xing yu universe

Chapter 63 Flying and Domineering

It turned out that Ke said that it was a little exaggerated to arrive in half a day. Qingyang City is 3,000 miles away from Dijing in the north. In order to avoid meeting Chen Xiu, Zhou Yi only chose to fly at night and noon, and the rest of the time he ran on the ground. Therefore, the next afternoon, he arrived on the afternoon of October 17 of the Midsummer Calendar. There are still 12 days left before the October 29 New Art Refinery Conference.

Looking at the majestic city gate, Zhou Yi couldn't help but feel like another world. As expected, there are many shops and pedestrians in Dijing, and the wide streets are crowded and bustling.

"It's so funny--" Xiaolong Nizi has been unable to stay in Dragon Ball for a long time, jumping all the way. Zhou Yi is thinking about Yuewei, and she is not as comfortable as her. Ao Lan seemed to be unhappy and suddenly became a little gray. She just ate sugar-coated and sugar-fried chestnuts in one bite, or raised her eyebrows and raised her eyebrows to scare away the little hooligan who wanted to squeeze her oily hooligan away.

"Brother, look!" Not far away, there is a wooden notice bar, which is attached to the notices of various government doors of the imperial court, and the yellow scroll hanging in the center is the most conspicuous. The two squeezed in and took a look. It was the announcement of the cutting-edge refining conference. The content was similar to what the little girl heard, that is, more rewards for each ranking. However, seeing the back, Zhou Yi's body couldn't help trembling gently. It is suddenly written: "If there is no marriage, the emperor can be the matchmaker and the daughter of the refinery family."

Xiuer held his hand tightly and whispered, "The daughter of the family? Sister Yuewei's name is not written on it. According to the status of the master, he is no longer a family... Has his reputation been restored?"

"Let's go to your old house to have a look." Zhou Yi whispered, "I read the introduction on the notice. It seems that I still have to go to the imperial capital to obtain the qualification of a refiner?"

"Yes!" Xiuer pulled Zhou Yi with her slender hand and said, "Brother, let's go. Dijing refines and casts the government, which is on the street behind my house."

After walking for about half an hour, the flow of people decreased, but the number of soldiers wearing leather armor and holding long guns increased. Xiuer told Zhou Yi that not far to the north is the central square of Dijing. After passing through the square, it is the inner courtyard of the palace. To the south of the square is an east-west road - Chang'an Avenue. Further south is Wanggong Avenue.

The Shangguan Mansion is in the middle of Wanggong Avenue. From afar, it has carved beams and painted buildings, heavy pavilions and flying eaves, with a unique momentum. But when I approached, I found that because no one had cleaned it for a long time, the door was covered with a thick layer of dust, and the door was pasted with a yellow seal with the date and day. More than three years have passed.

According to Yue Wei's description, which of the Shangguan family was full of clouds, court officials and outstanding practitioners, including famous equipment stores across the country, which one was not trying to win? Unfortunately, once they lost their power, their money dissipated, and the door was deserted. There were also those who fell into the well and those who made it worse, Yuewei and Xiuer, two weak women, have suffered from displacement.

Sleeves stared at the dull bronze door ring, and her eyes were slowly full of tears. She took out a piece of animal skin from the world and wiped it carefully and carefully.

"Is this the home of Sister Yuewei and Sister Xiuer? It's so elegant! It's a pity that it's too dirty, Sister Xiuer, let me help you..." Xiaolong Nizi didn't have as much emotion as Zhou Yi and Xiuer, but she also followed Xiuer to wipe it up.

At this time, a slightly stiff voice sounded: "This is the mansion of Shangguan Yun, a famous refining master! Unfortunately, if you are not good at learning and the failure of the refiner has been demoted, you should take it as a warning!"

"If Lord Xiuchuan is allowed to refine the Red Sword, will he fail?" A shrill voice asked.

"How is that possible?" The stiff voice said, "Our Xiuchuan family, but the first refining family in the empire, will definitely not have such a thing. At this refining conference, Weiliang will definitely get Shangguan Fengyun's daughter! Haha, it is said that she is also a very talented Chen Xiu! Huh? Why is there anyone here?"

"Your excellency, it may be a former servant of the Shangguan family."

"Oh, look, what a loyal servant!" The stiff voice added, "Go, Nomura, give each of them five taels of gold."

Since this place has been sealed up, there may be a dark whistle nearby. Zhou Yi didn't want to stay here much. He was about to call Xiuer and Ao Lan to leave, but he heard a sharp voice behind him shouting, "Hey, you two!"

Zhou Yi frowned and looked back. In front of him was a thin long-faced man with a big bun on his head, a long dress with short sleeves and a long dark cyan knife in his waist. Behind him was a short, fat man with a big wine nose and slender eyes, wearing a red robe dressed in Chen Xiuzhe. Behind him, there are more than a dozen powerful warriors holding long knives of uniform length.


Before Zhou Yi could speak, there was a sound of inhaling cold air, and more than a dozen pairs of eyes, almost at the same time, fell behind him. It turned out that Xiuer and Aolan heard the sound and turned around together.

The sleeves wear a green cotton forging jacket, a long skirt, and the hair is tied with only a cyan ribbon, scattered on the shoulders. The eyebrows are tender, but the figure is first-class, which looks both beautiful and charming. The little girl is dressed in a red dress, with long shawl and long hair bound with a gold ring, holding a rose scepter, and a few petals on her eyebrows, which is timid but full of nobleness.

Although the East and West have been sailing for a long time, Westerners often see it. But most Western women have very rough skin and are not liked by Easterners. It is impossible for a Western woman like Aolan to be as warm as jade and beautiful as a flower without attracting attention.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yi was in a bad mood, but he met the Japanese and Sang people again, and his face was even more pale.

"My lord said, I will reward you with five taels of gold!"

"Not five taels, not five taels!" Lord Xiuchuan narrowed his eyes and took two steps towards Ao Lan, "Five taels, no, 5,000 taels!"

What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Aolan stepped back two steps and scolded, "Get out of here with me!"

"Bold!" Nomura shouted, "How dare you be so rude to Lord Xiuchuan!"

Zhou Yi's soul has reached the peak of refining gods. As long as the soul cultivation does not exceed him and does not really start, no one can see his real strength. And Xiuer and Aolan only have the cultivation of Xingqi, and Nomura can judge at a glance. In his opinion, I'm afraid Lord Xiuchuan's judgment is wrong. This Western girl in red is probably the master. These two beautiful young men and women should be her attendants and guards.

The West is a powerful Charles Empire! Thinking of this, he looked back at Lord Xiuchuan, meaning that this girl should be provoked or not? Even if it's the best, you can't kick it on the iron plate, right?

"Brother, they are Xiuchuan of the refining family!" Xiuer approached Zhou Yi and pulled his skirt. "I heard from the master that the Xiuchuan family is one of the most powerful families of the Risang people!"

"Master? He also recognizes the Xiuchuan family!"

Although Xiuer's voice was soft, Nomura heard it really well. It seemed that the adults guessed that these people were the former servants of the Shangguan family! It should be the fish that followed Miss Shangguan's leaking fish! If so, the "Golden Stone Classic" that adults will never forget may be able to find out from their mouths...

Thinking of this, he immediately waved his hand: "Go around them all!"

"Yes!" More than a dozen Sang people rushed up and surrounded Zhou Yi and the three people in the middle.

"I didn't expect that Shangguan's servants would dare to emerge!" Nomura's fans glanced at Xiuer and Aolan: "How much did Shangguan buy you at the beginning? We will pay ten times the price! If you don't agree...hum--"

He applied a color, and the two strong Risang people took another step forward, surrounded by true air in their upper bodies, making their joints collapse.

In those years, the Shangguan family fell, Shangguan lost all his wealth, and all the servants in the family were dismissed. However, for the sake of the Golden Stone Classic, almost all domestic servants were caught and severely interrogated, and many people died in disgrace. Zhou Yi didn't know these things. He saw that the Sang people were still so arrogant in Zhongxia that he actually hit Xiuer and Aolan's head. He couldn't help but be angry, and a faint fire appeared in the palm of his hand.

" Stop it!" Just then, a crisp voice came from behind.

Zhou Yi and others turned around and found that a yellow sedan chair stopped not far away. Three maids in goose yellow shirts stood outside the sedan chair, and there were two big men in strong clothes guarding from afar. Judging from the momentum of the explosion, at least they were masters in the middle of refining gods. Another maid stood behind Xiuchuan's guard, frowning and looking very angry.

"You Japanese people are so unreasonable! In our Zhongxia Kingdom, how dare you rob the people's women? Is there no royal law?

"Who are you?" Lord Xiuchuan turned his head with a few disdainful eyes. "What about Zhongxia? Wasn't it defeated by our heroic navy? Do you know who I am? I am Master Xiuchuan, whom you specially invited to watch the New Sharp Instrument Refining Conference, your distinguished guests of Zhongxia!"

"A master of pottery can be so arrogant and self-restrained?" Zhou Yi secretly shook his head and could not perceive the strength of refining, but the Chen Xiu level of this "Master Xiuchuan" was between the peak of Xingqi and the early stage of refining gods. He thought to himself and did not notice the excited expression behind the yellow sedan chair.

"Guests should have the consciousness of guests!" The little maid is not very old, but her body is powerful. At a glance, she comes from a large family. "Isn't your heroic navy been destroyed by one of our Chen practitioners?"

"You!" Xiuchuan was speechless for a moment, but his fierceness did not diminish. "After the Xinruiqi Refining Conference, Miss Shangguan is one of my family. What does it matter to buy two of their servants?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yi almost tilted his nose. This "Master Xiuchuan" is really thick-skinned.

"Bah!" The little maid took out a golden sign, "This is the gold medal of the Royal Decree. I order you to leave here quickly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Xiuchuan said arrogantly, "I'm from Japan and Sang. Why should I listen to the order of your emperor of the Zhongxia Empire? Who is the person in the sedan chair? I would like to see what he relies on and dare to order me!" As he spoke, he rushed to the yellow sedan chair aggressively.


The two guards not far away took a big step forward, and the fierce energy flow swept out, firmly protecting the sedan chair.