Star Dragonkui

Chapter 63 Golden Line Giant Frog

Duan Fei led a total of 12 people in the four teams and quickly found a water source, but they could only look at it from a distance. The sky had darkened. There were many golden-line giant frogs by the lake, which were huge, and their biblins were bigger than the fan. They opened their blood basins, squatted on the ground, bulging two bowls of red eyes, and let People are frightened.

The water source has been found, but how to deal with these huge monsters? Duan Fei is also in trouble. Without the sea mine combat suit, he dares not rely on the frogs. Look at the webbed toes, and the end evolved into sharp long claws. This body of bulletproof metal cotton can't withstand these claws at all, as well as the big mouth of the blood basin, the ring. The cartilage evolved into a bone knife. If it bites, the bones will be broken. It really can't afford to provoke these big things.

These big guys squatted there quietly and occasionally made one or two "cao" calls. A snake immediately swam out of the water. The snake was the natural enemy of the frog, but the situation changed here. A two-meter-long snake rushed to the lake, "Papa." The big snake had just come ashore. The golden thread giant frog fand down, and the big snake could not move. Then the giant frog bit down and saw the long snake falling into the bloody mouth and still struggling desperately. The huge bone knife suddenly bit, "cuck", and the body of the long snake broke into two pieces. The giant frog chewed the delicious snake meat with relish. A big claw grabbed another snake and stuffed it directly into his mouth and chewed it, which made the soldiers jump. Who can handle such a group of fierce big monsters?

What should we do? Let's set up the tent and pull up the base first.

The standard supplies of the four teams are enough for them to pull up four tents and surround them with a high-voltage grid. There are four diesel generators to supply power, which can ensure 500 volts of high voltage for 24 hours. This voltage will not cause fatal damage to monsters, but at least these monsters can be repelled. After all, these primary monsters do not Intelligent, they will definitely choose to leave after encountering high-voltage electricity.

With the protection of the high-voltage power grid, at least the safety problem has been solved. As long as you hide in the tent in the power grid, you can have a good night's sleep. You haven't slept soundly for a long time. Everyone is really sleepy, but you still have to eat dinner. Anyway, you have to get a pot of water to get rid of a giant frog. It estimates that the army has enough rations for five days.

Eat it for five days, and the rest of the day is to sleep in the tent. It's so simple. Of course, this difficult task still needs to be completed by Duan Fei. The other two captains really dare not compete for this vanguard.

Everything was ready. Duan Fei led several people to quietly touch the lake and killed a big monster with a small dagger. Duan Fei was also uncertain. In case a swarm of bees rushed up, what should he do? It's strange not to be torn apart by these monsters. When it was about 600 meters away from the nearest monster, Duan Fei stopped. These monsters are usually very sensitive, and they will be found any closer. Duan Fei gently called out a flying knife and let it fly over. The distance was too far beyond his control distance. Li, there is no choice but to move forward. He motioned the people behind him not to follow up. In case this thing rushes up, he can still find an escape 500 meters away. The main task of the people behind him is to provide fire suppression when necessary, and there is no need to press too far forward.

A little further forward, 400 meters, the giant frog moved, and the big guy vigilantly shouted twice. A pair of big red eyes turned around. Duan Fei lay on the ground and held his breath and carefully stared at the front. After waiting for about ten minutes, the golden-line giant frog did not move. Duan Fei called out a flying knife again and flew over. The little flying knife shook in front of the giant frog and flew away. The giant frog turned around and didn't move.

What should I do if this big guy is not fooled? Duan Fei had no choice but to call out the little flying knife again. This time, he shook it under the giant frog's eyes. The giant frog finally moved and rushed suddenly. The big guy was so fast that he almost took the little flying knife into his claws. Fortunately, the little knife flew fast, quickly changed its direction in the air, and flew to the hillside next to Duan Fei. The giant frog seemed to be enraged and jumped up the hillside after the knife.

Just as the giant frog was about to catch up with the flying knife, three sprays * were opened at the same time, and the fire in front of the giant frog instinctively retreated. With a cannon, the explosives buried on the surface were detonated. There was actually a big pit under the explosives. The giant frog's heavy body suddenly fell down, and then six flames ejected. The device rushed up to the pit and burned wildly. The poor giant frog had the ability to jump up before it fell into the big pit. Before it could figure out how to jump up, the diesel fuel ignited. In addition, six flamethrowers burned against it. Soon the big guy was cooked. That's how the five-day meal came from. Duan Fei clapped the dust on his hands. This battle was shocking, but how can he get a pot of water next?

Duan Fei thought about it all night, but he couldn't think of any good move. He had to rush down, pour a pot of water, and then rush back as fast as possible. Is it possible? It seems difficult. Duan Fei's fast speed seems to be faster than these monsters. Another way is to go down from the treetops. Although these giant frogs are very horrible, they don't attract birds flying in the sky very much, because these big guys can't reach them, so in the eyes of these big guys, people coming from the treetops should also be ignored. It should not be too quiet to step on the treetops with Duan Fei's light skills.

There is no problem to get close to the lake. Walking directly on the treetops will theoretically not disturb these huge monsters. They will treat you as a bird flying overhead. The question now is what to do after standing by the lake? Jump directly into the lake to make a pot of water, then rush to the shore, and then climb to the tree. Will the frog climb on the tree? The answer is that many kinds of frogs can climb trees, but this kind of huge guy doesn't have to climb trees. They will directly break the tree with one palm, but it doesn't matter. Duan Fei can keep stepping on the treetops and run back. He can't run away from them on the ground. He can definitely run over them on the treetops.

By morning, Duan Fei can think of such a way. Relying on his own light work, he can walk up the treetops and then walk back to the treetops. He can only bet like this. If he is lucky, there is no risk. If he is unlucky, it is not easy to say.

Duan Fei showed his excellent light skills and stepped on the treetops and came to the lake. Sure enough, these big guys just glanced at the sky individually, and then ignored his existence. It was great that he could stop on the treetops and think about where to start.

Needless to say on the shore of the lake, dozens of giant frogs are wandering there, and there are also several swimming in the lake. Where to jump? If you are not careful, you can jump into the blood basin of the giant frog. Duan Fei carefully estimated the distance between the swimming giant frogs. He always I can't find a suitable water point. It will take at least two minutes to fill a pot of water, but it's not bad if these big guys can give you ten seconds. They still expect two minutes. Dream about it.

What should I do? You have to find a way to lead those big guys away, and then quickly jump into the water full of water and run away. How can you let them go away?

At this time, a big mouse came out of the hole by the lake. It must have been thirsty and ran out to take a few sip. It was really an unlucky guy. At least three giant frogs were nearby, and three big cattail fans were directly patted. What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Such an opportunity was fleeting, and I saw "plop, Two plops, and the wandering giant frog immediately surrounded there. Duan Fei threw two bullets from his backpack and smashed them into the lake next to the big mouse. In this way, he led all the giant frogs in this area to the big mouse. He used his best light skills and gently slipped into the water. Irrigation, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

For about a minute, the kettle was filled with seven or eight minutes. Two giant frogs found that they were swimming this way. If it didn't work, run quickly. Duan Fei couldn't care much. He suddenly ran to the ground, stirring up huge splashes. His body was like a dragon in the sky, turned up a whirlpool, and struggled to fly to the shore of the lake and spread away. The water flower sprinkled all over the lake. The giant frog didn't like him. It chased after him through the water spray. As soon as Duan Fei came ashore, three giant beasts surrounded him. He did not dare to neglect it. With a little toes, his body rushed to a tree beside him. His fast-moving giant frog was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Two big guys "pop, crackled" this big The tree broke, and the tree fell not fast. The giant frogs could only watch the tree fall slowly. When it was in mid-air, several big guys couldn't wait to jump up. Although this guy was big and quite agile, this jump was four or five meters high. Several big guys jumped up and pressed down the branches. What about Duan Fei?

He had already run away. In such a minute or two, he had already jumped on the treetops next door, and then slipped back to the base without stopping. A group of big guys "carp, quack" around the big tree that was broken. These guys were obviously teased. They were completely irritated. More than a dozen giant frogs stared at the blood basin and stared at the blood. The red lantern came to the hillside.