
298 Longyuan

"Blood Moon..." Looking at a blood-stained moon in the sky, Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and stared straight at it. After a long time, he gently opened his mouth. The ballad, which seemed to have been forgotten in the depths of his memory, rose again in his heart.

The blood moon appears, the world is in chaos, the ink sunrise, hundreds of ethnic groups are killed, the Mohe leaves the abyss, the yin soldiers appear in the world, the heavenly way is endless, and the six paths are bounded. Since the appearance of the bloody moon, the bloody moon has finally appeared again. At the same time, Lin Fan seemed to feel that the land under his feet was trembling gently, as if there was a silent roar, which was shocking.

At this time, Aokizi still turned his hands upside down and looked up at the moon, which was almost completely covered with blood, thinking. At this moment, almost everyone was shocked by the whole fog. One after another came out of the room or cave and looked at the enchanting moon in the sky with a heavy face. Everyone stood quietly, staring solemnly at the bloody moon, as if waiting for something to happen. With the passage of time, the originally faint blood-stained moon became more enchanting and red.


Just when there was silence around and the bloody moon was extremely strong, a long wolf roar suddenly sounded, and with this wolf roar, the originally calm surroundings suddenly looked wild. At the same time, the roar was like a signal, endless roar, and at the same time, there was a tiger roar. There was a bear roar and all kinds of indescribable screams. For a moment, the void, which originally seemed to be calm, was filled with endless roars, and seemed to be able to break the whole void.

But this is not the end. With more and more roaring and louder, a bright red void unexpectedly emerges all kinds of strange shadows from time to time. There are tigers, dragons, alternative giants, strange things with three heads, and even groups of animals that are obviously gregarious. However, in a few breaths, the whole void is full of various shadows, which makes people shudder even at a glance. The next moment, a dull crackle began to sound in the void, and with the denser crackling sound, the space unexpectedly opened small cracks. After that, either white bones like mountains, or gathered blood into a sea, or darkness, or the recovery of all races. For a moment, the originally clear void turned into a demon field. Although these do not have any substantial harm, they can give people a strong sense of psychological oppression.

"The blood moon appears, and the world is chaotic..." Looking at all this in front of them, everyone whispered secretly, recalling the meaning of these simple six words. Silence, a dead silence. The silence of the people is in sharp contrast to the endless roar and the dull cracks in the void and the more and more space gaps, which makes people depressed. It seems that there are tens of thousands of barriers, filling the chest.


Suddenly, I don't know who looked up to the sky and made a roar. This roar, in such a night, seemed extremely sad, and there was a tearful feeling. Gradually, more and more people looked up to the sky and roared, as if they wanted to roar out all the dullness in their chest.

The older generation quietly looked at all this without joining or stopping it. It seemed that everything had nothing to do with them. But the sadness between their eyebrows is stronger and heavier than anyone else. Lin Fan did not make any sound. He looked at the blood moon and the shadow of the sky, but he did not have the initial anxiety and unexpectedly calmed down. And I don't know when, Qinglong has come to Aokizi's side, side by side with him, with his head upside down, and looking up at the blood moon and the void like a demon dance. And in his eyes, the sadness that seems to have not dissipated since it appeared has disappeared, and some are just calm. The three quietly looked up at the dance of demons in the void and the round of the sad and enchanting blood moon, and no one spoke.

"I want to go back to Longyuan three days later and retrieve my lost power as soon as possible..." After a long time, Qinglong opened his mouth faintly. There was no waves in his voice, extremely calm, as if he was just saying something no different from himself. When speaking, Qinglong did not turn his head, paused and continued, "I want to take the three little guys of Dawei, who are more or less related to my dragon clan..." At this, he glanced at Lin Fan and hesitated and continued, "If you are relieved, I also want to take him..."

Turning his head and looked at Lin Fan, who was still staring at the void and shadows. Aoki smiled and did not agree directly, but said, "Lin Fan and those three little guys, if they are willing to go to Longyuan with you, I have no problem..." At this, Aoki continued to turn his head to look at the blood moon, as if that I don't know how long the blood moon has been watching, and there is infinite subtlety. Hearing Aokiko's words, Qinglong did not speak again, but nodded slightly.

The field fell silent again. Lin Fan stared at the blood moon, but his thoughts floated to the ink sun he saw a long time ago, and the demon palace of the heavenly demon clan. Everything in the past poured into Lin Fan's mind at this moment, and pictures flashed, but many old friends couldn't help sounding. For a moment, they couldn't help sighing a little melancholy.

There was no substantial murder in the night when the demons danced, but it was enough to shock everyone. The people in the fog, including Lin Fan, stood outside all night and felt the atmosphere of the mountain rain, and the windy buildings. Everyone was a little heavy.

But the next day, the blood moon dissipated. The sky was clear and a golden sun hung on the edge of the sky. The sun shone on the earth without a trace of darkness. Everything seemed to have never happened last night. After all, what happened happened, and everything, like a thick haze, shrouded in the hearts of every young man. But young people are originally active, and although they speculate about worries, they have not let all this affect their lives. Early in the morning, while the blood moon completely dispersed, everyone also dispersed. Lin Fan's face was calm, but he seemed to frown slightly. He walked all the way back to his house. After washing up, he casually made some food. Just as he wanted to go out for a walk, he bumped into the white sword that just entered the room.

"Brother Lin, do you want to go out?" Seeing Lin Fan walking out, Bai Jianyin smiled.

"It's okay, just go for a walk." Lin Fan smiled faintly, stood up and greeted Bai Jianyin to enter the room and sit down, and then he sat down and said, "What's the matter?"

"Well, my friends were going to sit by the river, thinking that as soon as you came back, they called you together..." Bai Jianyin immediately explained his intention. Lin Fan pondered for a moment, then answered with a smile, and then walked out with Bai Jianyin. Lin Fan has entered here and can be said to have hardly had a relationship with the young people here, and he also felt a little sorry. He just took this opportunity to get acquainted with them.

The two walked and talked. On the way, Lin Fan also asked Fei Liuzhi, but said that Fei Liuzhi had already been brought back by his master's old turtle. Lin Fan couldn't help but regret that he didn't have time to say goodbye. When he arrived at his destination, Lin Fan's eyes widened. There were more than ten people present. In addition to Lin Fan's six brothers and sisters, there were seven or eight young people who had met once but didn't have time to know each other. Seeing Lin Fan coming, they all walked over. After a brief introduction, they also became familiar with each other. Although there are not many contacts with Lin Fan, even zero, but with the mouths of Wu Dao and others, they also have a good understanding of Lin Fan, and they originally had a very good relationship with Wu Dao and others. At this time, it is easy to take photos with Lin Fan.

A group of people talked together without any scruples, and slowly pulled out the deeds of Lin Fan's blackmailing Wu Dao and others as soon as he entered Shuiyunzong. A young man dressed in purple and Chen Hao smiled and said, "So those three little guys are still the same as you. It's the owner of the wild goose pulling hair!"

"You have just plucked your hair! Believe it or not, I took off all your clothes!" As soon as Chen Hao finished speaking, a milky voice sounded, and there was even a little anger. Everyone was stunned, turned their heads and saw that the three beasts of Dawei, the three-legged Jinwu and the blood-crying sword spirit were standing in the distance. The three-legged golden black and the blood-crying sword spirit were all right. They looked indifferent, but Dawei's eyes were wide open. A pair of small front paws had a round body, and the boss was unconvinced and even stared at Chen Hao angrily.

"Mom's little guy! How dare you come here blatantly! I have to catch you and starve you for three days today!" As soon as he saw Dawei, everyone present except Lin Fan immediately laughed and scolded, and was ready to work together to repair Dawei.

"Hum! Come and bite me! Come and bite me!" In the face of the laughter and scolding and half-truth and half-false actions of Bai Jianyin, Boss Dawei's rude provocation made Lin Fan unable to laugh and cry at the same time and helpless.

"Don't make trouble, we still have something to talk about..." In desperation, Lin Fan had to make up the situation. Hearing Lin Fan's words, Dawei stared at the crowd maliciously, and then jumped on the body of the three-legged Jinwu. The three-legged Jinwu then flew to the sky, but when Dawei left, he did not forget to say, "You come and bite me." It is very popular.

After Dawei and other three beasts disappeared into the sky, Lin Fan turned around and brewed a sentence and said, "Have you ever heard of Longyuan?"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the people who were laughing suddenly calmed down and frowned one by one. Obviously, they were trying to think about it.

"Long Yuan, I have an impression of this name, but it is already a very old or even legendary place..." After a while, Lu Peng said, with meditation and uncertainty in his words. "I heard that it is the ancestral land of the dragon clan, hidden in the unknown place on the seabed of the East China Sea, but it has not appeared for a long time. Almost everything can be regarded as a legend..."

Hearing Lu Peng's words, Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Peng, who looked warm but his eyes flashed like a blade from time to time, "Brother Lu, can you tell me more about it?"

"Little bastard, are you going to go to the Longyuan with the senior Qinglong?" Hearing Lin Fan's words, Wu Dao and others would like to come over. At this moment, when he mentioned Long Yuan, Qinglong had just got out of trouble and woke up from his own seal, which was clearly obvious.

"Yes, the power of Qinglong's predecessor has not fully recovered. He wants to go to Longyuan to find the power lost there. He hopes that the three beasts and Dawei and I can accompany..." At this point, Lin Fan's face was curious, but he also had three points of helplessness. He secretly mocked that he also seemed to be a running life and just came from the real demon hall. A few days after I came out, I was going to break into this so-called dragon abyss that I didn't know the depth at all. At this time, I heard Lu Peng say that it is the ancestral land of the dragon clan. It is not simple to think that there are eight (harmonious) nine, and there will even be unknown dangers.


Hearing Lin Fan's words, unexpectedly, everyone did not show a look of retention at the first time, but after looking at each other, they took the same long breath, and even had a trace of hidden joy on his face, which immediately made Lin Fan extremely angry.

"Hey, hey! I said you are too unkind, right? What kind of broken expression is this, as if he can't wait for me to get out of here..." Lin Fan was really depressed and said angrily, "Don't take such a blow to stimulate people..."

"Oh, Brother Lin, there is no feast that will never leave. I wish you and those three guys a safe journey!" Hearing Lin Fan's words, Bai Jianyin suddenly realized his expression, and then patted Lin Fan on the shoulder with a treacherous smile on his face. Looking at Bai Jianyin's "false" face, Lin Fan couldn't wait to punch him in the face, and at this time, several half-joking and semi-serious voices sounded at the same time.

"Have a good journey, missing halfway!"

"You..." Lin Fan was really angry. Tian Yu looked at Lin Fan's bald face and smiled. He finally stopped smiling and said, "Little bastard, it's not to blame us for our injustice. The main reason is that the three little guys around you are too worry-free. If they are here for a day, we will live a year less. Sooner or later, we will be killed by them. I'm so angry. Now, you go find your treasure and we live our quiet life. This is obviously what we need!" While speaking, Tian Yu looked serious, and his words were also magnificent and righteous.

"Hum! Sister Seven, be careful that I will tell Lei Feng your whereabouts after I go out. He is worried about you a lot!" Lin Fan rolled his eyes and then looked at Tian Yu's strange way. The words immediately diverted everyone's attention and made Tian Yu blush.

After almost making a lot of trouble, Lin Fan said again, "Brother Lu, what kind of place is Longyuan? Tell me that I have a bottom in my heart..."

Hearing Lin Fan mention the business, everyone stopped gagging. Lu Peng straightened out his thoughts and said, "I don't know whether the facts are what I said or not. After all, the dragon clan was once the most powerful race. There are various things about the superiors spread outside, and they can't tell the truth, so ordinary people also Limited knowledge, coupled with the fact that too much time has passed, a lot of information is even more incomplete, as long as you have a bottom line in mind. Seeing that Lin Fan nodded, Lu Peng slowly said the origin of Long Yuan.

Longyuan is the place where the dragon clan lives, or the origin of the dragon clan, and the place where the dragon abyss is located is the first dragon and the ancestral dragon. Longyuan is located in an endless place on the seabed of the East China Sea. No one knows its exact location except the dragon clan. It is staggered. If there is no dragon clan magic weapons or dragon yuan, it will not be able to enter the dragon abyss smoothly, and it may be crushed by the huge dragon at the edge. The dragon abyss is divided into nine parts, and it is said that the dragon has nine sons, so they sit separately. In addition, the dragon clan also has the most precious dragon ball, which is rumored to seal the power of every descendant of the dragon clan in the past dynasties, but only the power of the first dragon and the ancestral dragon can stimulate the vast energy, and it is not all the energy. If you want to stimulate all the energy, you must mobilize the power of the whole dragon clan, and if it really comes At this step, I'm afraid it's time for the dragon clan to suffer from extinction. However, the dragon clan has been getting weaker and weaker since hundreds of thousands of years ago. In the Xuangu period, it has weakened to the extreme. Now in the world, there are only the Qinglong War General and the Dragon War King under the throne of Heaven. After Xuangu, there was no real dragon.

Lu Peng made a long story short and quickly explained everything about the dragon clan to Lin Fan. Hearing Lu Peng's explanation, Lin Fan thanked him, and then meditated secretly. Suddenly, he looked at Lu Peng's suspicious voice and said, "You said that there has been no dragon clan since ancient times, but for several years In the past, I saw a black dragon in a place called Dragon Slayer in Sangfu Bird Moonland. To be precise, it is a black dragon soul, but it is just sealed in the ground. Are all the dragons sealed?

Hearing Lin Fan's words, others suddenly showed surprise. You know, in today's world, the real dragon is almost invisible, and even gradually reduced to the legendary mythical beast. If it hadn't been for seeing the revived green dragon with their own eyes, most of these young people in Wuyinzhuang would have thought that the real dragon was just a legend. How could they not be surprised to hear Lin Fan's words at this time?

"I don't know the details. Maybe Elder Qinglong knows better..." Lu Peng said for a moment. Lin Fan heard his words and said helplessly with a wry smile, "Senior Qinglong is always silent. If he is willing to solve my puzzles, I won't come here to listen to your legend!" For a while, everyone talked about it again. Of course, the focus of the discussion was on the dragon abyss, the birthplace of the mysterious dragon clan.

Hearing Lu Peng's words, Lin Fan also fell into meditation. He also had a deep curiosity about the dragon abyss, especially the dragon ball that needed the power of the dragon clan to operate, which made Lin Fan's heart shake. The power of the dragon clan to operate a power that has sealed every dragon soul in the past dynasties. Just thinking about it is enough to make people afraid. At the same time, Lin Fan also has a deep doubt in his heart: "What kind of power can make the dragon clan destroy several clans every 10,000 years in hundreds of thousands of years, and it can be said that the clan was destroyed in ancient times!

"When it comes to Longyuan, all these mysteries may be solved, and for the events that I still have been ignorant ten thousand years ago, maybe I can also reveal my true face..." Lin Fan muttered darkly and looked at the East. His eyes were deep and far away, as if he had looked through the void, the deep sea, and the center of the mysterious dragon abyss.