
194 three-phase wandering soul

"Do you think you were trapped here by the mackerel emperor, and you have been trapped for tens of thousands of years?" After the shock, Lin Fan and others raised questions, "You just opened your wisdom at that time. If you talk about Taoism, I'm afraid it's not worth mentioning in the eyes of the mackerel emperor. Why did he trap you here?"

"You ask me how I know!" Lin Fan didn't ask this. When he asked the old turtle, he was crazy and almost ran away. "I just met him at that time. Before I could think about how to hide, I was sealed here by him for tens of thousands of years! The turtle hasn't been anywhere for tens of thousands of years! Just watch the messy sea fish in the distance all day long!" The old turtle complained about the grievance in his heart. In the end, he even almost burst into tears. Lin Fan and others who listened directly were stunned one by one.

"I said, old turtle, don't be such a mother-in-law, okay? Didn't you throw a boat into the death zone before? Why don't you send your power again and make a space channel to get us through!" The old turtle almost burst into tears, but the beast was quite unsympathetic and opened its mouth to make such a request. Of course, this requirement is exactly what Lin Fan and others want.

"I'll tell you! No way! No way! Uncle Turtle has finally met some of you who are willing to listen to Uncle Turtle for tens of thousands of years, and you can't let go of anything! Here, I will talk with the turtle for eight thousand years. One day, the turtle may put you in..." The old turtle chattered like an old woman in his seven or eighty, but what he said made everyone suddenly feel that his head was seven or eight years old.

"This old turtle is crazy!" Everyone looked at each other and had such an idea in their hearts at the same time, but in the face of such an old turtle that had been suffocated, there was really nothing they could do about it.

"This, old turtle, we have to pay attention to the long flow of water, right? Didn't you say that too? The mackerel emperor said that the mystery of Biluo was only known by fate. Maybe we are the predestined people!" At this time, Lin Fan can only patiently and slowly bargain with the old turtle. "If we are really the predestined person, maybe we can open your seal for tens of thousands of years and let you be a happy turtle to travel around the world!"

"Is it just you? Are there still predestined people? Come on? Bragging and not drafting!" For Lin Fan's words, the old turtle directly came with big white eyes and despised it without saying.

"I said, old turtle, you still look down on people, don't you? Look at our lineup! Ah, look! Needless to say, the spirit of the real devil and the spirit of the gods are integrated, and you know what this means! Look at this again. This is the inheritor of the Bull Demon King and the Ape Demon King! Don't say that you are ignorant at your age, although you live on wild dogs! Look at this again, ah! Three-legged golden black! Do you know what the three-legged golden black means? I don't know if you are really a living dog at a very old age! And it's still a naughty dog! Look at this again! This is the ancient flame beast! And it's still a different flame beast! Do you understand? You may not know that he is also pregnant with the spirit of Xuanshui! The ancient water ancestor's proud skill, the mysterious waterification formula, is his basic skill! Old turtle, with such a lineup, how dare you underestimate us? I think your mung bean eyes are used to put on facades!"

As soon as the old turtle finished his words, he had already seen the extremely unpleasant Nangong spirit of the crooked old turtle. Finally, there was a roar, and all the people and beasts were suppressed on the scene! In addition, she spoke very fast. When she finished speaking, the old turtle still stared at the two mung bean eyes with a stunned face, which were full of dullness. Obviously, she was stunned by Nangong Ling's continuous preaching.

"It's the opposite! Oppesite! The little girl's film is so disrespectful to me..."

"What kind of old man? Are you human? Old turtle! You are just an old turtle! An old bastard who can bully his descendants!" The old turtle came to his senses and suddenly shouted angrily, but before he finished shouting, he was choked back by a few words by Nangong Ling, but it was strange to say that Nangong Ling said that it would bully the younger generation, and the old turtle actually shrank his head slightly and looked extremely guilty. Seeing this situation, Lin Fan's heart moved and echoed Nangong Ling: "That's right! Old turtle, you are really uneasy and kind! It is said that the people who come in Biluohai will disappear inexplicably every year. To be honest, is this your ghost?

"No! Of course not!" As soon as he heard Lin Fan's words, the old turtle almost jumped up, and the two green beans stared round, as if they were very serious about this matter. In fact, it definitely jumped up, but before it left the sea, it seemed to be pulled into the sea by a strange force.

"Who are you?" As soon as they saw the old turtle like this, everyone knew that there must be secrets in it, and the magic voice would even ask.

"Oh, you little dolls are so troublesome. It's so annoying to ask questions! Hurry up and go straight!" As soon as the magic voice asked, the old turtle suddenly showed an annoying look. At the moment, it still did not let Lin Fan and others leave anyway, but at this moment, it was eager for them to disappear immediately. With its increasingly anxious voice, it raised its head and roared towards the sea. Suddenly, the sea around it surged wildly. Under the gaze of everyone, a water gate composed entirely of seawater was gradually formed.

"Go in! Come on in! After entering and getting out of here is the death zone. Hurry up! Don't bother me here! Hurry up! Hurry up!" The old turtle looked extremely irritable and seemed to remember something that made it extremely unpleasant.

Lin Fan and others looked at each other and saw their scruples in each other's eyes. Before, the old turtle looked like a rogue, but everyone was not afraid, because they didn't feel murderous, so they talked to it like talking to an old naughty boy, but at this time it was different. They felt a very different breath from before in the old turtle, which revealed a thriller and extremely terrible. At this moment, they will naturally not stimulate the old turtles again.

Thinking of this, everyone made the same decision in an instant: cross the door of space and enter the death zone! There, they will see some secrets they should know!

Gong Yi manipulated the dragon soul with his mind, and the sea boat suddenly moved, like a sharp arrow flying in a hurry, brought a gust of wind, and rushed into the door of the space composed entirely of seawater.

Entering the door of space, everyone only felt the light flashing in front of them, and the eyes of the blazing white light could not be opened, and the pain of the wind cutting the skin made people feel like being scraped, layers of cold sweat, and suddenly soaked everyone's clothes.


After just a short breath, everyone suddenly felt that the fierce wind had disappeared. It seemed that everything was an illusion, but the cold sweat on their bodies and the wounds still soaked with blood reminded them that everything just now was a real experience! Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi are fine. They have already mastered part of the rules of space and did not feel surprised. Lin Fan felt pain because of his unique physical characteristics, but he could still stand it. However, Lei Feng, Nangong Ling and Teng Shou were sweating coldly until they took them. A few pain-relieving pills made me feel better. The short hours of breathing, in their sense, seems to be centuries!

The feeling of discomfort disappeared, and everyone found that after a shuttle through a space passage, everyone was concentrated in the cabin. It was not until then that I remembered to go out to have a look.

After greeting, everyone walked towards the deck at the same time, and Dawei and three-legged Jinwu also followed.

As soon as they got to the deck, everyone's pupils suddenly contracted sharply. The scene in front of them shocked them so much! Even, it is far from shocking!

Under the eyes, the surrounding sea shows an extremely strange blood red, which is bright red! It's blood red! It seems that this is not a sea, but a blood pool completely filled with blood! A big wave surged and splashed high waves, but strangely, there was no wind around. In a trance, everyone seemed to hear a voice of resentment roaring, roaring and shouting, and this huge wave of blood seemed to be their resentment bulging! What's more strange is that in this river of blood, everyone does not feel the breath of life! Dead silence! A dead silence! This sea is really like its name, full of death! It seems that everything with life can't escape a tragic death if you enter here!

Everyone was shocked. Looking at the bloody sea of death like a Shura cemetery in front of them, everyone was shocked and speechless. Even the always active Dawei and the always arrogant three-legged Jinwu, their eyes widened and made a low cry at this time, as if they were expressing their uneasiness.

"It's incredible!" I don't know how long it took, Gong Yi finally recovered and spit out four words in a heavy tone. This place is full of ominousness. Once you enter here, a deep sadness will come to your heart for no reason, as if countless souls of war are shouting and roaring in your ears.

"Death area, worthy of the death zone!" Lei Feng also muttered to himself. He never expected that he would one day come to this place that seemed to exist only in legend. The vast sea of blood, the dead environment, the roar of resentment, everything seems so horrible! And because of this, he is also more concerned about the whereabouts of Zhu Zhihu and others. At the same time, he is deeply worried. Such a place is obviously more or less auspicious. What's more, the sea they are currently in is obviously the outermost area of the death zone! According to what the magic sound said before, the death area is divided into ninefold, and each of which is extremely difficult and dangerous, full of corpses and blood!

"Hu, drunkard, where on earth are you?" Lei Feng touched a piece of crystal jade in his arms and said secretly. On that crystal jade, there was the soul imprint of the three of them. At this time, he could only feel that Zhu Zhihu and Situ Goblet were still alive, but there was no clue as to where they were.

"Where are we going to go to the death zone?" After the shock, Lin Fan immediately opened his mouth. Since he had entered this place, he must immediately start looking for Zhu Zhihu and others. If they delay for a moment, they may be more dangerous.

"Death is divided into ninefold. From the outside to the inside are Jiugong District, Bagua District, Qixing District, Liuhe District, Wuxing District, Sixiang District, Sancai District, Liangyi District, Taiji District, and the final infinite zone. To enter the nine palace area, you must find the North Star. Following the direction of the North Star, you will slowly transition to the nine palace area. The nine palace area is pregnant with spirits to protect various organs. Only by opening all nine organs can you enter the gossip area. According to the eldest brother, the several levels he has experienced are similar, but the difficulty is It's not consistent. In those years, he was hindered in the four elephant area and almost died. Moyinzi said this situation in detail, but also pointed out vaguely, and could not enter the Jiugong District at this time.

Although Lin Fan and others were anxious, they had no choice but to wait until night and take action when they saw the North Star. For a moment, everyone was full of worries. Despite this, there was nothing they could do. In desperation, everyone returned to the deck, looked at the bloody sea around them, and secretly thought about all possibilities.



In a blink of an eye, it was dusk. The surrounding scene is even more strange. The bloody waves are more horrible in the twilight, and there is no sound environment, which adds a breath of fear around. Suddenly, Dawei and the three-legged Jinwu roared at the same time. At the same time, the feathers on Dawei and the three-legged Jinwu stood up, and their eyes were suddenly round. Everyone was shocked and immediately knew what had happened.

"What's wrong with Dawei?" Lin Fan jumped up and patted Dawei's head and asked. He knew that Dawei would never show such a vigilance for no reason.

"Lin Fan, I sensed the danger, very dangerous..." Dawei did not look back and still stared at the front, but the young words were full of solemnity. Lin Fan, who is familiar with Dawei, suddenly sinks. If Dawei says something very dangerous, I'm afraid the situation will be very serious.

Lin Fan immediately turned his eyes and looked into the distance, but when he looked at it, he found nothing. It seemed that everything was the illusion of Dawei and three-legged Jinwu. Lin Fan frowned and did not die. He continued to operate his divine eyes and turned to look under the sea of blood. At a glance, he was suddenly stunned.

There is a strange atmosphere in this area. His divine eye, which can be said to have always been unfavorable, has suffered setbacks in this sea of blood! His cultivation at this time, after the war and the separation of his soul, has already broken through the original realm and entered the middle of the marrow. According to reason, at this time, his divine eye ability should have risen and become sharper, but he did not expect that in this strange sea of blood, he could only go deep underwater at most ten feet! Further down, there is nothing to be seen, dark! But this ten-foot depth has no effect. At a glance, it is almost the same as the sea, full of blood-red sea water!

With his eyes closed, Lin Fan frowned and waited to speak. A sea breeze suddenly blew, and everyone's look suddenly changed greatly. In this sea breeze, they actually smelled a strong blood! But this bloody atmosphere has never been encountered before!

"It's weird!" Even if everyone's faces were gloomy, it was almost dusk, and the surroundings began to look dark. The strange smell of this place was getting stronger and stronger, and even a leisurely strange song came out. Hearing this tune, a word suddenly broke into everyone's minds for no reason: attracting souls!

Yes, it's a soul! This mysterious tone is like the sound of folk soul! The originally silent death zone suddenly sounded this tone. Anyone knows that this is not a good omen. But this is not the end, but more like a beginning.

With the passage of time, more and more similar voices sounded. Gradually, the whole bloody sea seemed to be full of this tone. Standing here, Lin Fan and others felt chilly. They felt that they were not at sea, but more like a mass grave with resentment! Silent horror and fear quietly rose in everyone's hearts.

"Ghost! Ghost!" A floating voice suddenly sounded among the crowd, which shocked everyone. Everyone looked back and looked at the other party. The eyes of the six people and two beasts in the field suddenly collided, but they found that everyone, including Dawei and the three-legged Jinwu, were shocked. The sound was not It was sent by any of them!

Fear! **Naked fear! Everyone felt hair in their hearts, and the cold hair on their bodies stood up even more. Everyone is already here, but the voice is so clear! It's okay to say that one person heard it wrong, but how can six people and two beasts hear wrong together!

"Hey! Haha! Ha ha!" The silence in the field was broken in an instant, and a strange smile sounded without any warning, which made everyone's already tense nerves a little tighter. At this time, everyone suddenly realized that there was no moon or star that should have come out! The sky was dark, as if someone had covered the whole sky with a huge curtain.

"Hey, haha, after so many years, someone has finally come to play with me, hey, haha!" A voice suddenly sounded, and everyone only felt a flower in front of them, and they were trapped in a heavy siege!

There are all figures floating around like ghosts in white clothes. They seem to have no weight, floating and making a harsh strange laugh. Among them, the child's voice of a lonely child finally found a playmate sounded from time to time. This scene made everyone hairy. Creepy.

"Are you afraid of me? In fact, I'm fine..." The voice sounded again, and the voice was uncertain. I couldn't determine which direction it came from, but what he said next made everyone feel like being bitten in the heart by thousands of poisonous snakes. "I just cut off your meat piece by piece and cook it. Don't worry. , it doesn't hurt, really, it doesn't hurt at all, hey, haha, don't you think that's funny?"

"Hungry, resentment and cruelty! This is a collection of three-phase wandering souls with hunger, resentment and cruelty!" The mind of Moyinzi suddenly sounded in everyone's minds, and the shock revealed in it had almost reached its peak.

As soon as this word came out, everyone's hearts suddenly sank. Three-phase wandering soul! In this strange and unpredictable place, they actually met the legendary three-phase wandering soul!