Star Soul Road

Chapter 76 Black Jar

Chapter 76 Black Jar (Part I)

King Mori walked in front of the team and said nothing more when he entered the entrance of the dark mountain forest. His eyes were bursts of excitement and he plunged in. Xiao Jingnan followed and watched the King of Sen disappear at the dark entrance. He didn't say anything and threw his body into the fog.

Soon, Xiao Jingnan and others got into the entrance of the mountain forest one by one, leaving Mr. Zhong still watching a little farther away.

"Children, have a safe journey. There are hungry tigers in it!" Mr. Zhong muttered, and he also mentioned the hungry tiger in his mouth, but from the smile in his eyes, he knew that the hungry tiger was not dangerous, at least it would not put the life of King Sen in danger.

In a dark mountain forest, there is a morning fog that has not yet dissipated, but it seems to be almost noon at this moment, but the fog does not mean to dissipate. It seems that this is the original existence, thousands of miles of mountains and forests, fog, and a living quiet dense mountain forest.

The fog seems to be very heavy. The leaves or grass under the fog are crystal dewdrops, which have not evaporated for a long time. However, the visibility is not very low. At least Xiao Jingnan and others can easily see the stone fifty or sixty meters away and the water marks of the wet dewdrop on the back of the stone.

"Alas, it's wet everywhere, the fog is floating around, and the road can't be seen." King Mori carefully walked on the sheep intestine path made of rocks piled up among the mossy grass and trees. According to Liu Ran's guidance, he walked towards the place where some small star beasts were inhabited. After walking for a long time, he complained impatiently.

Liu Ran was dressed in a black suit, with a thin bandage on his feet, and two thin leg protectors outside the bandage. Holding the map carefully and distinguishing the direction, his eyebrows did not relax for a moment, and he ignored King Mori's complaint.

"King Mori, don't complain, don't see where it is, stay for another year, put up with it, or I guess you will go crazy." Xiao Jingnan was also a little annoyed, but he still put up with it. Think about his task, that's just a little thing. Just put up with it.

Under Liu Ran's arrangement, everyone is dressed in black, with bandages and leg protectors on their calves, several different small bags around their waists, and a double-edged dagger on the boots. Everything is hardcover without any burden.

"Alas, think about this year is so boring, the fog all over the sky, the wet and dry rocks and sheep intestines, and the dark and terrible woods. I really don't know how to get through this day." King Sen's face was full of bitterness, but his feet did not fall, and he followed Liu Ran closely.

"Shh! There is a situation ahead." Liu Ran suddenly stopped and looked at the front warily, so that everyone immediately knew that there must be something unknown in front of him.

Through the wet fog, there was a dark thing thirty or forty steps away, a little like a house, but only one person came tall, and it was indeed mossy. The green moss had already appeared in a thick layer under the moisture of the fog and damp water vapor, and there was a mountain tiger next to it. He tied his feet deep in the cracks of the moss, twisted the wall of the room, and hung it sparsely on the eaves.

"Boom..." The house fell to the ground, and the splashing moss and drops of water made Xiao Jingnan and King Sen wet, as if laughing at why they regarded the broken tent that looked like a house as an enemy.

"Damn, I wasted so much soul power. I actually bombarded a broken tent. I don't know what the era it is. I'm so nervous that I thought there were some monsters in it." King Mori wiped the drops of water with the smell of moss on his face and said with a little self-deprecation.

"Well, who knows? It's our bad luck. Let's see what's in it." Xiao Jingnan had a few traces of mos on his hair, which was very funny. He casually wiped it twice and went to the collapsed tent to see if there was anything valuable.

"Well, who the bastard actually built the tent on the road." King Sen picked up the dagger and lifted the pieces of tent cloth that had been bombarded by him, revealing the inside of the moldy and full of fungi, which made the king of Sen and Xiao Jingnan keep covering their noses and retreating, and their hearts were aggrieved.

"Fuck, why are you so unlucky? It seems that there is nothing. It's a pure waste of my strength." The king of Mori shouted bad luck and couldn't help picking up the broken piece of cloth around. The fungus attached to the piece of cloth shook in the air, immersed in water vapor and fell to the ground. The unpleasant smell made Xiao Jingnan unable to retreat.

"Huh! What is that!?" Xiao Jingnan pointed to a corner covered by a piece of rag, half full of the ground, a little round black jar.

"Oh! Is there something?!" King Mori gently opened the rag with a dagger, a black round jar carved with strange patterns. The color was dim, but there was no trace of moss climbing up, and there was no trace of rags. It seemed a little strange. King Mori did not dare to dig it out easily for a while.

"Wait a time, call Rong Shao and others. Rong Shao knows more than me. Let him see if there is any danger." Xiao Jingnan knew what the king of Sen was taboo, and he did not dare to dig casually. Who knew what it was? If it was a dangerous thing, I guess no one could run away.

It is better for professional people to distinguish this professional thing, and Rong Shao does have an interest in these ancient cultural relics and history. Maybe he can know something.

"Mr. Rong, come here!" King Sen raised his voice and roared loudly at Rong Shao and others who were anxiously waiting for him in the distance.

When Rong Shao and others saw the shouts of King Sen, they quickly walked over one by one. They had been anxious for a long time. First, they saw an attack of King Sen knock down the room, but they didn't have the imaginary struggle or anything. Instead, they squatted on the ground with Xiao Jingnan and couldn't help turning over something. They really didn't understand what was going on, and they didn't see that they were safe. They could only be anxious. It's just that the king of Mori roared out and ran up with his legs.

"Well, King Mori, what are you doing? They are dyed green by moss one by one." Rong Shao looked at the trace of moss on the two hairs in front of him from time to time, and the wet ends of his hair, and asked for no reason. Several people beside him had already laughed.

"Ha ha, Xiao Nan, which cave did you climb out of King Sen?" Lin Fengxi joked and looked at the feeling that King Sen and Xiao Jingnan were a little depressed.

"Look, what's there?" Xiao Jingnan did not answer, but pointed to the jar.