Star Dragonkui

Chapter 57 The New Chief Instructor

Seeing a group of primary lizard monsters surrounding him, Duan Fei still instinctively sweated. The lizard moved quite fast and reacted quite quickly. His whole body was like a spring, bouncing and bouncing, and his fangs were biting fiercely. Although theoretically, the sea thunder suit can withstand the fangs of the primary monster. But when you see these sharp fangs and the fierce bites, you will also have a sense of fear. Duan Fei doesn't want his baby suit to be bitten by this little thing, so as soon as he comes up, he has enough internal strength, exerts the best skills, walks in the battle circle, and tries to avoid the battle suit falling into the monster's fangs. 700 Wan, several houses can't be destroyed like this.

Because he was busy dodging, Duan Fei's attack efficiency was greatly reduced. In an hour, the consumption of physical strength and internal strength was quite huge. Fortunately, he killed more than a dozen big lizards. Ouyang obviously couldn't watch Duan Fei run around by a group of monsters. Without saying anything, she raised the spray * and rushed over. Her movement Too fast, Xiaohu didn't react. He had no choice but to hold a sword and rush into the circle. Ouyang and Xiaohu both rushed in. The nails could stay somewhere nearby and rushed in with spray *.

This is a mess. Duan Fei saw that Ouyang rushed over and shouted "life is suffering" in his heart. Naturally, the steps under his feet naturally slowed down. Of course, he could not leave a large number of monsters to Ouyang who rushed up. He had to withstand the main attack. Seeing the thin Ouyang fall into the attack of two lizards, Duan Fei broke out, and he sent out With a roar, the bloodline of his whole body soared, and the internal force of his whole body was gathered in his right arm, and the Monte sword hit the monster in front of him like lightning.

He was able to hear Ouyang's scream. Her bullet-proof metal cotton was torn into rags and floated into the air with blood. He was completely angry... His Monte sword chop down at a speed and strength beyond imagination...

The big lizard fell down one after another. Duan Fei stared angrily and his face glowed red. "Wow, bang, bang" one by one, directly cut down several big lizards in front of him, and quickly came to Ouyang. "Wow, bang" killed the two monsters around her, and then he turned back to face more than a dozen fierce ones. The monster waved five knives in one breath.

His face was red and black, and his blood was like ten thousand horses running. Although his internal strength had reached an absolute peak, he still burst into anger and waved his knife frequently. He is now desperately. Even Xiaohu has never seen his captain fight so crazy.

The crazy Monte sword quickly cut down five reptiles. There were not many enemies left on the scene. Duan Fei quickly swept away the enemy with the help of the tiger, nails and Ouyang. At the end of the battle, Duan Fei's whole body seemed to be exhausted. He looked at Ouyang Qianqian. The wild girl was covered with blood and the corners of her mouth were actually still With a proud smile.

Duan Fei gave her a pill of recovery elixir for her to take, then took out a bag of hemostasis and led her behind a big thorn bush. He wanted to apply medicine for her to heal her wounds. The girl's body was as white as jade, and her face was shy. Duan Fei did not talk nonsense with her. He applied medicine for her, then took off his combat suit and put it on her. Her bulletproof vest basically became a rag.

This battle is not unrestrained at all. Duan Fei feels that the key problem is that the strength of the whole battle team is not strong enough, and improving combat effectiveness is the top priority.

The battle harvest on this day is not very big. 123 big bats, 40,000 yuan apiece, 46 big lizards, 50,000 yuan each, a total of 7.22 million. Due to more than 5 million free travel fees, their actual income today is more than 6.1 million yuan, which is the most profitable day since Duan Fei's debut. More than 5 million, more than 6 million a day, such a speed of making money is quite amazing.

According to the prior agreement, 5 million of this money will be used to pay the Hailei Company, and Duan Fei has paid another 1.5 million yuan. Even if this set of Hailei combat suit is officially owned by Duan Fei, the remaining 100,000 yuan will be divided between Xiaohu, Nail and Ouyang.

The new chief instructor is about to arrive in two days. Duan Fei decided to take a two-day break to reserve physical strength and internal strength to cope with the new chief instructor. Now no one knows what tricks the new instructor will play when he comes. Let's prepare for it.

When the nail had money, he naturally had to gamble. Xiaohu was not interested in gambling money. Since he was pulled into the water by the nail, he was out of control. After paying more than 100,000 tuition fees, he didn't know how to turn back. He followed the nail with tens of thousands of yuan he had just been divided. Duan Fei watched them leave and could only shake his head painfully and lose ten bets. Why can't the world see through it?

Ouyang Qianqian was hurt very much this time, but she still smiled brightly. She didn't even want to lie down for a while. She was covered with plaster to go out to play. This time, Duan Fei did not take her to the business district. He went to the seaside. He had to seize the time to practice, and of course, she had to follow him. He practice. She was in a daze, and from afar, another person was crying in his heart.

Murong Xian looked at these two people from afar. He couldn't figure it out anyway. Duan Fei didn't care about her at all, but why did she still stay by his side?

Murong Xian's internal skills are also good, which should be comparable to Duan Fei, so when he peeked in the distance, Duan Fei did not notice that all his body and mind were now devoted to too much practice. As the third son of the Murong family, he has naturally practiced. Murong Gui, the current head of the Murong family, is the patriarch of the new generation of Murong family. Naturally, Murong's descendants can be taught by the head, so Murong Xian's Taiyi has also been trained to a high level, and may even surpass Duan Fei.

He looked at Duan Fei practicing internal skills from afar and found some clues after only looking at it for a quarter of an hour. Unexpectedly, he practiced too much. How did he get too much? Is he also a disciple of Taiyi? If it is - then he should be aware of the prominent status of my Murong family in Taiyimen and dare to offend me Murong Xian. He doesn't want to fool around? Murong Xian took out his mobile phone and dialed his cousin Murong Fusheng's phone: "Cousin, can you help me check a person whose name is Duan Fei? Let's see if he has anything to do with us."

"Okay, what the third young master ordered will be done right away." Although Murong Xian called him a cousin, in the well-regulated Murong family, there is a difference between the direct line and the collateral line, just like the master and slave, which has been passed down by the Murong family for many years.

Seven days passed in a flash. This morning, all the instructors and students of the Casa training camp gathered on the central playground, with ribbons fluttering and banners fluttering. Today, the new chief instructor is about to arrive, and everyone changes into clean and neat dresses and stands quietly on the playground. Waiting for the arrival of the chief instructor.

At 9:15, an S305 stealth fighter flew over the island. The honor guard composed of more than 20 students immediately prepared to welcome the new supreme officer on the island. Duan Fei stood in front of the team as a small captain. He watched the fighter slowly land at the military airport in the west. Everyone began to talk about the origin of the chief instructor. In a short time, the convoy drove from the airport all the way to the front runway of the central playground. The car stopped, and the two sergeants ran to open the door. What came down was a red giant wolf, the size of a cow, many of whom they had seen for the first time. The students of Huoyun Wolf were scared and retreated, and the queue was in chaos for a while.

But soon everyone calmed down. The giant wolf was very tame. After getting out of the car, he squatted honestly by the car door. After all, everyone was a young elite selected from the martial artist. Soon he recovered. Some people whispered: "This is the fire cloud war wolf. It's powerful enough. I heard that this thing can bite to death. High-level monsters."

Fire Cloud Wolf can defeat a high-level monster alone, so its owner is naturally amazing, and everyone is full of expectations for the new chief instructor.

Under the gaze of hundreds of people on the training ground, an officer in a dark blue uniform came down from another car. As soon as he appeared, Duan Fei's head began to hurt. Unexpectedly, the new chief instructor had also had a relationship with Duan Fei, but the new chief instructor was not very friendly. It was Greta, a white master who was kicked by Duan Fei for stealing martial arts in Malacca.

Duan Fei felt better now. Last time Duan Fei was chased by him because he secretly learned martial arts and narrowly escaped. Now the whole Casa base is under his control. Where to go? Now it has penetrated into the palm of the Buddha's palm. The Five-Finger Mountain is destined to be carried. How many years do you have to carry it? Duan Fei doesn't want to spend a lot of time pestering him. What should he do? It seems that this is the only way to ask for transfer to other training camps.

Duan Fei was still thinking about what to do next. The white master Greta began his inaugural speech. He didn't say much. As soon as he went up, he came down. It seemed that there were only five sentences in total. Instead, the chief of staff of the base was full of nonsense, and it was endless. It was not easy for this guy to talk nonsense. After that, another general manager or something appeared, with a very obvious desire to express. Standing on the stage, he didn't plan to come down. That nonsense was so much. I guess even Tang Sanzang was afraid of him.