Star Soul Road

Chapter 137 Seven Steps, Broken Stone Pillars

Chapter 137 Seven Steps, Broken Stone Pillars (Middle)

"The first step is to be a toddler, so the second step should be my lively footsteps in my childhood." Xiao Jingnan once again began to look for the second step hidden in the beautiful scenery.


"What! The boy actually took the first step. There were a total of eleven steps in the lost step. Except for the five steps taken by the teenager last time, only fifteen people could take a step. I really don't know the rest of the time. He can take a few steps. Capricorn was aware of it when Xiao Jingnan took the first step, which shocked him again.

"This time, I'm following the right person. The first step is already a physical skill. As long as he comes out in nine days, I can go out. However, I want to see if the owner can really take a few steps in the future." In Capricorn's eyes, there is a layer of shiny color, glowing with an extremely excited feeling.

"Maybe this boy will give me a bigger surprise, and there are still three days left, haha..." Capricorn's presumptuous laughter sounded in the array, but the laughter contained a thousand years of loneliness. When he was about to get out of the array that trapped him for thousands of years, Capricorn was very excited.


Xiao Jingnan knew the mystery of this understanding of combat skills, and in addition to being surprised, he carefully felt the essence contained in the first step just now.

The first step is that everything is difficult at the beginning! Since Xiao Jingnan has taken the first step, the second step is not so painful, because now Xiao Jingnan's eyes have been locked to the place where the second step is about to appear.

"The second step should be the evolution of the first step. We are toddlers and run before we walk. It's just a longing for running, and children are just like this. They want to learn something more fun. At that time, they can't stand still. When they see anyone running, they will be attracted. Then, this second step is It's a child who learns to run. Although it's shaky, it won't fall!" Xiao Jingnan saw a clear mountain peak in front of him.

The mountain peak looks a little crooked, as if it is not true, but it is not smashed in the power of heaven and earth, but blooms its own unique side in the beautiful scenery.

"Ha ha, that's the second step!" Xiao Jingnan slowly raised his left foot. Before he stepped on the ground, his right foot moved forward at a faster speed.

"Bang..." With a broken sound like an egg shell, Xiao Jingnan's second step quietly stepped out, with the posture of a child learning to run.

"Ha ha, it's the second step. I don't know how many days left, but this second step is not my last, and there is the third step, the fourth step..." Xiao Jingnan did not continue to take the third step, because the third step was another essence.

At this time, Xiao Jingnan slightly understood the purpose of this lost step. It is really not easy to summarize a person's footsteps from childhood to adulth, from birth to the peak of life. The basis of life is all in the step.

I have to say that once the Lost Step reaches the combat skill level, then every step is a life, and every step is taken with the rhyme of life. I have to say that it is really a miracle. Every opponent will feel a kind of depression when facing the Lost Step.

"Lost Step, the predecessor who created this combat skill is really a genius, and not an ordinary genius." Xiao Jingnan looked at the mountain in front of him and collapsed at the moment he stepped out, revealing a space with a faint footprint on it.

Xiao Jingnan recalled his three steps just now and remembered a previous game: a group of children played the long jump, and the running jump was faster, and the standing jump was not as good as the running jump. That is to say, running can increase strength.

"Run, yes, that's it. I use the strength of the first three steps to accumulate together, so the strength of the fourth step is enough." Xiao Jingnan's eyes flashed and he understood how to take the fourth step.

Then, Xiao Jingnan wanted to go back, but this time, he was a little dumbfounded. Because when you go back, you still need to pay attention to the essence, and the footstep also contains the essence.

"Alas, this will not happen if you are proficient." Xiao Jingnan returned to the starting point again. Every time he paused and felt the mystery, so that he could break the confinement. There was no speed at all. If so, if you want to take a step, you can't continue any strength at all.

"Start from the beginning, feel these essences before you can be perfect, otherwise you will stop step by step like just now." Xiao Jingnan began to close his eyes and feel the essence of the three steps just now, otherwise the fourth step could not be stepped out at all.

The lost steps mentioned by Capricorn are divided into three layers. It is indeed different layer by layer. The first layer is fine. Xiao Jingnan, a talented person, can simply crack it, but the fourth layer is different. It requires understanding and perseverance. Although talent is important, understanding and perseverance are more important. It is often an epiphany, which is more than you can practice. It will be effective in the year.


"Huh! This little guy actually entered the feeling and did not continue to step out of his fourth step, which is very good. Otherwise, even if the fourth step is stepped out, it may be due to lack of stamina and cause certain damage. This little guy is very good and knows how to take it forward resolutely. Capricorn nodded with approval and looked at Xiao Jingnan with more appreciation.

"There are still two days left. Look at this little guy, haha..." Capricorn laughed again, but in Xiao Jingnan's opinion, it was clearly like an old goat.


Xiao Jingnan still closes his eyes and understands the essence of these three footprints. Although he knows a general idea, his steps are not perfect, and every step can't be done.

That is to say, Xiao Jingnan is just getting started. The first three steps can't be easily understood, but it is wrong to pull out the seedlings to help the general understand the next level.

"Wow, I see. So that's it." Suddenly, Xiao Jingnan opened his eyes and slowly exhaled, with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Wow..." Xiao Jingnan stepped forward again. This time, the confinement in front of him did not make much noise, but as if he had agreed to Xiao Jingnan's existence and opened the way for him, there was no obstruction.

Soon, Xiao Jingnan's three steps have been stepped out. The three essences of toddlers, children learning to run, and jumping can be contained in these three steps one by one. With each step, Xiao Jingnan's strength will be added.

At the third step, Xiao Jingnan did not pause, but stepped out the fourth step he felt again, which was the accumulation of the strength of the first three steps.

"Bang..." The confinement was broken, and Xiao Jingnan's fourth step had already stepped out. In a small river not far from Xiao Jingnan, it suddenly collapsed, revealing a footprint that was a little heavier than the three footprints in front.

"Huhu... Finally, I took the fourth step. This fourth step, according to my opinion, should be called: the child learns martial arts, not naughty, but full of a trace of stability. Xiao Jingnan gasped. The power of the three steps did consume a lot of his physical strength. After all, it was only when he was highly concentrated that he could take this fourth step.

"The following is the fifth step, so the strength it needs is the savings of my first four steps. I have to recover my physical strength first and feel the essence of the fifth step at the same time." Xiao Jingnan sat cross-legged this time and began to recover his physical strength. The most important thing is to feel what his fifth step should be.


"Huh!? The boy took another step. It's the fourth step. Well, there are less than two days left. He can still take a few steps. The teenager in the past can't compare with this boy at all. This boy is simply not a human. He stepped out easily in four steps, and the fifth step is already in sight. Capricorn once again shocked Xiao Jingnan's movements. In less than two days, Xiao Jingnan had already taken the fourth step, so Xiao Jingnan could take a few more steps.