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At this moment, Lin Fan, the golden god light and the dark magic light around him, suddenly fell into rage and lost control. A pain burst out crazily in Lin Fan's body, making Lin Fan feel that life is better than death.

Like outside the body, at this moment, the energy in Lin Fan's body also surged without warning. The endless energy absorbed before was uncontrollably like a run-out wild horse. He ran wildly in his body, trying to break through Lin Fan's body and disperse towards the outside world. If Lin Fan's meridians had not been tough to an unimaginable extent after experiencing these ten layers of Tianang Holy Land, Lin Fan would have definitely died violently at this moment. Even so, his body began to emit blood stains, making him look ferocious.

"How could this happen? What the hell is going on? Hasn't the energy absorbed before been refined? How could you suddenly fall into violence uncontrollably? Lin Fan endured great pain. He trembled and sweated like rain, but at this moment, he had to suppress this violent energy with great endurance. While enduring great pain, he tried his best to keep calm and think about countermeasures.

"Is it that... the strange energy organisms produced in those energies have not been completely refined, and their weak intelligences still remain in my body? And it was this energy that suddenly caused such a change in my body? Lin Fan's thoughts turned sharply, and in an instant, he turned thousands of thoughts. Then, the intelligent energy life suddenly broke into Lin Fan's mind. Thinking of this possibility, Lin Fan's eyebrows immediately frowned. You know, he absorbed ten domains of energy before, and among these energies, each There were originally a large amount of energy organisms in the domain. Previously, he just smashed them and did not check whether they were completely annihilated! If the spiritual knowledge of those energy living beings has not been silenced, the ten domains will be combined to measure a terrible number! Thinking of this, while his body was in severe pain, Lin Fan also felt quite tricky. While having a headache, Lin Fan was also happy.

"If it hadn't been for the continuous operation of the Xuanshui magic formula, and the shadow of the mysterious baby of Xuanshui to protect my whole body, 80% of them would have died at this moment!" Lin Fan secretly thought that the most urgent thing is to find the uncertain factor and smash it. As for whether that factor is the spiritual knowledge of the undying energy life, it is no longer important. "As long as all these energies are refined again to make them truly my source energy, all these disasters If you suffer, you will be a samil!" Lin Fan said in his heart that Lin Fan did not think it was important whether the factor that caused all this was those spiritual knowledge. At this moment, the energy in his body was surging, and a feeling of tearing kept coming. He was sure that it was the cause of the energy absorbed.

Lin Fan was not his mother-in-law's eight. When he thought of all this, he endured the pain all over his body and settled down. Then, he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to think about countermeasures.

"If you want to convert that energy into your own energy, you must sacrifice it again, and only by refining it again can you crush all the uncertain factors!" Lin Fan said secretly in his heart, and then he mobilized his physical potential and slowly converged the crazy vibrating golden light and dark magic light in his body, making them converging towards the body. As for the mysterious blue spirit, Lin Fan did not move and let them circulate around on his body. He knew that these mysterious blue spirits were his life-saving capital!

The golden god light and black magic light outside the body are Lin Fan's own energy, and there is nothing wrong with it. At this moment, Lin Fan's idea is very simple. With these extremely pure energy for him, he suppress the violent energy, and then slowly refines until Finally, it will be completely refined and converted into all of their own energy! His own energy is extremely magnificent, but if it is still inferior to the energy of the ten regions of Tian Gang, which has just been absorbed, and it is also destined that Lin Fan can only suppress part of it at a time. When refining that energy, he still has to endure the pain of the counterattack of most of the remaining energy!

This is an extremely difficult process and also an extremely long process. Lin Fan closed his eyes and showed an extremely painful look on his face. Sweat slipped from his body. Gradually, his blue shirt was as if immersed in water, firmly adhered to his body, and under his body, there was a large water stain. At the same time, Lin Fan's body couldn't help trembling, and from time to time a piece of preparation flew out of his body. Within three feet of his body, the blood fog became more and more condensed and did not disperse. At the same time, Lin Fan was surrounded by golden divine light and dark magic light, and his face also changed back and forth between golden and black, making him like a god for a while and a demon for a while.

Over time, gradually, the sound of thunder came from Lin Fan's body counterclockwise, and in the sound of thunder, there was even a shrill sound. At first glance, this sound is extremely ethereal and does not seem to exist, but if you listen carefully, you can be sure that this sound exists in Lin Fan's body! Moreover, this sound is getting sharper and sharper, which seems to be full of hatred! With the spread of this sound, Lin Fan's body also changed strangely and constantly. For a moment, it bulged and sunken for a moment, and it looked like thousands of poisonous insects rushing back and forth in his body, which was daunting. Gradually, the sharp sound was connected, and the frequency of bulges and depressions and depressions of Lin Fan's body became higher and higher, and the area became wider and wider. Later, Lin Fan's whole body was like an inflatable human figure, which was raised like a ball to the periphery for a while, but it was sunken as flat for a while. , which looks extremely strange.


Suddenly, there was a sound in Lin Fan's body that was dozens or hundreds of times more exciting than before, and with this sound, Lin Fan's whole body suddenly burst into a violent light, and Lin Fan's body also changed dozens of times between bulges and depressions in an instant! At this moment, it is difficult to see the extreme of Lin Fan's face!


Suddenly, Lin Fan opened his mouth and made an angry roar. With this roar, his golden and dark color suddenly became stronger than ever before. Then, Lin Fan's eyes were closed for a long time and suddenly opened them. At the same time, he roared out, and then , he suddenly stood up and turned his arms fiercely to the outside. Suddenly, there was a banging sound on his body, and with this increasingly dense sound, Lin Fan's body unexpectedly rushed out wisps of golden and dark golden breath. These breaths, at the moment they rushed out of Lin Fan's body, condensed into Countless resentful faces roared at Lin Fan. Their bodies, between illusion and reality, kept swinging in the air, as if they wanted to rush towards Lin Fan, but they seemed to be extremely afraid of him and hesitated not to come forward.

Dizzy something, which is exactly the energy life that was generated in the thirty-six heavenly holy land! But at this moment, they are full of ferociousness. Looking at Lin Fan's eyes, they can't wait to eat his meat and drink his blood and sleep on his skin!

"Hmm!" In the face of this situation, Lin Fan snorted coldly. He stretched out his hand and waved his hand. Suddenly, a large palm wind containing golden gods and black magic lights enveloped in this large area of dense and unknown energy life. Suddenly, the energy life that was originally extremely afraid became more panicked and screamed. They rushed left and right to avoid the strange palm wind, but under Lin Fan's palms, everything seemed futile and there was no suspense. These energy organisms were all included in Lin Fan's palms. Then, Lin Fan rubbed his hands, and with the movement of his hands, it was like a ghost crying. The wolf-like howling sounded in Lin Fan's palm. This sad voice sounded in Lin Fan's ear, but he was not moved at all. Instead, his hands moved faster.

After half an hour, Lin Fan's hands finally slowed down, and at this time, the sad long cry had also stopped. Finally, Lin Fan's hands shook violently and finally stopped and stared down at the things in his hand. Lin Fan did not speak for a long time.

At this moment, in his palm, there is a ball-like thing between the golden color and the dark golden color. This ball of things looks extremely flexible, constantly spinning in Lin Fan's palm, and the evil breath flows out of it. There is a very strong breath of life fluctuation, but this breath of life fluctuation is not like an ordinary breath of life fluctuation, with a trace of strangeness and three points of resentment. In the center of this strange ball, there is a lifelike face, which seems to be illusory and real, grinning and staring at Feng Linfan, as if it were roaring.

After looking at it for a while, Lin Fan took a breath, and then shook his hand to put away the round ball.

"With my current strength, this kind of energy life is not enough to completely refine. I can only seal it in this way first. Maybe it will be of great use in the future..." Lin Fan thought to himself, then shook his head, left these thoughts behind, felt his body, and found that there was nothing strange, and then again Go forward.

At the end of the tenth realm of Tianang, Lin Fan did not immediately take that step, but looked ahead, and there was a light of meditation in his eyes.

"The real demon emperor's skills have been created, and eight out of ten (harmonious) have long expected such changes. With the understanding of his style along the way, since he has created such a situation here, I'm afraid there will be new challenges to meet in the future, and the prerequisite for completing this challenge is to exhaust the energy of the first ten regions. Absorption. It is still unknown whether there will be new changes in the front, but now we have to step by step, steadily, and absolutely not be like this time..." Looking at the unknown space in front of him, Lin Fan thought to himself that the so-called eating a dent and growing wisdom and falling twice on the same mistake, which is not Lin Fan's style. Invisibly, Lin Fan was more careful.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Fan took a deep breath and gushed out the strange light again. As for the mysterious blue spirit manifested by the mysterious waterification formula, it has naturally filled all over Lin Fan's body and guarded him closely.

Lin Fan raised his feet, stepped out, and stepped into the eleventh realm of the 36-day holy land, but at the moment he stepped in, Lin Fan's eyebrows suddenly frowned. The space here is very different from before. The previous space was full of endless light, making everywhere golden light, but the void here is full of dark gold light. These golden lights are extremely loose and irregularly in the void, and here, not as bright as before, is a little dark.

"What's going on?" In the face of this situation, Lin Fan's doubts rose from the bottom of his heart, but he did not relax his vigilance. He knows that each of these 36 heavenly holy realms is extremely dangerous, and the more ordinary it is, the more dangerous it is. After experiencing the previous ten domains, Lin Fan has long been convinced of this.

"Hmm?" Lin Fan looked around carefully, and suddenly, he found something strange. The dark golden light spots in this space are running slowly, displaying different shapes. At the same time, these shapes have a hierarchical feeling. Lin Fan carefully observed for a while, and there was a feeling of trance and a feeling that he did not know where he was.


At this time, the golden god and black magic around Lin Fan suddenly shook together and suddenly woke Lin Fan. At this time, Lin Fan found that there was a layer of cold sweat on his body!

"It's so close that I almost got lost just now..." Lin Fan secretly took a breath of cold air, but at the same time, he was also puzzled that this golden god and the light of black demon could actually pull him back from the loss. After casually glanced at the two kinds of light all over his body, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly widened. I don't know when the originally distinct golden light and dark magic light outside the body had begun to merge about one-fifth!

"The two have begun to merge..." Lin Fan whispered to himself, "Does this indicate that I and the split have begun to merge further, or is the relationship between them closer? But why didn't I feel it?"