
225 Incarnate Heaven

The purple thunder suddenly fell from the sky and went straight towards the large gray and white fog. Even far away, Lin Fan and others can still feel the terrible power contained in the purple and red thunder column. The breath of destruction raged throughout the heavenly garden. At this moment, everyone was shocked. The purple and red thunder pillar in the air was like the first thunder and lightning between heaven and earth at the beginning of the earth, containing unpredictable power.


Under everyone's eyes, the purple and red thunder pillar suddenly hit the gray-white fog. Suddenly, the thick gray-white fog was suddenly washed away and scattered. If you don't look carefully, you will even think that they have been destroyed by the thunder pillar.

At this moment, everyone was a little stunned. When they looked at the purple and red thunder pillar split on the gray and white fog, their hearts jumped violently and unconsciously widened their eyes to see whether the mysterious gray and white fog would disappear under the thunder pillar. But immediately, their eyes widened, and the scattered gray fog slowly condensed again in everyone's eyes. However, before the condensation was completed, another thunder split and scattered it again.

But the gray fog is like the strongest fighter. The more frustrated it is, the brave it is. Every time it is split, it will be difficult to reorganize again. Moreover, the speed of each reorganization is getting faster and faster, and it is becoming more and more cohesive. Later, Lin Fan and others found something strange. The gray fog actually has a saint than at the beginning. The taste of cleanliness, at the same time, contains a frightening power!

Everyone's hearts sank and knew that something unusual was going to happen. None of them said anything, but quietly looked at the gray fog in front of them that was constantly being scattered but constantly reorganized. Gradually, they had a feeling that the gray fog seemed to be spiritual. It did not avoid the terrible thunder, but like He greeted himself and let the thunder cut himself down. Seeing this situation, everyone's eyes immediately stared at the boss. This situation is really beyond their imagination! This gray fog rushed out of the fairy stone, but at this time, it was "autonomous" receiving the baptism of thunder. This situation deeply suppressed everyone!

"Some big shots do temper themselves with thunder, but what is this gray fog? How can you accept the baptism of thunder independently? Moreover, it's still such a horrible thunder!" Even though Yan Ming was well-informed, he frowned at this time. Obviously, this situation was beyond his imagination.

"The gray fog is condensing again, but this condensation seems to be different from the past several times!" Zhu Zhihu suddenly lost his voice and said, with incredible voice. At the same time, his eyes were even more staring, his mouth was wide open, and he was shocked by what he saw in front of him.

"That's... a shadow of people!" Hearing Zhu Zhihu's loss of voice, everyone immediately observed the slowly condensed gray and white fog more carefully, and then they found something strange. The condensation of the gray-white fog is very different from the past several times!

In the past several times, after the gray and white dared to be scattered, although it condensed, it was still like chaos, with no shape, no fixed shape, just an irregular fog. But this time, when the gray-white fog condensed, it slowly began to change, stretching and elongated. Later, it could be cleared. I clearly feel that it is a person's body! However, his face is very vague, and even there is no face at all. The whole looks like a human-shaped gray fog!

"It's so weird!" Looking at the situation in front of them, Lin Fan and others looked at each other and gasped. This situation was too unexpected. The fog turned into a human form, which is almost only one explanation: their previous guess is not conjecture, but real! This gray fog has its own spiritual knowledge! And everything just now is just that he is refining himself with thunder!

Looking at the scene in front of us, everyone has an unreal feeling. The gray-white fog with spiritual knowledge turned into a human-shaped gray-white fog, and used thunder to wash its own gray-white fog. This gray-white fog reveals a thick mystery!

"Isn't this town fairy stone melted by Jingucheng? The gray fog rushed out of the fairy stone again, and the bodies in this so-called forbidden place are eight (harmonious) nine of whom. In this case, is there any relationship between the two? Shen Duan said with meditation. While speaking, he did not turn his head, but still stared at the gray fog that had condensed into a human shape and was slowly materializing.

"Oh, the dry body raised its head, and he was looking at the fog man..." At this moment, a milky voice like a mosquito humming sounded in everyone's ears. Hearing this, everyone's eyes looked at Dawei. Seeing everyone looking at themselves with big eyes, Dawei turned around and said, "I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything..." While muttering, he carefully hid behind Lin Fan. At the same time, he secretly poked out his head and looked in the forbidden direction. His eyes were full of slippery, as if he were a thief.

But Dawei's words were still enough to move Yanming and others. After a moment of meditation, hesitation flashed on Yanming's face, and then he seemed to have made a lot of determination and said, "I want to go there to have a look..."

"What? Impossible! There are many dangers, and everything is unknown. If it is listed as a forbidden place by Tianyuan, there must be dangers. Moreover, the body inside is also unknown..." Hearing Yan Ming's words, Lin Fan and others were immediately shocked, and then in an instant, they understood Yan Ming's thoughts. From Yan Ming's previous words, it can be seen that Yan Ming highly respects and even respects the first person of this god clan from ancient times to the present. His mind when he chose to enter there is self-evident. But Lin Fan will certainly not agree. There is great danger in the forbidden land. Thinking of this, Lin Fan advised again, "Everything here is unknown. Even since that Gucheng created this heavenly garden, I'm afraid it has existed. Even when the ape demon king made a scene in the whole heavenly garden ten thousand years ago, he never heard that he had shocked here..."


As soon as Lin Fan said this, there was a shaking of the mountain, which immediately drowned Lin Fan's next words and could no longer be heard. Everyone changed their color without any defense. The whole void seems to be beating. Even in the ancient chariot, everyone can still feel the terrible energy raging in the void.

What happened? How could this happen?" Soon, everyone's faces were no longer shocked, but shocked! The originally stable void unexpectedly burst into space cracks at this time. For a moment, the whole void was like a cobweb, dense and shocking.

Lin Fan controlled the magic ancient chariot with his mind. At the same time, Yan Ming also controlled the magic ancient chariot with great (harmonious) power to avoid the danger zone. The cooperation between the two finally stabilized the ancient chariot. Yan Ming glanced at the ground casually, and his face suddenly changed greatly.

"It's broken!" Yanming's deep and solemn voice sounded, which suddenly touched the hearts of Lin Fan and others.

"What's wrong?" Hearing Yan Ming's words, Lin Fan and others felt a sinking and intuitively that something bad had happened, which might even be related to the life and death of each of them. While asking questions, Lin Fan and others looked down to the ground and were suddenly deeply suppressed.

The mountain collapsed and the sea dried up. At this time, the ground was already devastated. Coupled with the collapse of the void, everything seemed to turn into chaos. Everything seemed to be the end of the world, making people tremble from the soul.

"Zhenxianshi Town seals the energy source of Tianyuan, Tiandao fragments. If you pull out Zhenxianshi, the power of Tiandao fragments out of control. Originally, those old guys were suppressing them, but at this time, it seems that they can't suppress them, mostly because of this so-called vision of forbidden land." Yan Ming's voice was heavy, and saying such words made Lin Fan and others' hearts suddenly sink to the bottom of the valley.

"What should I do now?" Zhu Zhihu frowned and looked at Yanming and said, "Is it true that if the fairy stone is damaged, even if the fairy stone is pulled out of its position, the end of the heavenly garden will come?"

"Watching the change, I feel that the root cause of all this is not the removal of the Zhenxian stone, but the vision of this forbidden place. Although those old antiques in Tianyuan can't suppress the power of Tiandao fragments forever, it is impossible to insist on such a little time under normal circumstances. There must be other reasons for this to happen. Yan Ming's face was serious, and his voice was also low and solemn. It can be seen that the situation in front of him is very serious.

Although everyone still had many questions, they stopped talking when they heard this, but turned their heads in the forbidden direction. At this time, the gray-white fog figure over the forbidden land has become extremely clear, and it can even be recognized that it is a magnificent face. The invisible domineering came out of his body. He was like the only king between heaven and earth, staring at the world, and everything in heaven and earth was like dung in his eyes. Everything seemed so natural that he didn't do anything, even just a humanoid figure composed of fog, but it made people tremble from the bottom of their hearts and want to worship. At the same time, he also has a kind of arrogant momentum, as if he is independent and floating, with indescribable loneliness.

"Ji Gucheng..." Looking at this figure, Yan Ming's eyes became bigger and bigger, as if he had seen something completely unexpected. It was not until a long time later that he whispered word by word.

As soon as these three words were exported, they suddenly attracted the attention of Lin Fan and others. Their faces were shocked, looking at the smoke, and then looking at the gray-white fog in the distance. The incredible expression could not be concealed.

"He is... he is Jin Gucheng?" Lin Fan and others felt that their lips were dry and difficult to breathe, which was so surprising. The figure composed entirely of gray fog turned out to be Jin Gucheng! Jin Gucheng, the well-deserved first person of the Protoss!

"I haven't seen him, but I think he is the only one in the world who can have this momentum!" Yan Ming's words were low, "Even the emperors in those years, if this momentum of contempt the world is not as good as Jin Gucheng!" Although Yan Ming's words were light, they were resolute, with unquestionable affirmation.

Hearing this, Lin Fan and others's eyes suddenly focused on the gray and white fog figure. They tried to see the true face of the gray white shadow, but found that they could not see clearly at all. His whole person seemed to be false and seemed to be covered by a mysterious veil and could not be seen through at all!

"The body raised its hand..." At this moment, Dawei's milky voice sounded. Although it was extremely low, it was enough for everyone present to hear it clearly. As soon as they heard Dawei's words, their eyes suddenly stared at the boss. At this moment, they were deeply shocked!

The body mentioned by Dawei is obviously the body of Jin Gucheng. How can he raise his hand? Isn't Jin Gucheng dead, and that "body" is just that he is sleeping? Thinking of this, Yan Ming and others turned their eyes to the figure composed of gray and white fog, and a thoughtful light flashed in their eyes. At this moment, Yanming seemed to have caught something, but he didn't seem to have caught anything.

"Will the figure composed of the gray and white fog be the soul of Jin Gucheng?" Shen Duan suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes showed a burning light, staring at the gray fog figure in the distant sky that was still receiving the baptism of thunder but was no longer scattered but becoming more and more condensed.

As soon as he heard Shen Duan's words, Yan Ming seemed to have an electric light flashed in his mind after a short stay. At this moment, he suddenly understood!

"I see!" Yanming shouted, and his voice trembled a little, but he couldn't say whether it was happy or sad, or both.

"What do you understand?" Hearing Yan Ming's words, Lin Fan and others' eyes focused on Yan Ming at the same time, and a doubtful light flashed in their eyes.

"Jin Gucheng, he wants to become the way of heaven!" Yan Ming's words were amazing, and he immediately calmed down everyone with just one sentence! After a short silence, Lin Fan and others' breathing suddenly became tense.

Incarnate the way of heaven! This is hard to imagine! With the power of mortals, what kind of courage and means can be done to punish on behalf of heaven? However, despite this result, Lin Fan and others did not scream, but looked eagerly at Yan Ming, waiting for him to explain all this.

"The dispute between the gods and the immortals was for the ownership of heaven. In the end, the Protoss captured part of the fragments of the heavenly path and put them here, hoping to cultivate a heavenly path. However, as the first person worthy of the Protoss, he does not want the Protos to control the way of heaven, but wants the way of heaven to be controlled by himself and do himself!" There was shock in Yanming's voice. Speaking of this, he took a deep breath and then continued, "Jin Gucheng also knows that if he shows this intention, I'm afraid that the whole Protoss will tolerate him. Even if he is the first person of the Protoss in the past and the present, he can't fight against the whole Protos! Therefore, he came up with a plan to get rid of the golden cicada. He differentiated part of his soul and integrated it into his molten Zhenxian stone. Then, he suppressed the fragments of Tiandao with the Zhenxian stone. On the surface, it sealed the fragments of Tiandao, so that the energy emitted by it was not too tyrannical, and secretly, his soul But he is crazily absorbing the energy of the fragments of heaven, together with his ability. While doing all this, he was still worried, so he put himself into a state of suspended animation. According to my guess, he mostly created a disaster by himself, and then died 'accidentally' and was naturally buried in the forbidden land, which is his own evolved world, and he doesn't have to worry about outsiders spying on him. In this way, after countless years, you pulled out the town fairy stone until today, and then finally triggered the forbidden place for some reason, making him wake up! When he woke up this time, I'm afraid he will soon crazily absorb the energy of the whole Tiandao fragments. After so many years of warmth, although the fragments of Tiandao did not really evolve into a complete Tiandao, it was enough to bring his strength to a new height! The first person of the Protoss from ancient times to the present is deep in layout and patient, which is unmatched by ordinary people!"

said this quietly, but Lin Fan and others were stunned. This is beyond their expectation! It's unbelievable! With the body of mortals, he plots to become the way of heaven, and replaces it. Under the layout, the whole divine world and even all races are counted, and the first prize is tens of thousands of years or even longer. Such a person, even if you think about it, makes people feel cold!

"The broken world was refined into a corner of the heavenly garden, and the heavenly garden will not really be destroyed, will it?" Soon, Lin Fan asked the next question.

"No!" Hearing Lin Fan's question, Yan Ming immediately shook his head without hesitation, "If it is really like what we guess, I'm afraid the people in the garden that day will be the most loyal people in Jingu City!" He was reborn in the Heavenly Garden. The heavenly garden monk can be said to be the source of his faith. If he wants to maintain his strength strong enough, he will never let the Heavenly Garden be destroyed!"

As soon as Yan Ming said this, suddenly, the gray-white fog-like figure in the distance suddenly burst out of a shocking cold, and a huge breath suddenly filled the field. Even from afar, it could make people feel the trembling of their souls and suddenly stunned everyone.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, an old man dressed in gray and with dry hair, which can almost be said to be leather and bones wrapped in a pile of cloth than clothes, suddenly rose slowly from the forbidden ground and took a picture with the gray white man in the stunned eyes of everyone.

"I am the way of heaven!" A cold and ruthless voice resounded through the heavenly garden at this moment.