the whole hull Suddenly, there was a roar that looked like a dragon. At the same time, a 20-foot-long dragon shadow suddenly appeared over the whole hull. Lin Fan and others knew that this was the "ship spirit" of the ship.

The soul looked up to the sky and let out a loud dragon roar, and then the whole hull suddenly flashed a crystal light. Lin Fan and others instantly felt a dragon pressure coming out of the ship. A circle of substantial ripples swept around and scattered countless yellow sand at once.


The hull shook again, and then Lin Fan and others felt that the hull was loose, as if they had got rid of some kind of shackles and drove forward again. But the speed is several times slower, and obviously there is still an extremely strong negative force.

Although the driving is extremely slow, it still passes through various reefs from time to time in the process of moving forward. If the hull was not strong enough, I'm afraid it would have been scattered, and this is still because most of the reefs are avoided as much as possible under the control of the dragon soul.

There is only the sound of waves surging around, the rapid breathing of everyone, and the dull bang sound of the ship hitting the reef from time to time. Everything looks extremely strange. Although there are all kinds of sounds, it is like a ghost market in everyone's feeling, and the silence is a little scary.

"Be careful, there may be something fierce." Gong Yi's solemn voice sounded in everyone's ears.

It seemed to prove Gong Yi's speculation. As soon as Gong Yi's words were finished, the waves in front of the sea boat were suddenly surging. In the shocked eyes of everyone, a 30-foot-long blood-red sea beast suddenly rose to the sky, with huge eyes as big as copper bells, shining with a terrible fierce light, as if to choose someone to eat!


It suddenly opened its mouth, and a blazing black flame suddenly rushed out of its mouth. Suddenly, the 30-foot-square world suddenly darkened, and a breath like an oven of heaven and earth permeated the field, to refine everything!

seemed to feel provoked, with a sad long sound, and then flew into the sky. At the same time, its body quickly enlarged, and grew to be five feet in size in a blink of an eye. The golden flames all over its body, like a round of sun, suddenly dispelled all the dark breath. At the same time, it opened its mouth Spit, a more fierce golden flame, roaring up and rushing towards the black flame.


As soon as the two collided, they immediately burst into a shocking explosion. It was all annihilated and no longer existed. Even the sea water below seemed to boil and crackled.


The sea beast seemed to feel that its majesty had been challenged and roared, and then the 30-foot-long blood-red body suddenly swooped down and rushed towards the three-legged golden black!


The blood crying sword spirit looked at this situation, roared, and the purple flame burned all over. It jumped up and rushed to the bloody sea beast!


The bloody sea beast roared, and its huge tail suddenly pulled towards the blood-crying sword spirit!


The blood-crying sword spirit's mouth, and a bright sword spirit suddenly shot out of its mouth, cutting the tail of the blood-colored sea beast, while the blood-crying sword spirit's body kept rushing forward. The flames all over the body had already turned into substance and intersected with the black flames around the blood-colored sea beast. Suddenly, a sound sounded. The flames of the two seem to restrain each other and decay together!


Originally standing on Nangong Ling's shoulder, the power suddenly flashed with excitement in his eyes. A cold light flashed from its forehead, and then suddenly rushed out a silver shining blade-like blade and cut off the bloody sea beast. At the same time, Dawei kicked Nangong Ling's shoulder hard, and his body shouted As soon as it soared, it moved a few times in the air, and then suddenly fell on the head of the bloody sea beast from an incredible angle!

Almost at the same time, the blood-crying sword spirit suddenly climbed onto the torso of the bloody sea beast!

Bum! Bang! Bang!

A dull voice sounded, and Dawei was sitting on the head of the bloody sea beast. His big eyes were full of excitement. His small claws clenched into fists and smashed them hard!

! Oh! Oh!

And on the back of the bloody sea beast, a rainbow-like sword spirit rushed out of the mouth of the blood-crying sword spirit, like a strong blade, cutting the body of the blood-colored sea beast!

Oh! Oh!

On the other side, the three-legged golden black seemed to hit a real fire. Its two wings kept flapping back and again. The hot wind, like the sun wind, seemed to burn the whole space. Its whole body was even more golden, like a round of sun, a blazing flame, constantly bombarding the bloody sea beast, three The sharp claws scratched the bloody sea beast from an incredible angle and cried out in pain.

The three guys cooperated with each other, and in an instant, they made the fierce bloody sea beast trapped in passivity when they first appeared. Obviously, there was no one-on-one concept of the three. At this time, they "works together" and ate the bloody sea beast.

"This kind of blood-red skin is extremely rare among sea beasts, and it can also eject black flames. Is this a dark blood eel?" Seeing that this sea beast could not last long, everyone was relieved. Gong Yi pondered for a moment and then said.

"The underworld blood eel? Hasn't this kind of sea beast been extinct for a long time? Nangong Ling frowned.

"Some species, which we think are extinct, are just because it is difficult to find in the sea, so that they are considered extinct. In fact, there are many species that we think are extinct, and there are still traces in some secret places." Moyinzi said, "For example, almost everyone thinks that the fire sculpture, which is famous for its ferocity, has disappeared, but I saw it again in a deep mountain when I went out a hundred years ago. This sea beast is very similar to the legendary ghost blood eel. I'm afraid it's really a ghost blood eel.


As soon as the magic sound son said this, he heard an extremely painful roar. Everyone looked up and saw a bloody rain sprayed down from the air, and in the belly of the dark blood eel, a shocking wound, which made people chill all over. At the same time, the eyes of the dark blood eel also had a beaten depression. Go, it looks a little scary. In other parts of the body, there is a little golden light flashing. Obviously, it is the possession of the original fire of the three-legged golden black, which makes it impossible to drive it out at all.


The rise of the great power hit and punched out again, and suddenly blinded the other eye of the underworld blood eel. Seeing this, the three-legged golden eel made a loud sound, and then drew a golden light in the air, sharp claws, and suddenly reached into the works on the belly of the underworld blood eel, accompanied by a hissing and heart-breaking howl, three-legged Jinwu pulled out his claws, in which a treasure bag flashed with a little golden light.


The dark blood eel let out a desperate roar, and its strength seemed to be drained in an instant. Its huge body suddenly fell down from the air. Coincidentally, it was pressing towards the sea ship.

Seeing this, Gong Yi's face darkened, and his right hand suddenly threw out, and the nine blue lines were thrown out. In an instant, he divided into strands and suddenly wrapped the whole body of the ghost blood eel, controlling it to fall to the other side. One side was covered with yellow sand, and the huge ghost blood eel body slowly disappeared.

After doing all this, Gong Yicai looked at the three-legged Jinwu with Lin Fan and others. In the three-legged golden black claws, the treasure light flashes. Obviously, in the treasure bag, it is the essence of the dark blood eel.

The three-legged golden black circled excitedly in the air, and then slowly fell on the deck. With a hard pull of two claws, they tore the treasure bag open. Suddenly, a brilliant golden light filled the whole sea boat, with a refreshing fragrance, which made people smell.

"This is the essence of the whole body of the dark blood eel, the dark beads!" When he saw the things on the ground, the magic sound immediately lost his voice. At this time, there were more than a dozen golden beads rolling around on the deck, like the most precious jewelry in the world.

Oh! Oh!

An excited cry echoed in the space. At this time, the blood-crying sword spirit and Dawei had fallen on the deck. One of them floated around in the air, and the other sat on the deck, staring at the dark beads on the ground, swallowing a mouthful of saliva from time to time, and then it seemed that they couldn't help stretching out a small The claws carefully probed towards the rolling ghost beads on the ground.

The voice of the three-legged Jinwu suddenly changed, and then everyone only felt the strong wind, mixed with a surging heat. The three-legged Jinwu was like a small overlord, staring at Dawei fiercely, as if Dawei would lean forward again, and it would rudely give Dawei a paw.

"If you don't eat, don't eat, just a few beads..." Dawei muttered and took back his claws, but his eyes stared at more than a dozen ghost beads rolling on the ground without turning.

seemed to be deliberately majestic. The three-legged golden black shouted proudly, and then raised his head and shouted vigorously at the blood crying sword spirit floating in the air. At the same time, he divided the ghost beads on the ground into two parts. At the same time, he did not forget to glance at Dawei. Obviously, he was still very angry that it would swallow Fusangguo. At this time, deliberately and It can't get through.

The blood-crying sword spirit brush fell to the ground, and with one mouth, he swallowed a whole array of seven or eight ghost beads into his mouth. On the one hand, he had a delicious aftertaste, and at the other hand, he looked sideways at Dawei like a three-legged golden black.

"Isn't it just a few beads? I don't look at it..." Dawei staggered to Lin Fan, climbed his clothes and fell on his shoulders, and then raised his paws to cover his eyes tightly, with a posture of "I don't look at it".

Oh! Oh!

Wo! Wow! Wow!

Intentionally and powerful, the three-legged Jinwu and the blood-crying sword spirit shouted vigorously. At the same time, they kept talking, obviously to avenge the "one fruit". They directly saw Lin Fan and others as angry and funny. Unexpectedly, these three guys were angry here. However, in addition to being angry and funny, Gong Yi and funny, He sighed secretly, and more than a dozen golden shining ghost beads were swallowed by these two guys, and they really didn't leave any of them!

After a while, Dawei was still not willing to give up. He slowly let go of his two small claws and secretly looked out. At a glance, he saw that the three-legged Jinwu was pulling the three ghost beads on the ground. At the same time, he looked at Dawei obliquely, and his eyes were extremely humane.

Looking at this situation, Dawei was suddenly overjoyed. He kicked hard and jumped on the ground. As soon as he fished out his front paws, he sent three ghost beads into his mouth. At the same time, he did not forget to look up and giggle at the three-legged golden black and the blood-crying sword spirit.

"These guys..." Lin Fan and others shook their heads and didn't say anything, but looked at the sea again. After cleaning up the dark blood eel, there was a rare short calm. The sea around it gradually returned to its original blue, but everyone always felt something was wrong, but it was not interesting.

"It's too quiet here." Lei Feng suddenly said. As soon as he said this, everyone suddenly realized that there is always wind on the sea. Therefore, there will be wind at any time on the sea, but there is no sound here, like an abandoned place. Except for the voice of everyone and the cry of the three beasts, there is no sound, quiet and terrible.

"I know. This is what the eldest brother called the windless area." Moyinzi suddenly opened his mouth and continued without waiting for everyone to ask, "Big Brother said that the area he passed through in the blue sea can be divided into four areas, a stationary area, a sandy sea area, a barren animal area, and the final death area. The static area is like an abandoned place, never without wind, no creatures, calm and terrible, and everything here is in an eternal state of stillness. He is also extremely curious about this area. In his guess, it was cut out from a strange place and became its own field.

Hearing the words "eternal still state", Lin Fan and others are stunned. There is no eternity in the world. This is their unanimous view, but this place is actually called the eternal still area. What a horror it should be!

"Maybe we can get out of here by Jinwu..." Lin Fan guessed.

"It's useless. In the static area, everything is still, and it can't be empty at all..." As soon as Mo Yinzi said this, he heard the blood crying sword spirit roared a few times at the three-legged Jinwu. Then, the unconvinced call of the three-legged Jinwu sounded, and then flew to the sky and unexpectedly appeared, which surprised everyone. In his eyes, as soon as the three-legged golden black flew ten feet high, it was like being imprisoned and fell from the air. As soon as it was poured on the deck, the three-legged golden black flew up again unconvincedly, but the situation did not change.


Everyone took a breath of cold air. If this is the case, they will be trapped in this still area!

"How did the eldest brother leave here?" Nangong Ling asked.

"The eldest brother was trapped here for 18 days. Later, he accidentally found that a tiger-faced whale was blown here because of a hurricane, so he used a means to make the tiger-faced whale sneeze and rushed out with the huge thrust of the tiger-faced whale sneeze." Moyinzi frowned slightly, "Now, where are we going to find that tiger-faced whale? That kind of opportunity is unattainable!"

"Maybe I have a way. Let's try." Lin Fan frowned, suddenly moved his heart and said, and then, in the doubtful eyes of everyone, Lin Fan moved his mind and summoned the spirit of Xuanshui.

The spirit of Xuanshui absorbed a large amount of three-legged golden black egg energy in the Sun Valley, and the energy contained in its body has reached the extreme. If it hadn't been for Lin Fan's deliberate isolation, every breath of Xuanshui spirit would have rumbled like thunder.

As soon as the spirit of Xuanshui appeared, Lin Fan's mind moved, and the eyes of the spirit of Xuanshui suddenly opened, and then its body suddenly expanded (harmoniously) wide, as if it could cover the sky and the sun, especially a big mouth, which seemed to swallow the sky. Then, with a sound, the spirit of Xuanshui suddenly exhaled, suddenly, A strong wind suddenly burst out!