Star Dragonkui

Chapter 195 The First God of War Mission

In the face of many on-site supervision and three high-definition cameras, Duan Fei's expression looks very casual.

Boxing, 1.16 million kilograms in one punch, passed at one time, and he smiled.

Next, I sprinted in 10 seconds and ran 6 kilometers, with an average of 600 meters per second.

After a three-minute rest, he went straight to the third event and ran for three hours in a row. The total distance of 3600 kilometers was the passing line. His score was 3812 kilometers.

Just like a primary school student completing a simple homework, Duan Fei was not excited at all.

Thinking about how much I dreamed of walking into the sacred Butterfly Valley, now it's time to pack up and go home.

Go home, what a warm word.

"The south bank of Butterfly Valley, No. 107 East Hunan Road, Mengqing Beiyuan, the name I just named it. Let's go for a walk when I'm free." Duan Fei left an IC card and left.

According to Qian Huizi, the words Mengqing Beiyuan will be engraved in three days, and the cleaning work will be completed within four days. As soon as possible, he and his family can move in four days.

The management office will be equipped with three professional nannies. In addition, the maintenance management office of the front and rear gardens and swimming pools will regularly send people to deal with it. There are five parking spaces in the two outdoor parking lots, and eight parking spaces are provided in the private garage. If it is not enough, there are also a large number of parking spaces in public areas, and a small helipad is provided in the back garden. To park two small helicopters or one transport helicopter.

My parents never expected to live in a luxury villa. My grandparents are old. In fact, they don't want to go anywhere. They just hope to see their little grandson often. Although he has grown up, in the eyes of his grandparents, he is still very small and ignorant.

Dad supports his career and is an excellent officer to protect the country and the people with his own blood and youth. This is his obligation and the responsibility of every qualified citizen.

Except for his father, there may be no second relative who will agree with him, although he has brought legendary glory and wealth to his family.

He is an only child with no brothers and sisters, only a few close friends, Xiaohu, Nail and Ouyang.

"How about staying in Butterfly Valley for a few days during the Spring Festival?"

"Wow!" Ouyang was the first to jump out to support it.

Duan Fei doesn't know how to explain to this girl. There are many things that can't be explained. He doesn't want to see her injured, but there seems to be an injury that is inevitable.

Xiaohu could understand Duan Fei's mind. After thinking about it, he felt that letting Ouyang go to Butterfly Valley would only make her fall deeper, so he opposed Duan Fei's proposal.

This may be the first time in Xiaohu's life that he opposed the boss's opinion, which made Nail and Ouyang very angry.

Duan Fei respected Xiaohu's opinion. Maybe they have grown up and should have their own ideas. In fact, as the boss, there is no need for me to force them to go by themselves.

Ouyang is very disappointed, but she is very strong. No matter how uncomfortable she is, she must leave a strong back to others.

Come in a hurry and leave.

This time, he also took away his relatives. It was estimated that Duan Fei had few opportunities to return to Guangzhou in the future. Ouyang cried, and the crying in his heart was even more painful.

Duan Fei left. In addition to a greeting, there was also a cash card of more than 500 million yuan, which was all Duan Fei's remaining possessions.

Maybe he doesn't know that money will only make Ouyang more painful, but in addition to these, what can he give Ouyang? You can't fight together like a friend, let alone stay together like a lover.

I can't afford to carry emotional debts.

On the eighth day of the Chinese New Year, Duan Fei received an urgent task from the God of War Management Office.

According to the requirements of the God of War Management Regulations, you need to complete at least 50 points of the God of War mission points every year, and this time the task point is 7, and the emergency task is doubled to calculate the points, that is to say, Duan Fei can get 14 points after completing this task.

Of course, every god of war has the right to refuse to perform the task three times in a year. This time, Duan Fei does not intend to spend a rejection ticket.

His task is to find someone.

Zhao Tianen, chairman of the Jindao International Martial Arts Association, had an accident, and the whole Jindao courtyard was bloody. More than a dozen people, including Zhao Tianen and his wife, are unknown.

Blood-washed the Golden Knife Gate, more than 100 lives. This kind of Jianghu case has not happened for hundreds of years. There are not many people who have the ability to complete such a big case cleanly. The coalition suspect that this extermination case is related to King Seth.

Of course, Duan Fei's task is not to solve the case. Another person is in charge of solving the case. The task he received is to find Zhao Tianen, which is to give an answer to life or death.

He didn't get many clues, only a little, that is, a woman named Xinghua participated in the case.

The price of the number one red star in May Building with a glass of wine is 200,000 yuan. As the head of the faction, Zhao Tianen can certainly afford such a price.

The apricot blossoms are dead.

Duan Fei had never learned to scout before. He simply looked at the body of the wild woman. A weak woman without martial arts was directly pinched off her neck and her whole cervical spine was completely broken.

Duan Fei took his hand and drew a comparison. Judging from the finger marks left on the skin of his neck, the murderer's palm was very large and powerful.

This woman has a wide range of friends and maintained close contacts with many men before her death, many of which are even involved in senior officials of the coalition.

Cao Tianbao, the boss of May Building, has been very annoyed recently. He has been forced to confess in black and white. Not to mention the business in the store, it is basically close to closure and rectification.

Duan Fei did things relatively simply. He directly pulled Cao Tianbao to sit on the Angry Sculpture, flew to a height of 10,000 meters, pushed him down directly, and then fished him back.

The boy peed his pants on the spot.

"I'm just a businessman. Please let me go."

"If you don't want to fall into a meat pie, you'd better tell me the truth."

"Grandma, how many times have I talked about it? I really don't know about Xinghua and Zhao Tianen."

Duan Fei came up with a new trick. He took out a small 10-meter-long chain, tied him, and threw him around in the air like a child playing a chain ball.

Look at that guy, he spitting bitter water on his head and urinating under him.

Duan Fei twisted him up and slapped him on the face.

"Speaking, who did the case?"

"Grandman, I really don't know who did this case, but Xinghua has a secret that outsiders don't know."

"What secret?"

"In her hometown in Hunan, she quietly bought a house. Once she said she spilled the beans. It is said that she would keep it and live by herself in the future."

"This house has always been empty?"

"Yes, she doesn't have a good relationship with her family, and her parents don't recognize her as a daughter at all."

"I heard that her parents were also killed."

"These guys are too vicious."

"But don't you think it's strange that you didn't die?"

"What are you talking about? I'm a businessman. Why did they kill me?"

"Killing people, since she didn't let go of her family, why did she let you go?"

"Look at what you said, I..."

"Because you are smarter than Xinghua, you have already figured out the way out for yourself. You have handed over the murderer's secret to a very trustworthy person. As long as you die, the murderer's secret will be exposed, right?"

Cao Tianbao hesitated and denied it.

Duan Fei found a desert island and fell down, pushed him to the ground, squatted beside him, and said with a smile, "I don't want you to be too embarrassed. I don't want to know who the murderer is. I just want to know one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Is there any way to find Zhao Tianen, even his body?"

If Zhao Tianen can be found, it is possible to track down the murderer. Cao Tianbao shook his head.

Duan Fei smiled and kicked Cao Tianbao over. At least it was clear that Zhao Tianen was not dead. If he was dead, finding a body was completely different from finding the murderer.

If Cao Tianbao betrays the murderer, then the consequences he gets must be very cruel, and he is likely to kill the whole family. Duan Fei feels that he has no grievances and no hatred. Is it too much to kill his whole family? There is nothing he can do. It is still very important to get 14 points. Besides, he should help the police solve the case. It's my duty.

"I know you are very capable. In the case of black and white forced confessions, you still stick to secrets. Of course, you have your reasons for doing so, but I want to remind you one thing. I have a more advanced magic skill than hypnosis, which ensures that you can speak honestly."