Star Soul Road

Chapter 135 Lost Steps

Chapter 135 Lost Step (Part 2)

The world where Xiao Jingnan is located is still the power of heaven and earth, just like yesterday, the magic of nature, but this magical power turns into a power of destruction, which is constantly rampant, making Xiao Jingnan really feel the power of nature. What is the power of heaven and earth?

"The power of heaven and earth is not something that mortals can resist. Even if it is a Jinyao-level star master, it can't be said that he can resist the power of heaven and earth. However, there is a scene of the power of heaven and earth in the inheritance of combat skills. It can't be said that it is meaningless. Although Jin Yao can use great power, but if you want to really understand When it comes to the essence of combat skills, it is the divine-level star master. For us, the divine star master is indeed like the power of heaven and earth. Xiao Jingnan thought carefully and realized that the power of heaven and earth, in other words, is the power we feel in the face of God.

Battle skills are skills that can only be created at the level of Shenyao. It doesn't mean that you can't create yourself under Shenyao, because you have reached Shenyao. Your vision and experience have reached a realm of unprecedented people and no future. A casual start-up style can contain a lot of low-level star masters to understand for a long time.

That is to say, as long as you broaden your horizons and have rich experience, you can also create combat skills. However, to think of this level, time is a problem. Therefore, Shenyao is a very distant realm, but through the inheritance of combat skills, we can get a glimpse of the power of Shenyao.

"It should be the next day. Now I feel that the power of heaven and earth in front of me seems to be running according to a trajectory, instead of yesterday's lightning and thunder, the sky collapses and the earth, and there is no trace to speak of. However, now, I can judge what the next power of heaven and earth is." Xiao Jingnan looked at the flood in front of him and had a little more confidence in his heart, which was one step closer to understanding the combat skills.

The scenery in front of Xiao Jingnan is constantly changing under Xiao Jingnan's prediction. However, Xiao Jingnan has found that he has been able to speculate on the operation rules of the power of heaven and earth, but he does not understand what is the power of heaven and earth for him to understand the combat skills. In addition to being able to vaguely feel the power of the combat skills It can be comparable to the power of heaven and earth.

Outside, Capricorn's eyes had shown a trace of surprise, because the shock in his heart began to slowly appear on his face.

"It's impossible. If it were an ordinary inheritor, he would not have discovered the law of the power of heaven and earth so quickly, especially dozens of powers of heaven and earth have hardly been repeated in the past two days. It's really weird for this boy to be able to budget." Capricorn opened his eyes wide and looked at Xiao Jingnan's state, with a strong look of surprise on his face.

Xiao Jingnan was closing his eyes at this time, carefully experiencing what happened in the stone pillar, and the breath emanating from his body surprised Capricorn.

Because Xiao Jingnan's state and breath are only when he has stepped out the first step of understanding combat skills, and in just two days, Xiao Jingnan has touched one side of combat skills.

"The prediction of the power of heaven and earth has an indispensable relationship with the lost step. After all, the lost step is a kind of physical method. You have to look at all directions and step on the four directions. Without meticulous thinking and genius budget ability, the lost step will not have a good effect." Capricorn nodded and closed his eyes again. It became more and more confident in Xiao Jingnan.

Xiao Jingnan in the stone pillar can already feel all this under the power of heaven and earth.

"Well, I seem to have touched something. I will no longer be afraid of the power of heaven and earth, but I have an impulse to break through. However, I seem to be set in this place and can't take a step forward." Xiao Jingnan thought carefully and knew that his current situation had been developing in a good direction.

The scene that Xiao Jingnan can observe is a fixed angle. Although the angle is very large, Xiao Jingnan still can't observe it to his heart's content. If he can move his body and take a step forward, he will probably find many different places.

"Well, it seems that this angle can't be changed. It can only be changed from this perspective. If I can change it, it will be a big sky!" Xiao Jingnan shook his head, but he couldn't let himself take a step.

"If you want to take a step, you probably need a lot of perseverance and comprehension ability. Is this lost step really related to this perspective? Otherwise, how can the old goat say that you can see all directions and walk around!?" Xiao Jingnan remembered what the old goat said to him and felt that there must be a mystery in it.

However, Xiao Jingnan still doesn't quite understand, because now he can't see all directions, stepping on the four ways, a feeling of traveling thousands of miles.

"The first step!" Xiao Jingnan closed his eyes and carefully felt the power of the world around him, which was also a different feeling. It seemed that the lost step was whether he could take the first step.

The eight-character tenet of the Lost Step is "seeing all directions, stepping on the four paths." It is to see any direction that you can see, and don't let the enemy have the opportunity to take advantage of it. Stepping on the road means that you must leave room for every step. When you are invincible, you should also leave a way out to prevent sudden changes.

If Xiao Jingnan wants to really understand the combat skills and take the first step, even if he roughly touches the edge of the lost step, the first step is not so simple.

Xiao Jingnan can know in two days that if he wants to see all directions and go all the way, he has to change his perspective, so it is not easy to take the first step.

Take the first step, then your perspective will change a lot, see more and more powerful things.

It's just that the first step is not that simple.

"Huh!? There seems to be something blocking me around. No matter where I settle down, it will stop me from moving forward. However, I can't feel any regularity now, but I know that there must be a regularity in it. Xiao Jingnan closed his eyes and felt the surroundings carefully.

In this world, Xiao Jingnan seems to be surrounded by an invisible but constantly circulating diaphragm. No matter where he wants to fall, it will increase his strength in the place where he considers to settle down and stop him from landing.

That is to say, there is a force here that knows Xiao Jingnan's next action when Xiao Jingnan predicts. What a terrible thing!

"Before my budget, I can't find the rules at all. For the rest of the days, I don't believe that I can't take the first step!" Although Xiao Jingnan was a little impatient, he did not lose confidence.


On the third day, next to the stone pillar, Capricorn once opened its eyes. This time, it frowned and said, "No, this little guy wants to find out the rules in it. Instead of using other methods, it is tough."

The Capricorn stood up, walked back and forth, and said anxiously, "Alas! This guy is really young and not afraid of tigers. It takes a day to predict its rules, even if it is God's glory. You still have six days left. What can you figure out? Quietly feel the power of heaven and earth, and feel the same place as yourself from all kinds of power. After nine days, you will definitely understand the physical skills, and you still have to practice. Step on its rules, not to mention nine days, I guess you can't do it in nine years!"

In fact, if Xiao Jingnan feels the power of white clouds, flowing water, flames and lightning, thinks carefully, and combines with himself, after nine days, he will be able to truly understand the inheritance of this physical skill level.

However, Xiao Jingnan is not like this. According to the original foreshadowed state, he wants to completely understand the law of this combat skill. It can't be said that it is a little arrogant, but Xiao Jingnan has enough confidence.

Where does confidence come from? An emotional heart.

"Alas! Little guy, we will be doome this time, but I really want to know why you have so much confidence!" Capricorn felt Xiao Jingnan's strong self-confidence and immediately felt it.

Capricorn lowered his head and thought about half of the pay carefully. There were bursts of loneliness in his eyes, but in the end, he still showed a trace of tenacity: "Okay! I have lived for so many years and served more than a dozen inheritors. This time I will bet on you, otherwise the more you live, the more timid you will be, and the more backward you will be!"

Capricorn lay behind Xiao Jingnan and continued to close his eyes. However, regardless of expression or state, Capricorn did not feel sad at all, even if it knew that Xiao Jingnan's chance of success was very small.


"Alas! No, no matter how I step, it can seal the space one step earlier, so that I can't take the first step at all. What's going on!" Xiao Jingnan was very entangled with the world's seemingly unpredictable actions and ideas, which made Xiao Jingnan very puzzled.

Xiao Jingnan also tried several times. Once he even wanted to use soul power to fight hard and wanted to take a step, but the soul power could not be used at all, and as long as he wanted to step, his body would be imprisoned. No matter how he struggled, it was useless. Only by staying quietly for a period of time would he be released.

"The power here is not something I can fight alone. I can only find weaknesses and shortcomings. Nothing in the world is perfect." Xiao Jingnan thought for a more and still felt that it was useless to fight hard.

"By the way, the old goat said in the introduction that this lost step is not enough speed and light, but how can it be more flexible!?" Capricorn's words sounded in Xiao Jingnan's mind, which made him fall into meditation again.

Lightness is as light as a dragonfly, but flexibility is another matter. Although flexibility has a lot to do with lightness, thousands of years ago, the standard of lightness was not enough to separate it from the standard of flexibility, which Xiao Jingnan didn't understand.

Although Capricorn also knows that this lost step is extremely flexible, it still lacks some heat when it wants to use it as a rush or chase people. This may be the reason for the lack of lightness and poor speed.

"Since it's not light, how can it change flexibly, unless it is..." Xiao Jingnan suddenly thought of the prophet in the tenet of Lost Step.

"If you want to be flexible and changeable in the case of inflexibility and lack of speed, you have to predict where the opponent's next attack or defense is, otherwise it is impossible to be extremely flexible and look at all directions." Xiao Jingnan thought of this, but there is still a big gap between taking the first step.

Xiao Jingnan opened his eyes, and the power of heaven and earth in front of him seemed to be like yesterday, exactly the same as his expectations. There was no difference. However, in Xiao Jingnan's eyes, when he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, there seemed to be another connection. There was something in the dark, just like Xiao Jingnan was hiding. I can't figure it out.