
266 conspiracy! Conspiracy!

Conspiracy! Conspiracy!

"Oh!" Lin Fan and the two narrowly avoided the disaster. As soon as they breathed a sigh of relief, they had time to wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads. A loud and sharp sound sounded in their ears, and then there was a roar containing strong excitement!

These two voices are the voices of the three-legged Jinwu and the blood crying sword spirit!

As soon as he heard these two sounds, Lin Fan's heart sank. He turned around and looked at the field. At a glance, he saw that the three-legged golden black and the blood-crying sword spirit did not dodge and rushed to the fierce and arrogant poisonous dragon!

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly widened. He can be said to have the same heart with the Blood Crying Sword Spirit. At this time, he can clearly feel that the Blood Crying Sword Spirit has no fear at all. On the contrary, he actually has extremely strong pleasure! At this time, it looked at the aggressive poisonous dragon with excitement, and even a trace of uncoverable... greed! Not bad! It's greed! Its eyes are bright, staring closely at the poisonous dragon, shining with excitement and pleasure, as if it is not a world-class murderer in front of it, but a rich lunch! At this time, although the three-legged Jinwu's eyes are calm, they are the same as the eyes of the blood crying sword spirit! However, their eyes are dark red and the other is golden.

"Damn it! How do I feel that if I faint now, these two guys will fall directly from the air happily!" Looking at the two beasts in front of him, Fei Liu's fingers were a little stunned and speechless. He muttered to himself, which he really couldn't understand. How did the fierce poisonous dragon in their eyes become... food in the eyes of the three-legged Jinwu and the blood-crying sword spirit?

"It's really better than people, no, it's better than people than beasts. It's so annoying!" In the end, Fei Liuzhi could only sigh like this, which was quite indignant.

"I have an intuition that this poisonous dragon is afraid to suffer, and most of it will be bloodshed by Jinwu and blood..." Contrary to Fei's six-finger complaint, Lin Fan smiled and looked at the three beasts that had been entangled in the air. His eyes narrowed into a crack. Then, he suddenly seemed to think of something, Lin Fan He turned his head and looked at Fei Liuzhi and said, "Six fingers, did the old turtle say what is the use of this earth's heart fire? If it has no energy, won't it matter?"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Fei Liuzhi was obviously stunned, and then his face showed hesitation: "It should not be in the way. The old turtle only said that I should take the fire spirit back, but I didn't mention any energy..."

"That's good. This time, it will probably be cheaper for these two guys, Mom (harmonious)! They are really lucky. It's good luck wherever they go!" Lin Fan smiled and then turned his head to look in the air and laughed and cursed.

"I heard the old turtle say that all the mythical beasts of heaven and earth are formed by heaven and earth and protected by heaven and earth. This is mostly their fortune..." Fei Liuzhi also looked up at the air interface, and then couldn't help cursing: "Mom (harmon), it's really better than beasts, so angry!"

Just as Lin Fan and the two were talking, the battle between the three beasts in the air had reached a white-hot stage. The cooperation between the three-legged golden black and the blood-crying sword spirit has long been seamless. At this time, the sky furnace and the ground furnace above their heads, one procrastination in the front and the other sneak attack on the back. Although it could not cause any harm to the poisonous dragon for the time being, it also stirred it unbearably and roared. And this seems to be the effect that the three-legged golden beast wants.

"I think these two guys are quite slippery! They don't seem to want the old life of this bad dragon, but have other plans..." After looking at it for a while, Fei Liuzhi gradually found something wrong.

The three-legged golden black and the blood-crying sword spirit on the heavenly furnace and the earth furnace, passed through the hometown of the fire ancestors outside the region. Their cultivation has already advanced rapidly. The blood-crying sword spirit condensed the real body, and the three-legged golden black has completed the first awakening. At this time, although there is still a huge gap with this poisonous dragon old people who have lived for countless years, But with the furnace and the earth furnace, it is not difficult to cause any damage to the poisonous dragon. Even if they choose to combine the furnace with the earth furnace, it will probably make the poisonous dragon hurt fiercely!

But at this time, the two seemed to have no such intention at all. They just kept provoking the poisonous dragon, patting it and scratching it. They were obviously playing with it and made the poisonous dragon roar repeatedly, but the blood-crying sword spirit and the three-legged golden black had made a good idea not to fight head-on with it, but it made the poisonous dragon (harmony) fundamental. But they can't.

"Yes, I don't know what the hell these two guys are doing. I always feel that they seem to be waiting for something..." Looking at the three beasts in front of him, Lin Fan also looked puzzled, but he was quite aware of the nature of these two guys and would never do anything to make himself suffer. At this time, since there is nothing else, I can only watch it first.

"I'll go, you two guys, if you have the ability to confront Uncle Long!" I don't know how long it took to fight like this. Just as Lin Fan, Fei Liuzhi and Dawei were about to fall asleep, an earth-shaking dragon roared, which suddenly woke Lin Fan and the two of them up, but then they were shocked by the next sentence and almost fell to the ground.

"This...this..." The body barely stood, and Fei's six fingers were full of black lines on his forehead, opened his mouth wide, and unbelievably looked at the dozens of feet long dragon in the field, full of black lines on his forehead. At this time, Lin Fan was also much better than Fei's six fingers, and he also looked at the majestic dragon in the air with a dull face. He felt that at this moment, the supreme image of the dragon collapsed in his heart.

"Can dragons also curse? Oh, the world is so crazy!" At this time, Dawei's milky voice sounded, which made up for what Fei Liuzhi didn't say, and then said, "I'm going to faint..." Then, he suddenly fainted in Lin Fan's arms.

Lin Fan and the two came to their senses and looked at each other. They all saw helplessness in each other's eyes. The poisonous dragon in front of them was really... the best!

"I'm a grass. Who said that dragons can't curse? I *&##&**&#..." Just as Dawei fainted, the poisonous dragon burst out again, and a series of miscellaneous curses rushed out of its mouth. Suddenly, the whole space buzzed and shook, making the earthquake roaring, as if it would collapse at any time.

"Haha, poisonous dragon, you also have today! Forced to look like this by two juniors! Seeing you smothering, I... I'm really happy! His (harmonious) mother (harmonious)! 100,000 years! 100,000 years! This is the first time I've been so happy! Hahahaha!" Just as the poisonous dragon was scolding, a proud voice sounded, followed by a burst of laughter. As soon as the laughter sounded, Lin Fan immediately felt that their whole body was trembling, and their ears were buzzing. They had no choice but to run their cultivation and abruptly resolve this power. In the process, Lin Fan suddenly had doubts in his heart. According to reason, the earth's lung phoenix and the earth-heart poisonous dragon have survived for so long that they should have become the third-step bear, but now it seems that this is not the case!

"Is there anything hidden in it?" Lin Fan muttered to himself, but after thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out. He simply stopped thinking and looked into the air again.

"Nima's firebird shut up for you, Uncle Long! Your Uncle Long has sucked your fire yuan for 100,000 years. Not to mention Mao Xiu's cultivation, he has diarrhea all day long and made himself weak. Are your fire yuan all inferior products? Suddenly hearing the proud sarcasm of the phoenix, the poisonous dragon suddenly became furious. Lin Fan believed that if possible, it would jump to curse. Of course, at this time, the poisonous dragon's five claws waved more frequently. At first glance, it did seem to be jumping.

"Hmm! After so many years of shock, today I took this opportunity to avenge these 100,000 years together!" Hearing the poisonous dragon mention all kinds of things over the past 100,000 years, the laughter of the earth lung phoenix stopped abruptly, and the voice also cooled down in an instant. With the words, the hot and poisonous dragon, which was originally scolding, suddenly made a scream, and then staddled in the air. Then, in the stunned eyes of Lin Fan and Fei's six fingers, the body of the poisonous dragon, constantly changed between elongation and thickening, and its head also turned into a dragon shape for a while, turning into a phoenix shape for a moment, and sometimes, both heads came out, and the body was also constantly changing, changing back and forth between the dragon shape and the phoenix shape. At the same time, the sound in the body is also constantly changing, with the hysterical roar of the poisonous dragon and the angry curse of the earth lung phoenix.

Looking at all this in front of them, Lin Fan and Fei Liuzhi looked at each other in constersibility. Obviously, at this time, the earth lung god and the earth-heart poisonous dragon were fighting for control of the body. Inadvertent glance, Lin Fan found that the three-legged Jinwu and the blood crying sword spirit actually looked at each other, and their eyes were full of strong cunning and conspiracy. Satisfied.

"Is it... that these two guys did it on purpose?" Seeing all this in front of him, Lin Fan was a little stupid for a moment. If it's really like what he thought, the blood crying sword spirit and the three-legged golden black are simply a pair of... scourges! Of course, this scourge is only aimed at the enemy. Thinking of this, Lin Fan stared more intently at the poisonous dragon and the lung god phoenix that rolled in the air and were still scolding while competing for physical control.



At this moment, the three-legged golden black and the blood-crying sword spirit emitted an excited sharp sound and low roar at the same time. Then, the sky furnace and earth furnace above their heads, which were originally only drooping with light, began to bloom faint light. At the moment when this light just surged up, the three-legged golden black and the blood-crying sword spirit, like an arrow from the string Generally, rush to the body that is still rolling!