
205 Doubt

The gods are gone! Lin Fan was stunned as soon as he heard the news. Xuanhuang's five clans, gods, heavenly people, heavenly demons, heavenly demons, and heavenly ghosts. Hearing the betrayal of the heavenly demons before, Lin Fan had already felt extremely surprised, but he was far from being surprised at this time. What does it mean that the gods are gone? The five clans of heaven, some clans were destroyed!

"Not only the gods, but also other races entered the depression ten thousand years ago..." The voice of light and shadow "people" revealed heavy and grief, and Lin Fan also suddenly fell silent. Everything ten thousand years ago is still a mystery. As far as Lin Fan knows, it is just the tip of the iceberg of that era, and as for the major events before Xuangu, it is even more untary.

"What happened to Xuangu ten thousand years ago?" After a moment of silence, Lin Fan opened his mouth and asked with a strong curiosity about ten thousand years ago.

"Thousand years ago..." The voice of light and shadow "people" seemed to be thinking about whether to say it or not, which also made Lin Fan more confused about what happened, which made almost everyone silent about everything ten thousand years ago. Previously, in the mouth of the old turtle, he had learned that tens of thousands of years ago, the Xuanhuang and mortals had been greatly damaged, but that period was definitely not the Xuangu period, but before the Xuangu period! When the saint talked about secrets, he also seemed to deliberately avoid everything about Xuangu. Now it seems that the overall decline of the Xuanhuang clan must be at the time of Xuangu! Rebellion! Xuangu has happened before, but these saints and the old turtle can say it, and the mysterious light and shadow "man" in front of him can also say it casually, but everything when it comes to Xuangu is silent! It's not that they don't know, but that they have serious concerns!

What on earth is more serious than the collapse or disappearance of the rebellion of all races! The strong curiosity made Lin Fan's eyes burn, staring at the light and shadow "people" in front of him. Although he can't see the face of light and shadow, he can feel his hesitation.

"This...this is a taboo period..." The field was silent for a long time, and Lin Fan stared at the light and shadow "people" opposite for a long time. Until a long time later, the light and shadow "people" seemed to be unable to stand Lin Fan's burning eyes. The light and shadow shook, turned around and left such a sentence.

Lin Fan had already expected that this light and shadow "man" would not tell the mysterious secret so easily. At this time, although he heard this, although he was not surprised, he turned to another question: "This is a secret and a taboo. Can you tell me how the gods perished? Also, is there a black cat in the gods? What is the origin of that black cat? And what is the existence of the owner of the black cat? Why did his grave appear in the human world? Moreover, in the human world, there are descendants of the gods, what's going on?

Lin Fan threw out all the questions he could think of about the Tianshen clan, and then stared at the light and shadow "man" on the opposite side without blinking, as if to see through the heavy fog.

Light and shadow "people" seemed to feel Lin Fan's determination. After a long silence, he slowly said, "I can tell you all this..."

Hearing the light and shadow "people" say so, Lin Fan's spirit was suddenly shocked. No matter how mysterious everything was, it would finally be revealed. What he needed was just a clue. The demise of the God clan is obviously the most direct and effective clue. At present, he looks at the light and shadow "people" and listens carefully.

"The black cat you mentioned is the holy beast of the gods, or their totem god!" The first sentence of light and shadow "people" surprised Lin Fan. He originally thought that the extremely magical black cat was just a pet around the dead god, but he never expected that it was a god believed in by the seemingly supreme god clan: the god of totem!

Totem is a symbol of a family's belief. Some ethnic groups use Tenglong as the totem, while some ethnic groups use the Xiaoyue Sirius as the totem. However, he has never heard of any race that uses cats as the totem! Especially black cats! And the black cat has always been an ominous symbol in the human world! Taking the black cat as the totem god, this incident happened to the supreme god clan, which is even more incredible!

However, Lin Fan did not intervene. Although he was extremely shocked, he also knew that it was an extremely irrational act to comment on the totem of his closest relatives in front of a person.

"I know you are surprised about this, but if you know the origin of the black cat, you won't think so." The voice of the light and shadow "human" did not fluctuate at all, and he continued to say, "Have you ever heard of Beiluo Shimen?"

"Beiluo Shimen? Isn't that a star?" Lin Fan was stunned and subconsciously opened his mouth.

"Yes, and the black cat existed at the beginning of the birth of the Xuanhuang Tianshen clan. It is recorded in the ancestral home of the god clan that the black cat rushed from the north at the beginning of the birth of the ancestor of the god clan, and all the magical power of the Tianshen clan came from the black cat. Later, the black cat was respected as the ancestor of the Tians of the Tianshen clan. Teng Shen and named him Beiluo Shimen!"

Light and shadow "people" explained all this in detail, but Lin Fan's heart was extremely shocked. The Xuanhuang clan is transformed by the chaotic atmosphere purified by the Pangu god. At the beginning of the birth of the ancestor, there was a mysterious divine cat from the north gate to help. It can be said that they are also a people with great luck, but Lin Fan also has doubts in his heart. According to the information previously obtained, the whole ethnic group is Xuanhuang, Chaos and Wan ethnic groups in the human world, plus the immortals and gods living in the heart of Pangu, but at this time, everything is not as simple as imagined.

"The gods have Beiluo Shimen as the totem god, but what about the other four clans? Is there a similar totem god? Lin Fan asked.

"Yes, but their totem god left one after another and returned to their former residence. Come from the underworld and go back to the underworld. The light and shadow "man" replied, and then, without waiting for Lin Fan to continue to speak, he said to himself, "But the totem god of the gods fell to the north, but it did not turn back. It has been staying in the Xuanhuang world and following the previous gods!"

Speaking of this, the voice of light and shadow "people" stopped for a moment, and then continued to sound, "At the beginning, the God clan was the most powerful group among the five major branches of the Xuanhuang clan. In terms of strength, it is the head of the well-deserved five clans, so it is inevitable to be domineering between words and deeds. As early as the ruling of the demon clan, there was also a big conflict between the five clans. The gods and the heavenly people agreed that the heavenly demons humiliated Xuanhuang and should be completely eradicated, while the heavenly ghosts and the heavenly demons believed that although the heavenly demons were rebels, they were also extenable and advocated forgiveness. Even the lord of Xuanhuang at that time could not suppress the four clans. In the end, he had no choice but to ask Muzu to adjudicate. Although Muzu finally exiled the Tianyao clan to the space he opened up in an almost eclectic way, there was a gap between the Tianjin clan and the Tianren clan and the Tianmo clan and the Tiangui clan.

"Even the Lord of Xuanhuang invited outsiders to adjudicate the internal affairs of the Xuanhuang clan, which also aroused the dissatisfaction of the Tianmo clan and the Tiangui clan. Although the four clans are still peaceful on the surface, they are secretly turbulent. Until the incident of Xuangu completely broke out, the Tianmo clan and the Tiangui clan also suddenly attacked. Naturally, the Tianjin clan and the Tianren clan were not willing to show weakness. Xuanhuang, who was strong for a time, actually broke out civil strife at the critical moment. And even in that huge civil strife, the power of the gods and other four clans also declined. The two consumed each other, hurting a thousand enemies and self-damaged 800. The gods and the heavenly and human tribes gradually occupied the initiative in this civil strife, but at this time, both sides were already exhausted, and even, the contemporary god god, also He was seriously injured. But just as the civil strife reached a critical moment, an accident suddenly happened.

"The space where Muzu exiled the demon clan was opened by Muzu himself. For the sake of safety, whoever enters that space, no one will be deprived of it. There seems to be a place without cultivation. However, in the evolution of endless years, a genius demon teenager was born there. Although he could not practice, he came up with a jaw-dropping method, which is devouring! Although the demon clan has been exiled and no longer has magic power, the pride of the superior ethnic group has made them never give up their cultivation. However, they no longer take the traditional cultivation route of the Xuanhuang clan. They no longer practice themselves, nor do they follow the practice of the human world. They only cultivate their hearts and only cultivate their own origins. In the long practice, each of the demon people in exile has their own Taoism. However, their Taoism is still in the Taoist heart, but their Taoism is also extremely powerful. During this period, a person in the heavenly demon clan once entered there. Under the Taoist heart of the heavenly demon clan, their cultivation was defeated. And the talented teenagers of that generation are devouring the Taoist heart. Moreover, you also need to know that in order not to make the demon clan decline, the demon clan is divided into three camps. Usually, Tao is allowed to fight in order not to forget to fight. That talented teenager kept devouring Taoism, making his Taoism heart so strong that it was unmatched.

"With the strength of his Taoism, gradually, there is a trend of qualitative change. Perceiving this situation, the demon clan was immediately excited. Before and after, countless demon clans volunteered to devour him. At the critical moment of the civil strife of the four Xuanhuang clan, countless people of the Tianyao clan detonated their Taoism and opened up a space channel to the outside world, making the teenager walk out of it. It was also because of his appearance that the gods and people who had a slight upper hand but were exhausted were suddenly completely defeated. The juvenile's murderous degree is horrible and powerful. As soon as he left the exiled land and entered this world, he quickly absorbed an infinite amount of ability. His cultivation, even the lord of Xuanhuang at that time, could not be suppressed!"

"Everything happened without accident. The gods and the heavenly race were defeated, and the last god of the god was finally killed. However, the talented teenager of the Tianyao clan did not stop and turned his head to attack the Tianmo clan and the Tiangui clan. Devour! Constantly devouring! That teenager seems to be just for the simple pursuit of strength. In this battle, the body of the Lord of Xuanhuang also shattered, and his soul returned to the Xuanhuang world. In addition to leaving a wisp of heavenly goblin spirit in the human world, the talented teenager of the heavenly demon clan is also extremely strange to evaporate from the world. No one knew where he had gone, just like no one knew except Xuanhuang's insiders who knew that he came from the place of exile. The battlefield at that time was in the human world. The four clans were destroyed, but their spirits did not dissipate as a result, and gradually reorganized in the human world, which was the reason why there were remnants of the Xuanhuang clan in the human world later. Although, they are just some impure essence.

At this point, the light and shadow "people" take a long breath, which seems to be too heavy for telling this history. Lin Fan didn't say anything, just listened quietly. The five Xuanhuang clans were exiled, while the remaining four clans were almost completely destroyed by civil strife. This must be said to be a tragedy. But immediately after encountering it, Lin Fan thought of a problem. When telling these things, this light and shadow "man" seems to be telling from the perspective of a bystander from beginning to end, but at the same time, the situation contained in his words seems to have a deep relationship with the Xuanhuang five clan.

"You are not the Xuanhuang Five. Who are you?" The doubt just passed in Lin Fan's mind and opened his mouth without thinking. By intuition, he knew that what he had guessed could not be wrong.

"Xuanhuang has five races, but in addition to the five Xuanhuang clans, there is also a special ethnic group, the hermit clan..." On this issue, the light and shadow "people" did not hesitate to answer, even if they opened their mouths, "The hermits are only loyal to the lord of Xuanhuang, and my profession, since the exile of the heavenly demon clan, has been guarding this release. Place by one."

"Then what is this place? As far as I know, this should be the bottom of the sea, or at least has a close relationship with the sea. How can the land of exile be here? Lin Fan continued to ask.

"Since you know that this is the blue sea, you must know that the mackerel lived here?" The light and shadow "man" asked.

Lin Fan nodded and did not deny it. He just stared at the light and shadow people.

The light and shadow man thought for a moment and then said, "This is the dungeon of the blue sea mackerel clan, but it's only half right."

As soon as he heard this, Lin Fan frowned, but before he continued to ask questions, the light and shadow man continued to say, "The most primitive place of the mackerel is used to calling it the heavenly court. But no one can tell what the heavenly court is. It is said that it is a magical world, which is more mysterious than the original Chaos, Immortals and Protos. The city they live in consists of two parts. The place where they are now is located is the so-called dark ruins. This is a strange place, not only the burial place after the death of the mackerel people, but also a place of repression. It is said that there is a mysterious power that can prevent the invasion of all foreign forces. And this is the reason why it is still well preserved after endless wars. At the beginning, Muzu also saw this, so he discussed with the mackerel emperor at that time. After banishing the demon clan to the space he opened up, he sank into this place and used this mysterious power to suppress it. As for the Seven Rainbow Bridge, it is for other reasons..."

"Yin Ruins? Yangcheng?" Lin Fan frowned and repeated, but heard the light and shadow man continue to say, "The Biluohai is a strange place. If you can come here, I think you have seen the white bone ship."

Hearing this, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly became sharp. At that time, the scene on the white bone ship was quickly played in his mind again, but he had no clue except for the sudden thick fog.

"The white bone boat, even the mackerel emperor, can't understand it. It is said that the white bone boat existed on the day of the birth of the blue sea, with all kinds of unpredictable powers, but no one can understand it. But one thing is certain that every ten thousand years, the white bone ship will manifest on the blue sea, and every time, someone will come to the shadow ruins. In order to completely suppress the demon clan, the Heavenly Emperor borrowed a white bone boat to get to get here. On the Seven Rainbow Bridge, he cut out nine palms one after another and completely sealed the exiled place of Muzu. At the same time, he changed the sky and the earth and turned the space to several spaces. Today, this has become the only channel of the exiled place.

Lin Fan was shocked. He originally thought that the white bone boat was the thing of the mackerel people in those years, but now it seems that this is obviously not the case. The white bone boat, the blue sea, is not as simple as imagined, and from this, Lin Fan thought of the legendary heavenly court.

The mackerel originated from the heavenly court, but the heavenly court sent the mackerel to the human world to investigate something or look for something. All this is always confusing and confusing.

"I boarded the white bone boat and came here inexplicably, and the emperor of heaven also came here by borrowing the white bone boat. Does the white bone boat have any special connection with this shadowy ruins?" Lin Fan said again.

"In those years, when I heard the Lord of Xuanhuang talk with the mackerel emperor, he mentioned the white bone boat. The mackerel emperor once said that there were 108 gates on the white bone boat, which were divided into thirty-six Tianang gates and 72 earth evil gates. Thirty-six Tiangan Gate connects to Yangcheng, while 72 Shamen connects to Yin Ruins. If it hadn't been for the world's ability to resist the power of the white bone boat and came to the Yinxu, it was because Biluohai wanted to inspect the visitors to see if they were qualified to enter Yangcheng. Because there are many secrets of the mackerel in Yangcheng.

"Test? The test of the blue sea?" Hearing this name, Lin Fan couldn't believe his ears. Biluohai tested the people. Hearing this meaning, Biluohai doesn't seem to be a simple sea, but has its own soul, and has been guarding something for generations.

"Yes, the test of the blue sea..."

Boom! Rumble!

As soon as the light and shadow man said this, a rumble sound suddenly sounded, as if there were countless people's duels. This sound made Lin Fan suddenly stunned. Deep doubts rushed from the bottom of my heart.