Star Soul Road

Chapter 77 In the black jar

Chapter 77 Black Jar (middle)

"Huh? A jar, it's so strange. How can there be a jar here? Liu Ran felt that there would be a tent and a jar in this desolate Yuhua Mountain Forest. This is the back garden of Yuhua Academy. Who would have walked in here? I really can't figure it out.

A desolate Yuhua Mountain Forest has always been a secret place for students of Yuhua Academy to experience, and it is impossible for outsiders to enter Taoyuan Village under Yuhua Mountain. They can only enter the mountain forest from the unexpected shore of the South China Sea.

Imagine that the seaside thousands of miles away entered the mountain forest and came to the foot of Yuhua Mountain to set up a tent. I really don't know which powerful man. How many dangers he spent in the middle, stepped through the mountain forest and came to the foot of the mountain. After all, it is rumored that there are nine-order star beasts in it, not Jinyao-level star masters. Possible confrontation.

Now Xiao Jingnan has no time to imagine that this is likely to be a strong Jin Yao's tent, but how to dig out the black jar without danger.

"It's better to be careful. Who knows what's inside." The silent Ling Yihuang spoke. It seemed that he had experienced such a thing before, so he reminded his partners present.

"Well, indeed, Master Rong, can't you see anything?" Rong Shao, who was still looking at the black jar carefully, said, but Rong Shao still ignored him.

Rong Shao turned his body carefully and observed the style of the jar and the ancient pattern from around. From time to time, he flashed in his mind one by one of the anticies he had seen, searching for what he had seen in his memory.

Suddenly, a pattern similar to the black jar in front of him flashed out of Rong Shao's mind. Rong Shao's face was overjoyed, and the pattern in his mind was secretly looking at the jar, which was exactly right.

"Ha ha, I understand. I know what it is." So, Rong Shao jumped up and laughed loudly. Looking at Rong Shao's dancing, Xiao Jingnan and others scratched their heads inexplicably, not knowing why.

"Hey! Rong Shao, stop. Why are you jumping? Look at your anxious appearance. I won't help you if you fall. King Sen looked at Rong Shao, who was jumping like a monkey, jumping on the wet and mossy small rocks. He was a little worried, but he was more speechless.

"Ha ha, this is a treasure, a treasure from a thousand years ago! It's sold at a high price outside. We really found the treasure this time. Rong Shao stopped and explained to everyone with a smile.

King Sen and Xiao Jingnan looked at each other, as if they could see the shock and joy in each other's eyes. King Sen jumped up from the ground, grabbed Rong Shao's shoulder, and asked in an unbelievable tone, "Really... Is it really a treasure from a thousand years ago?!"

"Well, if I'm right, this should be a classic ancient porcelain in Beibao Porcelain Town, Yuhua Mountain a thousand years ago. Although the exterior is not exquisite, it is very strong and durable. The materials are all made of high-class soil, exquisitely carved, and the Wenhuo and Wuhuo can be completed dozens of times, so the production volume is not good. It's very big. Now more than 10,000 intermediate star coins can be sold on the market. Do you think it's a treasure? Rong Shao broke away from King Sen's big hands and said calmly.

"Poof, poof, poof..." As Xiao Jingnan kept carefully picking up the soil on the line of the circle, the body of the jar gradually appeared.

"Huh!? Look, there are still words on the bottle!" Ling Yihuang's eyes were sharp, and he saw at a glance that there was a light mark on the black bottle. The color had fallen off, but there was still a trace of faint purple red left from the cracks of the marks. Ling Yihuang knew that this must be left by the red font.

"Well, it's true, Xiaonan, be careful not to break those fonts. That may be a very important message." Rong Shao also saw the mottled handwriting on the bottle, so he reminded Xiao Jingnan to be careful.

"Oh, I see, look at me." Xiao Jingnan turned his head and also found those handwriting, so he slowed down the movement so that the handwriting part would not be damaged.

With Xiao Jingnan's excavation, the black jar gradually showed the curved bottle body. The black pattern was a little mottled. It seemed to receive the corrosion of water vapor and became not so clear, but the direction of the pattern and the handwriting could still be clearly seen.

"Hey, all right." Xiao Jingnan carefully lifted the jar stained with dirt and carefully handed it to Rong Shao.

Rong Shao carefully took it, put the jar on the ground, picked up the broken cloth of a tent next to it, stained the dew on the grass leaves, wiped it carefully, and carefully wiped off the remaining soil.

A black mottled jar that is about a foot long and can reach into two fists is displayed in front of everyone. The mouth of the jar seems to be finely sealed by a layer of soil. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

"Well, let's see what a good thing is." Rong Shao put down the broken steps in his hand, clapped his hands, pulled the grass leaves beside him to wipe his hands full of mud, and said happily, with a burning glow in his eyes.

"What an exquisite jar... Bottle!? It's better to call it a bottle. Although the pattern has corroded a little, some traces can still be seen from the delicate method. At that time, this bottle should have been made by the porcelain master. Lin Fengxi looked at the jar with light black luster in surprise, and couldn't help but be shocked by the posture that it had been buried for hundreds of years and still had the style of that year.

"Ha ha, look at these words, can you understand them!?" Rong Shao pointed to the lines written in Juanli Xiaokai on the side of the jar and said.

"These words seem to be the former generation of our grandfather. I have a little impression." Xiao Jingnan read a lot of books, so he felt that these handwritings were a little familiar, but they could not be distinguished very carefully.

"I don't understand, what kind of bird language." King Sen probably has never seen such a handwriting at all.

"In the year 1543, I entered the Nanman Forest alone with a sword. On the way, I fought fiercely, fought a thousand times, seriously injured 245 times, and killed a total of 13,247 star beasts. After 30 years, I stepped into Yuhua Mountain. I had a little insight, occasionally thought, a handwriting, and a predestined person. ----Zhebie • Hide the snow." At this time, Ling Yihuang's voice sounded and read out the words on the jar. The people present looked at him in surprise, as if they were looking at the newly unearthed terracotta warrior.

"Lao Ling, do you recognize these words!?" Rong Shao said in surprise that he only recognized the words on it. It was impossible to recognize them completely. Unexpectedly, Ling Yihuang would read them word by word.

"Well, I've learned it before, so I recognize it." Emperor Ling shrugged his shoulders and smiled.