Star Dragonkui

Chapter 194 Ding Weiran's Rebation

"You are Duan Fei." Ding Weiran's high momentum made Duan Fei uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for Liu Qing, he would have wanted to say a few words to her, and then stimulate her with martial arts like satirizing Li Kexu.

But he has to put up with it.

For Liu Qing, he must put up with it. It's okay to beat his master and offend Liu Qing's master. At least he can't do this kind of thing now.

Duan Fei squeezed out a little honest smile that could only be in his student days and said cowardly, "Hello, Mr. Ding."

"You--" Others looked at it from top to bottom. Ding Weiran looked at Duan Fei from the top left to the bottom right, and then saw the top left from the bottom right.

Looking at the old witch's head crooked, Duan Fei wanted to find a reason to dodge.

But he put up with it.

"You don't seem to have three heads and six arms either." Ding Weiran's eyes glowed with cold light, which made Duan Fei's heart angry.

You have to put up with it.

"Master," Liu Qing smiled like a new bud in March, and his tone was as smooth as water: "He is making rapid progress in martial arts now."

"I know." Ding Weiran sat upright and looked over calmly: "Duan Fei, did you really defeat the Setter warrior?"

Please, the whole world knows this story, isn't it just defeating a wolf-toothed beast? Minutes are not worth mentioning.

"I really can't see that you have practiced martial arts at such a young age."

"Master," Liu Qing continued to smile and said quickly, "He has a high understanding."

"Do you know all this?" Ding Weiran turned his head and stared at Liu Qing in a hurry.

It's over. Liu Qing is completely covered by Ding Weiran. In the future, he will often fight with this old witch. This is more headache than dealing with the Beast King.

"No," Liu Qing had no grammar at all in panic: "No, I just guessed."

"Humph," Ding Weiran put on the momentum of classical parents in old movies and said in a low voice, "Don't deal with strangers in the future. Are you listening to what teachers say?"

"Yes, master." Liu Qing lowered his head.

Duan Fei's hatred in his heart. He has to find an opportunity to teach this old witch a good lesson in the future. It's too much. The tiger doesn't do it. Do you think I'm a sick cat?

"Forget it," Ding Weiran suddenly lowered his tone and said casually, "You are still young and don't understand many things. Xiaoqing, go down first. I have something to talk to Duan Fei."

"Yes, master." Liu Qing retreated gently.

Ding Weiran motioned Duan Fei to sit down.

Look at our doomsday heroes of the Tang and Tang, they have only sat down. The elders of the Shushan School are arrogant. Oh, by the way, Ding Weiran, like Zhang Xiaogu, is also the chief elder, like Qianxue Palace, which is slightly worse than the Shenjian Palace, but in the territory of Qianxue Palace, she absolutely He is a local emperor.

Even if it is a star coalition, it usually does not disturb the deep palace courtyard such as Qianxue Palace. No one is full and runs to compete with foreign high-level people.

Duan Fei sat down, took a gentle breath, and drank tea with the old witch, which was a very challenging thing.

"I came to you today. I want to ask you for help."

Duan Fei began to doubt whether something had happened to his ears. This old witch actually had a time to ask for herself. It was really 30 years in Hedong and 40 years in Hexi.

"If you have any instructions, Mr. Ding might as well say it directly. It can help you fly freely." No matter which song she sings in the gourd, throw out the words on the scene first.

"I heard from Xiaoqing that you have been in Casa Base for a while?"

"That's right."

"So you should be familiar with the Casa Islands?"

"That's not true. The Casa Islands have complex terrain and many islands. We basically have no chance to go out except for staying on Lizard Island." Duan Fei told the truth. At that time, Duan Fei really wanted to go out to fight for dental sacrifices or something, but he didn't have that ability.

"So that's it." Ding Wei stopped talking.

"Why did the teacher suddenly mention the Casa Islands?"

"Oh," Ding Weiran smiled indifferently and said casually, "Well, two elders at the head of this Sword Palace are missing, and now the whole Shushan faction is looking for them."

"Oh," Duan Fei's heart came up with a chill, but was soon suppressed by his yuan god. "So that's it." His performance is quite normal.

"The Sword Palace is the largest branch of this sect, alas," Ding Weiran sighed and said, "The three elders disappeared at the same time. This is still a rare accident in the history of this sect. Recently, you young people are not very peaceful in the world. You young people should be careful about everything. I heard that the Magic Gate has begun to be active again."

Sister, the magic door has been active for thousands of years, okay? Duan Fei doesn't care about this bird demon gate. Except for King Set, he is really not afraid of any opponents now.

"Magic Gate? If you didn't hit me, Duan Fei, you are lucky." Duan Fei thought so, but his face was still very calm.

"I was going to let you serve as a guide and take us to the Casa Islands to find the whereabouts of the three elders. I don't know if you have time to go there for a while?"

I ran to the Casa Islands to find those three. Duan Fei smiled secretly and looked for a ghost. One was killed by Zhang Xiaogu, and the other two were killed by me. What else should I look for? Forget it. If you really want to look like that there are so many islands in the Casa Islands, where can I start?

I don't have the leisure time to fly.

"Actually, I'm not familiar with that place at all, and I can't help if I go there."

This statement clearly means to politely refuse, and Ding Weiran understood as soon as he heard it.

"I don't have time for a while, so forget it. I'll go there myself."

"Mr. Ding, I have a question..."

"What's the problem?"

"Casa Base has been closed. What are the three of them doing there?"

"I don't know about this."

After all, he is a thief with a guilty heart. Duan Fei has never been at ease. He increasingly feels that this thing is quite inappropriate. Who is Duan Fei? He is a great hero who is determined to save the fate of mankind. How can he do such a bad thing? In order to rob the spirits of two plants, he actually made a move behind his back to kill and rob goods. This is not simply what people do.

Duan Fei? Why have you become so despicable?

Alas! At this point, I just hope that the three of them can be reincarnated as soon as possible and find a good family in the next life. Poor guy, especially the two elders who suffered a move behind their backs, are really wronged. As for Zhang Xiaogu, it is not too much to die a thousand times.

Although the Spring Festival is approaching, it is important to find someone. After Ding Weiran made a little preparation, he rushed to the Casa Islands. He learned from Liu Qing that the Shushan School had mobilized a large number of disciples to go there. Duan Fei was still very nervous. After all, he was guilty.

"I don't plan to go back to Guangzhou this Spring Festival." When Liu Qing said this, his eyes were a little flushed.

Like Duan Fei, she is also from Guangzhou.

"I plan to go to Butterfly Valley this Spring Festival."

"Are you going alone?"


"What does it mean? Take Qianqian with you. She is a good girl. No matter how you look at it, you are a very good match."

"Don't be funny," Duan Fei touched the back of his head. "I have nothing to do with her. Why do you always like to mention her?"

"I'm just advising you to cherish the people in front of you. If you miss the emotional things, you will regret it for a lifetime."

"Well, I won't talk to you about this. I'll take the God of War test tomorrow."

"What?" Liu Qing almost jumped up, God of War test? How many excellent martial arts elites have struggled all their lives and have never had the opportunity to get a God of War application form. Duan Fei, who is less than 19 years old, actually wants to take the God of War test?

"Yes, take the God of War test." Duan Fei didn't have any excited expression on his face. Becoming a god of war in his eyes was as simple as looking at a floating cloud.

Liu Qing lowered her head. She is also a young disciple who has practiced a lot. A year ago, martial arts may still be above Duan Fei. Now, the gap between them is more than an energy level problem.

"Congratulations! A bumper harvest of career and love. Liu Qing said that he was very tired and turned around and left.

Looking at her back gradually fading away, Duan Fei's heart was blocked.

The test site of the God of War is located in the third martial arts hall of the Ninth Special Forces of the coalition, and the whole test process is carried out under five observation officers and three cameras.

The whole test process was not only supervised by the two committees, but also left on-site videos for reference, and the results were absolutely fair.

Today, Duan Fei decided to finish three projects in one go.