Star Dragonkui

Chapter 128 There is a friend from Zack Star

On the TV screen, Mu Xian's face is blue and has always been blue. This ear scraper is too solid and has been beating him into 18 layers of hell. Someone can play phantoms in front of himself. This is not his Mu Xian's face, but the face of the whole human martial arts.

Many old men broke through the obstruction of the staff and rushed up. All kinds of voices were noisy. They couldn't hear what was said in it at all. The TV picture was cut directly to the stands. Coincidentally, there was a close-up of Duan Fei. He was wearing a white phantom combat suit, holding his hands on his cheeks, and was restless, making trouble in the crowd. When it was a mess, his close-up was particularly eye-catching. The next day, on the major websites, his nickname was shocking: calm brother.

The order at the scene quickly calmed down. Only a media veteran stayed on the spot, and the microphone was handed to Mu Xian: "Mr. Mu Xian, can you explain what just happened?"

Mu Xian was about to open his mouth when the old man opened his mouth. His voice was not loud, but the media in the audience could hear it clearly, even in the suburbs of Butterfly Valley. Many people simply turned down the volume of the TV and directly listened to the popular version of the vernacular.

"Dear earth friends, I'm very happy to come to your place. First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Banon, from the planet Zack of the Golden Horse Empire. I heard that the earth is engaged in an elite challenge. I came here in a hurry and came in without a ticket. Because I just arrived at the earth, the jet lag has not been reversed. Knowing the southeast and northwest, when I saw that this metal plate was interesting, I leaned directly over.

After saying this, the old man Banon, who ran from the star, bounced his fingers in the air, "Bang!" The sound is also very loud. Mu Xian's face was even worse. The old man was obviously here to make trouble. In the second row of the rostrum, four Maher-level war gods in black robes floated and came over.

At a glance, in addition to the old record, the staff quickly evacuated. The gong was placed next to the exchange platform. The two contestants on the field were a little at a loss. According to the rules, the gongs rang. Just now, the gongs had sounded. They didn't know whether to fight or not. Originally, the two buddies wanted to find something on Mu Xian's face. The answer is that the old man didn't show anything with a bitter face.

The lights of the whole audience hit the old man Banon. Except for the two old men around him, there were four Maher-level generals in black robes.

The leader's name is Caston. With a gesture, the two contestants temporarily withdrew from the ring. Castern politely hugged his fist with classical Jianghu etiquette and said, "This old Mr. Banon, today is an exhibition match. While everyone is interested, why don't you go to the stage and take a few moves for everyone? Not good?"

"Good!" There was another tsunami off the scene.

Casten bowed and stretched out his left hand: "Please!"

Bannon's face was filled with a bright smile. Looking at the other three generals next to Casten, four high-level generals came out. Of course, the Phantom War League knew that the old man's strength was extraordinary. Some people said that the god of war was Double Mach, saying that the combat effectiveness was equivalent to two Mach-level generals, and the four Mahers were equivalent to two gods of war.

Banon still had a smile on his face, and his old urchin-like body shook to the center of the ring. He was not only the players in the stands, but also Casten was surprised. Needless to say, the audience in front of the TV can figure out the situation, but in the front row watching team, a large number of martial arts masters, such as Duan Fei, can't calm down. His eyes are unique, and he didn't see how the old man passed by. He neither jumped over nor floated over. , let alone flew over. His body just flashed and arrived in the ring. Duan Fei patted the little skin in his arms. The little monkey blinked his eyes and shook his head. The speed of 6,000 posts per second could not capture the old man's movement trajectory. His speed... was too terrible and unimaginable speed.

Bannon stood in the middle of the ring and made a grimace at the TV camera with a smile. Castern looked solemn and gently floated into the ring, and the other three also followed.

The four Mach-level generals are divided into four corners of Bannon. Castern stands on the front, and the other three inverted triangles stand tightly around Banon.

With four enemies and one, four strong generals besieged a dry old man. Although he did not win, it was also to ensure that if he lost this battle again, how could the phantom battle alliance and even the whole martial arts elite have any face?

It's about the dignity of the Phantom War League and the reputation of the earth elite. Castern stared at this grinly old man.

The old man suddenly made another very infuriating move. He kept signaling to the four opponents, "Let's show your weapons, show your weapons quickly!"

This is an extremely evil provocation, and no martial artist can tolerate such a provocation.

Casten moved like a burst of lightning, and his right fist opened the air and hit Barnon's chest.

What a powerful punch can directly penetrate three rows of buildings, more than 100 meters away, sitting on the front row of the stands, Duan Fei can actually feel the huge shock in the air. This punch is too strong. Duan Fei touched his fist. How many years will it take to practice to achieve such a boxing style!

Casten stopped. His Mach-level speed, hundreds of thousands of kilograms of fist, hit Banon's chest, but he stopped and hit the old man's chest with such a powerful punch. It never felt like it.

What kind of feeling is this? It is neither like punching on the iron wall or on the ground cotton balls. This is an uninventable feeling. Hundreds of thousands of kilograms of fists were punched into the thick paste, sticky, unable to enter, unable to retreat, and his arm had to stop there. His face was painfully clustered.

Casten pulled back his fist with difficulty and retreated to the corner of the ring, with confusion in his eyes.

Bannon made that extremely provocative gesture again. There were also three Maher-level generals on the field. They rudely pulled out their weapons, two swords and a long sword from their shoulders.

Now is not the time to be polite. If you get such a field, you have to save face for the people of the earth.

The three Maher-level battles will think so, but this Uncle Bannon didn't give any face at all. Two swords and a long sword split over. This time, they can understand Casten's depressed mood. All three weapons are cut into the extremely sticky paste. They can't be cut down. They can't mention them. All three are world famous generals. At this point, in front of the global audience, these three are afraid that the swords in their hands can't be taken care of. They have to find a few holes on the floor. The three generals are not small.

The three heroes pulled back their swords grayly. One of them looked at the rostrum. Mu Xian waved his hand tiredly. The three heroes greeted Casten, and the four of them lowered their heads and went down.

Old Banon also had enough of playing. He ran off the ring and waved and shouted at the audience in the stands. The whole venue became his personal special. Mu Xian couldn't stand it, but he couldn't leave. Many VIPs barely stabilized their bodies and were difficult to move, but the audience was different. They followed the old man Banon and ran away. In the square outside the arena, it is crazy and noisy. Many old remembers don't pay attention to the exhibition competition. Old Banon is the global focus. Who can take care of that exhibition competition?

Duan Fei watched the exhibition competition very carefully, and the biggest gain was that he was sure that he could easily reach the top 10. When you have time, you still need to talk to Li Kexu about the destruction of the spiritual book. These days, you have to be thick-skinned and unswervingly implement it. Yes, as far as business is concerned, Duan Fei has no money and has paid anything. It took Li Kexu a lot of time to learn the last two layers. Duan Fei The attempt is right. The seventh and eighth layers of Taiyijing are pure spoofs. Taiyijun, an old man, realized the spirit of fools many years ago. In addition to the ninth and tenth floors of Taiyijing, Duan Fei also learned the first and second swords of Taiyi magic swords. With these two moves, he can cope with an elite challenge. Like playing, Dharma Yijinjing also eats. I have penetrated a lot, but I don't have time to practice, and I will find some time to tidy up in the future.

This is not enough. If you get a bargain, you have to get some cheaper. You must maximize the cheapness and seize the opportunity to rake him fiercely.