Star Soul Road

Chapter 136 Seven Steps, Broken Stone Pillars

Chapter 136 Seven Steps, Broken Stone Pillars (Part I)

"What the hell is it? Every time I close my eyes, I always feel that the power of heaven and earth outside has an internal connection with the diaphragm around me. However, I can only feel their existence, but I can't really catch them." Xiao Jingnan closed his eyes again, but there was a little understanding in his heart.

Although Xiao Jingnan knew that he would not be able to grasp the law at once, if he wanted to know the essence of it, he had to keep exploring to find out what he wanted.

Xiao Jingnan is not in a hurry, and he can't be anxious. If he is in a bad mood and impatient, even if he gives himself nine years, he may not know the mystery, so Xiao Jingnan has always maintained a very peaceful heart.

Even if you can't understand the lost step within nine days, you will not be depressed or uncomfortable. If the star master can't maintain a good heart, it is impossible to reach a higher level.

Time passes quickly, three days, four days, five days...

Xiao Jingnan has always kept a certain frequency of closing and opening his eyes, in this close-up, to find the connection between the power of heaven and earth and the diaphragm.

However, every time Xiao Jingnan closes and opens his eyes, he will clearly feel that there is an inexplicable connection here, but after closing or opening his eyes, he can't find the mystery.

"What's going on? Only when you open and close your eyes will you have that feeling. As long as you open your eyes or close your eyes, this feeling will disappear completely." Xiao Jingnan was very puzzled by this situation.

However, as long as Xiao Jingnan grasps something, he will not give up easily, because he feels that this road is right. Although there are many difficulties, it will not be difficult for him.

"However, I know that there is a connection, so I won't give up. I just don't know where to start the connection." Xiao Jingnan sighed and sighed that the understanding of combat skills was not ordinary difficult.

However, Xiao Jingnan regards all the difficulties on the road of his star soul as a stepping stone in his heart.


The Capricorn of Xiao Jingnan has also woken up several times in the past few days. However, there is always a faint worry between Capricorn's eyebrows, but there is no trace of loneliness in his eyes. He seems to know that Xiao Jingnan must be able to understand the combat skills.

"Ha ha, this boy began to look for the power of heaven and earth and the entry point of confinement space. However, in such a short moment, how much can he calculate? Taking a step is the peak of physical skills, but this first step is still difficult!" Capricorn shook his head and sighed.

"In those years, there were several inheritors who understood the lost step. In addition to the teenager in those years, he took five steps in this confinement space, which broke the whole space and finally got the highest inheritance of the Purple Emperor. At that time, it was a sensation. I didn't know if this boy could step out. A few steps, I think this boy's talent is very good. Even at our time, there was none of them!" Capricorn sighed that Xiao Jingnan had brought him a lot of surprise.

Between heaven and earth, there is no lightning, no thunder, no strong wind, no rainstorm, no earthquake, no volcano, only the scenery of the good rivers and mountains. This is a very beautiful scenery, but Xiao Jingnan felt a trace of helplessness.

"Are you going to give up for so many days!?" Xiao Jingnan was a little discouraged, but a scene rose in Xiao Jingnan's mind, which turned Xiao Jingnan's helplessness into a driving force for self-improvement.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Fu, Aunt..." Xiao Jingnan thought of his relatives and friends and felt a sense of motivation in his heart. If he gave up like this, then he still had the face to meet his relatives and friends who were full of hope for him!

"Ah! Although heaven and earth have changed, I, Xiao Jingnan, have become my own world. I can't give up because of this. I want to have a self-improvement fighting spirit!" Xiao Jingnan roared out his wisp of dejecty at the great river and mountain in front of him. In a blink of an eye, Xiao Jingnan became more ambitious.

Although heaven and earth have changed, I have become my own world!

What a strong confidence it takes to be able to complete this step. Even Shen Yao did not dare to say that he could do so, and what Xiao Jingnan said proved that his confidence was very great.

Self-confidence is the driving force for success, but self-confidence is not pride. Pride is not able to see your own strength, and self-confidence is based on the premise that you have hope to complete it.

"Huh!? What is that?" Xiao Jingnan looked at a small tree in the distance and felt that there seemed to be a layer of things there, and he wanted to tell himself something.

"What does a small tree represent? It's young and doesn't know the world." Xiao Jingnan looked at the little tree and thought of his young self.

At that time, the impression was very vague, but I felt that I should be an innocent and ignorant child, and then I knew something about myself from my grandfather or aunt. The interesting and naive childhood seemed to be my memory.

"At that time, I didn't seem to understand anything, but there must be something to do with it. What is it?" Xiao Jingnan frowned and recalled it carefully.

Childhood, even childhood, and then grow up slowly, there must be an indispensable connection, which is what Xiao Jingnan wants to know.

"Lost Walk! It is a body skill at the level of the First World War. In short, it is a footstep. Then the footstep is not related to the footstep, but the footstep is related to walking and jumping. Xiao Jingnan thought that the lost step was related to the foot.

The body method, to put it simply, is to strengthen your fighting ability according to the changes of the steps and body in the battle. If you want to make it simple, you can know the most original thing about the body method is to use the use of footsteps to coordinate the movement of the body to change your action and combat ability.

"Yes, that's it!" Xiao Jingnan suddenly lit up and finally knew the mystery.

"When we were young, we were toddlers and didn't know how to walk, so we wanted to run, but when we couldn't walk a few steps, we fell down. Then, when you are a little bigger, you can drill dog holes, climb trees, go down rivers, etc. At that time, the most important thing is to be naughty and lively. Then, you start to learn enlightenment skills, and your steps will be solid. Although you are more flexible than before, you will not jump lively. Xiao Jingnan finally understood what kind of touch the little tree had brought to him.