Star Dragonkui

Chapter 56 Take a hard job

When you come to the fork in the corridor, there are really ghosts in that place. There are very few large and small bats after four cleanups along the way, but in this place, there are still piles of bats, and the wall is full of large and small black bats. This place has been explored once last time, and there is nothing at the end of the corridor on the left hand side. What a special problem should be at the end of the corridor on the right hand side. After that place, there should be a large bat den not far ahead, otherwise the number of bats here will not be replenished soon. What will there be in the bat nest? It's not the Bat King, is it?

The primary king monster is also a king. Think about the king-tooth crocodile. It's too difficult to deal with. Even if the bat monster is worse than the wolftooth crocodile, it is not a matter. If the bat king runs out, it will definitely not be able to deal with it. Duan Fei thinks about how to fight today's battle and to what extent. , come out with two brothers and a beautiful woman, but you can't burn yourself!

Duan Fei asked the three of them to hide from afar. He killed himself. He walked on the left hand side first and only hit two times. More than 100 bats, large and small, large and small, surrounded them. It seems that this Hailei Company is also a master who makes money by strength. The things are really good. Not to mention the little bat, except for squeaking, it is more noisy. , the small mouth and small claws are not hindered. As for the big bat, the primary bat monster, the sharp claws are scratched on the high-hard combat suit fabric, just like the feeling of ordinary people's nails scratching on the hard cloth. Occasionally, they can leave a little scratch. This next stage of the flight is chic. Let go of their hands and feet to fight, a battle knife. After only half an hour, the little bat said nothing about it. More than 20 big bats fell to the ground. The harvesting team was still old and hid far away. A man fired the hook with his gun claw, hooked one back and pulled it back. The little tiger and Ouyang went up to repair it with two knives and directly killed it, and then the other two others At the beginning of the bull's solution, three, five and two, the whole first-class waterline operation, and soon more than 20 big bats received all the orders.

After fighting on the left side, Duan Fei walked to the right side again. The bats on this side came more fiercely, two or three hundred large and small, surrounded by water. If there is no armor, Duan Fei will be finished soon. It's good to have a combat uniform. Ignore the opponent's attack and just look at the target's knife, no matter how big or small. One by one, Duan Fei put down a big flying insect here, and the later harvesting team quickly fished one. The assembly line operation, division of labor and cooperation were quite sharp. After half an hour, more than 20 big bats were collected, and the number of flying insects around Duan Fei was significantly reduced.

After another half an hour, this batch of monsters were all complete. On this day, the results were quite good, an hour and a half, and the efficiency was quite high. Ouyang counted, plus the two killed on the front half, a total of 71, which has developed, more than 2 million!

Duan Fei leaned against the wall and rested for a while. Let alone the front, he just cut and killed for an hour and a half in a row. It was indeed. His hands were a little sore. He gently lifted his true spirit and ran away a little, and immediately his spirit came up, and his hands and arms were not sour. Go on. More than two million yuan is still too few.

The left hand side is meaningless, and he still walks to the right hand side. Although he is wearing a strong combat suit, Duan Fei is still very careful. Maybe there is a king-level guy in front of him, so he should be careful.

Duan Fei touched the corner on the right hand side and looked around. There was still a curve in front of him, about 60 to 70 meters. I don't know where he turned in front of him. This curve was still relatively long. Naturally, the wall was also full of large and small black bats. Duan Fei counted about sixty or 70 large bats. I don't know what's going on at the corner. In case of killing a high-level monster, it's a big problem, or be careful.

Duan Fei thought for a moment, and it was better not to rush too hard. He leaned against the corner and cut off a few small bats with a war knife first. With a burst of squeak, a large number of bats immediately surrounded him. He was afraid that monsters would not flash out from the other end of the corner. He was not afraid. With these in this channel, it was bad. It will be cleaned up in less than an hour.

The battle is going well. Although the corner at the other end was shocked, groups of flying insects abducted into the war to support their peers, but fortunately, there are no higher-level monsters participating. Except for small bats, all the primary bat monsters, Duan Fei's hands are really sore and surrounded them back and forth. There are at least 700 or 800 big and small bats. They killed for two hours. Once they settle accounts, 123 big bats can't be beaten. First, Duan Fei is really a little tired. Second, it's not early. Duan Fei has practiced his internal skills. It's okay if he doesn't eat for three or two days. Xiaohu and the others can't do it. They will be hungry if they don't have lunch. In this bat feces and smelly bat caves, it is obviously unreliable to expect them to supplement food here.

Duan Fei ordered everyone to prepare to retreat. He hesitated for a while and still touched the end of the corner. He wanted to see what the situation was like after turning the corner.

After turning this corner, there is still a curved corridor in front of it, which is longer than this one, about 80 to 90 meters. The wall is still covered with large and small black bats. He carefully observed that it is slightly different from the curve he is in. The number of large bats in the front corner is obviously more dense. The number of big bats is only slightly less than that of small bats. There are about 100 big bats in a curve. In addition, those who just rushed out to support the battle are about 150, which is about twice the number of this passage outside.

The more you go in, the proportion of big bats is getting higher and higher, and the number will naturally increase. Of course, you can make more money by rushing in, but it also means taking greater risks. Just as Duan Fei was thinking about tomorrow's battle plan, a strange flying insect turned in from a distant corner and flew into his vision.

He carefully observed the flying object. It turned out to be a bat, which also had the appearance of a bat. Two wings much larger than his body were not black, and his whole body was gray and white? Duan Fei once learned about bats. White bats are usually smaller than black bats. Generally, they are only about 3 to 5 centimeters long, that is, small things the size of thumbs. They are also relatively docile, just like the difference between white mice and gray mice, but this is not amazing. Their physique is ten times larger than ordinary white bats. The body is half a meter long, and the big gray-white wings are estimated to be close to two meters. With teeth and claws, it is not a good person at first glance.

Duan Fei is thinking that the level of the monster should be higher and more. This white bat should be higher than the primary monster of the black bat. It is likely to be an intermediate breed in the bat monster family. It's better to go back and plan before coming to clean it up, so that you can take action in a hurry. , if you don't do it well, you will be bitten by it. Be careful to make the ship ten thousand years old. The ancients are right.

Duan Fei led a group of people out of the bat cave. As soon as they came out, they ran to the seaside and jumped directly into it. Duan Fei soaked in the sea and thought about what to do next? Just stop going home like this. It seems to be a little lacking. If you don't want to kill a lizard monster, anyway, now you are wearing a combat suit and it's hard to deal with those junior monsters. It's better to get another one for 50,000 yuan, get it for 2 million and then go back.

When the little tiger went ashore, they were busy eating and replenishing their energy. Duan Fei was busy cleaning up the lizard monsters. The last time he had an encounter with them at the seaside to rescue his comrades-in-arms, the battle was quite embarrassing. The three battle groups joined hands to barely run away six junior lizard monsters. It was so shameful that I thought about it. It's embarrassing.

With the sea mine combat suit and rich combat experience, Duan Fei is confident that he can get rid of his shame. The layout of the battle is similar to that in front. The little tiger defended far away with a sword, and the nails and Ouyang guarded behind both sides of the little tiger with flamethrowers on their backs. Duan Fei went deep into the enemy's territory and rode alone to challenge the camp.

Because it is daytime, lizards usually don't come out to move. They can't touch them on the beach and have to go to their nests. Ordinary lizards are active on the surface. They hide in the grass, rock crevices or superficial caves on the surface during the day, and go out to try their luck in the evening or early morning. The primary bat monsters are relatively large, and it is impossible to hide in the grass and rock crevices of rocks on the surface, so they can only hide in caves, nearly half a meter in size. Reptilian caves should also be relatively large. Since they maintain the same species of blood as ordinary lizards, some living habits should be similar. Their caves should also be covered by rocks or grass and thick leaves on the surface. Duan Fei's eyes have perspective ability and can penetrate about 20 centimeters of soil. Not to all of those soft dead leaves, weeds and rocks, he soon found the nest of a lizard monster.

At the edge of a forest near the beach, dozens of lizard caves are densely arranged under the soft sandy soil layer. Most of the lizards are closing their eyes to refresh their minds? In two or three hours, they should go to the beach to try their luck. They don't have such a chance. Duan Fei decided to wash away the shame of being besieged by six lizard monsters with their bodies.

The first attacked target failed to make a sound. Duan Fei used his perspective function to directly insert the sword from the surface to the depths of the ground through the head of the sleeping lizard monster. 50,000 yuan was received, but the monster's nervous system was still quite developed, and the nearby lizard monster soon found out. Duan Fei, the invader, had just killed the second lizard monster, and the fierce reptile quickly rushed out of the strata and scratched and bit around him.