Star Dragonkui

Chapter 127 Accident

November 1st, fine.

Phantom War League put the Global Elite Challenge into Butterfly Valley. It is one of the Star Alliance Three Gods Bases, located in Sichuan, China.

This is not a tourist resort, but it is more popular than any tourist resort. Since the construction of the God of War Garden, it has become a holy place that people are eager to yearn for, top defense facilities, ultra-luxury God of War villas, and the lowest crime rate in the world...

It's not enough to yearn for it. Let yourself become the owner here. This is the main advertising slogan of this activity.

Butterfly Valley Dongcheng Athletic Hall is full of seats. The most important event of the year will be unveiled tonight. On the rostrum, the senior officials of the Phantom War League are almost all there. In addition to the two earth gods of war sitting in the front row, the founder Muxian and Huoshen, there are also seven governors of the headquarters, six department directors and more than a dozen global governors in the back row. More than 30 inspection instructors all put on the phantom series of battle jackets and are particularly energetic. According to the level, the phantom suit has different colors. The highest level is the Purple God battle suit, which is the patent of Wood Fairy and Vulcan. Black is the standard tone of Mach-level players. Seven governors, six department heads and departments A small number of inspectors and inspection instructors have reached the Mach level. Below black is blue, which is the standard dress of senior martial artists, and then green, cyan and white. In order to dress uniformly, the contestants in this competition all wear white combat uniforms. There is a large area of white under the stage, which is neat and spectacular.

In addition to the people sitting on the rostrum, of course, many guests were invited to support the senior staff officers of the Star Alliance, the Whirlwind Alliance, the Li family, the Rick family and the Murong family. Among them, the most powerful is the Cyclone Alliance. The two founders came to the scene in person, Feng and Cicada, the same They are both God of War. The four giants of the two war alliances happen to live in Butterfly Valley. Before the game began, the reporters pointed their microphones at the leader of the whirlwind.

Feng said with a smile, "This activity conducted by the Phantom War League is very interesting. It throws bricks to attract jade and gives you a very good bowl of appetizer soup. At the beginning of next spring, a real meal will be staged at the same place, and you will see a real elite gathering."

Mu Xian ridiculed the whirlwind in front of the media without sarcasm, and the two alliances gave each other a gentle knife with a bright smile.

Naturally, the Li family, the Rick family and the Murong family of the three traditional forces can't avoid the barrier of Lao Ji. Li Huiru, their outreach minister who came out of the Li family today, used standard diplomatic rhetoric to send away all kinds of Lao Ji. The Rick family did not hide their contempt for the rapid rise of these two emerging forces. The Murong family also sneered at it.

In the qualifying test before the game, Duan Fei's performance was not bad. He hit a record high of 28,000 kilograms in one punch. He rushed 98 meters per second and drew lots according to the sequence of the first gear. His three opponents were 1st in the third gear and 2nd in the fourth gear, winning 2 games to advance to the next round.

Tonight is the opening match. Two official matches and an exhibition match were arranged. The two official matches were boring. Both of them were the first player against the fourth player. One move KO, a gong, and then it was over.

Tonight's exhibition match is the highlight. I heard that the two most powerful elite players in the Phantom War League are playing hard.

These two are absolute competitors of Duan Fei. He sits in the front stand with Xiaopi in his arms. Not only does he have to watch the exhibition game carefully, but he also wants Xiaopi to record it and go back to study it. Xiaopi's built-in camera is awesome, 6,000 frames per second. The shooting speed is absolutely more high-definition than high-definition. From a technical point of view, shooting more than 30 frames per second can achieve high-definition effect. What is the concept of 6,000 frames?

The voice of the animator sounded: "Two players have appeared, Rehagel, 20 meters tall, 82 kilograms, boxing strength 36,000 kilograms, explosive sprint 85 meters per second, weapons: alloy hammer, 46 kilograms of weapons, wow, top Hercules, it is estimated that one punch can penetrate three rows Building. The other one is not weak. Taiweima, 20 years old, 1.82 meters tall, weighs 79 kilograms, boxing strength 33,000 kilograms, and an explosive sprint of 92 meters per second. The weight of weapons, alloy knives and weapons is 3.8 kilograms. Judging from the data, the strength of the two contestants is almost the same.

The lights in the middle of the stage suddenly dimmed, and the two apertures were aimed at both ends of the stands. The two contestants, dressed in phantom white combat suits, advanced from both ends of the stands to the center of the competition hall. All the way were thunderous. Most of the audience stood up, and the applause of the tsunami resounded over the competition hall.

Hearing the parameters of these two, when he saw the staff move out their weapons, the expression on Duan Fei's face was much easier. The question he is now calculating is how to let Li Ke negotiate the price and destroy the spiritual book. He must let him accept it. This matter must not be yellow. After this village, there will be no store.

Because it is an important competition, Mu Xian, the global president of the Phantom War League, will personally knock on the gongs.

Surrounded by many old men, in the face of countless cannon barrels, large and small, the magnesium light did not stop. Mu Xian also stood by the copper gong and greeted the old men with a smile. A gorgeous field lady handed over and knocked on the handle. The whole audience paid attention, and many cannon barrels were making the final focus...

The accident happened. At an unexpected time, there was a one-in-million chance that Duan Fei was quite leisurely. He sat in the stands in the front row and fiddled with his slender fingers. These fingers were not used to play the piano. Sword dance also depended on the subtle activities of his fingers. The sword walked clearly, and the thick fingers were definitely not suitable for practice. The piano can't play the realm of the unity of the sword god.

Judging from his expression, he has found a statement to deal with Li Kexu, and it is definitely impossible not to take the opportunity to talk about the book of destroyed spirits.

When the accident happened, Duan Fei was still thinking about his fingers. When he found that the atmosphere on the field was wrong, things had quickly reached an impasse.

This is the most incredible thing that has happened since the establishment of the Phantom War League, and the most incredible thing that has happened since the officialization of the concept of God of War. All the people present were stunned, and the audience in front of the TV was different. I didn't know what was going on. I saw a stalemate, and the commentator also I don't know what to do, and I don't give a word. Everyone is anxious. What's going on with such a grand event?

Oh, Grape Rosso hasn't talked about the topic for so long. What's the deadlock on the field?

Let those who are responsible for the explanation tell you.

"Friends, watching friends, there was a dramatic scene at the scene of the game. Just when the God of War was about to start the game, an uninvited guest came from. Now it is not clear where he came from. He, he... suddenly ran to the side of the gong. What? He, he...who on earth is it? We wait and see, audience friends, audience friends, please don't go away, please don't go away... We are contacting the front. What's going on on the field? We are contacting the front. I believe there will be news soon. Please don't go away, please don't go away!"

"Friends, audience friends, the news from the scene is that it is an old man, oh, yes, yes, yes, as everyone can see, he is an old man, looking 70 years old, but, but how did he suddenly appear next to the God of War? Is he a magician? Is it a small episode?

"Oh, no, no, there is another news from the front that this old man was not arranged by the organizer. He, he... Who is he? What the hell is going on? This, how can it be? He suddenly appeared in front of everyone like a ghost. Under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, no one saw where the old man came from. Oh, my God, what's going on? Can anyone tell me?"

Some viewers are already smashing the TV. Which song are playing? Such an important event has turned into a paste, and the Phantom War League. They can't even figure out where they came out. This... Yes, how can this guy come and go without a trace in front of Muxian? If so, who is Mu Xian? That is the master of the Phantom War League and the famous invincible god of war today! Isn't it a joke to play phantoms in front of the phantom god of war? God of War-level irony!