
345 disaster

The voice of the king of the stone tribe seemed extremely angry. Obviously, he was attacked and scolded in front of everyone. Even ordinary people would be extremely angry, not to mention an ancient stone king! At this moment, the shadow in the void shook violently. Obviously, the stone king was extremely angry, and on the edge of the sky, there was a slender and long tail swaying, as if laughing at him. Seeing this tail, Lin Fan already understood at that time that this must be the head of the 12th World War King! And when I heard that word, I was completely sure.

"The senior mouse is really...possible!" Lin Fan couldn't help but feel speechless when he thought of this sneak attack as the leader of the 12th World War. But when he was speechless, he felt that this was the "model of our generation". What means did he pay attention to when dealing with the enemy? It's enough to destroy him. After all, heroes are not so good, so in the end, the word "personality" is used to describe this king of war that can be the best in the past and modern times.

"Zi, rat!" At the time of Lin Fan's wild thinking, the cold voice of the king of the stone tribe has sounded word by word, with a bitter chill, which seems to freeze people's souls, but in that chill, there is a three-point fear. Obviously, eight out of ten (harmonious) of this stone tribe have suffered losses under the hands of the rats.

"Hum! Fortunately, you still recognize me! I thought you thought you were invincible!" As the voice of the king of the stone tribe sounded, the voice of the mouse also sounded. Then, the very obscene and thin figure of the mouse appeared in the void, far away from the shadow of the king of the stone tribe: "I didn't completely ruin you last time, but I didn't expect that you didn't act in a low profile, but still I think I am invincible in the world. It happens that some of the king's souls will wake up this time, and I will contract them to completely hang the existence of all the stone tribes in this abandoned city!"

At first, the mouse's voice was still disrespectful, but it became more and more solemn. Later, Lin Fan actually heard a three-point chill, but he was a little puzzled about what he said. It was not difficult to understand the king's soul in the abandoned capital. After all, he had seen several kings before, who were more powerful than them. It is not impossible to exist, and it can even be said that it should be like this, but I didn't expect that there were countless souls of human world kings in the abandoned capital! And does the "king's soul wake up" at this moment mean that these kings have not completely disappeared?

Just when Lin Fan was thinking nonsense, he did not expect that the king of the stone tribe was more surprised than him, even fearful. Although he thinks that the stone tribe is superior and above all worlds, he has to admit that the human world is indeed a strange world. Over the endless years, too many amazing people have been born here, and many of them are buried in this abandoned capital. However, even if they die, their spirits will not die, lingering in this waste city all the time. At this moment, he heard the mouse say that the souls of all the kings of the world will wake up and threaten to erase all the external existences in this place, so that he will not be shocked. Because he knows that if the souls of all the kings in the world really wake up, this is definitely not a lie!

"Huh! Do you think there is only the dead soul of the human world among the abandoned capital? You should know that the extraterritorial king who died in this abandoned capital is absolutely no worse than the human world!" Although he was shocked, the foreign king was unwilling to be discouraged and snorted coldly.

For his answer, the mouse did not open his mouth again, but only sneered several times. After that, his whole temperament changed greatly and seemed extremely solemn. He stood tall and suddenly bowed deeply to the waste capital. Then, a sentence similar to a summoning soul rushed out of his mouth endlessly, and his hands were long. The sky waved, and gradually, there seemed to be a cloudy wind in the whole waste capital. The next moment, everyone suddenly rushed out of gray shadows from all directions of the waste capital. Although it was only a shadow, it emitted violent energy fluctuations. The breath emitted from it was shocking. Obviously, these were once unworldly. Even though the immortal souls of the king have passed away, their souls are still immortal. Although these shadows are gray, they do not make people feel any strangeness. On the contrary, they have a holy atmosphere, which makes people admire them.

The unrivaled king of all generations in the world! In an instant, everyone had such an idea in their hearts. Suddenly, everyone looked at those gray shadows and took on strong respect. This is the invincible king who has died in all dynasties. They have paid too much for the human world. Even though they have died in the capital, they are still immortal and are always ready to fight again! In silence, almost everyone worshipped these gray shadows deeply at this moment. However, Tianjimen, the ant clan and other people who have colluded with foreign tribes have suddenly changed their faces and their faces are uncertain, but this slowness makes them particularly conspicuous on the scene. When everyone looks at these people's eyes, they suddenly have three points of anger and three points of contempt.

"Hmm!" In the face of the hostile eyes of everyone, these people also felt extremely awkward, but they could not respond effectively. They had to hum coldly and then turned their eyes elsewhere. For all this, the mouse was high in the sky and saw it in his eyes, but there was no indication at all. Obviously, he has been mentally prepared for all this. After all, he has personally experienced the rebellion of the dragon python family ten thousand years ago. As for the countless other wall grass races, he does not want to talk too much with such people, just to call those who have fallen into the abandoned capital. The Unrivaled King.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The dull sound sounded, and the whole waste capital seemed to shake at this moment. Then, more and more gray shadows appeared in front of everyone, dense, like an army with amazing combat power, making people tremble from the soul. At this moment, these gray shadows suddenly emitted a dazzling light. At this moment, these gray shadows quickly condensed, as if they were about to turn into entities! One by one, a great or handsome figure appeared in front of everyone. In an instant, there seemed to be countless world-class kings in the field! At this moment, these world-class kings who have fallen seem to have come back to life!


The neat roar sounded in the waste capital, making the whole waste city shaken by it. But everyone felt that their hearts roared, as if 100,000 thunderbolt in their souls, causing the strongest impact on their souls.

"The soul of the world is here. Today, it washes away the soul of the king outside the abandoned capital, and return a clear world!" The rumble and trembling sound resounded through the void at this moment, as if tens of millions of thunderstorms exploded at the same time in an instant. More importantly, this sound was not shouted by people, but was completely gathered by the immortal thoughts of those souls! It contains unimaginable great power! With this sound, the whole waste city completely fell into rage, and all the regions began to crack, and then various shadows rushed out. At the same time, a roar came one after another! Hearing this sound, everyone immediately felt strange and fixed their eyes. Then they found that the endless world king's soul seemed to be connected to each other at this moment, forming a cycle between them, in which the power was endless and never-ending!


A shocking explosion sounded, and then a huge silver light rushed out from the east. As soon as the silver light began to appear, it emitted a thrilling atmosphere for everyone, and a deep trembling was felt in the depths of the soul. In addition, everyone also feels that the air machine contained in this silver light is completely different from the human world. It can be said that it is incompatible and instinctive, and everyone has a kind of rejection of him. Obviously, this is the soul of a king of an extraterritorial clan.

"Who... disturbed me... slept..." The mechanical dull and cold voice sounded, which was frightening. Although this sound is not loud, it rumbles and shakes in the whole space. Although it is dull, it cannot be ignored. He seems to be the protagonist of the world. Where he appears, all the light will surround him.

"I'll send you on the road!"

The sound of soul vibration made by countless kings was also rumbled and shaken at this moment, and the fighting spirit contained in it was extremely high, and with this huge soul trembling, a bright beam of light, or a piece, suddenly many kings rose above their heads and rushed towards the silver light! In the process of moving forward, the beam condensed sharply, and later, it stabbed towards the silver light like a heavenly sword! The breath of terror is vast all around! And this horrible breath comes from the heavenly sword that is completely gathered from the immortal ideas of the world's disappeared kings! This heavenly sword, which acts directly on the human soul, seems to crush the human soul. Even everyone feels that their souls have been pulled, as if they are about to break up! From this, you can imagine the pressure of that ball of silver light! Because he is a complete soul! In the face of this heavenly sword that works specifically for human souls, he has no ability to resist at all!


With a scream, the silver light disappeared after a violent flash. Only the scream echoed in the air, full of the sadness that made people's scalp tingle.

In the face of all this, everyone felt a little dazed. Although the divine power contained in the silver light is not faced in person, it can also be guessed how strong it is from the vast breath, but in the face of the heavenly sword condensed by the spirit of the dead king in the human world, there is no resistance at all! This seems to be a fantasy! It's hard to believe!

However, this is obviously just the beginning. Just as everyone was in a daze, the huge sky suddenly enlarged, and the radiating eyes shrouded the whole waste capital. At this moment, the previously broken regions suddenly rushed out endless brilliance, and the brilliance of various colors reflected the waste. Bright! And the vast breath is getting more and more horrible!

Wow! Whew! Whew!

Endless brilliance, as if they had made an appointment, roared together, and then rushed towards the huge sword. Obviously, they already knew that the sword would be unfavorable to them, so it was better to do it first!

In the face of all this, Tianjian did not retreat at all, but radiated brilliant light and took the initiative to rush towards this infinite brilliance. And when the huge sky did not actively impact all kinds of light, the souls of many deceased kings in the human world below also began to shine brightly. At this moment, all the king souls seemed to have the possibility of merging into one!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The endless divine power rushed into the heavenly sword at this moment, which suddenly made the power of the heavenly sword more powerful, and its body was instantly magnified thousands of times. Then, it condescending and brazenly chopped towards many colors of light below. In an instant, an endless explosion broke out in the whole sky!


The intimid killing intention emerged from the soul of the endless king and condensed into a big killing word in the air. As soon as the killing word came out, it seemed to be a spirit. It suddenly flew out autonomously, infinitely enlarged, and then went towards those glory. The word killing contains the murderous intention of the fallen king of the world. At this moment, it looks fierce. Where it passes, it is destroyed and rotten, and no existence can resist a blow! And the heavenly sword is even more seamless to cooperate with it. One is suppressed with fierce murder, and the other is swept by the world's sword light. However, after a few breaths, more than half of the endless glory has been broken!

Looking at everything in front of him, the king of the stone tribe was so angry that he couldn't stand it any more and shouted, "With my soul, lead the way of heaven!"

With this sound, the virtual shadow of the king of the stone tribe suddenly burned, and then there was a brief stagnation in the whole space, as if it had been solidified. Then, after a short silence, the whole void suddenly burst into a louder explosion than before!


This time, the whole waste completely boiled, and even the houses that have existed for a long time began to crumble in a large area. The endless earth became ruins at this moment, and the horrible energy raged in the whole space. Everyone was shocked to perceive this sudden change! In addition, what makes people more worried is that an energy fluctuation that does not belong to this world is particularly strong at this moment! That breath seems to have the same origin as those gorgeous breaths!

"Extraterritorial!" In an instant, these two words flashed in everyone's minds. While thinking of this possibility, everyone broke out in a cold sweat. If this king of the stone tribe with only remnants really burns his divine energy, colludes with the stone tribe and opens the passage of the stone tribe, then a stone king will be a catastrophe for the human world! It's unbearable! Although everyone does not know very well about the stone tribe, only the king of the stone tribe with remnants still has such a strong fighting power. It can be imagined how horrible the king of the stone tribe in the peak period is!

"Hmm! Just waiting for you to do this!" Unexpectedly, the rat seemed extremely calm about the stone tribe's behavior. It looked confident and had no intention of interfering with the king of the stone tribe. This can't help but feel very suspicious. While full of hope, they are also worried.

"Is the real demon emperor coming back? However, this is obviously unlikely!" Lin Fan also had a strong doubt about the appearance of the mouse, and secretly guessed in his heart.


And at this time, the area where the king of the stone tribe was located finally broke out with a violent shock, and then a dark domain gate, suddenly formed there, and horrible energy flowed out of it!

"The call of our people... Is it time for a new reincarnation?"

The majestic voice came out of it, with supreme arrogance and condescending momentum. Then, it was seen that there was a more terrible energy fluctuation in the domain gate. Obviously, there was a world-class king who was about to come out of there!


In the face of all this, the rat still did not move, but since the mouse appeared, the thirteen bandits in the desert and the desert wolf king and their men all rushed there. Before they arrived, they had burst into terrible energy fluctuations, and at the same time, the originally empty void In the middle, several figures suddenly rushed out and bombarded the domain gate together!

"It doesn't matter!" Just as everyone felt frightened, the quiet voice of the rat sounded. At this moment, his face finally had the dignity of being the head of the king of war. He looked at the empty domain gate with a sneer on his face, and then suddenly punched out. Suddenly, the space shattered. At the moment when the space was broken, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly stared at the boss, and he couldn't believe what he saw at that moment!

At that moment, he suddenly saw an endless monster with long hair! These monsters are as big as human beings, but there is a violent atmosphere all over their bodies. Even across a layer of space, everyone still feels their scalp numb! In addition, Lin Fan was even more shocked that these monsters were exactly the same as what he had encountered in the desert before!

"Does the senior mouse want to lead the disaster?" In an instant, Lin Fan thought of this possibility. Thinking of the legend about the red-haired evil ghost mentioned by Uncle Mu, Lin Fan is more and more sure that these evil spirits are obviously sealed, but every once in a while, they will not be able to suppress them, and these evil spirits will run out to make trouble!

"If these chaotic monsters are brought to the stone tribe, it will probably cause them great trouble!" Lin Fan said secretly in his heart. Previously, he had seen clearly that the evil spirits in the space were not all dressed in red hair, but various colors! And the red-haired devil is obviously not the strongest among them!