Star Dragonkui

Chapter 64 Painful Suffering

In the face of more than a dozen fierce golden-line giant frogs, Duan Fei did not dare to be careless. He organized all the people to put them into the defense line. Of course, six flamethrowers are the absolute main force. Those two guns are basically useless. The most important guarantee is the 500-volt high-voltage power grid. In order to ensure that the power grid does not fail, he specially installed Three people stared at the generator and the circuit system. As long as the power grid is not destroyed, these giant frogs can only return.

The monsters quickly rushed to the front of the camp, saying that the camp was actually not big. There were four tents built back to back. Outside the tent was a 5-meter-high high-voltage power grid. The most worrying thing was that these monsters collided wildly. The network cables of these high-voltage grids were not strong and could not withstand the collision of these big guys. Once these If the big guy collides, the barbed wire will be washed away, and the whole power grid system will be scrapped. Of course, Duan Fei knows this truth well. He placed a large number of branches and interspersed dense spikes on the periphery of the power grid, just like obstacles in front of the trenches. These things still play a good role and effectively slow down the monsters. As the beast marched, the monsters had to slow down and walk carefully through the obstacles. Although some angry giant frogs destroyed a large number of sharp stakes, the wooden stakes and branches lost on the ground still made these big guys not rush up, and it was easy to slow down.

Waiting for these big guys to cross the obstacle area and come to the front of the power grid, the flamethrower sprayed it from time to time, and these monsters did not dare to rush over. Occasionally, one or two giant frogs hit the power grid. After being hit by 500 volts of high blood pressure, their bodies also bounced back. These guys interviewed and attacked in front of the power grid. The more this kind of test can exert the effectiveness of the high-voltage power grid. Although the monsters are angry, these brainless guys can't find a way to break through the high-voltage power grid. They can only run around the camp in the high and low branches. Six flamethrowers are staring at these guys. In which direction there are monsters, flamethrowers. Spraying in either direction, twelve people stuck to a small camp. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the high-voltage power grid. One big monster after another left and won. They succeeded in repelding more than a dozen crazy monsters.

The next life will be more comfortable. There will be meat and water to drink. After four or five days, the task is over. It's so simple. When I have time tomorrow, I will go out and pick some wild fruits. Life is quite good.

However, the next day, this comfortable life was broken by a call for help. The sea snake team in the same helicopter as Duan Fei sent out the highest-level call for help. Duan Fei immediately reported their current situation to the headquarters. The headquarters immediately gave instructions, and four teams sent two out to rescue. The other two are left behind.

Swedes and Russians are scrambling to go out to participate in the rescue. Duan Fei is too lazy to compete with them. Anyway, it is very safe to stay in the high-voltage power grid. Their storm team and the Red Devils team like to go out and let them go.

Duan Fei and the five of them stayed in the barracks and chatted peacefully. Seeing the time passing by, the rescue information on the front line was constantly forwarded through the headquarters. The cause of the matter turned out to be like this: the sea snake group has been unable to find a water source, and several people were tired and thirsty, so they could only go to the seaside to water and irrigate the sea. The sea doesn't matter, but they encountered a few golden-line giant frogs at the seaside. Fortunately, when they found that the giant frogs were still far away, they quickly set up a high-voltage power grid and used flamethrowers to deal with the giant frogs. When another neighboring rescue team rushed over, their situation was already quite bad. Due to the hasty response, their high-voltage power grid was not ideal and was smashed by several big monsters. Fortunately, the rescue team arrived in time. With several flamethrowers and the dilapidated high-voltage power grid, they finally drove away the big monsters. Next, Duan Fei had a headache and three small teams Join their camp.

The tent will be crowded, there will be not enough food and water, and the comfortable life will be gone.

There are a total of ten people in the three groups. After discussion, everyone decided to expand the camp slightly. After all, they still have two sets of unmoved high-voltage power grid coils, expand the scope of the high-voltage power grid, and set up two tents. The three teams will squeeze together and wait for another three days. De is perfect.

There is not enough drinking water and food. Let's save it. It only takes three days to drink seawater with fresh water. It will pass quickly. As for food, let's go out for a walk. Maybe we can get some hares, squirrels and so on. It should be no problem to hang out for a few days.

It's hard to survive another day. It's the fourth day of the task. It's time to close the team tomorrow evening. No one wants to move in the camp. Wait, it's a long time.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the highest level called for emergency help. This time, no one fought, and there was only one day left. Everyone couldn't stand it. Who wants to go out to rescue others?

Duan Fei looked at the rescue signal and sent it from another island. A team with the number 402 sent an emergency signal on the neighboring island. According to the usual practice, Duan Fei called the headquarters. Do you want to go out for rescue or listen to the headquarters's opinion?

"They encountered red-tailed fish scales on the island. The headquarters has sent people to rescue them. Just stay where you are." The headquarters's order is to let them stay where they are, that is, they don't have to save them. This is a polite statement. In fact, the headquarters means that the red-tailed fish and scales are not what they can't deal with, and they can't help if they go there.

About 20 minutes later, Duan Fei called the headquarters again. He was more interested in the red-tailed fish scale beast. He had just checked the list of monsters provided by Fadiano. This red-tailed fish scale beast was a typical interstellar monster. Before that, this species had not been found on the earth. It should have been run to the ground with the Sett people. The ball came up, which is more valuable, 600,000 yuan each.

The headquarters informed him of the latest exhibition. After receiving the distress signal, the headquarters immediately sent a rescue team. It only took them seven minutes to get to the scene of the accident. Several masters, including Greta himself, rushed to the scene as soon as possible. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and only two people were injured.

The headquarters did not report the specific battle process. Greta himself came out in person. Of course, it is not a problem to deal with a few middle-level interstellar monsters. Of course, the reason why he hurried to the scene of the accident is that these junior students are not the opponents of intermediate monsters at all. These children can't even deal with junior monsters. How can you deal with intermediate monsters?

Several small teams on the island were blessed by the red-tailed fish and scale beast, which could return to the base in advance to complete the task ahead of schedule, because it was impossible for the headquarters to leave them on the desert island and could only take them back. This news immediately attracted a lot of dissatisfaction.

Why can they finish the task early? We can't. Aren't we in danger? We almost died, and the headquarters is too biased. We also require that we finish the mission and return to the base ahead of schedule.

The phone call of the headquarters is now busy. The teams squeezed their heads and called the base. What kind of protest and indignation? These team members who were still suffering on the outer island splashed their tide of anger into the headquarters communication room, but this can't change anything. Greta will not be opposed by many people. After changing his mind, he still stubbornly asked them to stay until 6 p.m. on the fifth day.

The food has been eaten, the water has been drunk, and I have to persist for another night and day. Everyone complained, but this is impossible to change their fate. There is only one day left. Duan Fei doesn't want to take risks again. His personal food and the water distributed to him basically did not move. For four days, he only drank 50ml of water and ate a bowl of frog meat, and the rest was given to Xiaohu and Ouyang.

For their Blue Eagle team, food and water are completely sufficient, which is also an important reason why Duan Fei is unwilling to go out to take risks. Although other teams have a shortage of food and water, after all, there is only one day left. Drink some seawater to deal with it. If you don't have to take risks, If the giant frog attracts here and can't stand it, it will be doomed.

A day of suffering is a year, and everyone lives by counting stopwatches. That feeling is very bad. They are not like an army, but more like a group of refugees.

At 6 p.m. on the fifth day, they received the team order from the headquarters and began to pack up and prepare to move closer to the assembly site. The headquarters especially emphasized that all equipment must be brought back, otherwise this one will be in vain. If they can't get the graduation certificate of the first semester, it will be in vain.

Duan Fei's Blue Eagle team was the most relaxed. It was the only team that did not suffer from hunger. The three of them quickly packed their bags and walked to the assembly area. Three helicopters were already there. They embarked on the return journey with their own luggage. The first semester of the Casa training camp ended. Those who failed Students who get the qualification certificate have to stay in the first semester to continue to struggle, including Ding Peng and Ruili.

And students who have obtained the qualification certificate will be given a week's leave, and then enter the second semester. I heard that the three best students will have a chance to get a promotion. Duan Fei knows that Greta has a bad impression of himself, so forget about the promotion.