
315 rock painting

Just as Lin Fan and others were talking, the sky was already bright, and a golden sun rose from the east, shining a vast desert, like a land of gods, but at the same time, the temperature around it slowly rose. It didn't take long for the surrounding area to be hot. Although Lin Fan did not feel the heat, he also saw from the performance of Uncle Mu and Raj and others that this place had become a stove. But Raj and others did not feel any discomfort. Obviously, they were used to all this. Lin Fan looked at their wide white robe and suddenly remembered that when they lay beside the camel at night, the white robe was like a wide quilt, and at this time, it was just used to resist the scorching sun.

After a rest, everyone ate some dry food casually and continued on the road. After the horrible scene last night, everyone's mood was obviously not very high and looked full of things. Along the way, the words were much less, and the laughter disappeared. Even the camel bell seemed extremely lonely and sad.

Looking up at a depressed man sitting on the camel's body, Raj squeezed out a smile on his face and looked at Lin Fan and said, "Thank you, Brother Lin. If it hadn't been for you last night, I'm afraid our group would have died..."

"Don't say that, I just know some methods of practice, and I'm afraid there are many places to rely on you later..." Lin Fan responded. It's not polite for him to say so. He feels that most of them will be found in the station of the original residents of this team, and moreover, before, Mu Xiao and Raj The information provided to him is also very useful.

Hearing what Lin Fan said, Raj squeezed out a smile on his face and did not speak again. After walking for a while, Raj suddenly opened his mouth and sang desolately and tragically, just like this desert, as if to tell the hardships of the desert. His singing infected everyone around him. For a while, the desolate singing echoed throughout the desert. Lin Fan walked in it, listening to this song and recalling the artistic conception. The song is not beautiful, but it is like the purest knife wine, which is full of spicy and endless aftertaste. Unconsciously, Lin Fan's consciousness seems to be out of his body and spread towards the whole desert, as if it can contain the whole desert. At this moment, Lin Fan's body and mind seemed to be integrated with this desert. A desolate and vast atmosphere surged out of his body. Gradually, it infected everyone around him, which also made their songs more desolate and more tragic.

I don't know how long this atmosphere lasted. Lin Fan seemed to walk in this desert as if he was confused and sober. Gradually, he no longer deliberately operated Xuangong to resist the heat, but let the strong light shine on himself, and let the hot sand under his feet burn the soles of his feet, which was covered by the bean-sized sweat. Dripping. Feeling this desert, Lin Fan felt that his mood was sublimating. His understanding of space and the world was deeper. A wide door slowly opened in front of him, and then there was a broader space with a powerful breath that made people palpitate.

Lin Fan's thoughts drifted, and his consciousness explored the vast space and carefully tasted everything in it. I don't know how long this feeling lasted until a touch of coolness hit his heart that Lin Fan suddenly shook, and his consciousness also collected from the unknown space in an instant. When I looked up, I saw Raj and several young people looking at him curiously. At this time, when I saw him open my eyes, I suddenly showed a sincere smile, handed over a cup of something like cool and sweet juice, and said with a smile, "Brother Lin, we have returned to the oasis. Here, this is the juice from the root of the jujube coconut. , the most quenching thirst is much better than drinking on the road. Lin Fan thanked him and took a sip. As Raj said, his mouth was cool and slightly sweet, and the heat around his body seemed to dissipate cleanly.

After thinking about the itinerary carefully, Lin Fan was suddenly shocked and looked up and found that the red sun was already falling in the west. The remnant sun stained the desert into blood. He turned his head and looked at Raj and said, "Uncle Raj, when did we come back? Why do I seem to be in a daze for a long time?

"Yes! Not long after we set off, Brother Lin fell into a strange state. He was demented and evil. We wanted to wake you up, but Uncle Mu said that it was a fairy's epiphany and wouldn't let us disturb him. In this way, you have been enlightened until now, and we came back at noon!" As soon as Lin Fan said his words, a muscular young man behind Raj opened his mouth, his voice was crisp, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. Lin Fan remembered that the young man's name was Sheton, and he was quite bold. When he met the strange black wind, he was not afraid, but also showed a trace of excitement. When he heard Uncle Mu and Raj talk about the strangeness of the abandoned capital, he was even eager to try and had the idea of going to the abandoned capital.

Lin Fan nodded, greeted him, touched his body, and suddenly found that his bones were quite good, and the blood in his body was extremely strong, with a tendency to gushing out. As soon as his mind moved, he smiled and said, "Shaton, I'll go to Uncle Mu's place first, and then I'll teach you a skill. This skill is quite suitable for you, but it's up to you how much you understand."

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Xieton's eyes suddenly emitted a bright light and blurted out: "Is it awesome?"

"Little rabbit, you have also seen Brother Lin's tricks. Will the skills he passed on to you be amazing? Don't thank me as soon as possible!" Raj was also quite excited to hear Lin Fan's words. He punched Sheaton and laughed and scolded, and Xieton's face suddenly showed a simple smile. Although Lin Fan saw that several other young people also expressed sincere congratulations to Sheton, it was difficult to hide that regret. Lin Fan smiled and said, "I will also teach you some ways to strengthen your body when you have time." After saying that, he looked at Raj and said, "Uncle Raj, please take me to see Uncle Mu."

Raje answered, told Sheaton to wait for a few young people to say a few words, and then took Lin Fan to the direction of Uncle Mu. Lin Fan chatted with Raj all the way while enjoying the surrounding scenery. Compared with the vast desert, it can be called lush. There is even a small river running through the whole oasis. The river is clear. Even if you just take a glance, a wisp of coolness will emerge all over. In addition, there are some beautiful rose-like flowers, but when I stepped forward, I found that they were just stones in the form of roses. Only after Raj's introduction did I know that these desert roses were dug from a few meters to several feet deep under the desert, which made Lin Fan wonder.

And on the way, Lin Fan saw a scene that made him roll his eyes. The two little guys, Dawei and Blood Weeping Jianling, actually hid on a dodge chair under a small jungle, holding a straw and drinking date coconut juice, and there were some dates and coconut fruits next to them, which looked very good. Its comfort. If Lin Fan rolled his eyes angrily. As for the three-legged Jinwu, he hid coolly, half squinted his eyes, and from time to time glanced at the great power and blood-crying sword spirit, which also looked bad.

"Brother Lin, here we are." Just as Lin Fan secretly slandered that the two guys would enjoy it, Raj's voice sounded, and Lin Fan suddenly came to his senses and suddenly found that he had arrived next to a small courtyard. It was said that it was a courtyard, but it was just a small area surrounded by several wooden branches. With a thank you, Lin Fan walked in by himself. As soon as he entered, he saw Uncle Mu coming out of the house with a smile.

After greeting Uncle Mu, the two sat down in the courtyard, and then presented the unique food in the desert. After chatting, Lin Fan said, "Master Mu, I have one thing. I don't know if you can help..."

"Brother Lin, you will see what you said. You are the lifesaver on our whole little oasis. I can do what I can, but I can't do it. I also want to help you do it! What's the help?" Before Lin Fan finished speaking, Uncle Mu waved his hand and said slightly unhappyly, and then looked at Lin Fan doubtfully and asked, "But Brother Lin, we are all ordinary people. I really don't think there is anything that can help you..."

Lin Fan smiled. Although he has not been together for a long time, Lin Fan also saw that although these people are ordinary, they are extremely simple and bold. They are the kind of people who want to repay the blessings of dripping water, and this is why he wants to teach him some practices when he sees that Xieton's bones are good. In his imagination, it is nothing more than making it easier for them to live in this desert.

At this moment, after hearing Uncle Mu's words, Lin Fan pondered for a moment and said, "On the way, I have heard Uncle Raj repeatedly mention desert rock paintings. I want to see if I can find anything from them..."

"This..." Hearing Lin Fan's words, Uncle Mu showed a look of embarrassment on his face, reached out and brushed the beard of his chin, and fell silent for a moment.

"What? Is there anything difficult for Uncle Mu? Or is that your holy place? Lin Fan frowned slightly. Seeing Uncle Mu's look, he felt that things seemed to be a little tricky.

"To tell you the truth, the rock painting was nothing, but the place where the rock painting is located is a little strange. People who go in will always feel trance and see something strange..." Uncle Mu frowned and seemed to know what to say. After a while, he said, "Directly, many people are there. I saw a heavenly palace in it, and then I wanted to get close to it, but I couldn't go there anyway. There was even an outsider who observed it alone and was exhausted to death in it! Moreover, I don't know whether it is a regional relationship or the rock painting.

"Is there such a thing?" Hearing Uncle Mu's words, a trace of surprise flashed on Lin Fan's face. This scene reminded him of the desert mirage and seemed to guess what Lin Fan was thinking. Uncle Mu waved his hand and said, "That's not a desert mirage, because this rock painting is in an ancient cave under the ground, not outside."

Hearing this, Lin Fan immediately felt that most of the relevant information would be found in the rock painting. After pondering for a moment, Lin Fan said, "Mr. Mu, I have my own moderation. Please let me watch it. This is very important to me."

Hearing Lin Fan's tone, Uncle Mu shook his head and sighed helplessly, "Well, whenever you want to see it, I will take you, but you must be careful. The rock painting is really evil. I'm not lying to you."

Lin Fan nodded, thanked him, and then muttered slightly, "If possible, I want to go and have a look tomorrow."

Uncle Mu nodded and was no longer entangled in this issue, so he casually talked about some other desert common sense, and at this time, it was time to eat. Although Lin Fan had already been able to open the valley, he still ate some, and then Raj came to find himself to rest.

After waking up early in the morning and cleaning up, Lin Fan found the three-legged golden black and other three beasts, and then walked to Uncle Mu's residence. He really couldn't wait to see the mysterious rock painting as soon as possible.

Uncle Mu obviously expected Lin Fan to arrive early and had already waited at home. Seeing Lin Fan's arrival and greeting, he led Lin Fan out and ordered Lin Fan to pay attention when looking at the rock paintings all the way. Lin Fan did not despise his suggestion because he was a monk and Uncle Mu was a mortal. On the contrary, he paid special attention to it. In his concept, the experience of the elderly is often a valuable asset and may even save lives.

The location of the rock painting was not far away. After half an hour, he arrived. Lin Fan saw at a glance that it was a very old cave, which looked very strange. Uncle Mu took a look at Lin Fan, solemnly reminded him again, and then watched Lin Fan walk into the cave. After Lin Fan's figure disappeared, Uncle Mu shook his head and seemed to think of something in the past, but he didn't say anything, so he turned around and walked away.

As soon as Lin Fan first walked into the cave, he took advantage of the bright light emitted by the three beasts such as the three-legged golden black, and found that everything here seemed extremely old. Obviously, he did not know how many years it had existed, but strangely, there was no sign of collapse here.

With a slight glance, Lin Fan fixed his eyes on the surrounding walls and looked carefully. The rock paintings here are extremely complex, and often show many scenes in one painting. For example, in a rock painting, there are not only harmonious scenes of men and women weaving, but also scenes of dancing in colorful clothes, even sacrifice scenes, and even war scenes of fighting between the two sides. These rock paintings are lifelike and often have a few strokes, which depict everyone's demeanor, which is extremely vivid.

"Sure enough, as Uncle Mu said, this place used to be a land of water and rice. There were no desert boats and camels, but there were buffaloes and other things..." Lin Fan stared at a series of extremely unusual-looking pictures and said to himself. In these pictures, there are no camels or deserts. On the contrary, it is a scene of vast grassland. Among them, hippos gallop, buffaloes gallop, and then think of the vast desert outside, which is amazing. But Lin Fan did not look carefully at all this. He quickly walked forward to find the information he wanted.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Lin Fan stared at a rock painting and frowned.